Lesson Plan Outline


One Day Lesson Plan Form


Teacher Name:

Grade Level:



Materials Needed:


· Short activity or prompt that focuses the students’ attention

Objective(s) (Purpose)

· Yesterday we focused on ________________. Today we will focus on _____________. This is important to learn because ________________. This will help you understand ___________________________. By the end of this class you will be able to ________________.

· Give your students a copy or place on the board easy to read and understand lesson objectives.

Learning Activities (How to delete the comments)

Comprehension Activities

Mastery Activities


· Relate back to the objectives for the day

�Look back at the chart on the first page for guidance

�Delete these comments by right-mouse clicking on the color coded words and click on delete comment.

�Look back on the chart on the first page for guidance

�Look back on the chart on the first page for guidance