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butterflylRunning head: GLOBAL AIDS ALLIANCE 1
Global AIDS Alliance
Florida National University
Ariel Lopez
Manuel Cabrera
Rosie Jean Louis
Muller Sanon
October 25, 2019
To: Prof. Vardah Seraphin
From: Student- Ariel Lopez, Manuel Cabrera, Rosie Jean Louis, Muller Sanon
Reference: Health Care Policy
Date: October 25, 2019
Subject: Global AIDS Alliance
Global AIDS Alliance
The global AIDS crisis has been a major health and development issue since its first report several decades ago. To address this issue and ultimately halt the epidemic, many organizations have been formed. Among these organizations is the Global AIDS Alliance (GAA). It is a non-profit organization located in Washington D.C. The mission of GAA is to incentivize financial recourses and political will required to address the crisis of international AIDS and minimize its effects on poor nations that have been adversely impacted by the epidemic. Since its foundation, this organization has taken a leadership role in the shaping of discussions of AIDS policies and assembling campaigns with an aim of breaking through ingrained governmental inaction as well as speed up the pace of international response to HIV and AIDS. The organization combines public education and media outreach with aimed grassroots mobilization and coalition-building to increase awareness. It also aims to encourage activism in advocacy support in persuading policymakers in the U.S and other decision-makers to form an all-inclusive response to the international AIDS issues.
AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a result of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and among the most adverse development and health issues. Currently, roughly 37.9 million individuals have AIDS, and tens of millions of these persons have succumbed to death from causes related to AIDS since the emergence of this epidemic (KFF, 2019). The majority of those infected, or at risk of infection, have no access to care, treatment, and prevention. Considerable international efforts have been implemented to mitigate the issue in recent decades. Despite some obstacles, there has been great progress. Among the organizations formed by the global community is the Global Aids Alliance (KFF, 2019). A non-profit organization, Global AIDS Alliance (GAA) was founded in 2001 and has its headquarters in Washington D.C. (KFF, 2019). GAA is dedicated to an aggressive and collaborative campaign with an objective of stopping international AIDS through improved policies, mobilization of awareness, and increasing of funds (WHO, 2019). The organization closely works with different partner firms, including groups of human rights, prominent religious organizations, AIDS activist parties, and humanitarian agencies (WHO, 2019). GAA has made positive impacts by advocating for HIV awareness, education, and treatment, as well as collecting and providing resources and funds.
Key Issues
The Mission of GAA is to mobilize the financial resources and political will required to mitigate and ultimately halt the international AIDS predicament and minimize its effects on poor nations severely hit by the epidemic. This organization operates to accelerate development towards an evidence-based and comprehensive HIV prevention approach. It focuses on an all-inclusive response to the disaster of vulnerable children and orphans, global treatment access, and international basic education as well as the elimination of school fees for affected children and young people. It amalgamates public education and media outreach with aimed coalition establishment and foundation mobilization so as to create awareness and encourage activism supporting the policy objectives. GAA aims to incorporate health and sex education and inform primary school going children of HIV/AIDS by introducing the topic in class. Other main issues include the promotion of gender equality and reducing violence allied to women and girls (Struke et al. 2014).
Legislative Agenda/Agenda Development and Promotion
The legislative agenda of Global AIDS Alliance is to undertake rallies with an aim of doing away with pediatric HIV/AIDS by use of media outreach engagements. This is done by using different media platforms to showcase the organization’s crucial content and engage their audience whenever necessary. GAA strives to prevent global AIDS by using the different available media platforms. It works to educate the public on this endemic awareness via sustenance, aiming to convince the United States’ policy and resolution makers in the process (Glass & Birx, 2016). These agendas are formed via the media engagement approach, aiming to promote training and retention of health care workers. The organization engages the recruitments of many people, especially natives, to the affected nations. Policies promoted, through alteration of existing laws and enhancement of finances, lead to movements in communities that provide the required back up towards reduction of the AIDS pandemic (Struke et al. 2014).
GAA communicates its agendas to its members through group meetings conducted face to face. Additionally, technology development in the contemporary world has made communication much easier. Many organizations have significantly benefitted from the various communication channels brought about by technological enhancement. GAA has organizational websites which it utilizes to communicate to its members as well as audience. Mediated channels used by GAA include emails, instant messages through mobile phones, text messaging, among others. They are also part of the new communication channels (Glass 2016; Struke et al. 2014).
Attracting Policy Makers
GAA uses different approaches to attract policymakers. A good example is by maintaining a positive deserved reputation which in turn makes the policymakers interested in working with the organization. It also uses the mechanism of holding the policymakers liable for several issues connected to the widespread of the AIDS crisis. The organization also attracts policymakers by stressing on political actions and increasing fund contributions. Another approach is through mobilization and grass rooting using public education and social media approaches. This organization has put in some efforts in lobbying. The most recent GAA lobby is a significant achievement and was acquired by increasing finances. The organization also has a firm commitment to promoting awareness of HIV and AIDS. It also collects the results founded on advocacy, aiming to collect actual data (Struke et al. 2014).
Key Partner Coalition
The Global AIDS Alliance has partnered with many organizations, all joining together to tackle the issue of HIV/AIDS and the problems related to this epidemic. Some of its main partners include the Global Health Workforce Alliance and religious organizations (WHO, 2019; Sturke et al. 2014). There are also AIDS activist groups, the civil society, and humanitarian agencies such as the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and World Health Organization (WHO) (WHO, 2019; Sturke et al. 2014). Another imperative one is President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) (WHO, 2019; Sturke et al. 2014).
Impacts of Partnerships
The GAA together with its partners has concentrated the much-required focus on the crisis of international AIDS, creating a new momentum in the process. The organizations have mobilized increased funds for global AIDS, including the Global Fund. The partnership has also played the main part in securing new legislation addressing the crisis of vulnerable children and orphans. These organizations have also contributed to education and public awareness, as well as addressing the crucial issues within the organization. WHO is the main source of funding for GAA? However, there are also other contributors which volunteer to provide financial support, such as the Global Fund and relevant governments (Struke et al. 2014).
GAA acknowledges the main obstacle to its success in combating HIV/AIDS is insufficient health care staff. In fact, patients are unnecessarily dying simply due to insufficient workers to offer treatment. The shortage of personnel also exists among social workers and counselors who provide crucial aid to abused victims. The cause of this problem is mainly due to the challenges faced by health care facilities in poor nations in employing enough staff and paying these workers adequate wages. Poor job opportunities and low salaries result in a “brain drain” phenomenon, whereby nations that have invested in personnel training are faced by emigration of many of them to wealthier nations. Most of the health employees who are left behind in their home nations lack support and supplies. The goal of GAA is to facilitate the end of the international AIDS epidemic, as well as reduce its effects by educating people, training, and retaining them (WHO, 2019).
AIDS is one of the most serious epidemics in the global society. It negates development and health due to its adverse impacts in communities. Many organizations have been formed to deal with this pandemic, including the Global AIDS Alliance (GAA). A non-profit organization, GAA has advocated for attention on the international AIDS crisis which has been needed since its first report. Its mission is to mobilize the financial resources and political will required in the reduction of global AIDS, and ultimately halt the international AIDS predicament and minimize its effects on poor nations severely hit by the epidemic. The organization has managed to mobilize funds from the United States and other governments for global AIDS. It has also taken a key part in the implementation of new laws that address the issue of orphaned children, as well as vulnerable children and abused females. To be more effective and efficient GAA has partnered with many other organizations, including WHO and UNAIDS.
Glass, R. I., & Birx, D. L. (2016). Advancing PMTCT implementation through scientific research: a vital agenda for combating the global AIDS epidemic in low-and-middle-income countries. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 72, S101
KFF. (2019). The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic. Retrieved October 13, 2019, from KFF: https://www.kff.org/global-health-policy/fact-sheet/the-global-hivaids-epidemic/
Struke, R., Harmston, C., Simonds, R. J., Mofenson, L. M., Siberry, G. K., Watts, D. H., ... & Brouwers, P. (2014). A multi-disciplinary approach to implementation science: the NIH-PEPFAR PMTCT implementation science alliance. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 67, S163-S167.
WHO. (2019). Global AIDS Alliance. Retrieved October 14, 2019, from WHO: https://www.who.int/workforcealliance/members_partners/member_list/gaa/en/