Int HR Unit VII
DO NOT MIXED Part I, PART II & III. There are three different assignments.
Please Posted separated.
Your clothing manufacturing plant in India is undermanned, overworking, and underpaying your employees, thereby affecting production demands and missing deadlines. Your boss tells you to fix the problem and hire children to work despite your objection. The Indian culture accepts child labor, but your conscience tells you not to follow the cultural norm. How do you solve the problem? Explain your reasoning.
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary. SINGLE SHEET / NO HEAD RUNNING / NOTHING JUST 200 WORDS.
Instructions: PART II ESSAY (PDF Case Attached)
Be sure to include your thoughts on what happened and how you might have handled things differently from an HR perspective. Cite all sources (which at a minimum should be this article) and references in APA format, and include a title page, body to analyze the article, and conclusion section.
This reference MUST be on the essay
Cihon, P. J., & Castagnera, J. O. (2017). Employment and labor law (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Cook, N. (2018). Rana Plaza revisited: Following the deaths of over a thousand Bangladeshi garment workers when a factory building collapsed in 2013, western retailers were forced to take action to improve health and safety. RoSPA Occupational Safety & Health Journal, 48(1), 17–21. Retrieved from t=true&db=bth&AN=127820926&site=ehost-live&scope=site
Instructions: PART III PowerPoint
For this assignment, you will be developing the final briefing to the CEO about your fictitious company the month prior to opening the new facility in Europe.
In a 12-slide presentation, not counting the title and references slides, address the topics below. You covered some of these in earlier units, as Phases I and II in the timeline to open the new facility.
· Describe the human resource implications that international growth puts on the firm. Be sure to address ethics, safety and security, and trade unions.
· Describe the selection process of expatriate employees.
· Describe the issues related to training and developing expatriates for international assignments.
· Define the key components of an international compensation program. Define in which regional economic zones (e.g. EU or APEC) your fictitious company will reside, and the HR implications of the zone.
For this presentation, be sure to cover each of these important points, how these challenges were met, and include expectations for the new company and staff.
Include speaker notes for each slide. Graphics and images may be included, but they are not part of the criteria for your grade
This reference MUST be on the essay
Cihon, P. J., & Castagnera, J. O. (2017). Employment and labor law (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.