Accidental Statesman Research paper and Thesis with outline
M420-Effective Leadership-AS 1
Leadership Learning Competency
Advance Sheet for M420 Effective Leadership
1. SCOPE At the end of this one-hour lesson you will be able to support Soldiers to grow as capable leaders who use creative and critical thinking to overcome regular and irregular challenges in the operational environment.
This lesson supports MLC400-0420 Leadership Learning Competency TLO, “Compose new operational approaches to regular and irregular problems using critical and creative thinking and effective leadership attributes” as listed in the M400 advance sheet.
ELO: 400-MLC-0420.1 Action: Employ the Leadership Requirements Model to support individual and Soldier growth. Condition: As a student and senior leader attending the MLC, using an organizational-level leadership perspective in notional tactical, operational and strategic-level environments, given references, practical exercises and classroom discussions. Standard: Employment includes: 1. Define Army leadership and what the Army considers a leader; 2. Identify the purpose of leadership; 3. Recall the components of the Leadership Requirements Model; and 4. Compare the similarities and differences of leadership attributes versus management skills. Learning Domain: Cognitive Level of Learning: Understanding
ELO: 400-MLC-0420.2 Action: Evaluate types of leadership. Condition: As a student and senior leader attending the MLC, using an organizational-level leadership perspective in notional tactical, operational and strategic-level environments, given references, practical exercises and classroom discussions. Standard: Evaluation includes: 1. Define each type; 2. Distinguish between management and leadership types; and 3. Determine how emotional intelligence relates to leadership types. Learning Domain: Cognitive Level of Learning: Understanding
ELO: 400-MLC-0420.3 Action: Enhance critical and creative thinking skills. Condition: As a student and senior leader attending the MLC, using an organizational-level leadership perspective in notional tactical, operational and strategic-level environments, given references, practical exercises and classroom discussions. Standard: Enhancement includes: 1. Explain what critical and creative thinking is; and
M420-Effective Leadership-AS 2
2. Provide an example related to leadership attributes.
Learning Domain: Cognitive Level of Learning: Understanding
Characteristics of the Future Operational Environment: None
Linking Warfighting Challenges to Required Capabilities: 1. Train Soldiers and leaders to ensure they are prepared to accomplish the mission across the range
of military operations while operating in complex environments against determined, adaptive enemy organizations.
Effective Leadership reinforces to Soldiers and leaders the importance of combat effectiveness. Effective Leadership aids in the combat effectiveness by measuring the ability of a military force to accomplish its objective. The effectiveness of a military unit in performing its mission depends on its capabilities including equipment and personnel and its ability to use those capabilities. Soldiers must be instructed in the use of their weapons as well as in battlefield tactics needed to fight as a coordinated team.
a. Advance Issue: M420 Advance sheet. b. During class: None
Scan: Reading A, ADP 6-22, Army Leadership, 1 August 2012, with Change 1 dated 10 September 2012, pages 1 thru 9.
5. ASSESSMENT PLAN: Refer to Communications Learning Competency M400 advance sheet for
all information on all assessments.