Organizational Behavior- Management Homework
MADM 701 Organizational Behavior
For this assignment, you are required to complete the Job Descriptive Index Questionnaire. Once you’ve completed the questionnaire, review your results in each facet to determine the facets in which you scored the highest and the lowest. Refer to this week’s Discussion Forum to answer the questions listed in the discussion forum. What is job satisfaction? Job satisfaction is generally viewed as positive feelings or emotions that a person might have with regard to their job. Some people feel very satisfied with their work, whereas others may feel very dissatisfied. Both workplace factors and within-person factors seem to play a role in determining how satisfied someone feels with their job. Several decades of research have demonstrated a relatively consistent link between job satisfaction and important organizational outcomes such as employee performance levels and turnover. What is the Job Descriptive Index (JDI)? The JDI is perhaps the most widely-used measure of job satisfaction. The measure was first published in 1969 by Smith, Kendall, and Hulin, in their classic book The Measurement of Satisfaction in Work and Retirement. The JDI is designed to measure employees’ satisfaction with their jobs. The JDI is a “facet” measure of job satisfaction, meaning that employees are asked to think about specific facets of their job and rate their satisfaction with those specific facets. The JDI is comprised of five facets, including satisfaction with: coworkers, the work itself, pay, opportunities for promotion, and supervision. The higher your score is in a particular facet, the more satisfied you are in that area. The lower your score is in a facet, the less satisfied you are in that area. How to score your JDI? (1) Once you’ve completed the JDI Questionnaire, next it’s time to score your responses.
Positive responses are scored: (YES) = 3, (?) = 1, (NO) = 0 Negative responses are scored: (YES) = 0, (?) = 1, (NO) = 3
Example: Refer to the “People on your Present Job” facet. If you mark (Y) for “Boring”, this is a negative response so your score would be 0.
Refer to the “Job in General” facet. If you mark (Y) for “Pleasant”, this is a positive response so your score would be a 3.
(2) Next, add up all your responses in each facet. The higher your score is in a particular facet,
the more satisfied you are in that area. The lower your score is in a facet, the less satisfied you are in that area.
People on Your Present Job
Think of the majority of people with whom you work or meet in connec- tion with your work. How well does each of the following words or phrases describe these people? In the blank beside each word or phrase below, write
Y for “Yes” if it describes the people with whom you work
N for “No” if it does not describe them ? for “?” if you cannot decide
__ Stimulating __ Boring __ Slow __ Helpful __ Stupid __ Responsible __ Likeable __ Intelligent __ Easy to make enemies __ Rude __ Smart __ Lazy __ Unpleasant __ Supportive __ Active __ Narrow interests __ Frustrating __ Stubborn
The Job Descriptive Index Bowling Green State University 1975-2009
Job in General
Think of your job in general. All in all, what is it like most of the time? In the blank beside each word or phrase be- low, write
Y for “Yes” if it describes your job N for “No” if it does not describe it ? for “?” if you cannot decide
__ Pleasant __ Bad __ Great __ Waste of time __ Good __ Undesirable __ Worthwhile __ Worse than most __ Acceptable __ Superior __ Better than most __ Disagreeable __ Makes me content __ Inadequate __ Excellent __ Rotten __ Enjoyable __ Poor
The Job In General Scale Bowling Green State University
INDEX 2009 Revision including
The Job in General Scale
Think of the kind of supervision that you get on your job. How well does each of the following words or phrases describe this? In the blank beside each word or phrase below, write
Y for “Yes” if it describes the supervision you get on the job
N for “No” if it does not describe it ? for “?” if you cannot decide
__ Supportive __ Hard to please __ Impolite __ Praises good work __ Tactful __ Influential __ Up-to-date __ Unkind __ Has favorites __ Tells me where I stand __ Annoying __ Stubborn __ Knows job well __ Bad __ Intelligent __ Poor planner __ Around when needed __ Lazy
(Go on to next page) (Go on to back page)
Work on Present Job
Think of the work you do at present. How well does each of the following words or phrases describe your work? In the blank beside each word or phrase below, write
Y for “Yes” if it describes your work N for “No” if it does not describe it ? for “?” if you cannot decide
__ Fascinating __ Routine __ Satisfying __ Boring __ Good __ Gives sense of accomplishment __ Respected __ Exciting __ Rewarding __ Useful __ Challenging __ Simple __ Repetitive __ Creative __ Dull __ Uninteresting __ Can see results __ Uses my abilities
Think of the pay you get now. How well does each of the following words or phrases describe your present pay? In the blank beside each word or phrase below, write
Y for “Yes” if it describes your pay N for “No” if it does not describe it ? for “?” if you cannot decide
__ Income adequate for normal expenses
__ Fair __ Barely live on income __ Bad __ Comfortable __ Less than I deserve __ Well paid __ Enough to live on __ Underpaid
Opportunities for Promotion
Think of the opportunities for pro- motion that you have now. How well does each of the following words or phrases describe these? In the blank beside each word or phrase below, write
Y for “Yes” if it describes your opportunities for promotion
N for “No” if it does not describe them
? for “?” if you cannot decide
__ Good opportunities for promotion
__ Opportunities somewhat limited
__ Promotion on ability __ Dead-end job __ Good chance for promotion __ Very limited __ Infrequent promotions __ Regular promotions __ Fairly good chance for