Organizational Evaluation
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Organizational Evaluation
Learners Name
Capella University
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Vulnerable and Diverse Populations
Organizational Evaluation
May, 2017
Organizational Evaluation
East Harlem, an upper Manhattan neighborhood, is home to many immigrant
communities including one of the largest Latino communities in New York City with an overall
population of nearly 120,000. This neighborhood has the largest population of Latinos and
African-Americans with low incomes in New York City. Because of their low socioeconomic
status and low quality of living, the residents of this neighborhood face several health concerns.
Diabetes is a major health concern in the United States, but the residents of East Harlem are
disproportionately affected by it (Fox, Mann, Ramos, Kleinman, & Horowitz, 2012; National
Alliance for Hispanic Health [NAHH], n.d). East Harlem has the highest diabetes mortality rate
(13%) and the highest incidence of obesity (33%) in New York City (New York City Department
of Health and Mental Hygiene [NYCDOHMH], 2015). This disparity exists as Hispanics lack
access to proper nutrition.
The Frequency and Causes of Diabetes among the Vulnerable Population
The high rate of diabetes among the residents of East Harlem can be better understood by
analyzing the factors behind it. There are a number of factors that contribute to higher rates of
diabetes among certain racial or ethnic groups. Lack of access to health care because of language
and financial barriers directly impact the rates of diabetes mortality. According to the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality (AHCRQ), the diabetes patients among Hispanics are more
likely than whites to get readmitted to hospitals within a span of six months since the beginning
of the treatment (NAHH, 2010).
A primary reason for the increased occurrence of diabetes among the Hispanic residents
of East Harlem is the lack of resources to cope with their external environment, stress-related
problems, and poor nutrition. A lack of exercise also contributes to the onset of diabetes among
Hispanics. The external environment also plays a large role in the onset of diabetes by creating
unequal opportunities for people from different backgrounds to participate in recreational
physical activities. A poor understanding of the disease contributes to higher instances of
diabetes among Hispanics. Finally, because of a combination of genetic, lifestyle, and
environmental factors, Hispanics are more likely to have a family history of diabetes (NAHH,
Initiatives Implemented to Fight Diabetes in East Harlem
The Center for Chronic Illnesses (CCI) is one of the hospitals in East Harlem that deals
with all major illnesses including diabetes. The CCI can help the vulnerable diabetic population
in East Harlem by implementing appropriate strategies:
Administrating insulin and glucose injections and prescribing oral medication to control
elevated blood pressure levels;
Providing practical lifestyle management tips to the Hispanic population in East Harlem by
emphasizing relevant exercise methods and healthy dietary plans;
Prescribing pills, such as INVOKANA (canagliflozin), to be used once a day, along with
dietary regulations and exercise, to lower blood glucose in adults with type 2 diabetes.
Using an initiative called the Chronic Care Model. This initiative aims to optimize six
important elements of the health care system in the CCI: organization of health care, decision
support, self-management support, clinical information systems, delivery system design, and
community resources and policies;
Ensuring the optimization of the health care system by improving the use of existing resources,
creating new resources, and promoting a new policy of interaction between empowered patients
and proactive health teams (Baptista et al., 2016). This sort of interaction encourages the patients
Comment [A1]: Very good! Discusses well.
to cope with and manage diabetes independently, which helps them avoid frequent and
preventable hospitalizations; and
Implementing a major project founded under the Chronic Care Model called Project Dulce.
This project uses a team-based approach where nurse care managers oversee care and peer
educators provide culturally appropriate, group-based diabetes self-management education
(DSME) to patients.
Health care organizations can communicate these initiatives to the residents of East Harlem
through care coordination. This involves sharing information among all of the participants
concerned with a patient's care and organizing patient care activities, to achieve safer and more
effective care. This means that the patient's preferences and needs are known ahead of time and
communicated to the right people at the right time, and that this information is used to provide
appropriate, safe, and effective care to the patient (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
[AHRQ], 2014). treatment of the disease.
Gaps in Health Care for the Treatment of Diabetes
As discussed earlier, a majority of the residents in East Harlem are at a high risk for
diabetes because of a combination of genetic and economic factors. But, many of them are
uninsured and hence medical treatments automatically become more expensive and inaccessible
to them owing to their low socioeconomic status. This neglect can lead to higher rates of
hospitalizations and increased chances of chronic disease and disability (Alliance to Reduce
Disparities in Diabetes [ARDD], n.d.). Some of the gaps in health care organizations for the
treatment of diabetes are as follows:
A limited capacity to address both the prevention and the treatment of the disease when an
organization works alone to tackle diabetes. In addition, health care organizations may lack staff
Comment [A2]: Nice!
member who can speak Spanish. This causes problems in communication between the physicians
and patients (ARDD, n.d.); and
Ensuring the implementation of healthy eating among individuals. One of the barriers to
implementing these recommendations could be that Hispanics face societal pressure to eat foods
that are high in fats and do not have access to affordable healthy food. To address these gaps in
medical care for diabetic Hispanics, health care organizations should implement interventions
that have a strong clinical and scientific foundation (Hu, Amirehsani, Wallace, & Letvak, 2013).
Implementation of Evidence-Based Strategies to Reduce Gaps in Medical Care for
Diabetics in East Harlem
One way to address the gaps in health care provided to diabetic Hispanics in East Harlem
is to increase health literacy among the Hispanic residents of this area. Health literacy refers to
the extent to which people have the capability to process, obtain, and understand basic health
information and services needed to make health-related decisions. In February 2016, Carranza
(2016) attempted to carry out a study to see how knowledgeable the Hispanic populations are
about diabetes. Patients were given immediate feedback on their responses to improve their
understanding of diabetes. The results of this study showed that 81.3% of the patients were
unable to accurately read a nutrition label.
To address the gaps in nutritional education or healthy eating it would also be beneficial
for the patients if the CCI could conduct monthly nutritional classes that teach the basic
principles of how to interpret nutritional labels, with a focus on the ideal amount of consumable
carbohydrates. Patients presented with this information will be able to better manage their
diabetes and avoid the negative consequences of an extremely high blood sugar level (Carranza,
2016). Health care organizations should also take collaborative action with other health and
Comment [A3]: Need to be clearer in this area on the causes of the gaps.
Comment [A4]: I am not sure that it is a quick solution to increase the
health literacy. I would change this!
community development centers from other neighborhoods in the city. Other community
development centers can also teach the health care organizations to communicate information
about resources to patients in their native language (Philis-Tsimikas & Gallo, 2014).
Barriers to Implementing Evidence-Based Strategies in the Care of Diabetes
While strategies that educate patients about diabetes and assist them to manage their
condition can help bridge gaps in the diabetes health care service, there are further barriers to the
implementation of these strategies. One of the biggest barriers to the prevention and treatment of
diabetes is the lack of general practitioners (GPs) and clinicians in health care centers. Some GPs
are reluctant to collaborate with diabetes educators and dieticians as they feel it diminishes the
value of their role. Because of this attitude, they are effectively depriving their patients of holistic
treatment (Mc Hugh, O’Mullane, Perry, & Bradley, 2013).
Health care providers play an important role in helping diabetic patients overcome the
barriers to self-management of their condition. If patients are aware enough to cope with the
illness on their own, they do not have to spend money on frequent hospitalizations. Health care
providers should actively engage with the patients to ensure the patients’ compliance with the
treatment plan. Cultural competency and language training to overcome communication gaps
will build trust and encourage patients to open up to the health care workers. Additionally,
encouraging family members to attend diabetes education programs provides them the
opportunity to learn more about the disease. However, there are some social and financial
barriers to the effective treatment of diabetes. Further research needs to be done about the
barriers to self-management of diabetes and the effective interventions to overcome these
barriers (Hu et al., 2013).
Comment [A5]: This part is very good!
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2014). Care Coordination. Retrieved from
Alliance to Reduce Disparities in Diabetes. (n.d.). Disparities in diabetes: Prevention and care.
Retrieved from
Baptisa, D. R., Wiens, A., Pontarolo, R., Regis, L., Reis, W. C., & Correr, C. J. (2016). The
chronic care model for type 2 diabetes: a systematic review. Diabetology & Metabolic
Syndrome, 8(1). Carranza, E. (2016). Health
literacy in the Hispanic population (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
Carranza, E. (2016). Health literacy in the Hispanic population (Doctoral dissertation).
Retrieved from
Paper.pdf Mc Hugh, S., O’Mullane, M., Perry, I. J., & Bradley, C. (2013). Barriers to,
and facilitators in, introducing integrated diabetes care in Ireland: a qualitative study of
views in general practice. BMJ Open, 3(8), e003217. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003217
Fox, M., Mann, D. M., Ramos, M. A., Kleinman, L. C., & Horowitz, C. R. (2012). Barriers to
physical activity in East Harlem, New York. Journal of Obesity, 2012, 1–8.
Hu, J., Amirehsani, K., Wallace, D. C., & Letvak, S. (2013). Perceptions of barriers in
managing diabetes. The Diabetes Educator, 39(4), 494–503.
Mc Hugh, S., O’Mullane, M., Perry, I. J., & Bradley, C. (2013). Barriers to, and facilitators in,
introducing integrated diabetes care in Ireland: a qualitative study of views in general
practice. BMJ Open, 3(8), e003217. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003217
National Alliance for Hispanic Health. (2010). The state of diabetes among Hispanics. Retrieved
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (2015). Manhattan community
district 11: East Harlem. Retrieved from
Philis-Tsimikas, A., & Gallo, L. C. (2014). Implementing community-based diabetes programs:
The Scripps Whittier Diabetes Institute experience. Current Diabetes Reports, 14(2).