A Note about the Cover
Is everything really an argument? Seeing the images on the cover of this book might make you wonder. The “Free Speech Zone” sign, for example, instantly calls to mind the debates across the United States about the limits of free expression, especially on college campuses. The ominous-looking hand coming out of the laptop suggests the ease with which hackers obtain personal data. Does the image of teens playing on cell phones in the back seat of a car argue for or against the ways that technology is shaping how we are communicating with one another? The polar bear on a shrinking ice floe reminds us of the scientific fact of climate change but also invites a discussion of how powerful visuals can sway our opinions and beliefs. As for the “100% vegan” sticker, what’s your impression? Is it a proud proclamation of
one’s identity or values? A straightforward fact about a food’s origins? A sharp commentary on the influence of advertising on the food industry? What’s your take?
Eighth Edition
Everything’s an Argument with Readings Andrea A. Lunsford
John J. Ruszkiewicz
Keith Walters
For Bedford/St. Martin’s
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Acknowledgments Text acknowledgments and copyrights appear at the back of the book on pages 793–94, which constitute an extension of the copyright page. Art acknowledgments and copyrights appear on the same page as the art selections they cover.
Preface When we began work on this text in 1996 (the first edition came out in 1998), we couldn’t have anticipated all the events of the next two tumultuous decades, or all the changes to public and private discourse, or the current deeply divided state of our nation. But we have tried hard, over these decades, to track such changes and the ways rhetoric and argument have evolved and responded to them.
Certainly, we recognized the increasingly important role digital culture plays in all our lives, and so with each new edition we have included more on the technologies of communication, particularly those associated with social media; and we early on recognized that, like rhetoric itself, social media can be used for good or for ill, to bring people together or to separate them.
We have also carefully tracked the forms that arguments take today, from cartoons and graphic narratives to blogs and other postings to multimodal projects of almost every conceivable kind. While argument has always surrounded us, today it does so in an amazing array of genres and forms, including aural and visual components that strengthen and amplify arguments.
The sheer proliferation of information (not to mention misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies) that bombards all writers led us to reaffirm our commitment to studying and teaching style, since (as Richard Lanham and others argue) in the age of information overload, style is the tool writers possess to try to capture and keep the attention of audiences. Attention to style reveals other changes, such as the
increasing use of informal registers and conversational styles even in academic arguments.
Perhaps most important, though, a look back over the last twenty-two years reaffirms the crucial role that rhetoric can and should play in personal, work, and school lives. At its best, rhetoric is the art, theory, and practice of ethical communication, needed more sorely today than perhaps ever before. Everything’s an Argument with Readings presents this view of rhetoric and illustrates it with a fair and wide range of perspectives and views, which we hope will inspire student writers to think of themselves as rhetors, as Quintilian’s “good person, speaking well.”
Key Features Two books in one, neatly linked. Up front is a brief guide to Aristotelian, Toulmin, and Rogerian argument; common types of arguments; presenting arguments; and researching arguments. In the back is a thematically organized anthology of readings in a wide range of genres. Handy cross-references in the margins allow students to move easily from the argument chapters to specific examples in the readings and from the readings to appropriate rhetorical instruction.
Short, relatable excerpts weave in the debates that rage around us. From #metoo tweets and protest posters to essays and scholarly writing, boldfaced examples illustrate the arguments happening in politics, economics, journalism, and media, with brief student-friendly analyses.
Five thematic readings chapters that encourage students to explore
complex arguments. Readings on “How Does Popular Culture Stereotype You?,” “Has the Internet Destroyed Privacy?,” and “How Free Should Campus Speech Be?” demand that students consider the many sides of contemporary issues across the political spectrum, going beyond a simple pro/con stance.
A real-world, full-color design that builds students’ understanding of visual rhetoric. Presenting readings in the style of their original publications helps students recognize and think about the effect that design and visuals have on written and multimodal arguments.
New to This Edition A new section on rhetorical listening in Chapter 1. The very first chapter of the eighth edition now emphasizes the importance of listening rhetorically and respectfully, encouraging readers to move beyond “echo chambers” and build bridges among all viewpoints.
Eight new full-length models in the guide provide engaging, topical arguments of fact, definition, evaluation, cause and effect, proposals, and rhetorical analysis. Legal scholar Stephen L. Carter offers a Toulmin analysis of whether racial epithets should be considered free speech, while New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof presents an op-ed in defense of public wilderness.
Five new annotated student essays address topics students care about, from millennials’ love of food to breaking a social media addiction.
Thirty-one engaging new readings on hot-button issues such as free speech, food, language, privacy, and stereotypes. Selections
represent a range of genres and span the full gamut of social and political views, including:
excerpts from a recent Gallup poll showing what college students think about First Amendment issues visual arguments and a scholarly essay supporting and critiquing the concept of racial microaggressions best-selling essayist Roxane Gay on the language we use to describe sexual violence an Economist blog post acknowledging that sport shooting can be, well, fun an argument against veganism . . . written by a vegan
A new introduction in the instructor’s notes. Focusing on the teaching of argument, this new introduction gives experienced and first-time instructors a strong pedagogical foundation. Sample syllabi for both semester and quarter courses provide help for pacing all types of courses.
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Smart search. Built on research with more than 1,600 student writers, the smart search in Writer’s Help 2.0 provides reliable results even when students use novice terms, such as flow and unstuck. Trusted content from our best-selling handbooks. Andrea Lunsford’s user-friendly tone ensures that students have clear advice and examples for all of their writing questions. Diagnostics that help establish a baseline for instruction. Assign diagnostics to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement and to help students plan a course of study. Use visual reports to track performance by topic, class, and student as well as improvement over time. Adaptive exercises that engage students. Writer’s Help 2.0 includes LearningCurve, game-like online quizzing that adapts to what students already know and helps them focus on what they need to learn.
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Instructor Resources You have a lot to do in your course. We want to make it easy for you to find the support you need—and to get it quickly.
Instructor’s Notes for Everything’s an Argument with Readings is available as a PDF that can be downloaded from macmillanlearning.com. Visit the instructor resources tab for Everything’s an Argument with Readings. In addition to chapter overviews and teaching tips, the instructor’s manual offers an introduction about teaching the argument course, sample syllabi, correlations to the Council of Writing Program Administrators’ Outcomes Statement, and potential answers to the “Respond” questions in the book.
Acknowledgments We owe a debt of gratitude to many people for making Everything’s an Argument with Readings possible. Our first thanks must go to the thousands of people we have taught in our writing courses over nearly four decades, particularly students at the Ohio State University, Stanford University, the University of Texas at Austin, and Portland State University. Almost every chapter in this book has been informed by a classroom encounter with a student whose shrewd observation or perceptive question sent an ambitious lesson plan spiraling to the ground. (Anyone who has tried to teach claims and warrants on the fly to skeptical first-year writers will surely appreciate why we have qualified our claims in the Toulmin chapter so carefully.) But students have also provided the motive for writing this book. More than ever, they need to know how to read and write arguments effectively if they
are to secure a place in a world growing ever smaller and more rhetorically challenging.
We are deeply grateful to the editors at Bedford/St. Martin’s who have contributed their formidable talents to this book. In particular, we want to thank the ingenious and efficient Rachel Goldberg for guiding us so patiently and confidently—helping us locate just the right items whenever we needed fresh examples and images and gracefully recasting passage after passage to satisfy permissions mandates. Senior content project manager Ryan Sullivan was relentlessly upbeat and kind in all his communications, making the ever-more-complex stages of production almost a pleasure. We also appreciate the extensive support and help of Lexi DeConti, who kept us attuned to examples and readings that might appeal to students today. We are similarly grateful to senior program manager John Sullivan, whose support was unfailing; Kalina Ingham, Arthur Johnson, and Tom Wilcox, for text permissions; Angela Boehler and Krystyna Borgen, for art permissions; William Boardman, for our cover design; Bridget Leahy, copyeditor; and William Hwang, editorial assistant. All of you made editing the eighth edition feel fresh and creative.
We’d also like to thank the astute instructors who reviewed the seventh edition: Brigitte Anderson, University of Pikeville; Samantha Battrick, Truman State University; Kathryn Bennett, Old Dominion University; Jeanne Bohannon, Kennesaw State University; Rebecca Cepek, Duquesne University; Laura Dumin, University of Central Oklahoma; Tim Engles, Eastern Illinois University; Karen Feldman, Seminole State College of Florida; Africa Fine, Palm Beach State College;
Darius Frasure, Mountain View College; Erin Gallagher, Washington State University; Ben Graydon, Daytona State College; Joseph Hernandez, Mt. San Jacinto College; Julie Moore-Felux, Northwest Vista College; Laurie Murray, Anderson University; Kolawole Olaiya, Anderson University; Leslie Rapparlie, University of Colorado; Thomas Reynolds, Northwestern State University; Loreen Smith, Isothermal Community College; Benjamin Syn, University of Colorado; Gina Szabady, Lane Community College; Amy Walton, Iowa State University; and Miriam Young, Truman State University.
Thanks, too, to Sherrie Weller of Loyola Chicago University and Valerie Duff-Stroutmann of Newbury College, who updated the instructor’s notes for this eighth edition with a new introduction, new model syllabi, new points for discussion, and new classroom activities. We hope this resource will be useful as instructors build their courses. Finally, we are grateful to the students whose fine argumentative essays or materials appear in our chapters: Cameron Hauer, Kate Beispel, Jenny Kim, Laura Tarrant, Natasha Rodriguez, Caleb Wong, Juliana Chang, George Chidiac, and Charlotte Geaghan-Breiner. We hope that Everything’s an Argument with Readings responds to what students and instructors have said they want and need.
Andrea A. Lunsford
John J. Ruszkiewicz
Keith Walters
Correlation to Council of Writing Program
Administrators’ (WPA) Outcomes Everything’s an Argument with Readings works with the Council of Writing Program Administrators’ Outcomes Statement for first-year composition courses (last updated 2014).
2014 WPA Outcomes
Support in Everything’s an Argument with Readings, 8e
Rhetorical Knowledge
Learn and use key rhetorical concepts through analyzing and composing a variety of texts.
Chapter 1, “Understanding Arguments and Reading Them Critically” (pp. 3–31), establishes the central elements of the rhetorical situation and encourages rhetorical listening.
Chapter 6, “Rhetorical Analysis” (pp. 97–132), further develops these concepts and teaches students how to analyze a rhetorical analysis and compose their own.
Each chapter offers dozens of written, visual, and multimodal texts to analyze, in both the guide portion and the thematic reader.
Gain experience reading and composing in several genres to understand how genre conventions shape and are shaped by readers’ and writers’
Everything’s an Argument with Readings provides engaging readings across genres, from academic essays and newspaper editorials to tweets and infographics. “Respond” boxes throughout each chapter (e.g., pp. 56–57) invite students to think critically about the material. For more genre variety, Everything’s an Argument with Readings also contains a five-chapter thematic reader with additional multimodal genres, including an art installation, Web articles, scholarly essays, and political cartoons.
practices and purposes.
Each chapter on a specific type of argument features project ideas (e.g., p. 186), giving students detailed prompts to write their own arguments of fact, arguments of definition, evaluations, causal arguments, and proposals.
Develop facility in responding to a variety of situations and contexts, calling for purposeful shifts in voice, tone, level of formality, design, medium, and/or structure.
Chapter 13, “Style in Arguments” (pp. 321–45), addresses word choice, tone, sentence structure, punctuation, and figurative language, with engaging examples of each.
The “Cultural Contexts for Argument” boxes throughout the text (e.g., p. 163) address how people from other cultures might respond to different styles or structures of argument. This feature offers suggestions on how to think about argument in an unfamiliar cultural context.
Understand and use a variety of technologies to address a range of audiences.
Chapter 16, “Multimodal Arguments” (pp. 381–402), addresses how new media has transformed the array of choices for making arguments and reaching audiences. This chapter teaches how to analyze multimodal arguments as well as how to create them through Web sites, videos, wikis, blogs, social media, memes, posters, and comics.
Match the capacities of different environments (e.g., print & electronic) to varying rhetorical situations.
Chapter 14, “Visual Rhetoric” (pp. 346–62), discusses the power of visual rhetoric and how students can use visuals in their own work.
Chapter 15, “Presenting Arguments” (pp. 363–80), includes material on incorporating various media into presentations and Webcasts.
Chapter 16, “Multimodal Arguments” (pp. 381–402), analyzes the evolving landscape of argument across media platforms.
Chapter 17, “Academic Arguments” (pp. 405–37), covers the conventions of academic arguments.
Critical Thinking, Reading, and Composing
Use composing and reading for inquiry, learning, thinking, and communicating in various rhetorical contexts.
Chapter 1, “Understanding Arguments and Reading Them Critically” (pp. 3–31), features a section called “Why Listen to Arguments Rhetorically and Respectfully” (pp. 7–8). It teaches students to listen openly and constructively and calls attention to the need to escape “echo chambers,” respectfully consider all viewpoints, and find common ground.
Throughout Everything’s an Argument with Readings, students are invited to delve deeper into current issues in the world around them, considering the various arguments presented in tweets, newspapers, scholarly papers, court rulings, and even bumper stickers. Everything’s an Argument with Readings guides students in asking critical questions about these contexts and learning how to respond to and create their own compositions. Chapters dedicated to central types of argument explain how students might best approach each writing situation. The chapters close with a guide to writing arguments of that type:
Chapter 8, “Arguments of Fact” (pp. 164–96)
Chapter 9, “Arguments of Definition” (pp. 197–223)
Chapter 10, “Evaluations” (pp. 224–54)
Chapter 11, “Causal Arguments” (pp. 255–85)
Chapter 12, “Proposals” (pp. 286–318)
Chapter 16, “Multimodal Arguments” (pp. 381–402)
Read a diverse range of texts, attending especially to relationships between assertion and evidence, to patterns of organization, to interplay between verbal and nonverbal elements, and how these features function for different audiences and situations.
Chapter 7, “Structuring Arguments” (pp. 135–63), examines making claims and using evidence to support those claims. It delves into the structure of Rogerian and Toulmin arguments, showing how different argument types work for different writing situations.
Each Guide to Writing features sections on “Formulating a Claim” and “Thinking about Organization” (e.g., pp. 212 and 214), emphasizing the use of evidence and the structure of the argument.
Locate and evaluate primary and secondary research materials, including journal articles, essays, books, databases, and informal Internet sources.
Chapter 18, “Finding Evidence” (pp. 438–53), covers locating evidence from print, electronic, and field research sources.
Chapter 19, “Evaluating Sources” (pp. 454–63), addresses how to assess those sources effectively.
Use strategies — such as interpretation,
Chapter 20, “Using Sources,” provides detailed explanations of summary, paraphrase, and quotation and when to use each approach (pp. 467–73). The
synthesis, response, critique, and design/redesign — to compose texts that integrate the writer’s ideas with those from appropriate sources.
chapter discusses framing with introductory phrases and signal verbs, and it presents multiple ways to connect source material to a student’s own ideas — by establishing a context, introducing a term or concept, developing a claim, highlighting differences, and avoiding “patchwriting” (pp. 480–82).
Chapter 21, “Plagiarism and Academic Integrity” (pp. 484–93), highlights the importance of acknowledging another writer’s work.
Chapter 22, “Documenting Sources” (pp. 494–532), concludes the research section of the book with a discussion of MLA and APA documentation, including a wide range of citation models in both formats.
Develop a writing project through multiple drafts.
Chapter 17, “Academic Arguments” (pp. 405–37), stresses the importance of working through multiple drafts of a project, using revision and peer feedback to improve the document.
Develop flexible strategies for reading, drafting, reviewing, collaboration, revising, rewriting, rereading, and editing.
Writing is a fundamental focus of Everything’s an Argument with Readings, and students learn to critique their own work and the work of others in almost every part of the book. Each Guide to Writing, focusing on a specific type of argument in the Part 2 chapters, contains step-by-step advice on drafting, researching, and organizing, as well as peer review questions about the claim being made, the evidence provided for the claim, and the organization and style of the essay.
The Guide to Writing also asks students to review their spelling, punctuation, mechanics, documentation, and format.
Use composing processes and tools as a means to discover and reconsider ideas.
Chapter 7, “Structuring Arguments” (pp. 135–63), provides a clear explanation for how to construct an argument and support it effectively, and it includes a brief annotated model from a classic text.
The “Developing an Academic Argument” section (pp. 411–18) in Chapter 17, “Academic Arguments” (pp. 405–37), guides students through the specific process of developing a paper in an academic setting, from selecting a topic and exploring it in depth to entering into the conversation around the chosen topic. Two annotated examples of academic arguments are provided at the end of the chapter.
Experience the collaborative and social aspects of writing processes.
Many “Respond” questions have students work in pairs or groups to analyze rhetorical situations, arguments, or appeals. See p. 36, for instance.
In Chapter 21, “Plagiarism and Academic Integrity” (pp. 484–93), students learn the importance of giving credit, getting permission to use the materials of others, citing sources appropriately, and acknowledging collaboration with their peers.
Learn to give and act on productive feedback to works in progress.
Each Guide to Writing, focusing on a specific type of argument in the Part 2 chapters, contains a “Getting and Giving Response: Questions for Peer Review” section (e.g., pp. 183–85) tailored to that argument type. These questions address the claim being made, the evidence provided for the claim, and the organization and style of the essay.
Adapt composing processes for a variety of technologies and modalities.
Awareness of technology runs throughout Everything’s an Argument with Readings, beginning in the first chapter with an exploration of arguments made via Twitter. A particular focus on multimodal arguments is made in Chapter 14, “Visual Rhetoric” (pp. 346–62),
which covers how effective images can be and instructs students on incorporating them to achieve specific rhetorical purposes, and in Chapter 16, “Multimodal Arguments” (pp. 381–402), which focuses on how technology offers new platforms and opportunities for composition, as well as some new pitfalls to avoid. These chapters provide students with tools for creating their own multimodal compositions.
Reflect on the development of composing practices and how those practices influence their work.
Everything’s an Argument with Readings presents students with an important foundation in the purpose and history of rhetoric (e.g., “Why We Make Arguments,” pp. 8–9; “The Classical Oration,” pp. 136–39) as well as thoughtful reflections on how composition and argument have changed in an increasingly digital world (e.g., “Old Media Transformed by New Media,” pp. 382–83; “Conventions in Academic Argument Are Not Static,” p. 410).
Knowledge of Conventions
Develop knowledge of linguistic structures, including grammar, punctuation, and spelling, through practice in composing and revising.
Chapter 13, “Style in Arguments” (pp. 321–45), covers sentence structure and punctuation.
Chapter 17, “Academic Arguments” (pp. 405–37), discusses drafting, revising, and editing.
The Guide to Writing in each Part 2 chapter asks students to review their spelling, punctuation, mechanics, documentation, and format.
Understand why genre
The argument chapters in Part 2 address genre conventions, discussing how the approach and structure
conventions for structure, paragraphing, tone, and mechanics vary.
of a document adapt to its genre. Each chapter also includes a Guide to Writing and Sample Arguments, which highlight differing uses of sources and tone (e.g., “Guide to Writing a Proposal,” pp. 300–305).
Gain experience negotiating variations in genre conventions.
Each of the Part 2 chapters offers a section on characterizing that particular genre (e.g., “Characterizing Evaluation,” pp. 229–32) as well as a section to guide students to develop a paper in that particular genre (e.g., “Developing an Evaluative Argument,” pp. 233–39). These chapters pay particular attention to the nuances and variations of differing purposes and approaches.
For more genre variety, Everything’s an Argument with Readings also contains a five-chapter thematic reader with additional multimodal genres, including infographics, professional reports, scholarly journal articles, and comic strips.
Learn common formats and/or design features for different kinds of texts.
Part 3, “Style and Presentation in Arguments,” offers four chapters on how to design an argument, paying attention to how these choices will vary depending on the student’s rhetorical purpose (e.g., “Using Images and Visual Design to Create Pathos,” pp. 350–52).
The “Considering Design and Visuals” section (e.g., pp. 238–39) in each Part 2 argument chapter acquaints students with common design features and formats of that type of document.
The Guide to Writing in each Part 2 chapter contains a “Considering Genre and Media” section that invites students to think about how to choose the appropriate format and medium for a particular argument.
Explore the concepts of intellectual property (such as fair use and copyright) that motivate documentation conventions.
Chapter 20, “Using Sources,” explores the topics of summary, paraphrase, and quotation and when each approach might be most appropriate (pp. 466–73). The chapter discusses framing with introductory phrases and signal verbs, and it presents multiple ways to connect source material to a student’s own ideas by establishing a context, introducing a term or concept, developing a claim, highlighting differences, and avoiding “patchwriting” (pp. 474–82).
Chapter 21, “Plagiarism and Academic Integrity” (pp. 484–93), shines a light on the importance of acknowledging the work of another.
The section on MLA style in Chapter 22, “Documenting Sources” (pp. 496–515), provides guidance on how to get permission for copyrighted material (including Internet sources) and how to navigate Creative Commons and fair use. It also offers an in-depth examination of in-text citations and Works Cited entries, with more than fifty examples of citation types and sample pages from a student essay.
Practice applying citation conventions systematically in their own work.
Chapter 22, “Documenting Sources” (pp. 494–532), examines in-text citations and Works Cited entries for both MLA and APA style, with more than fifty examples of citation types and sample pages from a student essay.
Brief Contents Preface
Part 1 Reading and Understanding Arguments
1. Understanding Arguments and Reading Them Critically
2. Arguments Based on Emotion: Pathos
3. Arguments Based on Character: Ethos
4. Arguments Based on Facts and Reason: Logos
5. Fallacies of Argument
6. Rhetorical Analysis
Part 2 Writing Arguments
7. Structuring Arguments
8. Arguments of Fact
9. Arguments of Definition
10. Evaluations
11. Causal Arguments
12. Proposals
Part 3 Style and Presentation in Arguments
13. Style in Arguments
14. Visual Rhetoric
15. Presenting Arguments
16. Multimodal Arguments
Part 4 Research and Arguments
17. Academic Arguments
18. Finding Evidence
19. Evaluating Sources
20. Using Sources
21. Plagiarism and Academic Integrity
22. Documenting Sources
Part 5 Arguments
23. How Does Popular Culture Stereotype You?
24. How Does What We Eat Define Who We Are?
25. How Does Language Influence Our World?
26. Has the Internet Destroyed Privacy?
27. How Free Should Campus Speech Be?
Readings by Type of Argument
Contents Preface
Part 1 Reading and Understanding Arguments
1. Understanding Arguments and Reading Them Critically
Everything Is an Argument
Why Read Arguments Critically and Rhetorically?
Why Listen to Arguments Rhetorically and Respectfully?
Why We Make Arguments
Arguments to Convince and Inform
Arguments to Persuade
Arguments to Make Decisions
Arguments to Understand and Explore
Occasions for Argument
Arguments about the Past
Arguments about the Future
Arguments about the Present
Kinds of Argument
Did Something Happen? Arguments of Fact
What Is the Nature of the Thing? Arguments of Definition
What Is the Quality or Cause of the Thing? Arguments of Evaluation
What Actions Should Be Taken? Proposal Arguments
Appealing to Audiences
Emotional Appeals: Pathos
Ethical Appeals: Ethos
Logical Appeals: Logos
Bringing It Home: Kairos and the Rhetorical Situation
2. Arguments Based on Emotion: Pathos
Reading Critically for Pathos
Using Emotions to Build Bridges
Using Emotions to Sustain an Argument
Using Humor
Using Arguments Based on Emotion
3. Arguments Based on Character: Ethos
Thinking Critically about Arguments Based on Character
Establishing Trustworthiness and Credibility
Claiming Authority
Coming Clean about Motives
4. Arguments Based on Facts and Reason: Logos
Thinking Critically about Hard Evidence
Surveys and Polls
Testimonies and Narratives
Using Reason and Common Sense
Providing Logical Structures for Argument
5. Fallacies of Argument
Fallacies of Emotional Argument
Scare Tactics
Either/Or Choices
Slippery Slope
Overly Sentimental Appeals
Bandwagon Appeals
Fallacies of Ethical Argument
Appeals to False Authority
Ad Hominem Arguments
Stacking the Deck
Fallacies of Logical Argument
Hasty Generalization
Faulty Causality
Begging the Question
Non Sequitur
Straw Man
Red Herring
Faulty Analogy
6. Rhetorical Analysis
Composing a Rhetorical Analysis: Reading and Viewing Critically
Understanding the Purpose of Arguments You Are Analyzing
Understanding Who Makes an Argument
Identifying and Appealing to Audiences
Examining Arguments Based on Emotion: Pathos
Examining Arguments Based on Character: Ethos
Examining Arguments Based on Facts and Reason: Logos
Examining the Arrangement and Media of Arguments
Looking at Style
Examining a Rhetorical Analysis
Nicholas Kristof, Fleeing to the Mountains
“When public lands are lost — or mined in ways that scar the landscape — something has been lost forever on our watch. A public good has been privatized, and our descendants have been robbed.”
Cameron Hauer, Appeal, Audience, and Narrative in Kristof’s Wilderness [STUDENT ESSAY]
“To a liberal readership still reeling from the shock of the 2016 election, the invocation of Trump is an invitation for the audience to adopt Kristof’s pro- wilderness platform as a plank of a broader anti- Trump agenda.”
Part 2 Writing Arguments
7. Structuring Arguments
The Classical Oration
Rogerian and Invitational Arguments
Toulmin Argument
Making Claims
Offering Evidence and Good Reasons
Determining Warrants
Offering Evidence: Backing
Using Qualifiers
Understanding Conditions of Rebuttal
Outline of a Toulmin Argument
A Toulmin Analysis
Stephen L. Carter, Offensive Speech Is Free Speech. If Only We’d Listen
“The First Amendment protects not admirable speech or good speech or likeable speech. It protects speech.”
What Toulmin Teaches
8. Arguments of Fact
Understanding Arguments of Fact
Characterizing Factual Arguments
Developing a Factual Argument
Identifying an Issue
Researching Your Hypothesis
Refining Your Claim
Deciding Which Evidence to Use
Presenting Your Evidence
Considering Design and Visuals
Two Sample Factual Arguments
Kate Beispel, The Snacktivities and Musings of a Millennial Foodie [STUDENT ESSAY]
“Where there’s a food line, there’s a Millennial waiting: foodie culture is accessible to anyone who wants to be a part of it.”
Michael Hiltzik, Don’t Believe Facebook: The Demise of the Written Word Is Very Far Off
“Video is a linear medium: You have to allow it to unspool frame by frame to glean what it’s saying. Text can be absorbed in blocks; the eye searches for keywords or names or other pointers such as quotation marks.”
9. Arguments of Definition
Understanding Arguments of Definition
Kinds of Definition
Formal Definitions
Operational Definitions
Definitions by Example
Negative Definitions
Developing a Definitional Argument
Formulating Claims
Crafting Definitions
Matching Claims to Definitions
Considering Design and Visuals
Two Sample Definitional Arguments
Natasha Rodriguez, Who Are You Calling Underprivileged? [STUDENT ESSAY]
“The word made me question how I saw myself
in the world.”
Rob Jenkins, Defining the Relationship
“I used to think the boundaries and expectations were clear on both sides, but that no longer seems to be the case.”
10. Evaluations
Understanding Evaluations
Criteria of Evaluation
Characterizing Evaluation
Quantitative Evaluations
Qualitative Evaluations
Developing an Evaluative Argument
Formulating Criteria
Making Claims
Presenting Evidence
Considering Design and Visuals
Two Sample Evaluations
Jenny Kim, The Toxicity in Learning [STUDENT ESSAY]
“Across all disciplines, there is an unhealthy infatuation with a 4.0 GPA that detracts from
true learning.”
Becca Stanek, I took vitamins every day for a decade. Then I found out they’re useless
“At my appointment last Wednesday, my doctor bluntly informed me that my multivitamins weren’t doing a darn thing for me.”
11. Causal Arguments
Understanding Causal Arguments
Arguments That State a Cause and Then Examine Its Effects
Arguments That State an Effect and Then Trace the Effect Back to Its Causes
Arguments That Move through a Series of Links: A Causes B, Which Leads to C and Perhaps to D
Characterizing Causal Arguments
They Are Often Part of Other Arguments
They Are Almost Always Complex
They Are Often Definition Based
They Usually Yield Probable Rather Than Absolute Conclusions
Developing Causal Arguments
Exploring Possible Claims
Defining the Causal Relationships
Supporting Your Point
Considering Design and Visuals
Two Sample Causal Arguments
Laura Tarrant, Forever Alone (and Perfectly Fine) [STUDENT ESSAY]
“Singleness doesn’t have to be a steppingstone on the way to a relationship, nor does it have to result from some emotional deficiency. Rather, singleness is its own alternative lifestyle.”
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry, America’s Birthrate Is Now a National Emergency
“People’s willingness to have children is not only a sign of confidence in the future, but a sign of cultural health.”
12. Proposals
Understanding and Categorizing Proposals
Characterizing Proposals
Developing Proposals
Defining a Need or Problem
Making a Strong and Clear Claim
Showing That the Proposal Addresses the Need or Problem
Showing That the Proposal Is Feasible
Considering Design and Visuals
Two Sample Proposals
Caleb Wong, Addiction to Social Media: How to Overcome It [STUDENT ESSAY]
“Like tooth-brushing and nail-biting, using social media regularly is a habit.”
Lenore Skenazy, My Free-Range Parenting Manifesto
“We are crippling kids by convincing them they can’t solve any issues on their own.”
Part 3 Style and Presentation in Arguments
13. Style in Arguments
Style and Word Choice
Sentence Structure and Argument
Punctuation and Argument
Special Effects: Figurative Language
14. Visual Rhetoric
The Power of Visual Arguments
Using Visuals in Your Own Arguments
Using Images and Visual Design to Create Pathos
Using Images to Establish Ethos
Using Visual Images to Support Logos
15. Presenting Arguments
Class and Public Discussions
Preparing a Presentation
Assess the Rhetorical Situation
Nail Down the Specific Details
Fashion a Script Designed to Be Heard by an Audience
Choose Media to Fit Your Subject
Deliver a Good Show
A Note about Webcasts: Live Presentations over the Web
16. Multimodal Arguments
Old Media Transformed by New Media
New Content in New Media
New Audiences in New Media
Analyzing Multimodal Arguments
Making Multimodal Arguments
Web Sites
Videos and Video Essays
Social Media
A Final Note on Time
Part 4 Research and Arguments
17. Academic Arguments
Understanding What Academic Argument Is
Conventions in Academic Argument Are Not Static
Developing an Academic Argument
Two Sample Academic Arguments
Charlotte Geaghan-Breiner, Where the Wild Things Should Be: Healing Nature Deficit Disorder through the Schoolyard [STUDENT ESSAY]
“The most practical solution to this staggering rift between children and nature involves the schoolyard.”
Sidra Montgomery, The Emotion Work of “Thank You for Your Service”
“The well-meaning intent behind TYFYS isn’t always received by post-9/11 veterans in the same way.”
18. Finding Evidence
Considering the Rhetorical Situation
Searching Effectively
Collecting Data on Your Own
19. Evaluating Sources
Assessing Print Sources
Assessing Electronic Sources
Practicing Crap Detection
Assessing Field Research
20. Using Sources
Practicing Infotention
Building a Critical Mass
Synthesizing Information
Paraphrasing Sources You Will Use Extensively
Summarizing Sources
Using Quotations Selectively and Strategically
Framing Materials You Borrow with Signal Words and Introductions
Using Sources to Clarify and Support Your Own Argument
Avoiding “Patchwriting”
21. Plagiarism and Academic Integrity
Giving Credit
Getting Permission for and Using Copyrighted Internet Sources
Acknowledging Your Sources Accurately and Appropriately
Acknowledging Collaboration
22. Documenting Sources
MLA Style
In-Text Citations
Explanatory and Bibliographic Notes
List of Works Cited
Sample First Page for an Essay in MLA Style
Sample List of Works Cited for an Essay in MLA Style
APA Style
In-Text Citations
Content Notes
List of References
Sample Title Page for an Essay in APA Style
Sample First Text Page for an Essay in APA Style
Sample References List for an Essay in APA Style
Part 5 Arguments
23. How Does Popular Culture Stereotype You?
Alli Joseph, With Disney’s Moana, Hollywood Almost Gets It Right: Indigenous People Weigh In [WEB ARTICLE]
“But the film’s achievements are not enough for some to cite progress toward more accurate, less- stereotypical portrayal of other cultures in film.”
D.K., Shooting Guns: It’s Rather Fun, Actually [MAGAZINE ARTICLE]
“For the majority of gun owners, being told that their harmless hobby is somehow responsible for the deaths of other people must be deeply unpleasant.”
Nicole Pasulka, How a Bible-Belt Evangelical Church Embraced Gay Rights [WEB ARTICLE]
“Despite some opposition from within the congregation, this Bible Belt church is now making a religious argument for gay rights.”
C. Richard King, Redskins: Insult and Brand [BOOK EXCERPT]
“As much a weapon as a word, then, it injures and excludes, denying history and humanity.”
Melinda C. R. Burgess, et al., Playing with Prejudice: The Prevalence and Consequences of Racial Stereotypes in Video Games [JOURNAL ARTICLE]
“[I]magery that associates African American men
with the negative stereotypes of aggression, hostility, and criminality conditions viewers to associate this constellation of negativity with African American men in general.”
MAKING A VISUAL ARGUMENT: Sonny Assu, Breakfast Series [ARTWORK]
Sara Morrison, Covering the Transgender Community: How Newsrooms Are Moving Beyond the “Coming Out” Story to Report Crucial Transgender Issues [REPORT]
“How do journalists cover a community, which has been for so long maligned and voiceless, in ways that are considerate of that community’s needs as well as those of readers, some of whom need basic concepts explained?”
24. How Does What We Eat Define Who We Are?
Sophie Egan, The American Food Psyche [BOOK EXCERPT]
“Korean tacos and naan pizza and California rolls. Some might consider these horrors. Sullied versions of the true cultural entities. But not us. In America, collisions are commendable.”
MAKING A VISUAL ARGUMENT: United States Department of Agriculture, How Do Your Eating Habits Differ from Your Grandparents’? [GRAPH]
Rob Greenfield, An Argument against Veganism . . . from a Vegan [BLOG POST]
“There are cultures of people who eat meat and animal products in a manner that causes less harm to earth and animals than some vegan diets do.”
Jess Kapadia, I Still Don’t Understand the Cultural Appropriation of Food [WEB ARTICLE]
“I’d venture to say that this many years into the age of pop food media and recipe sharing, no food belongs to anyone anymore.”
Briahna Joy Gray, The Question of Cultural Appropriation [MAGAZINE ARTICLE]
“I think when we talk about appropriation, we’re really talking about two separate issues: first, an issue of cultural exploitation, and second, an issue of cultural disrespect.”
James Dubick, Brandon Mathews, and Clare Cady, Hunger on Campus: The Challenge of Food Insecurity for College Students [REPORT]
“One in five students surveyed had the very lowest levels of food security. Thirteen percent were homeless.”
25. How Does Language Influence Our World?
Ernie Smith, They Should Stop: In Defense of the Singular They [BLOG POST]
“It may be the most controversial word use in the English language — because it highlights a hole in the language where a better-fitting word should go.”
John McWhorter, Thick of Tongue [WEB ARTICLE]
“I am not referring to black slang. Plenty of black people use little street slang and yet still have a black sound. The question is why you could tell most black people were black if they read you a shopping list over the phone.”
Japanese American Citizens League, from The Power of Words [HANDBOOK]
“During WWII, the U.S. government used euphemistic language to control public perceptions about the forced removal of Japanese American citizens from their West Coast homes to desolate American concentration camps further inland.”
MAKING A VISUAL ARGUMENT: Census Data, English and Languages other Than English in the United States [MAPS AND CHART]
Roxane Gay, The Careless Language of Sexual Violence [BOOK EXCERPT]
“It was an eleven-year-old girl whose body was ripped apart, not a town. It was an eleven-year-old girl whose life was ripped apart, not the lives of the men who raped her.”
Jorge Encinas, How Latino Players Are Helping Major League Baseball Learn Spanish [BLOG POST]
“Spanish-speaking fans, millions of whom watch Spanish-language broadcasts of baseball games, will have little idea of the lingering challenge some Latino players in the States have long faced.”
26. Has the Internet Destroyed Privacy?
Lindsay McKenzie, Getting Personal about Cybersecurity [WEB ARTICLE]
“Today’s students may be digital natives, but that doesn’t mean institutions can count on them to protect themselves from cyberattacks.”
Brian Crane, Oh, My Gosh! When Did Facebook Start with Mind Infiltration?
Chris Slane, Window on the Internet
Chris Wildt, Impressive Résumé …
Mike Smith, I Agree with Apple . . .
J. D. Crowe, Congress Kills Internet Privacy
Lauren Salm, 70 Percent of Employers Are Snooping Candidates’ Social Media Profiles [WEB ARTICLE]
“The bottom line? Think before you post, because there’s always someone watching.”
Deanna Hartley, Creative Ways to Get Noticed by Employers on Social Media [WEB ARTICLE]
“[S]ocial media could work in your favor if you’re looking for a job—if you do it right.”
Lauren Carroll, Congress Let Internet Providers “Spy On” Your Underwear Purchases, Advocacy Group Says [WEB ARTICLE]
“Beyond shopping habits, ISPs and advertisers can glean more significant personal information about their customers from Internet browsing patterns.”
Franklin Foer, from World without Mind: The Existential Threat of Big Tech [BOOK EXCERPT]
“Data provides an X-ray of the soul. Companies turn that photograph of the inner self into a commodity to be traded on a market, bought and sold without our knowledge.”
Amanda Hess, How Privacy Became a Commodity for the Rich and Powerful [WEB ARTICLE]
“We’ve come to understand that privacy is the currency of our online lives, paying for petty conveniences with bits of personal information.”
27. How Free Should Campus Speech Be?
John Palfrey, Safe Spaces, Brave Spaces [BOOK EXCERPT]
“While diversity and free expression are too often pitted against one another as competing values, they are more compatible than they are opposing.”
Gallup/Knight Foundation, Free Speech on Campus: What Students Think about First Amendment Issues [REPORT]
“College students generally endorse First Amendment ideals in the abstract. The vast majority say free speech is important to democracy and favor an open learning environment that promotes the airing of a wide variety of ideas.”
Ben Schwartz, Shutting Up [WEB ARTICLE]
“Comedy isn’t supposed to be anything, except what the comedian tries to make it—harmless, mean, political, dirty, dumb.”
MAKING A VISUAL ARGUMENT: Racial Microaggressions
Turner Consulting Group, Racial Microaggressions
Alexandra Dal, Questions [CARTOON]
Scott O. Lilienfeld, Why a Moratorium on Microaggressions Is Needed [SCHOLARLY ARTICLE]
“Distributing lists of ‘forbidden’ phrases to campus administrators or faculty members or mandating microaggression training for employees are unlikely to be helpful.”
Sarah Brown, Activist Athletes [WEB ARTICLE]
“Since athletes are at the mercy of their coaches in terms of playing time and scholarships, coaches and team managers exercise a great deal of influence over their players’ choices.”
Catherine Nolan-Ferrell, Balancing Classroom Civility and Free Speech [MAGAZINE ARTICLE]
“I cannot claim complete neutrality about the subject matter, but I do promise students that I will discuss multiple perspectives and explain how and why I reached my point of view.”
Readings by Type of Argument
CHAPTER 1 Understanding Arguments and Reading Them Critically
On October 15, 2017, actor and activist Alyssa Milano took to Twitter to issue a call to action:
Milano was joining the conversation surrounding a spate of revelations about very high-profile and powerful men accused of sexual
harassment: Bill Cosby, Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly, and Harvey Weinstein. Milano’s tweet argues for standing up and speaking out—in big numbers—and her message certainly hit a nerve: within 24 hours, 4.7 million people around the world had joined the “me too” conversation, with over 12 million posts and comments. Some of these comments pointed out that the “me too” movement is actually more than ten years old: it began with activist Tarana Burke, who was directing a Girls for Gender Equity program in Brooklyn, aimed at giving voice to young women of color. As Burke told CNN after Milano’s tweet went viral: “It’s not about a viral campaign for me. It’s about a movement.”
Burke’s reaction to the 2017 meme makes an important point, one that was echoed in some of the responses Milano received and further elaborated by Jessi Hempel, the editorial director of Backchannel, in “The Problem with #metoo and Viral Outrage.” Hempel says that “on its surface,” #metoo has what looks to be the makings of an “earnest and effective social movement.” But like Burke, Hempel wonders whether #metoo will actually have the power and longevity of a true social movement. She’s concerned that while millions of people are weighing in, at last, on a long-ignored issue, the campaign may not culminate in real change:
In truth, however, #MeToo is a too-perfect meme. It harnesses social media’s mechanisms to drive users (that’s you and me) into escalating states of outrage while exhausting us to the point where we cannot meaningfully act.
Hempel cites extensive research by Yale professor Molly Crockett that
suggests that “digital technologies may be transforming the way we experience outrage, and limiting how much we can actually change social realities.” In other words, expressing outrage online lets us talk the talk but not walk the walk of actual change.
In spite of these caveats, the work begun by Tarana Burke over a decade ago and given new urgency by Alyssa Milano has led to a series of high-profile firings, and some criminal convictions, in many sectors of society, from the Hollywood film industry (Weinstein’s company had to declare bankruptcy) to New York’s cultural scene (the Metropolitan Opera fired its conductor, James Levine) to Congress (Senator Al Franken was forced to resign his seat) to the world of sports (Olympics team doctor Larry Nassar was sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison for assaulting as many as 160 women athletes). In short, it now looks as though #metoo does constitute a genuine movement that will continue to lead to actual, concrete changes in cultural attitudes and practices. Certainly, the argument over its effectiveness and reach will continue, much of it playing out on social media platforms.
As this example shows, arguments on social media occur on crowded, two-way channels, with claims and counterclaims whizzing by, fast and furious. Such tools reach audiences (like the 4.7 million who initially responded to #metoo) and they also create them, offering an innovative way to make and share arguments. Just as importantly, anyone, anywhere, with access to a phone, tablet, or other electronic device, can launch arguments that circle the globe in seconds. Social networking and digital tools are increasingly available to all—for
better or for worse, as shown by the recent example of Facebook’s allowing data from 50 million users to be used for political purposes.
Everything Is an Argument As you know from your own experiences with social media, arguments are all around us, in every medium, in every genre, in everything we do. There may be an argument on the T-shirt you put on in the morning, in the sports column you read on the bus, in the prayers you utter before an exam, in the off-the-cuff political remarks of a teacher lecturing, on the bumper sticker on the car in front of you, in the assurances of a health center nurse that “This won’t hurt one bit.”
The clothes you wear, the foods you eat, and the groups you join make nuanced, sometimes unspoken assertions about who you are and what you value. So an argument can be any text—written, spoken, aural, or visual—that expresses a point of view. In fact, some theorists claim that language is inherently persuasive. When you say, “Hi, how’s it going?” in one sense you’re arguing that your hello deserves a response. Even humor makes an argument when it causes readers to recognize—through bursts of laughter or just a faint smile—how things are and how they might be different.
More obvious as arguments are those that make direct claims based on or drawn from evidence. Such writing often moves readers to recognize problems and to consider solutions. Persuasion of this kind is usually easy to recognize:
The National Minimum Drinking Age Act, passed by Congress [in 1984], is a gross violation of civil liberties and must be repealed. It is absurd and unjust that young Americans can vote, marry, enter contracts, and serve in the
military at 18 but cannot buy an alcoholic drink in a bar or restaurant.
—Camille Paglia, “The Drinking Age Is Past Its Prime”
We will become a society of a million pictures without much memory, a society that looks forward every second to an immediate replication of what it has just done, but one that does not sustain the difficult labor of transmitting culture from one generation to the next.
—Christine Rosen, “The Image Culture”
RESPOND● Can an argument really be any text that expresses a point of view?
What kinds of arguments—if any—might be made by the following
a Golden State Warriors cap
Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 34
the “explicit lyrics” label on a best-selling rap CD
the health warnings on a package of cigarettes
a Tesla Model 3 electric car
a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses
Why Read Arguments Critically and Rhetorically? More than two millennia ago, Aristotle told students that they needed to know and understand and use the arts of rhetoric for two major reasons: to be able to get their ideas across effectively and persuasively and to protect themselves from being manipulated by others. Today, we need these abilities more than ever before: as we are inundated with “alternative facts,” “fake news,” mis- and disinformation, and often even outright lies, the ability to read between the lines, to become fact- checkers, to practice what media critic Howard Rheingold calls “crap detection” (see “Practicing Crap Detection” in Chapter 19), and to read with careful attention are now survival skills.
This need is so acute that new courses are springing up on college
campuses, such as one at the University of Washington named (provocatively) “Calling Bullshit,” which Professors Carl Bergstrom and Jevin West define as “language, statistical figures, graphics, and other forms of presentation intended to persuade by impressing and overwhelming a reader or listener with a blatant disregard for truth and logical coherence.” (Search for “The Fine Art of Sniffing Out Crappy Science” on the Web.) These professors are particularly interested in the use of statistics and visual representation of data to misinform or confuse, and in showing how “big data” especially can often obscure rather than reveal valid claims, although they acknowledge the power of verbal misinformation as well.
You can practice self-defense against such misrepresentation by following some sound advice:
Pay attention, close attention, to what you are reading or viewing. While it’s tempting to skim, avoid the temptation, especially when the stakes are high. Keep focused on the text at hand, with your critical antenna up! Keep an eye out for “click bait,” those subject lines or headings that scream “read me, read me” but usually lead to little information. Be skeptical. Check the author, publisher, sources: how reliable are they? Look for unstated assumptions behind claims—and question them. Distinguish between facts that have verifiable support and claims and those which may or may not be completely empty. Learn to triangulate: don’t take the word of a single source but look for corroboration from other reliable sources.
Become a fact checker! Get familiar with nonpartisan fact- checkers like Politifact, FactCheck.org, the Sunlight Foundation, and Snopes.com.
You will find additional information about reading attentively and critically throughout this book, especially in Chapters 6 and 19.
Why Listen to Arguments Rhetorically and Respectfully? Rhetorician Krista Ratcliffe recommends that we all learn to listen rhetorically, which she defines as “a stance of openness” you can take in relation to any person, text, or culture. Taking such a stance is not easy, especially when emotions and disagreements run high, but doing so is a necessary step in understanding where other people are coming from and in acknowledging that our own stances are deeply influenced by forces we may not even be aware of. Even when we stand on the shoulders of giants, our view is limited and partial, and it’s good to remember that this maxim is true for everyone.
Amid the extreme divisions in the United States today, amid the charges and countercharges, the ongoing attacks of one group on another, it’s especially important to learn to listen to others, even others with whom we drastically disagree. Scholars and pundits alike have written about the “echo chambers” we often inhabit, especially online, where we hear only from people who think as we do, act as we act, believe as we believe. Such echo chambers are dangerous to a democracy. As a result, some are advocating for rhetorical listening. Oprah Winfrey, for example, brought together a group of women, half of whom supported Trump and half of whom supported Clinton, over “croissants and great jam.” At first no one wanted to participate, but once Winfrey got them together and they started listening to one
another’s stories, the women began to find small patches of common ground. Listening openly and respectfully was the key. So it is with the website and app “Hi from the Other Side,” where people can sign up to be paired with someone on another side of an issue, get guidance on how to begin a conversation, and eventually meet to pursue common ground and common interests (see https://www.hifromtheotherside.com for more information).
You can begin to practice rhetorical listening as you get to know people who differ from you on major issues, listening to their views carefully and respectfully, asking them for that same respect, and beginning to search for some common ground, no matter how small. Arguments are never won by going nowhere except “Yes I can”/“No you can’t” over and over again, yet that’s the way many arguments are conducted today. Learning to listen rhetorically and beginning to find some small commonality is usually a better way to argue constructively than plunging right in with accusations or dramatic claims.
Why We Make Arguments As this discussion suggests, in the politically divided and entertainment-driven culture of the United States today, the word argument may well call up negative images: the hostile scowl, belligerent tweet, or shaking fist of a politician or news pundit who wants to drown out other voices and prevail at all costs. This winner- take-all view has a long history, but it often turns people off to the whole process of using reasoned conversation to identify, explore, and solve problems. Hoping to avoid perpetual standoffs with people on “the other side,” many people now sidestep opportunities to speak their minds on issues shaping their lives and work. We want to counter this attitude throughout this book: we urge you to examine your values and beliefs, to understand where they come from, and to voice them clearly and cogently in arguments you make, all the while respecting the values and beliefs of others.
Some arguments, of course, are aimed at winning, especially those related to politics, business, and law. Two candidates for office, for example, vie for a majority of votes; the makers of one smartphone try to outsell their competitors by offering more features at a lower price; and two lawyers try to outwit each other in pleading to a judge and jury. In your college writing, you may also be called on to make arguments that appeal to a “judge” and “jury” (perhaps your instructor and classmates). You might, for instance, argue that students in every field should be required to engage in service learning projects. In doing so, you will need to offer better arguments or more convincing evidence than those with other perspectives—such as those who might
regard service learning as a politicized or coercive form of education. You can do so reasonably and responsibly, no name-calling required.
There are many reasons to argue and principled ways to do so. We explore some of them in this section.
Arguments to Convince and Inform We’re stepping into an argument ourselves in drawing what we hope is a useful distinction between convincing and—in the next section —persuading. (Feel free to disagree with us!) Arguments to convince lead audiences to accept a claim as true or reasonable—based on information or evidence that seems factual and reliable; arguments to persuade then seek to move people beyond conviction to action. Academic arguments often combine both elements.
Many news reports and analyses, white papers, and academic articles aim to convince audiences by broadening what they know about a subject. Such fact-based arguments might have no motives beyond laying out what the facts are. Here’s an opening paragraph from a 2014 news story by Anahad O’Connor in the New York Times that itself launched a thousand arguments (and lots of huzzahs) simply by reporting the results of a recent scientific study:
Many of us have long been told that saturated fat, the type found in meat, butter and cheese, causes heart disease. But a large and exhaustive new analysis by a team of international scientists found no evidence that eating saturated fat
increased heart attacks and other cardiac events.
—Anahad O’Connor, “Study Questions Fat and Heart Disease Link”
Wow. You can imagine how carefully the reporter walked through the scientific data, knowing how this new information might be understood and repurposed by his readers.
Similarly, in a college paper on the viability of nuclear power as an alternative source of energy, you might compare the health and safety record of a nuclear plant to that of other forms of energy. Depending upon your findings and your interpretation of the data, the result of your fact-based presentation might be to raise or alleviate concerns readers have about nuclear energy. Of course, your decision to write the argument might be driven by your conviction that nuclear power is much safer than most people believe.
Today, images offer especially powerful arguments designed both to inform and to convince. For example, David Plunkert’s cover art for the August 28, 2017, issue of the New Yorker is simple yet very striking. Plunkert, who doesn’t often involve himself with political subjects, said he was prompted to do so in response to what he saw as President Trump’s “weak pushback” against the hateful violence on exhibit in Charlottesville, Virginia, on August 11, 2017: “A picture does a better job showing my thoughts than words do; it can have a light touch on a subject that’s extremely scary.”
In the excerpt from his scholarly journal article, Scott O. Lilienfeld aims to persuade psychologists and other academics to put aside the term “microaggressions” because—though they may be offensive—these slights and insults aimed at minorities have not been proven to be psychologically harmful.
LINK TO Lilienfeld, “Why a Moratorium on Microaggressions Is Needed,” in Chapter 27
Arguments to Persuade
Today, climate change may be the public issue that best illustrates the chasm that sometimes separates conviction from persuasion. Although the weight of scientific research attests to the fact that the earth is
warming and that humans are responsible for a good bit of that warming, convincing people to accept this evidence and persuading them to act on it still doesn’t follow easily. How then does change occur? Some theorists suggest that persuasion—understood as moving people to do more than nod in agreement—is best achieved via appeals to emotions such as fear, anger, envy, pride, sympathy, or hope. We think that’s an oversimplification. The fact is that persuasive arguments, whether in advertisements, political blogs, YouTube videos, tweets, or newspaper editorials, draw upon all the appeals of rhetoric (see Appealing to Audiences in Chapter 10) to motivate people to act—whether it be to buy a product, pull a lever for a candidate, or volunteer for a civic organization. Here, once again, is Camille Paglia driving home her argument that the 1984 federal law raising the drinking age in the United States to 21 was a catastrophic decision in need of reversal:
What this cruel 1984 law did is deprive young people of safe spaces where they could happily drink cheap beer, socialize, chat, and flirt in a free but controlled public environment. Hence in the 1980s we immediately got the scourge of crude binge drinking at campus fraternity keg parties, cut off from the adult world. Women in that boorish free-for-all were suddenly fighting off date rape. Club drugs—Ecstasy, methamphetamine, ketamine (a veterinary tranquilizer)— surged at raves for teenagers and on the gay male circuit scene.
Paglia chooses to dramatize her argument by sharply contrasting a
safer, more supportive past with a vastly more dangerous present when drinking was forced underground and young people turned to highly risky behaviors. She doesn’t hesitate to name them either: binge drinking, club drugs, raves, and, most seriously, date rape. This highly rhetorical, one might say emotional, argument pushes readers hard to endorse a call for serious action—the repeal of the current drinking age law.
Admit it, Duchess of Cornwall. You knew abandoned dogs need homes, but it was heartrending photos on the Battersea Dogs & Cats Home Web site that persuaded you to visit the shelter.
Apply the distinction made here between convincing and
persuading to the way people respond to two or three current
political or social issues. Is there a useful distinction between being
convinced and being persuaded? Explain your position.
Arguments to Make Decisions Closely allied to arguments to convince and persuade are arguments to examine the options in important matters, both civil and personal— from managing out-of-control deficits to choosing careers. Arguments to make decisions occur all the time in the public arena, where they are often slow to evolve, caught up in electoral or legal squabbles, and yet driven by a genuine desire to find consensus. In recent years, for instance, Americans have argued hard to make decisions about health care, the civil rights of same-sex couples, and the status of more than 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country. Subjects so complex aren’t debated in straight lines. They get haggled over in every imaginable medium by thousands of writers, politicians, and ordinary citizens working alone or via political organizations to have their ideas considered.
For college students, choosing a major can be an especially momentous personal decision, and one way to go about making that decision is to argue your way through several alternatives. By the time you’ve explored the pros and cons of each alternative, you should be a little closer to a reasonable and defensible decision.
Sometimes decisions, however, are not so easy to make.
In the excerpt from her professional report “Covering the Transgender Community,” Sara Morrison explores how journalists are working to incorporate correct terminology, respect the preferred gender pronouns and identities of their transgender subjects, and address the issues that matter to transgender individuals.
LINK TO Morrison, “Covering the Transgender Community,” in Chapter 23
Arguments to Understand and Explore
Arguments to make decisions often begin as choices between opposing positions already set in stone. But is it possible to examine important
issues in more open-ended ways? Many situations, again in civil or personal arenas, seem to call for arguments that genuinely explore possibilities without constraints or prejudices. If there’s an “opponent” in such situations at all (often there is not), it’s likely to be the status quo or a current trend which, for one reason or another, puzzles just about everyone. For example, in trying to sort through the extraordinary complexities of the 2011 budget debate, philosophy professor Gary Gutting was able to show how two distinguished economists—John Taylor and Paul Krugman—drew completely different conclusions from the exact same sets of facts. Exploring how such a thing could occur led Gutting to conclude that the two economists were arguing from the same facts, all right, but that they did not have all the facts possible. Those missing or unknown facts allowed them to fill in the blanks as they could, thus leading them to different conclusions. By discovering the source of a paradox, Gutting potentially opened new avenues for understanding.
Exploratory arguments can also be personal, such as Zora Neale Hurston’s ironic exploration of racism and of her own identity in the essay “How It Feels to Be Colored Me.” If you keep a journal or blog, you have no doubt found yourself making arguments to explore issues near and dear to you. Perhaps the essential argument in any such piece is the writer’s realization that a problem exists—and that the writer or reader needs to understand it and respond constructively to it if possible.
Explorations of ideas that begin by trying to understand another’s perspective have been described as invitational arguments by
researchers Sonja Foss, Cindy Griffin, and Josina Makau. Such arguments are interested in inviting others to join in mutual explorations of ideas based on discovery and respect. Another kind of argument, called Rogerian argument (after psychotherapist Carl Rogers), approaches audiences in similarly nonthreatening ways, finding common ground and establishing trust among those who disagree about issues. Writers who take a Rogerian approach try to see where the other person is coming from, looking for “both/and” or “win/win” solutions whenever possible. (For more on Rogerian strategies, see Chapter 7.)
The risks of Rogerian argument
RESPOND● What are your reasons for making arguments? Keep notes for two
days about every single argument you make, using our broad
definition to guide you. Then identify your reasons: How many times
did you aim to convince? To inform? To persuade? To explore? To
Occasions for Argument In a fifth-century BCE textbook of rhetoric (the art of persuasion), the philosopher Aristotle provides an ingenious strategy for classifying arguments based on their perspective on time—past, future, and present. His ideas still help us to appreciate the role arguments play in society in the twenty-first century. As you consider Aristotle’s occasions for argument, remember that all such classifications overlap (to a certain extent) and that we live in a world much different than his.
Arguments about the Past Debates about what has happened in the past, what Aristotle called forensic arguments, are the red meat of government, courts, businesses, and academia. People want to know who did what in the past, for what reasons, and with what liability. When you argue a speeding ticket in court, you are making a forensic argument, claiming perhaps that you weren’t over the limit or that the officer’s radar was faulty. A judge will have to decide what exactly happened in the past in the unlikely case you push the issue that far.
In the aftermath of the 2016 election, many researchers both in and
outside the government devoted themselves to trying to understand the effects of hacking on the election and, more specifically, the extent to which Russia was involved in such activities. Cybersecurity experts from agencies such as the CIA, FBI, and Homeland Security argued that they had extensive evidence to show that Russia had conducted a number of hacking expeditions and had manipulated messages on social media to try to disrupt the American elections. Others inside the Trump administration argued that the evidence wasn’t convincing; the president even declared that it had been “made up.” As this book goes to press, the argument over what happened is still raging. What hacks actually occurred in the run-up to the election? Which state voting procedures, if any, were violated? What part did the Russian government play? These are all forensic questions to be carefully investigated, argued, and answered by agencies and special counsels currently at work.
Some forensic arguments go on . . . and on and on. Consider, for example, the lingering arguments over Christopher Columbus’s “discovery” of America. Are his expeditions cause for celebration or notably unhappy chapters in human history? Or some of both? Such arguments about past actions—heated enough to spill over into the public realm—are common in disciplines such as history, philosophy, and ethics.
In his 2016 blog post at Tedium, Ernie Smith argues that the plural pronoun they will and should continue to be used to represent a subject in a gender-neutral way, even though it defies conventional grammar.
LINK TO Smith, “They Should Stop: In Defense of the Singular They,” in Chapter 25
James B. Comey, former director of the FBI who was fired by President Trump, testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee on June 8, 2017.
Arguments about the Future
Debates about what will or should happen in the future— deliberative arguments—often influence policies or legislation for the future. Should local or state governments allow or even encourage the use of self-driving cars on public roads? Should colleges and universities
lend support to more dual-credit programs so that students can earn college credits while still in high school? Should coal-fired power plants be phased out of our energy grid? These are the sorts of deliberative questions that legislatures, committees, or school boards routinely address when making laws or establishing policies.
But arguments about the future can also be speculative, advancing by means of projections and reasoned guesses, as shown in the following passage from an essay by media analyst Marc Prensky. He argues that while professors and colleges will always be responsible for teaching students to learn from the knowledge provided by print texts, it’s about time for some college or university to be the first to ban physical, that is to say paper, books on its campus, a controversial proposal to say the least:
So, as counterintuitive as it may sound, eliminating physical books from college campuses would be a positive step for our 21st-century students, and, I believe, for 21st-century scholarship as well. Academics, researchers, and particularly teachers need to move to the tools of the future. Artifacts belong in museums, not in our institutions of higher learning.
—Marc Prensky, “In the 21st-Century University, Let’s Ban Books”
Arguments about the Present Arguments about the present—what Aristotle terms epideictic or ceremonial arguments—explore the current values of a society,
affirming or challenging its widely shared beliefs and core assumptions. Epideictic arguments are often made at public and formal events such as inaugural addresses, sermons, eulogies, memorials, and graduation speeches. Members of the audience listen carefully as credible speakers share their wisdom. For example, as the selection of college commencement speakers has grown increasingly contentious, Ruth J. Simmons, the first African American woman to head an Ivy League college, used the opportunity of such an address (herself standing in for a rejected speaker) to offer a timely and ringing endorsement of free speech. Her words perfectly illustrate epideictic rhetoric:
Universities have a special obligation to protect free speech, open discourse and the value of protest. The collision of views and ideologies is in the DNA of the academic enterprise. No collision avoidance technology is needed here. The noise from this discord may cause others to criticize the legitimacy of the academic enterprise, but how can knowledge advance without the questions that overturn misconceptions, push further into previously impenetrable areas of inquiry and assure us stunning breakthroughs in human knowledge? If there is anything that colleges must encourage and protect it is the persistent questioning of the status quo. Our health as a nation, our health as women, our health as an industry requires it.
—Ruth J. Simmons, Smith College, 2014
Perhaps more common than Smith’s impassioned address are values
arguments that examine contemporary culture, praising what’s admirable and blaming what’s not. In the following argument, student Latisha Chisholm looks at the state of rap music after Tupac Shakur:
With the death of Tupac, not only did one of the most intriguing rap rivalries of all time die, but the motivation for rapping seems to have changed. Where money had always been a plus, now it is obviously more important than wanting to express the hardships of Black communities. With current rappers, the positive power that came from the desire to represent Black people is lost. One of the biggest rappers now got his big break while talking about sneakers. Others announce retirement without really having done much for the soul or for Black people’s morale. I equate new rappers to NFL players that don’t love the game anymore. They’re only in it for the money. . . . It looks like the voice of a people has lost its heart.
—Latisha Chisholm, “Has Rap Lost Its Soul?”
As in many ceremonial arguments, Chisholm here reinforces common values such as representing one’s community honorably and fairly.
Are rappers since Tupac—like Jay Z—only in it for the money? Many epideictic arguments either praise or blame contemporary culture in this way.
In a recent magazine, newspaper, or blog, find three editorials—one
that makes a forensic argument, one a deliberative argument, and
one a ceremonial argument. Analyze the arguments by asking these
questions: Who is arguing? What purposes are the writers trying to
achieve? To whom are they directing their arguments? Then decide
whether the arguments’ purposes have been achieved and how you
Occasions for Argument Past Future Present
What is it called?
Forensic Deliberative Epideictic
What are its concerns?
What happened in the past? What should be done in the future?
Who or what deserves praise or blame?
What does it look like?
Court decisions, legal briefs, legislative hearings, investigative reports, academic studies
White papers, proposals, bills, regulations, mandates
Eulogies, graduation speeches, inaugural addresses, roasts
Kinds of Argument Yet another way of categorizing arguments is to consider their status or stasis—that is, the specific kinds of issues they address. This approach, called stasis theory, was used in ancient Greek and Roman civilizations to provide questions designed to help citizens and lawyers work their way through legal cases. The status questions were posed in sequence because each depended on answers from the preceding ones. Together, the queries helped determine the point of contention in an argument—where the parties disagreed or what exactly had to be proven. A modern version of those questions might look like the following:
Did something happen? What is its nature? What is its quality or cause? What actions should be taken?
Each stasis question explores a different aspect of a problem and uses different evidence or techniques to reach conclusions. You can use these questions to explore the aspects of any topic you’re considering. You’ll discover that we use the stasis issues to define key types of argument in Part 2.
Did Something Happen? Arguments of Fact There’s no point in arguing a case until its basic facts are established. So an argument of fact usually involves a statement that can be
proved or disproved with specific evidence or testimony. For example, the question of pollution of the oceans—is it really occurring?—might seem relatively easy to settle. Either scientific data prove that the oceans are being dirtied as a result of human activity, or they don’t. But to settle the matter, writers and readers need to ask a number of other questions about the “facts”:
Where did the facts come from? Are they reliable? Is there a problem with the facts? Where did the problem begin and what caused it?
For more on arguments based on facts, see Chapters 4 and 8.
What Is the Nature of the Thing? Arguments of Definition Some of the most hotly debated issues in American life today involve questions of definition: we argue over the nature of the human fetus, the meaning of “amnesty” for immigrants, the boundaries of sexual assault. As you might guess, issues of definition have mighty consequences, and decades of debate may nonetheless leave the matter unresolved. Here, for example, is how one type of sexual assault is defined in an important 2007 report submitted to the U.S. Department of Justice by the National Institute of Justice:
We consider as incapacitated sexual assault any unwanted sexual contact occurring when a victim is unable to provide consent or stop what is happening because she is passed out,
drugged, drunk, incapacitated, or asleep, regardless of whether the perpetrator was responsible for her substance use or whether substances were administered without her knowledge. We break down incapacitated sexual assault into four subtypes. . . .
—“The Campus Sexual Assault (CSA) Study: Final Report”
The specifications of the definition go on for another two hundred words, each of consequence in determining how sexual assault on college campuses might be understood, measured, and addressed.
Of course many arguments of definition are less weighty than this, though still hotly contested: Is playing video games a sport? Can Batman be a tragic figure? Is LeBron James a hero for our age? (For more about arguments of definition, see Chapter 9.)
What Is the Quality or Cause of the Thing? Arguments of Evaluation Arguments of evaluation present criteria and then measure individual people, ideas, or things against those standards. For instance, a 2017 article in the Atlantic examined “How Pixar Lost Its Way,” arguing that “The golden age of Pixar is over.” Chronicling the company’s success from the first Toy Story (1995), the writer identifies what Pixar accomplished so well:
The theme that the studio mined with greatest success during its first decade and a half was parenthood, whether real (Finding Nemo, The Incredibles) or implicit (Monsters, Inc., Up). Pixar’s distinctive insight into parent-child relations stood out from the start, in Toy Story, and lost none of its power in two innovative and unified sequels.
—Christopher Orr, “How Pixar Lost Its Way”
As we read this article, we are bound to ask what happened: why and how did Pixar lose its way? And Christopher Orr probes further, suggesting that the sale of Pixar to Disney and the dependence on sequel after sequel led to the downturn. As he concludes his analysis of Pixar’s evolution, Orr distressingly notes the announcement of plans for Toy Story 4, which unravels the trilogy’s neat arc.
Although evaluations differ from causal analyses, in practice the boundaries between stasis questions are often porous: particular arguments have a way of defining their own issues.
For much more about arguments of evaluation, see Chapter 10; for causal arguments, see Chapter 11.
What Actions Should Be Taken? Proposal Arguments After facts in a controversy have been confirmed, definitions agreed on, evaluations made, and causes traced, it may be time for a proposal argument answering the question Now, what do we do about all this? For example, in developing an argument about out-of-control student fees at your college, you might use all the prior stasis questions to study the issue and determine exactly how much and for what reasons these costs are escalating. Only then will you be prepared to offer knowledgeable suggestions for action. In examining a nationwide move to eliminate remedial education in four-year colleges, John Cloud offers a notably moderate proposal to address the problem:
Students age twenty-two and over account for 43 percent of those in remedial classrooms, according to the National Center for Developmental Education. . . . [But] 55 percent of those needing remediation must take just one course. Is it too much to ask them to pay extra for that class or take it at a community college?
—John Cloud, “Who’s Ready for College?”
For more about proposal arguments, see Chapter 12.
The No Child Left Behind Act was signed in 2002 with great hopes and bipartisan support, but it did not lead to the successes those proposing it had hoped for.
Suppose you have an opportunity to speak at a student conference on the impact of climate change. You are tentatively in favor of strengthening industrial pollution standards aimed at reducing global warming trends. But to learn more about the issue, you use the stasis questions to get started.
Did something happen? Does global warming exist? Maybe not, say many in the oil and gas industry; at best, evidence for global warming is inconclusive. Yes, say most scientists and governments; climate change is real and even seems to be accelerating. To come to your conclusion, you’ll weigh the facts carefully and identify problems with opposing arguments. What is the nature of the thing? Skeptics define climate change
as a naturally occurring event; most scientists base their definitions on change due to human causes. You look at each definition carefully: How do the definitions foster the goals of each group? What’s at stake for each group in defining it that way? What is the quality or cause of the thing? Exploring the differing assessments of damage done by climate change leads you to ask who will gain from such analysis: Do oil executives want to protect their investments? Do scientists want government money for grants? Where does evidence for the dangers of global warming come from? Who benefits if the dangers are accepted as real and present, and who loses? What actions should be taken? If climate change is occurring naturally or causing little harm, then arguably nothing needs to be or can be done. But if it is caused mainly by human activity and dangers, action is definitely called for (although not everyone may agree on what such action should be). As you investigate the proposals being made and the reasons behind them, you come closer to developing your own argument.
Appealing to Audiences Exploring all the occasions and kinds of arguments available will lead you to think about the audience(s) you are addressing and the specific ways you can appeal to them. Audiences for arguments today are amazingly diverse, from the flesh-and-blood person sitting across a desk when you negotiate a student loan to your “friends” on social media, to the “ideal” reader you imagine for whatever you are writing, to the unknown people around the world who may read a blog you have posted. The figure below suggests just how many dimensions an audience can have as writers and readers negotiate their relationships with a text, whether it be oral, written, or digital.
As you see there, texts usually have intended readers, the people writers hope and expect to address—let’s say, routine browsers of a newspaper’s op-ed page. But writers also shape the responses of these actual readers in ways they imagine as appropriate or desirable—for example, maneuvering readers of editorials into making focused and knowledgeable judgments about politics and culture. Such audiences, as imagined and fashioned by writers within their texts, are called invoked readers.
Readers and writers in context
Making matters even more complicated, readers can respond to writers’ maneuvers by choosing to join the invoked audiences, to resist them, or maybe even to ignore them. Arguments may also attract “real” readers from groups not among those that writers originally imagined or expected to reach. You may post something on the Web, for instance, and discover that people you did not intend to address are commenting on it. (For them, the experience may be like reading private email intended for someone else: they find themselves drawn to and fascinated by your ideas!) As authors of this book, we think about students like you whenever we write: you are our intended readers. But notice how in dozens of ways, from the images we choose to the tone of our language, we also invoke an audience of people who take writing arguments seriously. We want you to become that kind of reader.
So audiences are very complicated and subtle and challenging, and yet you somehow have to attract and even persuade them. As always, Aristotle offers an answer. He identified three time-tested appeals that
speakers and writers can use to reach almost any audience, labeling them pathos, ethos, and logos—strategies as effective today as they were in ancient times, though we usually think of them in slightly different terms. Used in the right way and deployed at the right moment, emotional, ethical, and logical appeals have enormous power, as we’ll see in subsequent chapters.
RESPOND● You can probably provide concise descriptions of the intended
audience for most textbooks you have encountered. But can you
detect their invoked audiences—that is, the way their authors are
imagining (and perhaps shaping) the readers they would like to
have? Carefully review this entire first chapter, looking for signals
and strategies that might identify the audience and readers invoked
by the authors of Everything’s an Argument.
Emotional Appeals: Pathos Emotional appeals, or pathos, generate emotions (fear, pity, love, anger, jealousy) that the writer hopes will lead the audience to accept a claim. Here is an alarming sentence from a book by Barry B. LePatner arguing that Americans need to make hard decisions about repairing the country’s failing infrastructure:
When the I-35W Bridge in Minneapolis shuddered, buckled, and collapsed during the evening rush hour on Wednesday, August 1, 2007, plunging 111 vehicles into the Mississippi River and sending thirteen people to their deaths, the sudden,
apparently inexplicable nature of the event at first gave the appearance of an act of God.
—Too Big to Fall: America’s Failing Infrastructure and the Way Forward
If you ever drive across a bridge, LePatner has probably gotten your attention. His sober and yet descriptive language helps readers imagine the dire consequence of neglected road maintenance and bad design decisions. Making an emotional appeal like this can dramatize an issue and sometimes even create a bond between writer and readers. (For more about emotional appeals, see Chapter 2.)
Ethical Appeals: Ethos When writers or speakers come across as trustworthy, audiences are likely to listen to and accept their arguments. That trustworthiness (along with fairness and respect) is a mark of ethos, or credibility. Showing that you know what you are talking about exerts an ethical appeal, as does emphasizing that you share values with and respect your audience. Once again, here’s Barry LePatner from Too Big to Fall, shoring up his authority for writing about problems with America’s roads and bridges by invoking the ethos of people even more credible:
For those who would seek to dismiss the facts that support the thesis of this book, I ask them to consult the many professional engineers in state transportation departments who face these problems on a daily basis. These professionals
understand the physics of bridge and road design, and the real problems of ignoring what happens to steel and concrete when they are exposed to the elements without a strict regimen of ongoing maintenance.
It’s a sound rhetorical move to enhance credibility this way. For more about ethical appeals, see Chapter 3.
Logical Appeals: Logos Appeals to logic, or logos, are often given prominence and authority in U.S. culture: “Just the facts, ma’am,” a famous early TV detective on Dragnet used to say. Indeed, audiences respond well to the use of reasons and evidence—to the presentation of facts, statistics, credible testimony, cogent examples, or even a narrative or story that embodies a sound reason in support of an argument. Following almost two hundred pages of facts, statistics, case studies, and arguments about the sad state of American bridges, LePatner can offer this sober, logical, and inevitable conclusion:
We can no longer afford to ignore the fact that we are in the midst of a transportation funding crisis, which has been exacerbated by an even larger and longer-term problem: how we choose to invest in our infrastructure. It is not difficult to imagine the serious consequences that will unfold if we fail to address the deplorable conditions of our bridges and roads, including the increasingly higher costs we will pay for goods and services that rely on that transportation network, and a concomitant reduction in our standard of living.
For more about logical appeals, see Chapter 4.
Bringing It Home: Kairos and the Rhetorical Situation In Greek mythology, Kairos—the youngest son of Zeus—was the god of opportunity. He is most often depicted as running, and his most unusual characteristic is a shock of hair on his forehead. As Kairos dashes by, you have a chance to seize that lock of hair, thereby seizing the opportune moment; once he passes you by, however, you’ve missed your chance.
Time as Occasion (Kairos) by Italian Renaissance painter Francesco de’ Rossi
Kairos is also a term used to describe the most suitable time and place for making an argument and the most opportune ways of expressing it. It is easy to point to rhetorical moments, when speakers find exactly the right words to stir—and stir up—an audience: Franklin Roosevelt’s
“We have nothing to fear but fear itself,” Ronald Reagan’s “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall,” and of course Martin Luther King Jr.’s majestic “I have a dream. . . .” But kairos matters just as much in less dramatic situations, whenever speakers or writers must size up the core elements of a rhetorical situation to decide how best to make their expertise and ethos work for a particular message aimed at a specific audience. The diagram below hints at the dynamic complexity of the rhetorical situation.
But rhetorical situations are embedded in contexts of enormous social complexity. The moment you find a subject, you inherit all the knowledge, history, culture, and technological significations that surround it. To lesser and greater degrees (depending on the subject), you also bring personal circumstances into the field—perhaps your gender, your race, your religion, your economic class, your habits of language. And all those issues weigh also upon the people you write to and for.
The rhetorical situation
So considering your rhetorical situation calls on you to think hard about the notion of kairos. Being aware of your rhetorical moment means being able to understand and take advantage of dynamic, shifting circumstances and to choose the best (most timely) proofs and evidence for a particular place, situation, and audience. It means seizing moments and enjoying opportunities, not being overwhelmed by them. Doing so might even lead you to challenge the title of this text: is everything an argument?
That’s what makes writing arguments exciting.
Take a look at the bumper sticker below, and then analyze it. What
is its purpose? What kind of argument is it? Which of the stasis
questions does it most appropriately respond to? To what
audiences does it appeal? What appeals does it make and how?
Considering What’s “Normal” If you want to communicate effectively with people across cultures, then learn about the traditions in those cultures and examine the norms guiding your own behavior:
Explore your assumptions! Most of us regard our ways of thinking as “normal” or “right.” Such assumptions guide our judgments about what works in persuasive situations. But just because it may seem natural to speak bluntly in arguments, consider that others may find such aggression startling or even alarming. Remember: ways of arguing differ widely across cultures. Pay attention to how people from groups or cultures other than your own argue, and be sensitive to different paths of thinking you’ll
encounter as well as to differences in language. Don’t assume that all people share your cultural values, ethical principles, or political assumptions. People across the world have different ways of defining family, work, or happiness. As you present arguments to them, consider that they may be content with their different ways of organizing their lives and societies. Respect the differences among individuals within a given group. Don’t expect that every member of a community behaves—or argues—in the same way or shares the same beliefs. Avoid thinking, for instance, that there is a single Asian, African, or Hispanic culture or that Europeans are any less diverse or more predictable than Americans or Canadians in their thinking. In other words, be skeptical of stereotypes.
CHAPTER 2 Arguments Based on Emotion: Pathos
Emotional appeals (appeals to pathos) are powerful tools for influencing what people think and believe. We all make decisions— even including the most important ones—based on our feelings. That’s what many environmental advocates are counting on when they use images like those above to warn of the catastrophic effects of global warming on the earth and its peoples. The first image shows a boy and his boat on what used to be a lake but is now cracked dry earth; the second, a polar bear stranded on a small ice floe as the oceans rise around it; and the third, a graphic design of a melting earth.
Of course, some people don’t believe the warnings about climate change, arguing instead that they represent a hoax and that even if the climate is changing, it is not a result of human activities. And, as we would expect, this opposite side of the argument also uses emotionally persuasive images, like the following one from American Patriot, a news commentary YouTube channel.
The arguments packed into these four images all appeal to emotion, and research has shown us that we often make decisions based on just such appeals. So when you hear that formal or academic arguments should rely solely on facts to convince us, remember that facts alone often won’t carry the day, even for a worthy cause. The largely successful case made for same-sex marriage provides a notable example of a movement that persuaded people equally by virtue of the reasonableness and the passion of its claims. Like many political and social debates, though, the issue provoked powerful emotions on every side—feelings that sometimes led to extreme words and tactics.
Recent research also shows that images that evoke fear are less effective than those that arouse interest, worry, or hope. When the Yale Center for Climate Change Communication asked both supporters and deniers of climate change what they felt when they thought about this topic, they got the following results:
In spite of the findings from such research, we don’t have to look hard for arguments that appeal to fear, hatred, envy, and greed, or for campaigns intended to drive wedges between economic or social groups, making them fearful or resentful. For that reason alone, writers should not use emotional appeals rashly or casually. But used carefully and ethically, appeals to emotions—especially ones like worry or hope —can be very helpful in moving an audience to action. (For more about emotional fallacies, see “Fallacies of Emotional Argument” in Chapter 5.)
Reading Critically for Pathos On February 24, 2014, Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa, fresh from two fact-finding trips to Cuba, described his experiences on the Senate floor in a speech praising that island nation’s accomplishments in health care and education and urging a normalization of Cuban– American relationships, a recommendation taken up by then-President Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro, who announced on December 17, 2014, that such normalization would begin. Many in the United States applauded this move, but others, including many Cuban Americans in the Miami area, objected strenuously. Florida senator Marco Rubio was one of those speaking most passionately against normalization of relationships. Shortly after Senator Harkin’s talk about the “fascinating” socialist experiment ninety miles from the coast of the United States, Rubio delivered a fifteen-minute rejoinder to Harkin without a script or teleprompter. After a sarcastic taunt (“Sounded like he had a wonderful trip visiting what he described as a real paradise”), Rubio quickly turned serious, even angry, as he offered his take on the country Harkin had toured:
I heard him also talk about these great doctors that they have in Cuba. I have no doubt they’re very talented. I’ve met a bunch of them. You know where I met them? In the United States because they defected. Because in Cuba, doctors would rather drive a taxi cab or work in a hotel than be a doctor. I wonder if they spoke to him about the outbreak of cholera
that they’ve been unable to control, or about the three-tiered system of health care that exists where foreigners and government officials get health care much better than that that’s available to the general population.
Language this heated and pointed has risks, especially when a young legislator is taking on a far more experienced colleague. But Rubio, the son of Cuban immigrants, isn’t shy about allowing his feelings to show: in the following passage, he uses the kind of emotion-stirring verbal repetition common in oratory to drive home his major concern about Cuba, its influence on other nations:
Let me tell you what the Cubans are really good at, because they don’t know how to run their economy, they don’t know how to build, they don’t know how to govern a people. What they are really good at is repression. What they are really good at is shutting off information to the Internet and to radio and television and social media. That’s what they’re really good at. And they’re not just good at it domestically, they’re good exporters of these things.
When the Obama administration indeed loosened restrictions on travel to Cuba and began establishing diplomatic relations, Rubio stuck to his guns, consistently and emotionally arguing against this move. And while he was a bitter primary campaign rival of Donald Trump, who ridiculed Rubio during the campaign as “little Marco” who was always sweating (“It looked like he had just jumped into a swimming pool with his clothes on”), once Trump was elected president Rubio continued his impassioned campaign to reverse policy on Cuba. So in
June 2017, when President Trump announced tightening of restrictions on travel to Cuba and other changes to the Obama policy, Rubio spoke glowingly of the president, saying that “A year and a half ago, an American president landed in Havana and outstretched his hand to a regime. Today, a new president lands in Miami to reach out his hand to the people of Cuba.” It’s likely that we have not heard the end of this debate, and that we will continue to hear emotion-filled arguments on all sides of this contentious issue.
Senator Rubio with President Trump
RESPOND● Working with a classmate, find a speech or a print editorial that you
think uses emotional appeals effectively but sparingly, in an
understated way. Make a list of those appeals and briefly explain
how each one appeals to an audience. What difference would it
have made if the emotional appeals had been presented more
forcefully and dramatically? Would doing so have been likely to
appeal more strongly to the audience—and why or why not? What is
at stake for the writer or speaker in such situations, in terms of
credibility and ethos? What are the advantages of evoking emotions
in support of your claims or ideas?
Using Emotions to Build Bridges You may sometimes want to use emotions to connect with readers to assure them that you understand their experiences or “feel their pain,” to borrow a sentiment popularized by President Bill Clinton. Such a bridge is especially important when you’re writing about matters that readers regard as sensitive. Before they’ll trust you, they’ll want assurances that you understand the issues in depth. If you strike the right emotional note, you’ll establish an important connection. That’s what Apple founder Steve Jobs does in a much-admired 2005 commencement address in which he tells the audience that he doesn’t have a fancy speech, just three stories from his life:
My second story is about love and loss. I was lucky. I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz [Steve Wozniak] and I started Apple in my parents’ garage when I was twenty. We worked hard and in ten years, Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over four thousand employees. We’d just released our finest creation, the Macintosh, a year earlier, and I’d just turned thirty, and then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, as Apple grew, we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so, things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge, and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our board of directors sided with him, and
so at thirty, I was out, and very publicly out. . . .
I didn’t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods in my life. During the next five years I started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the world’s first computer-animated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world.
—Steve Jobs, “You’ve Got to Find What You Love, Jobs Says”
In no obvious way is Jobs’s recollection a formal argument. But it prepares his audience to accept the advice he’ll give later in his speech, at least partly because he’s speaking from meaningful personal experiences.
A more obvious way to build an emotional tie is simply to help readers identify with your experiences. If, like Georgina Kleege, you were blind and wanted to argue for more sensible attitudes toward blind people, you might ask readers in the first paragraph of your argument to confront their prejudices. Here Kleege, a writer and college instructor who in July 2017 was featured on PBS’s “Brief but Spectacular” video series, makes an emotional point by telling a story:
Alexandra Dal’s cartoon “Questions” offers insight into what it feels like to be on the receiving end of racial microaggressions on a regular basis.
LINK TO Alexandra Dal, “Questions,” in Chapter 27
I tell the class, “I am legally blind.” There is a pause, a collective intake of breath. I feel them look away uncertainly and then look back. After all, I just said I couldn’t see. Or did I? I had managed to get there on my own—no cane, no dog, none of the usual trappings of blindness. Eyeing me askance now, they might detect that my gaze is not quite focused. . . . They watch me glance down, or towards the door where someone’s coming in late. I’m just like anyone else.
—Georgina Kleege, “Call It Blindness”
Given the way she narrates the first day of class, readers are as likely to identify with the students as with Kleege, imagining themselves sitting in a classroom, facing a sightless instructor, confronting their own prejudices about the blind. Kleege wants to put her audience on the edge emotionally.
Let’s consider another rhetorical situation: how do you win over an audience when the logical claims that you’re making are likely to go against what many in the audience believe? Once again, a slightly risky appeal to emotions on a personal level may work. That’s the tack that Michael Pollan takes in bringing readers to consider that “the great
moral struggle of our time will be for the rights of animals.” In introducing his lengthy exploratory argument, Pollan uses personal experience to appeal to his audience:
The first time I opened Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation, I was dining alone at the Palm, trying to enjoy a rib-eye steak cooked medium-rare. If this sounds like a good recipe for cognitive dissonance (if not indigestion), that was sort of the idea. Preposterous as it might seem to supporters of animal rights, what I was doing was tantamount to reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin on a plantation in the Deep South in 1852.
—Michael Pollan, “An Animal’s Place”
A visual version of Michael Pollan’s rhetorical situation
In creating a vivid image of his first encounter with Singer’s book, Pollan’s opening builds a bridge between himself as a person trying to enter into the animal rights debate in a fair and open-minded, if still skeptical, way and readers who might be passionate about either side of this argument.
Using Emotions to Sustain an Argument You can also use emotional appeals to make logical claims stronger or more memorable. In a TV political attack ad, a video clip of a scowling, blustering candidate talking dismissively about an important issue has the potential to damage that candidate considerably. In contrast, a human face smiling or showing honest emotion can sell just about any product—that’s why so many political figures now routinely smile at any camera they see. Using emotion is tricky, however, and it can sometimes backfire. Lay on too much feeling—especially sentiments like outrage, pity, or shame, which make people uncomfortable—and you may offend the very audiences you hoped to convince.
Still, strong emotions can add energy to a passage or an entire argument, as they do in Richard Lloyd Parry’s Ghosts of the Tsunami: Death and Life in Japan’s Disaster Zone. In this passage, Parry describes in vivid detail the scene that greeted one mother the day the 2011 earthquake hit:
On the near side was Hitomi’s home village of Magaki and then an expanse of paddies stretching to the Fuji lake; the polished blue and red roofs of other hamlets glittered at the edges of the hills. It was an archetypal view of the Japanese countryside: abundant nature, tamed and cultivated by man. But now she struggled to make sense of what she saw.
Everything up to and in between the hills was water. There was only water: buildings and fields had gone. The water was black in the early light; floating on it were continents and trailing archipelagos of dark scummy rubble, brown in color and composed of tree trunks. Every patch of land that was not elevated had been absorbed by the river, which had been annexed in turn by the sea.
In this new geography, the Fuji lake was no longer a lake. . . . The river was no longer a river. . . . Okawa Elementary School was invisible, hidden from view by the great shoulder of hills from which Hitomi looked down. But the road, the houses, and Magaki, where Hitomi’s home and family had been, were washed from the earth.
A wrecked car lies submerged in floodwaters after the earthquake and tsunami in Fukushima prefecture, Japan.
As this example suggests, it can be difficult to gauge how much emotion will work in a given argument. Some issues—such as racism, immigration, abortion, and gun control—provoke strong feelings and, as a result, are often argued on emotional terms. But even issues that seem deadly dull—such as reform of federal student loan programs— can be argued passionately when proposed changes in these programs are set in human terms: reduce support for college loans and Kai, Riley, and Jayden end up in dead-end, low-paying jobs; don’t reform the program and we’re looking at another Wall Street–sized loan bailout and subsequent recession. Both alternatives might scare people into paying enough attention to take political action.
Using Humor Humor has always played an important role in argument, sometimes as the sugar that makes the medicine go down. You can slip humor into an argument to put readers at ease, thereby making them more open to a proposal you have to offer. It’s hard to say no when you’re laughing. Humor also makes otherwise sober people suspend their judgment and even their prejudices, perhaps because the surprise and naughtiness of wit are combustive: they provoke laughter or smiles, not reflection. Who can resist a no-holds-barred attack on a famous personality, such as this assessment of model/actor Cara Delevingne in the 2017 sci-fi flop Valerian:
As played by model Cara Delevingne with a smirk that just won’t quit, Laureline is way ballsier than Valerian, who still looks in need of a mother’s love. She can pose and preen like an expert in her space gear—and those eyebrows!—but there’s no there there.
—Peter Travers, in Rolling Stone
Humor deployed cleverly may be why TV shows like South Park and Modern Family became popular with mainstream audiences, despite their willingness to explore controversial themes. Similarly, it’s possible to make a point through humor that might not work that well in more academic writing. The subject of standardized testing, for instance, has generated much heat and light, as researchers and teachers and policy makers argue endlessly over whether it is helpful— or not. TV talk show host and satirist John Oliver took a crack at the
subject in a segment of Last Week Tonight, arguing that the testing business in America has gotten way out of hand and that it does not help students but rather funnels money into the coffers of companies such as Pearson, who dominate the testing market.
After introducing the subject, Oliver goes on one of his signature humorous rampages, skewering the country’s obsession with testing:
Look, standardized tests are the fastest way to terrify any child with five letters outside of just whispering the word “clown.”
After showing a video clip of kids rapping about the joys of testing, Oliver continues:
Standardized tests look like amazing fun. I wish I could take one right now: bring me a pencil please—a number 2 pencil! But it just gets better, because an elementary school in Texas
even held a test-themed pep rally featuring a monkey mascot.
Fade to a monkey cavorting around the auditorium stage, swooning over testing fun and yelling “here comes the monkey.” Then after a video clip showing teachers describing how many students get physically sick while taking tests (“Something is wrong with our system when we just assume that a certain number of kids will vomit”), Oliver asks,
Is it any wonder that students are sick of tests? . . . If standardized tests are bad for teachers and bad for kids, who exactly are they good for? Well, it turns out, they’re operated by companies like Pearson, who control forty percent of the testing market.
Pearson, Oliver says, is
the equivalent of Time Warner Cable: either you never had an interaction with them and don’t care, or they ruined your [entire] life.
Viewers may not agree with Oliver’s claims about standardized testing, but his use of humor and satire certainly gets him a large viewing audience and keeps them listening to the end.
A writer or speaker can even use humor to deal with sensitive issues. For example, sports commentator Bob Costas, given the honor of eulogizing the great baseball player Mickey Mantle, couldn’t ignore problems in Mantle’s life. So he argues for Mantle’s greatness by
admitting the man’s weaknesses indirectly through humor:
It brings to mind a story Mickey liked to tell on himself and maybe some of you have heard it. He pictured himself at the pearly gates, met by St. Peter, who shook his head and said, “Mick, we checked the record. We know some of what went on. Sorry, we can’t let you in. But before you go, God wants to know if you’d sign these six dozen baseballs.”
—Bob Costas, “Eulogy for Mickey Mantle”
Similarly, politicians may use humor to deal with issues they couldn’t acknowledge in any other way. Here, for example, is former president George W. Bush at the 2004 Radio and TV Correspondents’ Dinner discussing his much-mocked intellect:
Those stories about my intellectual capacity do get under my skin. You know, for a while I even thought my staff believed it. There on my schedule first thing every morning it said, “Intelligence briefing.”
—George W. Bush
Not all humor is well-intentioned or barb-free. In fact, among the most powerful forms of emotional argument is ridicule—humor aimed at a particular target. Eighteenth-century poet and critic Samuel Johnson was known for his stinging and humorous put-downs, such as this comment to an aspiring writer: “Your manuscript is both good and original, but the part that is good is not original and the part that is
original is not good.” (Expect your own writing teachers to be kinder.) In our own time, the Onion has earned a reputation for its mastery of both ridicule and satire, the art of using over-the-top humor to make a serious point.
But because ridicule is a double-edged sword, it requires a deft hand to wield it. Humor that reflects bad taste discredits a writer completely, as does satire that misses its mark. Unless your target deserves riposte and you can be very funny, it’s usually better to steer clear of such humor.
Using Arguments Based on Emotion You don’t want to play puppet master with people’s emotions when you write arguments, but it’s a good idea to spend some time early in your work thinking about how you want readers to feel as they consider your persuasive claims. For example, would readers of your editorial about campus traffic policies be more inclined to agree with you if you made them envy faculty privileges, or would arousing their sense of fairness work better? What emotional appeals might persuade meat eaters to consider a vegan diet—or vice versa? Would sketches of stage props on a Web site persuade people to buy a season ticket to the theater, or would you spark more interest by featuring pictures of costumed performers?
Consider, too, the effect that a story can have on readers. Writers and journalists routinely use what are called human-interest stories to give presence to issues or arguments. You can do the same, using a particular incident to evoke sympathy, understanding, outrage, or amusement. Take care, though, to tell an honest story.
1. To what specific emotions do the following slogans, sales pitches, and maxims appeal?
“Make America Great Again” (Donald Trump rallying cry)
“Just do it.” (ad for Nike)
“Think different.” (ad for Apple computers)
“Reach out and touch someone.” (ad for AT&T)
“There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s MasterCard.” (slogan for MasterCard)
“Have it your way.” (slogan for Burger King)
“The ultimate driving machine.” (slogan for BMW)
“It’s everywhere you want to be.” (slogan for Visa)
“Don’t mess with Texas!” (anti-litter campaign slogan)
“American by Birth. Rebel by Choice.” (slogan for Harley- Davidson)
2. Bring a magazine to class, and analyze the emotional appeals in as many full-page ads as you can. Then practice your critical reading skills by classifying those ads by types of emotional appeal, and see whether you can connect the appeals to the subject or target audience of the magazine. Compare your results with those of your classmates, and discuss your findings. For instance, how exactly are the ads in publications such as Cosmopolitan, Wired, Sports Illustrated, Motor Trend, and Smithsonian adapted to their specific audiences?
3. How do arguments based on emotion work in different media? Are such arguments more or less effective in books, articles, television (both news and entertainment shows), films, brochures, magazines, email, Web sites, the theater, street protests, and so on? You might explore how a single medium handles emotional appeals or compare different media. For example, why do the comments sections of blogs seem to
encourage angry outbursts? Are newspapers an emotionally colder source of information than television news programs? If so, why?
4. Spend some time looking for arguments that use ridicule or humor to make their point: check out your favorite Twitter feeds or blogs; watch for bumper stickers, posters, or advertisements; and listen to popular song lyrics. Bring one or two examples to class, and be ready to explain how the humor makes an emotional appeal and whether it’s effective.
CHAPTER 3 Arguments Based on Character: Ethos
Whenever you read anything—whether it’s a news article, an advertisement, a speech, or a tweet—you no doubt subconsciously analyze the message for a sense of the character and credibility of the sender: Is this someone I know and trust? Does the Fox News reporter —or the Doctors Without Borders Web site—seem biased, and if so, how? Why should I believe an advertisement for a car? Is this scholar really an authority on the subject? Our culture teaches us to be skeptical of most messages, especially those that bombard us with slogans, and such reasonable doubt is a crucial skill in reading and evaluating arguments.
For that reason, people and institutions that hope to influence us do everything they can to establish their character and credibility, what ancient rhetors referred to as ethos. And sometimes slogans such as “All the News That’s Fit to Print,” “The Most Trusted Name in News,” or “Lean In” can be effective. At the very least, if a phrase is repeated often enough, it begins to sound plausible. Maybe Fox News really IS the most watched and most trusted news source!
But establishing character usually takes more than repetition, as marketers of all kinds know. It arises from credentials actually earned in some way. In the auto industry, for instance, Subaru builds on its customer loyalty by telling buyers that love makes a Subaru, and companies such as Toyota, General Motors, and Nissan are hustling to present themselves as environmentally responsible producers of fuel- efficient, low-emission cars—the Prius, Bolt, and Leaf. BMW, maker of “the ultimate driving machine,” points to its fuel-sipping i3 and i8 cars as evidence of its commitment to “sustainable mobility.” And Elon Musk (who builds rockets as well as Tesla cars) polishes his good-citizenship bona fides by releasing an affordable mass market electric car and by sharing his electric vehicle patents with other manufacturers. All of these companies realize that their future success is linked to an ability to project a convincing ethos for themselves and their products.
If corporations and institutions can establish an ethos, consider how much character matters when we think about people in the public arena. Perhaps no individual managed a more exceptional assertion of personal ethos than Jorge Mario Bergoglio did after he became Pope Francis on March 13, 2013, following the abdication of Benedict XVI —a man many found scholarly, cold, and out of touch with the modern world. James Carroll, writing for the New Yorker, identifies the precise moment when the world realized that it was dealing with a new sort of pope:
“Who am I to judge?” With those five words, spoken in late July [2013] in reply to a reporter’s question about the status
of gay priests in the Church, Pope Francis stepped away from the disapproving tone, the explicit moralizing typical of popes and bishops.
—James Carroll, “Who Am I to Judge?”
Carroll goes on to explain that Francis quickly established his ethos with a series of specific actions, decisions, and moments of identification with ordinary people, marking him as someone even nonbelievers might listen to and respect:
As pope, Francis has simplified the Renaissance regalia of the papacy by abandoning fur-trimmed velvet capes, choosing to live in a two-room apartment instead of the Apostolic Palace, and replacing the papal Mercedes with a Ford Focus. Instead of the traditional red slip-ons, Francis wears ordinary black shoes. . . . Yet Francis didn’t criticize the choices of other prelates. “He makes changes without attacking people,” a Jesuit official told me. In his interview with La Civiltà Cattolica, Francis said, “My choices, including those related to the day-to-day aspects of life, like the use of a modest car, are related to a spiritual discernment that responds to a need that arises from looking at things, at people, and from reading the signs of the times.”
In that last sentence, Francis acknowledges that ethos is gained, in part, through identification with one’s audience and era. And this man, movingly photographed embracing the sick and disfigured, also posed for selfies!
You can see, then, why Aristotle treats ethos as a powerful argumentative appeal. Ethos creates quick and sometimes almost irresistible connections between readers and arguments. We observe people, groups, or institutions making and defending claims all the time and inevitably ask ourselves, Should we pay attention to them? Can we rely on them? Do we dare to trust them? Consider, though, that the same questions will be asked about you and your work, especially in academic settings.
Thinking Critically about Arguments Based on Character Put simply, arguments based on character (ethos) depend on trust. We tend to accept arguments from those we trust, and we trust them (whether individuals, groups, or institutions) in good part because of their reputations. Three main elements—credibility, authority, and unselfish or clear motives—add up to ethos.
To answer serious and important questions, we often turn to professionals (doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, pastors) or to experts (those with knowledge and experience) for good advice. Based on their backgrounds, such people come with their ethos already established. Thus, appeals or arguments about character often turn on claims like these:
A person (or group or institution) is or is not trustworthy or credible on this issue. A person (or group or institution) does or does not have the authority to speak to this issue. A person (or group or institution) does or does not have unselfish or clear motives for addressing this subject.
The UMass Amherst Information Security department uses humor in its posters reminding students that their pets’ names are not the best choice for a secure password.
Establishing Trustworthiness and Credibility Trustworthiness and credibility speak to a writer’s honesty, respect for an audience and its values, and plain old likability. Sometimes a sense of humor can play an important role in getting an audience to listen to or “like” you. It’s no accident that all but the most serious speeches begin with a joke or funny story: the humor puts listeners at ease and helps them identify with the speaker. Writer J. K. Rowling, for example, puts her audience (and herself) at ease early in the commencement address she delivered at Harvard by getting real about such speeches, recalling her own commencement:
The speaker that day was the distinguished British philosopher Baroness Mary Warnock. Reflecting on her speech has helped me enormously in writing this one, because it turns out that I can’t remember a single word she said.
—J. K. Rowling, “The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination”
LINK TO McKenzie, “Getting Personal about Cybersecurity,” in Chapter 26
In just two sentences, Rowling pokes fun at herself and undercuts the expectation that graduation addresses change people’s lives. For an audience well disposed toward her already, Rowling has likely lived up to expectations.
But using humor to enhance your credibility may be more common in oratory than in the kind of writing you’ll do in school. Fortunately, you have many options, one being simply to make plausible claims and then back them up with evidence. Academic audiences appreciate a reasonable disposition; we will discuss this approach at greater length in the next chapter.
You can also establish trustworthiness by connecting your own beliefs to core principles that are well established and widely respected. This strategy is particularly effective when your position seems to be—at first glance, at least—a threat to traditional values. For example, when former Smith College president Ruth J. Simmons describes her professional self to a commencement audience, she presents her acquired reputation in terms that align perfectly with contemporary values:
For my part, I was cast as a troublemaker in my early career and accepted the disapproval that accompanies the expression of unpopular views: unpopular views about disparate pay for women and minorities; unpopular views about sexual harassment; unpopular views about exclusionary practices in
our universities.
—Ruth J. Simmons
It’s fine to be a rebel when you are on the right side of history.
Writers who establish their credibility seem trustworthy. But sometimes, to be credible, you have to admit limitations, too, as New York Times columnist Frank Bruni does as he positions himself in relation to issues of oppression and deep-seated bias in an editorial titled “I’m a White Man: Hear Me Out.” First acknowledging his racial and socioeconomic privilege as a white man from an upper-class background (private school, backyard swimming pool), Bruni then addresses another, less-privileged facet of his identity:
But wait. I’m gay. . . . Gay from a different, darker day, . . . when gay stereotypes went unchallenged, gay jokes drew hearty laughter and exponentially more Americans were closeted than out. . . . Then AIDS spread, and . . . our rallying cry, “silence = death,” defined marginalization as well as any words could.
—Frank Bruni, “I’m a White Man: Hear Me Out”
Making such concessions to readers sends a strong signal that you’ve looked critically at your own position and can therefore be trusted when you turn to arguing its merits. Speaking to readers directly, using I or you or us, can also help you connect with them, as can using contractions and everyday or colloquial language—both strategies
employed by Bruni. In other situations, you may find that a more formal tone gives your claims greater credibility. You’ll be making such choices as you search for the ethos that represents you best.
In fact, whenever you write an essay or present an idea, you are sending signals about your credibility, whether you intend to or not. If your ideas are reasonable, your sources are reliable, and your language is appropriate to the project, you suggest to academic readers that you’re someone whose ideas might deserve attention. Details matter: helpful graphs, tables, charts, or illustrations may carry weight with readers, as will the visual attractiveness of your text, whether in print or digital form. Obviously, correct spelling, grammar, and mechanics are important too. And though you might not worry about it now, at some point you may need letters of recommendation from instructors or supervisors. How will they remember you? Often chiefly from the ethos you have established in your work. Think about that.
Rob Greenfield establishes his ethos right in the title of his blog post, “An Argument against Veganism . . . from a Vegan.”
LINK TO Greenfield, “An Argument against Veganism . . . from a Vegan,” in Chapter 24
Claiming Authority
When you read or listen to an argument, you have every right to ask about the writer’s authority: What does he know about the subject? What experiences does she have that make her especially knowledgeable? Why should I pay attention to this person? When you offer an argument yourself, you have to anticipate and be prepared to answer questions like these, either directly or indirectly.
How does someone construct an authoritative ethos? In an essay about John McCain’s decision to vote against a Senate bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act, AP reporter Laurie Kellman notes some of McCain’s experiences that help build his credibility:
Longtime colleagues . . . say [McCain] developed his fearlessness as a navy aviator held as a prisoner for more than five years in Vietnam. Resilience, they say, has fueled his long Senate career and helped him overcome two failed presidential campaigns. For some, McCain has become the moral voice of the Republican Party.
—Laurie Kellman, “Cancer Isn’t Silencing McCain”
Here Kellman stresses McCain’s length of service in the Senate as well as his military service and prisoner of war status, and she refers to him as a “standard bearer” and “moral voice” of the Republican Party. In doing so, she indicates that McCain’s ethos is hard won and to be taken seriously.
Senator John McCain
Of course, writers establish their authority in various ways. Sometimes the assertion of ethos will be bold and personal, as it is when writer and activist Terry Tempest Williams attacks those who poisoned the Utah deserts with nuclear radiation. What gives her the right to speak on this subject? Not scientific expertise, but gut-wrenching personal experience:
I belong to the Clan of One-Breasted Women. My mother, my grandmothers, and six aunts have all had mastectomies. Seven are dead. The two who survive have just completed rounds of
chemotherapy and radiation.
I’ve had my own problems: two biopsies for breast cancer and a small tumor between my ribs diagnosed as a “borderline malignancy.”
—Terry Tempest Williams, “The Clan of One-Breasted Women”
We are willing to listen to Williams because she has lived with the nuclear peril she will deal with in the remainder of her essay.
Other means of claiming authority are less dramatic. By simply attaching titles to their names, writers assert that they hold medical or legal or engineering degrees, or some other important credentials. Or they may mention the number of years they’ve worked in a given field or the distinguished positions they have held. As a reader, you’ll pay more attention to an argument about sustainability offered by a professor of ecology and agriculture at the University of Minnesota than one by your Uncle Sid, who sells tools. But you’ll prefer your uncle to the professor when you need advice about a reliable rotary saw.
In our current political climate, the ethos of experts—such as scientists or other academics with deep knowledge about a subject—is being questioned. Matt Grossmann and David A. Hopkins, professors of public policy and political science, identify this trend particularly at the right end of the political spectrum:
Data from the General Social Survey demonstrate that declining public faith in science is concentrated among conservatives. Compared to Democrats, Republicans are significantly less likely to trust what scientists say, more critical of political bias in academe and less confident in colleges and universities. Negative attitudes toward science and the media also intersect, with one-third of Republicans reporting no trust in journalists to accurately report scientific studies.
—Matt Grossmann and David A. Hopkins, “How Information Became Ideological”
Like the attacks on “fake news,” here Grossmann and Hopkins identify an assault on the ethos of scientists and other academic experts.
When readers might be skeptical of both you and your claims, you may have to be even more specific about your credentials. That’s exactly the strategy Richard Bernstein uses to establish his right to speak on the subject of “Asian culture.” What gives a New York writer named Bernstein the authority to write about Asian peoples? Bernstein tells us in a sparkling example of an argument based on character:
The Asian culture, as it happens, is something I know a bit about, having spent five years at Harvard striving for a Ph.D. in a joint program called History and East Asian Languages and, after that, living either as a student (for one year) or a journalist (six years) in China and Southeast Asia. At least I know enough to know there is no such thing as the “Asian
—Richard Bernstein, Dictatorship of Virtue
When you write for readers who trust you and your work, you may not have to make such an open claim to authority. But making this type of appeal is always an option.
Coming Clean about Motives When people are trying to convince you of something, it’s important (and natural) to ask: Whose interests are they serving? How will they profit from their proposal? Such questions go to the heart of ethical arguments.
In a hugely controversial 2014 essay published in the Princeton Tory, Tal Fortgang, a first-year student at the Ivy League school, argues that those on campus who used the phrase “Check your privilege” to berate white male students like him for the advantages they enjoy are, in fact, judging him according to gender and race, and not for “all the hard work I have done in my life.” To challenge stereotypical assumptions about the “racist patriarchy” that supposedly paved his way to Princeton, Fortgang writes about the experiences of his ancestors, opening the paragraphs with a striking parallel structure:
Perhaps it’s the privilege my grandfather and his brother had to flee their home as teenagers when the Nazis invaded Poland, leaving their mother and five younger siblings behind, running and running. . . .
Or maybe it’s the privilege my grandmother had of spending weeks upon weeks on a death march through Polish forests in subzero temperatures, one of just a handful to survive. . . .
Perhaps my privilege is that those two resilient individuals
came to America with no money and no English, obtained citizenship, learned the language and met each other. . . .
Perhaps it was my privilege that my own father worked hard enough in City College to earn a spot at a top graduate school, got a good job, and for 25 years got up well before the crack of dawn, sacrificing precious time he wanted to spend with those he valued most—his wife and kids—to earn that living.
—Tal Fortgang, “Checking My Privilege: Character as the Basis of Privilege”
Fortgang thus attempts to establish his own ethos and win the argument against those who make assumptions about his roots by dramatizing the ethos of his ancestors:
That’s the problem with calling someone out for the “privilege” which you assume has defined their narrative. You don’t know what their struggles have been, what they may have gone through to be where they are. Assuming they’ve benefitted from “power systems” or other conspiratorial imaginary institutions denies them credit for all they’ve done, things of which you may not even conceive. You don’t know whose father died defending your freedom. You don’t know whose mother escaped oppression. You don’t know who conquered their demons, or may still [be] conquering them now.
As you might imagine, the pushback to “Checking My Privilege” was
enormous, some of the hundreds of comments posted to an online version accusing Fortgang himself of assuming the very ethos of victimhood against which he inveighs. Peter Finocchiaro, a reviewer on Slate, is especially brutal: “Only a few short months ago he was living at home with his parents. His life experience, one presumes, is fairly limited. So in that sense, he doesn’t really know any better. . . . He is an ignorant 19-year-old white guy from Westchester.” You can see in this debate how ethos quickly raises issues of knowledge and motives. Fortgang tries to resist the stereotype others would impose on his character, but others regard the very ethos he fashions in his essay as evidence of his naïveté about race, discrimination, and, yes, privilege.
We all, of course, have connections and interests that bind us to other human beings. It makes sense that a young man would explore his social identity, that a woman might be concerned with women’s issues, that members of minority groups might define social and cultural conditions on their own terms—or even that investors might look out for their investments. It’s simply good strategy, not to mention ethical, to let your audiences know where your loyalties lie when such information does, in fact, shape your work.
Using Ethos in Your Own Writing
Establish your credibility by listening carefully to and acknowledging your audience’s values, showing respect for them, and establishing common ground where (and if) possible. How will you convince your audience you are trustworthy? What will you admit about your own limitations?
Establish your authority by showing you have done your homework and know your topic well. How will you show that you know your topic well? What appropriate personal experience can you draw on? Examine your motives for writing. What, if anything, do you stand to gain from your argument? How can you explain those advantages to your audience?
Ethos In the United States, students are often asked to establish authority by drawing on personal experiences, by reporting on research they or others have conducted, and by taking a position for which they can offer strong evidence. But this expectation about student authority is by no means universal.
Some cultures regard student writers as novices who can most effectively make arguments by reflecting on what they’ve learned from their teachers and elders—those who hold the most important knowledge and, hence, authority. When you’re arguing a point with people from cultures other than your own, ask questions like:
Whom are you addressing, and what is your relationship with that person? What knowledge are you expected to have? Is it appropriate or expected for you to demonstrate that knowledge—and if so, how? What tone is appropriate? And remember: politeness is rarely, if ever, inappropriate.
1. Consider the ethos of these public figures. Then describe one or two products that might benefit from their endorsements as well as several that would not.
Edward Snowden—whistleblower
Beyoncé—singer, dancer, actress
Denzel Washington—actor
Tom Brady—football player
Rachel Maddow—TV news commentator
Ariana Grande—singer
Seth Meyers—late-night TV host
Lin-Manuel Miranda—hip hop artist and playwright
Venus Williams—tennis player
2. Opponents of Richard Nixon, the thirty-seventh president of the United States, once raised doubts about his integrity by asking a single ruinous question: Would you buy a used car from this man? Create your own version of the argument of character. Begin by choosing an intriguing or controversial person or group and finding an image online. Then download the image into a word-processing file. Create a caption for the photo that is modeled after the question asked about Nixon: Would you give this woman your email password? Would you share a campsite with this couple? Would you eat lasagna that this guy fixed? Finally, write a serious 300-word argument that explores
the character flaws or strengths of your subject(s). 3. Practice reading rhetorically and critically by taking a close
look at your own Facebook page (or your page on any other social media site). What are some aspects of your character, true or not, that might be conveyed by the photos, videos, and messages you have posted online? Analyze the ethos or character you see projected there, using the advice in this chapter to guide your analysis.
CHAPTER 4 Arguments Based on Facts and Reason: Logos
In 2018, it feels like facts are under siege, as these three images suggest. Cartoonists are having a field day with a “post-fact” world, while serious scientists are hard at work trying to understand “why facts don’t change our minds.” From Kellyanne Conway’s evocation of “alternative facts” to Donald Trump’s tendency to label reports that do not support his views as “fake news,” we are witnessing a world in which the statement by Through the Looking-Glass’s White Queen that “sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast” seems, well, unremarkable. After the 2016 election, for example, President Trump declared that there was “serious voter fraud” in Virginia, in New Hampshire, in California, and elsewhere, although researchers could find no evidence to back up his claim, and fact- checkers across the board found the “fact” to be baseless. In June 2017, three CNN employees resigned after the network retracted a story that claimed Congress was investigating a “Russian investment fund with ties to Trump officials”; the journalists had used only one unreliable source to back up this supposedly factual claim. We could go on and
on with such examples from across the political spectrum, and no doubt you could add your own to the list.
In “Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds,” Elizabeth Kolbert surveys cognitive science research that’s trying to understand why this is so, pointing to a series of experiments at Stanford University that found that “Even after the evidence for their beliefs had been totally refuted, people fail to make appropriate revisions to those beliefs”:
Thousands of subsequent experiments have confirmed (and elaborated on) this finding. As everyone who’s followed the research—or even occasionally picked up a copy of Psychology Today—knows, any graduate student with a clipboard can demonstrate that reasonable-seeming people are often totally irrational. Rarely has this insight seemed more relevant than it does now.
Scientists working on this issue point to the “confirmation” or “myside” bias, the strong tendency to accept information that supports our beliefs and values and to reject information that opposes them, as well as to our tendency to think we know a whole lot more than we actually do. A study at Yale asked graduate students to rate their knowledge of everyday items, including toilets, and to write up an explanation of how such devices worked. While the graduate students rated their knowledge/understanding as high before they wrote up the explanations, that exercise showed them that they didn’t really know how toilets worked, and their self-assessment dropped significantly. The researchers, Steven Sloman and Philip Fernbach, call this effect the “illusion of explanatory depth” and find that it is very widespread.
“Where it gets us into trouble,” they say, is in “the political domain.” As Kolbert writes, “It’s one thing for me to flush a toilet without knowing how it operates, and another for me to favor (or oppose) an immigration ban without knowing what I’m talking about.” Sloman and Fernbach explain: “As a rule, strong feelings about issues do not emerge from deep understanding. . . . This is how a community of knowledge can become dangerous.”
Such findings are important to all of us, and they suggest several steps all writers, readers, and speakers should take as they deal with arguments based on facts and reason. First, examine your own beliefs in particular facts and pieces of information: do you really know what you’re talking about or are you simply echoing what others you know say or think? Second, you need to become a conscientious fact- checker, digging deep to make sure claims are backed by evidence. Doing so is especially important with information you get from social media, where misinformation, disinformation, and even outright lies may be presented as “facts” that you might retweet or post, thus perpetuating false or questionable information.
Finally, don’t give up on facts. The researchers discussed above also show that, when given a choice, most people still say they respect and even prefer appeals to claims based on facts, evidence, and reason. Just make sure that the logical appeals you are using are factually correct and ethical as well.
Thinking Critically about Hard Evidence Aristotle helps us out in classifying arguments by distinguishing two kinds:
Artistic Proofs
Arguments the writer/speaker creates
Constructed arguments
Appeals to reason; common sense
Inartistic Proofs
Arguments the writer/speaker is given
Hard evidence
Facts, statistics, testimonies, witnesses, contracts, documents
We can see these different kinds of logical appeals at work in a passage from a statement made on September 5, 2017, by Attorney General Jeff Sessions:
Good morning. I am here today to announce that the program known as DACA that was effectuated under the Obama Administration is being rescinded. The DACA program was implemented in 2012 and essentially provided a legal status for recipients for a renewable two-year term, work authorization and other benefits, including participation in the social security program, to 800,000 mostly-adult illegal aliens. This policy was implemented unilaterally to great controversy and legal concern after Congress rejected legislative proposals to extend similar benefits on numerous occasions to this same group of illegal aliens.
In other words, the executive branch, through DACA, deliberately sought to achieve what the legislative branch specifically refused to authorize on multiple occasions. Such an open-ended circumvention of immigration laws was an unconstitutional exercise of authority by the Executive Branch. The effect of this unilateral executive amnesty, among other things, contributed to a surge of unaccompanied minors on the southern border that yielded terrible humanitarian consequences. It also denied jobs to hundreds of thousands of Americans by allowing those same jobs to go to illegal aliens.
Jeff Sessions announcing that DACA would be rescinded by the Trump administration
Sessions opens his statement with a simple “good morning” and a direct announcement of his purpose: to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program initiated by the Obama
administration in 2012. In the next sentence, he uses “inartistic” evidence of what DACA provided (it was renewable and provided work authorization and other benefits) for “800,000 mostly-adult illegal aliens.” Noting that Congress had refused on several occasions to extend benefits to the “same group of illegal aliens,” Sessions offers the constructed argument that Obama’s “open-ended circumvention of immigration laws was an unconstitutional exercise of authority.” Presumably now drawing on hard evidence, Sessions argues that DACA led to “a surge of unaccompanied minors,” that it denied jobs to “hundreds of thousands” of Americans, and, by neglecting the “rule of law,” it subjected the United States to “the risk of crime, violence, and even terrorism.”
Sessions says early on in his statement that DACA was implemented amidst “great controversy,” and indeed that fact checks out. Other claims made in the statement, however, were quickly challenged. The nonpartisan FactCheck.org, for example, calls out Sessions’s description of DACA recipients as “mostly-adult illegal aliens” (a label he uses several times), citing research by Professor Tom Wong of the University of California, San Diego, whose national survey of 3,063 DACA holders in summer 2017 found that “on average they were six and a half years old when they arrived in the U.S. Most of them—54 percent—were under the age of 7.” So while they are adults today, they were not adults when they were brought to the United States. Likewise, FactCheck.org points out that Sessions’s claim that DACA contributed to a “surge of unaccompanied minors” is, at best, misleading and out of context:
It is true that there was a surge of unaccompanied children that caught the Obama administration off guard in fiscal 2012. The number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border peaked in fiscal 2014 at 68,541, dropping 42 percent to 39,970 in fiscal 2015 before rising again in fiscal year 2016 to 59,692.
But the children who crossed the border illegally were not eligible for DACA. As we said earlier, the criteria for DACA is continuous residence in the United States since June 15, 2007.
If you were reading or listening to this statement and wanted to do some fact-checking of your own, you might well begin by determining whether DACA really led to the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. In today’s political climate, in fact, it’s important that every one of us read with a critical eye, refusing to accept claims without proof, constructed arguments, or even “hard evidence” that we can’t fact- check for ourselves.
Two DACA “Dreamers” protesting near Trump Tower in New York the day after Sessions’s statement rescinding the program
RESPOND● Discuss whether the following statements are examples of hard
evidence or constructed arguments. Not all cases are clear-cut.
1. Drunk drivers are involved in more than 50 percent of traffic deaths.
2. DNA tests of skin found under the victim’s fingernails suggest that the defendant was responsible for the assault.
3. A psychologist testified that teenage violence could not be blamed on video games.
4. The crowds at President Trump’s inauguration were the largest on record.
5. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” 6. Air bags ought to be removed from vehicles because they can
kill young children and small-framed adults.
Facts Gathering factual information and transmitting it faithfully practically define what we mean by professional journalism and scholarship. Carole Cadwalladr, a reviewer for the British newspaper the Guardian, praises the research underlying It’s Complicated: The Networked Lives of Teens. Drawing on almost a decade of research by assistant professor danah boyd of New York University,
the book is grounded in hard academic research: proper interviews conducted with actual teenagers. What comes across most strongly, more so than the various “myths” and “panics” that the author describes, is just how narrow and circumscribed many of these teenagers’ lives have become.
Here the “hard academic research” the reviewer mentions is the ethnographic research that yields an accurate description of these young people’s lives.
When your facts are compelling, they might stand on their own in a low-stakes argument, supported by little more than saying where they come from. Consider the power of phrases such as “reported by the Wall Street Journal” or “according to FactCheck.org.” Such sources gain credibility if they have reported facts accurately and reliably over time. Using such credible sources in an argument can also reflect positively on you.
In scholarly arguments, which have higher expectations for accuracy, what counts is drawing sober conclusions from the evidence turned up
through detailed research or empirical studies. The language of such material may seem dryly factual to you, even when the content is inherently interesting. But presenting new knowledge dispassionately is (ideally at least) the whole point of scholarly writing, marking a contrast between it and the kind of intellectual warfare that occurs in many media forums, especially news programs and blogs. Here for example is a portion of a lengthy opening paragraph in the “Discussion and Conclusions” section of a scholarly paper arguing that people who spend a great deal of time on Facebook often frame their lives by what they observe there:
As expected in the first hypothesis, the results show that the longer people have used Facebook, the stronger was their belief that others were happier than themselves, and the less they agreed that life is fair. Furthermore, as predicted in the second hypothesis, this research found that the more “friends” people included on their Facebook whom they did not know personally, the stronger they believed that others had better lives than themselves. In other words, looking at happy pictures of others on Facebook gives people an impression that others are “always” happy and having good lives, as evident from these pictures of happy moments.
—Hui-Tzu Grace Chou, PhD, and Nicholas Edge, BS, “‘They Are Happier and Having Better Lives Than I Am’: The Impact of Using Facebook on Perceptions of Others’ Lives”
There are no fireworks in this conclusion, no slanted or hot language, no unfair or selective reporting of data, just a careful attention to the
Lindsay McKenzie cites statistics in her Web article about how secure students feel in protecting themselves from cyberattacks.
LINK TO McKenzie, “Getting Personal about Cybersecurity,” in Chapter 26
facts and behaviors uncovered by the study. But one can easily imagine these facts being subsequently used to support overdramatized claims about the dangers of social networks. That’s often what happens to scholarly studies when they are read and interpreted in the popular media.
Of course, arguing with facts can involve challenging even the most reputable sources if they lead to unfair or selective reporting or if the stories are presented or “framed” unfairly.
In an ideal world, good information—no matter where it comes from— would always drive out bad. But you already know that we don’t live in an ideal world, so all too often bad information gets repeated in an echo chamber that amplifies the errors.
You’ve probably heard the old saying “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics,” and it is certainly possible to lie with numbers, even those that are accurate, because numbers rarely speak for themselves. They need to be interpreted by writers—and writers almost always have agendas that shape the interpretations.
Of course, just because they are often misused doesn’t mean that statistics are meaningless, but it does suggest that you need to use them carefully and to remember that your careful reading of numbers is essential. Consider the attention-grabbing map below that went viral in June 2014. Created by Mark Gongloff of the Huffington Post in the wake of a school shooting in Oregon, it plotted the location of all seventy-four school shootings that had occurred in the United States since the Sandy Hook tragedy in December 2012, when twenty elementary school children and six adults were gunned down by a rifle- wielding killer. For the graphic, Gongloff drew on a list assembled by the group Everytown for Gun Safety, an organization formed by former New York City mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg to counter the influence of the National Rifle Association (NRA). Both the map and Everytown’s sobering list of shootings received wide attention in the media, given the startling number of incidents it recorded.
It didn’t take long before questions were raised about their accuracy.
Were American elementary and secondary school children under such frequent assault as the map based on Everytown’s list suggested? Well, yes and no. Guns were going off on and around school campuses, but the firearms weren’t always aimed at children. The Washington Post, CNN, and other news outlets soon found themselves pulling back on their initial reporting, offering a more nuanced view of the controversial number. To do that, the Washington Post began by posing an important question:
What constitutes a school shooting?
That five-word question has no simple answer, a fact underscored by the backlash to an advocacy group’s recent list of school shootings. The list, maintained by Everytown, a group that backs policies to limit gun violence, was updated last week to reflect what it identified as the 74 school shootings since the massacre in Newtown, Conn., a massacre that sparked a national debate over gun control.
Multiple news outlets, including this one, reported on Everytown’s data, prompting a backlash over the broad methodology used. As we wrote in our original post, the group considered any instance of a firearm discharging on school property as a shooting—thus casting a broad net that includes homicides, suicides, accidental discharges and, in a handful of cases, shootings that had no relation to the schools themselves and occurred with no students apparently present.
—Niraj Chokshi, “Fight over School Shooting List
Underscores Difficulty in Quantifying Gun Violence”
CNN followed the same path, re-evaluating its original reporting in light of criticism from groups not on the same page as Everytown for Gun Safety:
Without a doubt, that number is startling.
So . . . CNN took a closer look at the list, delving into the circumstances of each incident Everytown included. . . .
CNN determined that 15 of the incidents Everytown included were situations similar to the violence in Newtown or Oregon —a minor or adult actively shooting inside or near a school. That works out to about one such shooting every five weeks, a startling figure in its own right.
Some of the other incidents on Everytown’s list included personal arguments, accidents and alleged gang activities and drug deals.
—Ashley Fantz, Lindsey Knight, and Kevin Wang, “A Closer Look: How Many Newtown-like School Shootings since Sandy Hook?”
Other news organizations came up with their own revised numbers, but clearly the interpretation of a number can be as important as the statistic itself. And what were Mark Gongloff’s Twitter reactions to these reassessments? They made an argument as well:
Arguments over gun violence in schools reached a new peak in 2018 after seventeen students and staff members were killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, leading to a nationwide student walkout on March 14 and massive protests at eight hundred sites around the world on March 24 (including over half a million in Washington, D.C., alone), all organized and led by students. Articulate and media savvy, the student leaders knew to rely on “hard evidence” and solid, fact-checked statistics, and they conducted the research necessary to do so. Students across the United States learned a lesson well: when you rely on statistics in your arguments, make sure you understand where they come from, what they mean, and what their limitations might be. Check and double-check them or get help in doing so: you don’t want to be accused of using fictitious data based on questionable assumptions.
Statistical evidence becomes useful only when interpreted fairly and
reasonably. Go to the Business Insider Australia Web site and look
for one or more charts of the day
(www.businessinsider.com/au/category/chart-of-the-day). Choose
one, and use the information in it to support three different claims,
at least two of which make very different points. Share your claims
with classmates. (The point is not to learn to use data dishonestly
but to see firsthand how the same statistics can serve a variety of
Surveys and Polls When they verify the popularity of an idea or a proposal, surveys and polls provide strong persuasive appeals because they come as close to expressing the will of the people as anything short of an election—the most decisive poll of all. However, surveys and polls can do much more than help politicians make decisions. They can be important elements in scientific research, documenting the complexities of human behavior. They can also provide persuasive reasons for action or intervention. When surveys show, for example, that most American sixth-graders can’t locate France or Wyoming on a map—not to mention Ukraine or Afghanistan—that’s an appeal for better instruction in geography. It always makes sense, however, to question poll numbers, especially when they support our own point of view. Ask who commissioned the poll, who is publishing its outcome, who was surveyed (and in what proportions), and what stakes these parties might have in its outcome.
Are we being too suspicious? Not at all, and especially not today. In fact, this sort of scrutiny is exactly what you might anticipate from your readers whenever you use (or create) surveys to explore an issue.
You should be confident that enough subjects have been surveyed to be accurate, that the people chosen for the study were representative of the selected population as a whole, and that they were chosen randomly— not selected because of what they were likely to say. In a splendid article on how women can make research-based choices during pregnancy, economist Emily Oster explores, for example, whether an expectant mother might in fact be able to drink responsibly. She researches not only the results of the data, but also who was surveyed, and how their participation might have influenced the results. One 2001 study of pregnant women’s drinking habits and their children’s behavior years later cautioned that even a single drink per day while pregnant could cause behavioral issues. However, Oster uncovered a serious flaw in the study, noting that
18% of the women who didn’t drink at all and 45% of the women who had one drink a day reported using cocaine during pregnancy. . . . [R]eally? Cocaine? Perhaps the problem is that cocaine, not the occasional glass of Chardonnay, makes your child more likely to have behavior problems.
—Emily Oster, “Take Back Your Pregnancy”
Clearly, polls, surveys, and studies need to be examined critically. You can’t take even academic research at face value until you have explored its details.
The meaning of polls and surveys is also affected by the way that questions are posed. In the past, research revealed, for example, that
polling about same-sex unions got differing responses according to how questions were worded. When people were asked whether gay and lesbian couples should be eligible for the same inheritance and partner health benefits that heterosexual couples receive, a majority of those polled said yes—unless the word marriage appeared in the question; then the responses were primarily negative. If anything, the differences here reveal how conflicted people may have been about the issue and how quickly opinions might shift—as they have clearly done. Remember, then, to be very careful in reviewing the wording of survey or poll questions.
Finally, always keep in mind that the date of a poll may strongly affect the results—and their usefulness in an argument. In 2014, for example, a Reuters poll found that 20 percent of California residents said they supported “CalExit,” a proposal for California to secede from the United States and become a country in its own right. In 2017, however, the same poll found that figure had jumped from 20 percent to 32 percent. The pollsters note, however, that the “margin of error for the California answers was plus or minus 5 percentage points.” On public and political issues, you need to be sure that you are using the most timely information you can get.
Choose an important issue and design a series of questions to evoke
a range of responses in a poll. Try to design a question that would
make people strongly inclined to agree, another question that
would lead them to oppose the same proposition, and a third that
tries to be more neutral. Then try out your questions on your
In his article “Thick of Tongue,” linguist John McWhorter shares his personal experience as a black man whom others insist “sounds white.”
LINK TO McWhorter, “Thick of Tongue,” in Chapter 25
classmates and note what you learn about how to improve your
Testimonies and Narratives
Writers often support arguments by presenting human experiences in the form of narrative or testimony—particularly if those experiences are their own. When Republican Senator Orrin Hatch condemned KKK, neo-Nazi, and white nationalist protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017, he did so by calling on personal experience:
In courts, judges and juries often take into consideration detailed descriptions and narratives of exactly what occurred. In the case of Doe v. City of Belleville, the judges of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals decided, based on the testimony presented, that a man (known as H.)
had been sexually harassed by other men in his workplace. The narrative, in this case, supplies the evidence, noting that one coworker
constantly referred to H. as “queer” and “fag” and urged H. to “go back to San Francisco with the rest of the queers.” . . . The verbal taunting of H. turned physical one day when [a coworker] trapped [him] against a wall, proceeded to grab H. by the testicles and, having done so, announced to the assemblage of co-workers present, “Well, I guess he’s a guy.”
Personal perspectives can support a claim convincingly and logically, especially if a writer has earned the trust of readers. In arguing that Tea Party supporters of a government shutdown had no business being offended when some opponents described them as “terrorists,” Froma Harrop, one of the writers who used the term, argued logically and from experience why the characterization was appropriate:
[T]he hurt the tea party writers most complained of was to their feelings. I had engaged in name-calling, they kept saying. One professing to want more civility in our national conversation, as I do, should not be flinging around the terrorist word.
May I presume to disagree? Civility is a subjective concept, to be sure, but hurting people’s feelings in the course of making solid arguments is fair and square. The decline in the quality of our public discourse results not so much from an excess of spleen, but a deficit of well-constructed arguments. Few things upset partisans more than when the other side makes a case
that bats home.
“Most of us know that effectively scoring on a point of argument opens us to the accusation of mean-spiritedness,” writes Frank Partsch, who leads the National Conference of Editorial Writers’ Civility Project. “It comes with the territory, and a commitment to civility should not suggest that punches will be pulled in order to avoid such accusations.”
—Froma Harrop, “Hurt Feelings Can Be a Consequence of Strong Arguments”
This narrative introduction gives a rationale for supporting the claim Harrop is making: we can expect consequences when we argue ineffectively. (For more on establishing credibility with readers, see Chapter 3.)
Bring to class a full review of a recent film that you either enjoyed or
did not enjoy. Using testimony from that review, write a brief
argument to your classmates explaining why they should see that
movie (or why they should avoid it), being sure to use evidence from
the review fairly and reasonably. Then exchange arguments with a
classmate, and decide whether the evidence in your peer’s
argument helps to change your opinion about the movie. What’s
convincing about the evidence? If it doesn’t convince you, why
doesn’t it?
Using Reason and Common Sense If you don’t have “hard facts,” you can turn to those arguments Aristotle describes as “constructed” from reason and common sense. The formal study of such reasoning is called logic, and you probably recognize a famous example of deductive reasoning, called a syllogism:
All human beings are mortal.
Socrates is a human being.
Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
In valid syllogisms, the conclusion follows logically—and technically —from the premises that lead up to it. Many have criticized syllogistic reasoning for being limited, and others have poked fun at it, as in the cartoon above.
But we routinely see something like syllogistic reasoning operating in public arguments, particularly when writers take the time to explain key principles. Consider the step-by-step reasoning Michael Gerson uses to explain why exactly it was wrong for the Internal Revenue Service in 2010–2011 to target specific political groups, making it more difficult for them to organize politically:
Why does this matter deserve heightened scrutiny from the
rest of us? Because crimes against democracy are particularly insidious. Representative government involves a type of trade. As citizens, we cede power to public officials for important purposes that require centralized power: defending the country, imposing order, collecting taxes to promote the common good. In exchange, we expect public institutions to be evenhanded and disinterested. When the stewards of power— biased judges or corrupt policemen or politically motivated IRS officials—act unfairly, it undermines trust in the whole system.
—Michael Gerson, “An Arrogant and Lawless IRS”
Gerson’s criticism of the IRS actions might be mapped out by the following sequence of statements.
Crimes against democracy undermine trust in the system.
Treating taxpayers differently because of their political beliefs is a crime against democracy.
Therefore, IRS actions that target political groups undermine the American system.
Few writers, of course, think about formal deductive reasoning when they support their claims. Even Aristotle recognized that most people argue perfectly well using informal logic. To do so, they rely mostly on habits of mind and assumptions that they share with their readers or listeners—as Gerson essentially does in his paragraph.
In Chapter 7, we describe a system of informal logic that you may find useful in shaping credible appeals to reason—Toulmin argument. Here, we briefly examine some ways that people use informal logic in their everyday lives. Once again, we begin with Aristotle, who used the term enthymeme to describe an ordinary kind of sentence that includes both a claim and a reason but depends on the audience’s agreement with an assumption that is left implicit rather than spelled out. Enthymemes can be very persuasive when most people agree with the assumptions they rest on. The following sentences are all enthymemes:
We’d better cancel the picnic because it’s going to rain.
Flat taxes are fair because they treat everyone the same.
I’ll buy a PC instead of a Mac because it’s cheaper.
Sometimes enthymemes seem so obvious that readers don’t realize that they’re drawing inferences when they agree with them. Consider the first example:
We’d better cancel the picnic because it’s going to rain.
Let’s expand the enthymeme a bit to say more of what the speaker may mean:
We’d better cancel the picnic this afternoon because the weather bureau is predicting a 70 percent chance of rain for the remainder of the day.
Embedded in this brief argument are all sorts of assumptions and
fragments of cultural information that are left implicit but that help to make it persuasive:
Picnics are ordinarily held outdoors.
When the weather is bad, it’s best to cancel picnics.
Rain is bad weather for picnics.
A 70 percent chance of rain means that rain is more likely to occur than not.
When rain is more likely to occur than not, it makes sense to cancel picnics.
For most people, the original statement carries all this information on its own; the enthymeme is a compressed argument, based on what audiences know and will accept.
But sometimes enthymemes aren’t self-evident:
Be wary of environmentalism because it’s religion disguised as science.
iPhones are undermining civil society by making us even more focused on ourselves.
It’s time to make all public toilets unisex because to do otherwise is discriminatory.
In these cases, you’ll have to work much harder to defend both the
claim and the implicit assumptions that it’s based on by drawing out the inferences that seem self-evident in other enthymemes. And you’ll likely also have to supply credible evidence; just calling something a fact doesn’t make it one, so a simple declaration of fact won’t suffice.
Logos In the United States, student writers are expected to draw on “hard facts” and evidence as often as possible in supporting their claims: while ethical and emotional appeals are increasingly important and often used in making decisions, logical appeals still tend to hold sway in academic writing. So statistics and facts speak volumes, as does reasoning based on time-honored values such as fairness and equity. In writing to global audiences, you need to remember that not all cultures value the same kinds of appeals. If you want to write to audiences across cultures, you need to know about the norms and values in those cultures. Chinese culture, for example, values authority and often indirect allusion over “facts” alone. Some African cultures value cooperation and community over individualism, and still other cultures value religious texts as providing compelling evidence. So think carefully about what you consider strong evidence, and pay attention to what counts as evidence to others. You can begin by asking yourself questions like:
What evidence is most valued by your audience: Facts? Concrete examples? Firsthand experience? Religious or philosophical texts? Something else? Will analogies count as support? How about precedents? Will the testimony of experts count? If so, what kinds of experts
are valued most?
Providing Logical Structures for Argument Some arguments depend on particular logical structures to make their points. In the following pages, we identify a few of these logical structures.
Degree Arguments based on degree are so common that people barely notice them, nor do they pay much attention to how they work because they seem self-evident. Most audiences will readily accept that more of a good thing or less of a bad thing is good. In her novel The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand asks: “If physical slavery is repulsive, how much more repulsive is the concept of servility of the spirit?” Most readers immediately comprehend the point Rand intends to make about slavery of the spirit because they already know that physical slavery is cruel and would reject any forms of slavery that were even crueler on the principle that more of a bad thing is bad. Rand still needs to offer evidence that “servility of the spirit” is, in fact, worse than bodily servitude, but she has begun with a logical structure readers can grasp. Here are other arguments that work similarly:
If I can get a ten-year warranty on an inexpensive Kia, shouldn’t I get the same or better warranty from a more expensive Lexus?
The health benefits from using stem cells in research will
surely outweigh the ethical risks.
Better a conventional war now than a nuclear confrontation later.
A demonstrator at an immigrants’ rights rally in New York City in 2007. Arguments based on values that are widely shared within a society—such as the idea of equal rights in American culture—have a strong advantage with audiences.
Analogies Analogies, typically complex or extended comparisons, explain one
Alli Joseph discusses the portrayal of Pacific Islanders in Disney’s Moana and compares it to the studio’s previous depictions of ethnic minorities.
LINK TO Joseph, “With Disney’s Moana, Hollywood Almost Gets It Right,” in Chapter 23
idea or concept by comparing it to something else.
Here, writer and founder of literacy project 826 Valencia, Dave Eggers, uses an analogy in arguing that we do not value teachers as much as we should:
When we don’t get the results we want in our military endeavors, we don’t blame the soldiers. We don’t say, “It’s these lazy soldiers and their bloated benefits plans! That’s why we haven’t done better in Afghanistan!” No, if the results aren’t there, we blame the planners. . . . No one contemplates blaming the men and women fighting every day in the trenches for little pay and scant recognition. And yet in education we do just that. When we don’t like the way our students score on international standardized tests, we blame the teachers.
—Dave Eggers and Nínive Calegari, “The High Cost of Low Teacher Salaries”
Arguments from precedent and arguments of analogy both involve comparisons. Consider an assertion like this one, which uses a comparison as a precedent:
If motorists in most other states can pump their own gas safely, surely the state of Oregon can trust its own drivers to be as capable. It’s time for Oregon to permit self-service gas stations.
You could tease out several inferences from this claim to explain its reasonableness: people in Oregon are as capable as people in other states; people with equivalent capabilities can do the same thing; pumping gas is not hard; and so forth. But you don’t have to because most readers get the argument simply because of the way it is put together. In any case, that argument has begun to have traction: as of January 2018, Oregon began permitting self-service pumps in fifteen rural counties, though doing so called forth virulent pushback on social media. So the debate goes on!
Here is an excerpt from an analytical argument by Kriston Capps that examines attempts by the sculptor of Wall Street’s Charging Bull to have a new, competing sculpture, Fearless Girl, removed on the basis of legal precedents supporting the rights of visual artists. Sculptor Arturo Di Modica’s assertion,
that Visbal’s work infringes on his own, is unlikely to hold sway, under recent readings of the Visual Artists Rights Act. . . . The argument that Fearless Girl modifies or destroys Charging Bull by blocking its path would represent a leap that
courts have been reluctant to take even in clearer cases.
—Kriston Capps, “Why Wall Street’s Charging Bull Sculptor Has No Real Case against Fearless Girl”
You’ll encounter additional kinds of logical structures as you create your own arguments. You’ll find some of them in Chapter 5, “Fallacies of Argument,” and still more in Chapter 7 on Toulmin argument.
CHAPTER 5 Fallacies of Argument
Do these cartoons ring a bell with you? The first panel skewers slippery slope arguments, which aim to thwart action by predicting dire consequences: “occupy” enough spaces and the Occupy movement looks just like the Tea Party. In the second item, an example of a straw man argument, the first author of an academic paper puts down his coauthor by shifting the subject, saying that the coauthor is an egotist who cares only for fame, not what the coauthor had said at all. And the third image provides an example of a very common fallacy, the ad hominem argument, in which a speaker impugns the character of an opponent rather than addressing the arguments that person raises. Rather than argue the point that human cloning is wrong, the bird says, simply, “you’re an idiot.”
Candidate Donald Trump made something of a specialty of the ad hominem argument. Rather than address their arguments directly, he attacked the characters of his opponents: Marco Rubio was always “little Marco,” Hillary Clinton was always “crooked,” Elizabeth Warren was “goofy,” and Cruz was always “Lyin’ Ted.” Early on in the campaign, when asked about rival candidate Carly Fiorina’s plans,
he said, “Can you imagine that, the face of our next president? I mean, she’s a woman and I’m not supposed to say bad things, but really, folks, come on.” Classic ad hominem, and oftentimes such tactics work all too well!
Fallacies are argumentative moves flawed by their nature or structure. Because such tactics can make principled argument more difficult, they potentially hurt everyone involved, including the people responsible for them. The worst sorts of fallacies muck up the frank but civil conversations that people should be able to have, regardless of their differences.
Yet it’s hard to deny the power in offering audiences a compelling either/or choice or a vulnerable straw man in an argument: these fallacies can have great persuasive power. For exactly that reason, it’s important that you can recognize and point out fallacies in the work of others—and avoid them in your own writing. This chapter aims to help you meet these goals: here we’ll introduce you to fallacies of argument classified according to the emotional, ethical, and logical appeals we’ve discussed earlier (see Chapters 2, 3, and 4).
Fallacies of Emotional Argument Emotional arguments can be powerful and suitable in many circumstances, and most writers use them frequently. However, writers who pull on their readers’ heartstrings or raise their blood pressure too often—or who oversentimentalize—can violate the good faith on which legitimate argument depends.
Scare Tactics Politicians, advertisers, and public figures sometimes peddle their ideas by frightening people and exaggerating possible dangers well beyond their statistical likelihood. Such ploys work because it’s easier to imagine something terrible happening than to appreciate its rarity.
Scare tactics can also be used to stampede legitimate fears into panic or prejudice. Laborers who genuinely worry about losing their jobs can be persuaded to fear immigrants who might work for less money. Seniors living on fixed incomes can be convinced that minor changes to entitlement programs represent dire threats to their well-being. Such tactics have the effect of closing off thinking because people who are scared often act irrationally. Even well-intended fear campaigns—like those directed against smoking, unprotected sex, or the use of illegal drugs—can misfire if their warnings prove too shrill or seem hysterical. People just stop listening.
Either/Or Choices 182
Either/or choices can be well-intentioned strategies to get something accomplished. Parents use them all the time (“Eat your broccoli, or you won’t get dessert”). But they become fallacious arguments when they reduce a complicated issue to excessively simple terms (e.g., “You’re either for me or against me”) or when they’re designed to obscure legitimate alternatives. Here, for example, is Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian representative to the United Nations, offering the nation of Israel just such a choice in an interview on PBS in January 2014:
It is up to them [the Israelis] to decide what kind of a state they want to be. Do they want to be a democratic state where Israel will be the state for all of its citizens? Or do they want to be a state for the Jewish people, therefore excluding 1.6 million Palestinian Arabs who are Israelis from their society? That debate is not our debate. That debate is their debate.
But Joel B. Pollak, writing for Breitbart News Network, describes Mansour’s claim as a “false choice” since Israel already is a Jewish state that nonetheless allows Muslims to be full citizens. The either/or argument Mansour presents, according to Pollack, does not describe the realities of this complex political situation.
A false choice?
Slippery Slope The slippery slope fallacy portrays today’s tiny misstep as tomorrow’s slide into disaster. Some arguments that aim at preventing dire consequences do not take the slippery slope approach (for example, the parent who corrects a child for misbehavior now is acting sensibly to prevent more serious problems as the child grows older). A slippery slope argument becomes wrongheaded when a writer exaggerates the likely consequences of an action, usually to frighten readers. As such, slippery slope arguments are also scare tactics. In recent years, the issue of gun ownership in America has evoked many slippery slope
arguments. Here are two examples:
“Universal background checks will inevitably be followed by a national registry of gun-owners which will inevitably be followed by confiscation of all their guns.” Or, “A ban on assault-style weapons and thirty+ round magazines will inevitably be followed by a ban on hand guns with ten-round magazines….”
—Michael Wolkowitz, “Slippery Slopes, Imagined and Real”
Social and political ideas and proposals do have consequences, but they aren’t always as dire as writers fond of slippery slope tactics would have you believe.
Overly Sentimental Appeals Overly sentimental appeals use tender emotions excessively to distract readers from facts. Often, such appeals are highly personal and individual and focus attention on heartwarming or heartrending situations that make readers feel guilty if they challenge an idea, a policy, or a proposal. Emotions can become an impediment to civil discourse when they keep people from thinking clearly.
Such sentimental appeals are a major vehicle of television news, where tugging at viewers’ heartstrings can mean high ratings. For example, when a camera documents the day-to-day sacrifices of a single parent trying to meet mortgage payments and keep her kids in college, the woman’s on-screen struggles can seem to represent the plight of an entire class of people threatened by callous bankers and college
administrators. But while such human interest stories stir genuine emotions, they seldom give a complete picture of complex social or economic issues.
The first image, taken from a gun control protest, is designed to elicit sympathy by causing the viewer to think about the dangers guns pose to innocent children and, thus, support the cause. The second image supports the other side of the debate.
Bandwagon Appeals Bandwagon appeals urge people to follow the same path everyone else is taking. Such arguments can be relatively benign and seem harmless. But they do push people to take the easier path rather than think independently about what choices to make or where to go.
Many American parents seem to have an innate ability to refute
bandwagon appeals. When their kids whine, Everyone else is going camping without chaperones, the parents reply, And if everyone else jumps off a cliff (or a railroad bridge or the Empire State Building), you will too? The children groan—and then try a different line of argument.
Advertisers use bandwagon appeals frequently, as this example of a cellphone ad demonstrates:
Unfortunately, not all bandwagon approaches are so transparent. In recent decades, bandwagon issues have included a war on drugs, the nuclear freeze movement, campaigns against drunk driving—and for freedom of speech, campaigns for immigration reform, bailouts for banks and businesses, and many fads in education. All these issues are
too complex to permit the suspension of judgment that bandwagon tactics require.
Fallacies of Ethical Argument Because readers give their closest attention to authors they respect or trust, writers usually want to present themselves as honest, well- informed, likable, or sympathetic. But not all the devices that writers use to gain the attention and confidence of readers are admirable. (For more on appeals based on character, see Chapter 3.)
Appeals to False Authority Many academic research papers find and reflect on the work of reputable authorities and introduce these authorities through direct quotations or citations as credible evidence. (For more on assessing the reliability of sources, see Chapter 19.) False authority, however, occurs when writers offer themselves or other authorities as sufficient warrant for believing a claim:
Claim X is true because I say so.
Warrant What I say must be true.
Claim X is true because Y says so.
Warrant What Y says must be true.
Though they are seldom stated so baldly, claims of authority drive many political campaigns. American pundits and politicians are fond of citing the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights (Canadians have their Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and Britain has had its Bill of Rights since the seventeenth century) as ultimate authorities, a reasonable
practice when the documents are interpreted respectfully. However, the rights claimed sometimes aren’t in the texts themselves or don’t mean what the speakers think they do. And most constitutional matters are debatable—as volumes of court records prove. Likewise, religious believers often base arguments on books or traditions that wield great authority in a particular religious community. But the power of such texts is often limited to that group and less capable of persuading others solely on the grounds of authority.
In short, you should pay serious attention to claims supported by respected authorities, such as the Centers for Disease Control, the National Science Foundation, or the Globe and Mail. But don’t accept information simply because it is put forth by such offices and agencies. To quote a Russian proverb made famous by Ronald Reagan, “Trust, but verify.”
Dogmatism A writer who asserts or assumes that a particular position is the only one that is conceivably acceptable is expressing dogmatism, a fallacy of character that undermines the trust that must exist between those who make and listen to arguments. When people or organizations write dogmatically, they imply that no arguments are necessary: the truth is self-evident and needs no support. Here is an extreme example of such an appeal, quoted in an Atlantic story by Tracy Brown Hamilton and describing an anti-smoking appeal made by the Third Reich:
“Brother national socialist, do you know that your Fuhrer is against smoking and thinks that every German is responsible
to the whole people for all his deeds and omissions, and does not have the right to damage his body with drugs?”
—Tracy Brown Hamilton, “The Nazis’ Forgotten Anti- Smoking Campaign”
Subjects or ideas that can be defended with facts, testimony, and good reasons ought not to be off the table in a free society. In general, whenever someone suggests that even raising an issue for debate is totally unacceptable—whether on the grounds that it’s racist, sexist, unpatriotic, blasphemous, insensitive, or offensive in some other way —you should be suspicious.
Ad Hominem Arguments Ad hominem (Latin for “to the man”) arguments attack the character of a person rather than the claims he or she makes: when you destroy the credibility of your opponents, you either destroy their ability to present reasonable appeals or distract from the successful arguments they may be offering. During the 2016 presidential primary, Marco Rubio criticized rival candidate Ted Cruz for not speaking Spanish: was that a valid argument for why Cruz would not make a good president? Such attacks, of course, aren’t aimed at men only, as columnist Jamie Stiehm proved when she criticized Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor for delaying an Affordable Care Act mandate objected to by the Little Sisters of the Poor, a Catholic religious order. Stiehm directly targets Sotomayor’s religious beliefs:
Et tu, Justice Sonia Sotomayor? Really, we can’t trust you on
women’s health and human rights? The lady from the Bronx just dropped the ball on American women and girls as surely as she did the sparkling ball at midnight on New Year’s Eve in Times Square. Or maybe she’s just a good Catholic girl.
—Jamie Stiehm, “The Catholic Supreme Court’s War on Women”
Stiehm then widens her ad hominem assault to include Catholics in general:
Sotomayor’s blow brings us to confront an uncomfortable reality. More than WASPs, Methodists, Jews, Quakers or Baptists, Catholics often try to impose their beliefs on you, me, public discourse and institutions. Especially if “you” are female.
Arguably, ad hominem tactics like this turn arguments into two-sided affairs with good guys and bad guys (or gals), and that’s unfortunate, since character often really does matter in argument. Even though the norms of civic discourse were strained to the limit during and after the 2016 presidential election, most people still expect the proponent of peace to be civil, a secretary of the treasury to pay his or her taxes, the champion of family values to be a faithful spouse, and the head of the Environmental Protection Agency to advocate for protecting the environment. But it’s fallacious to attack any of these people for their traits, backgrounds, looks, or other irrelevant information.
Stacking the Deck Just as gamblers try to stack the deck by arranging cards so they are sure to win, writers stack the deck when they show only one side of the story—the one in their favor. In a 2016 New Yorker article, writer Kathryn Schulz discusses the Netflix series Making a Murderer. Schulz notes that the filmmakers have been accused of limiting their evidence in order to convince viewers that the accused, Steven Avery, had been framed for the crime:
Ricciardi and Demos have dismissed the idea, claiming that they simply set out to investigate Avery’s case and didn’t have a position on his guilt or innocence. Yet . . . the filmmakers minimize or leave out many aspects of Avery’s less than savory past, including multiple alleged incidents of physical and sexual violence. They also omit important evidence against him, . . . evidence that would be nearly impossible to plant. . . . Ricciardi and Demos instead stack the deck to support their case for Avery, and, as a result, wind up mirroring the entity that they are trying to discredit.
—Kathryn Schulz, “Dead Certainty: How Making a Murderer Goes Wrong”
In the same way, reviewers have been critical of documentaries by Michael Moore and Dinesh D’Souza that resolutely show only one side of a story or prove highly selective in their coverage. When you stack the deck, you take a big chance that your readers will react like Schulz and decide not to trust you: that’s one reason it’s so important to show
that you have considered alternatives in making any argument.
Look closely at Alexandra Dal’s and the Turner Consulting Group’s visual arguments showing how damaging microaggressions can be. Then compare them to Scott O. Lilienfeld’s argument against the use of microaggressions. Do you see any fallacies in the trio of selections?
LINK TO Turner Consulting Group, “Racial Microaggressions”; Dal, “Questions”; and Lilienfeld, “Why a Moratorium on Microaggressions Is Needed,” in Chapter 27
Fallacies of Logical Argument
You’ll encounter a problem in any argument when the claims, warrants, or proofs in it are invalid, insufficient, or disconnected. In theory, such problems seem easy enough to spot, but in practice, they can be camouflaged by a skillful use of words or images. Indeed, logical fallacies pose a challenge to civil argument because they often seem reasonable and natural, especially when they appeal to people’s self-interests.
Hasty Generalization A hasty generalization is an inference drawn from insufficient evidence: because my Fiat broke down, then all Fiats must be junk. It also forms the basis for most stereotypes about people or institutions: because a few people in a large group are observed to act in a certain
way, all members of that group are inferred to behave similarly. The resulting conclusions are usually sweeping claims of little merit: women are bad drivers; men are slobs; English teachers are nitpicky; computer jocks are . . . ; and on and on.
To draw valid inferences, you must always have sufficient evidence (see Chapter 18) and you must qualify your claims appropriately. After all, people do need generalizations to make reasonable decisions in life. Such claims can be offered legitimately if placed in context and tagged with sensible qualifiers—some, a few, many, most, occasionally, rarely, possibly, in some cases, under certain circumstances, in my limited experience.
Faulty Causality In Latin, faulty causality is known as post hoc, ergo propter hoc, which translates as “after this, therefore because of this”—the faulty assumption that because one event or action follows another, the first causes the second. Consider a lawsuit commented on in the Wall Street Journal in which a writer sued Coors (unsuccessfully), claiming that drinking copious amounts of the company’s beer had kept him from writing a novel. This argument is sometimes referred to as the “Twinkie defense,” referring to a claim that the person who shot and killed San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk had eaten so many Twinkies and other sugary foods that his reasoning had been impaired. The phrase is now sometimes used to label the claims of criminals that their acts were caused by something beyond their control.
Of course, some actions do produce reactions. Step on the brake pedal
in your car, and you move hydraulic fluid that pushes calipers against disks to create friction that stops the vehicle. In other cases, however, a supposed connection between cause and effect turns out to be completely wrong. For example, doctors now believe that when an elderly person falls and breaks a hip or leg, the injury usually caused the fall rather than the other way around.
That’s why overly simple causal claims should always be subject to scrutiny. In summer 2008, writer Nicholas Carr posed a simple causal question in a cover story for the Atlantic: “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” Carr essentially answered yes, arguing that “as we come to rely on computers to mediate our understanding of the world, it is our own intelligence that flattens” and that the more one is online the less he or she is able to concentrate or read deeply.
But others, like Jamais Cascio (senior fellow at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies), soon challenged that causal connection: rather than making us stupid, Cascio argues, Internet tools like Google will lead to the development of “‘fluid intelligence’—the ability to find meaning in confusion and to solve new problems, independent of acquired knowledge.” The final word on this contentious causal relationship—the effects on the human brain caused by new technology—has yet to be written, and will probably be available only after decades of complicated research.
Begging the Question Most teachers have heard some version of the following argument: You can’t give me a C in this course; I’m an A student. A member of
Congress accused of taking kickbacks can make much the same argument: I can’t be guilty of accepting such bribes; I’m an honest person. In both cases, the claim is made on grounds that can’t be accepted as true because those grounds themselves are in question. How can the accused bribe-taker defend herself on grounds of honesty when that honesty is in doubt? Looking at the arguments in Toulmin terms helps to see the fallacy:
Claim You can’t give me a C in this course . . .
Reason . . . because I’m an A student.
Warrant An A student is someone who can’t receive Cs.
Claim Representative X can’t be guilty of accepting bribes . . .
Reason . . . because she’s an honest person.
Warrant An honest person cannot be guilty of accepting bribes.
With the warrants stated, you can see why begging the question— assuming as true the very claim that’s disputed—is a form of circular argument that goes nowhere. (For more on Toulmin argument, see Chapter 7.)
Equivocation Equivocations—half truths or arguments that give lies an honest appearance—are usually based on tricks of language. Consider the plagiarist who copies a paper word for word from a source and then declares that “I wrote the entire paper myself”—meaning that she physically copied the piece on her own. But the plagiarist is using wrote equivocally and knows that most people understand the word to mean composing and not merely copying words.
Parsing words carefully can sometimes look like equivocation or be the thing itself. For example, during the 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton was asked regularly (some would say she was hounded) about her use of a private email server and about whether any of the emails contained classified information. Here’s what she said on February 1, 2016:
The emails that I was received were not marked classified. Now, there are disagreements among agencies on what should have been perhaps classified retroactively, but at the time that doesn’t change the fact that they were not marked classified.
—NPR Morning Edition, February 1, 2016
Many commentators at the time felt that this statement was a clear equivocation, and this controversy continued to haunt Clinton throughout her campaign.
Non Sequitur 199
A non sequitur is an argument whose claims, reasons, or warrants don’t connect logically. You’ve probably detected a non sequitur when you react to an argument with a puzzled, “Wait, that doesn’t follow.” Children are adept at framing non sequiturs like this one: You don’t love me or you’d buy me a new bike. It doesn’t take a parental genius to realize that love has little connection with buying children toys.
Non sequiturs often occur when writers omit steps in an otherwise logical chain of reasoning. For example, it might be a non sequitur to argue that since postsecondary education now costs so much, it’s time to move colleges and university instruction online. Such a suggestion may have merit, but a leap from brick-and-mortar schools to virtual ones is extreme. Numerous issues and questions must be addressed step-by-step before the proposal can be taken seriously.
Politicians sometimes resort to non sequiturs to evade thorny issues or questions. Here, for example, is Donald Trump replying to questions in a 2017 interview with Michael Scherer of Time Magazine:
Scherer: Mitch McConnell has said he’d rather you stop tweeting, that he sees it as a distraction.
Trump: Mitch will speak for himself. Mitch is a wonderful man. Mitch should speak for himself.
Here Trump does not respond to the claim the interviewer says Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has made, but instead abruptly changes the subject, commenting instead on McConnell, saying he is a “wonderful man.”
Straw Man Those who resort to the straw man fallacy attack arguments that no one is really making or portray opponents’ positions as more extreme or far less coherent than they actually are. The speaker or writer thus sets up an argument that is conveniently easy to knock down (like a man of straw), proceeds to do so, and then claims victory over an opponent who may not even exist.
Straw men are especially convenient devices for politicians who want to characterize the positions of their opponents as more extreme than they actually are: consider obvious memes such as “war on women” and “war on Christmas.” But straw man arguments are often more subtle. For instance, Steven Novella of Yale University argues that political commentator Charles Krauthammer slips into the fallacy when he misconstrues the meaning of “settled science” in a column on climate change. Novella rebuts Krauthammer’s assertion that “There is nothing more anti-scientific than the very idea that science is settled, static, impervious to challenge” by explaining why such a claim is deceptive:
Calling something an established scientific fact means that it is reasonable to proceed with that fact as a premise, for further research or for policy. It does not mean “static, impervious to challenge.” That is the straw man. Both evolution deniers and climate change deniers use this tactic to misinterpret scientific confidence as an anti-scientific resistance to new evidence or arguments. It isn’t.
—Steven Novella, NeuroLogica Blog, February 25, 2014
In other words, Krauthammer’s definition of science is not one that most scientists use.
Red Herring This fallacy gets its name from the old British hunting practice of dragging a dried herring across the path of the fox in order to throw the hounds off the trail. A red herring fallacy does just that: it changes the subject abruptly or introduces an irrelevant claim or fact to throw readers or listeners off the trail. For example, people skeptical about climate change will routinely note that weather is always changing and point to the fact that Vikings settled in Greenland one thousand years ago before harsher conditions drove them away. True, scientists will say, but the point is irrelevant to arguments about worldwide global warming caused by human activity.
The red herring is not only a device writers and speakers use in the arguments they create, but it’s also a charge used frequently to undermine someone else’s arguments. Couple the term “red herring” in a Web search to just about any political or social cause and you’ll come up with numerous articles complaining of someone’s use of the device.
climate change + red herring
white supremacy + red herring
immigration reform + red herring
“Red herring” has become a convenient way of saying “I disagree with your argument” or “your point is irrelevant.” And perhaps making a too-easy rebuttal like that can itself be a fallacy?
Faulty Analogy Comparisons can help to clarify one concept by measuring it against another that is more familiar. Consider the power and humor of this comparison attributed to Mark Twain, an implicit argument for term limits in politics:
Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.
When comparisons such as this one are extended, they become analogies—ways of understanding unfamiliar ideas by comparing them with something that’s better known (see Analogies in Chapter 4). But useful as such comparisons are, they may prove false if either taken on their own and pushed too far, or taken too seriously. At this point, they turn into faulty analogies—inaccurate or inconsequential comparisons between objects or concepts. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos found herself in a national controversy following a statement she made after meeting with Historically Black Colleges and Universities presidents in Washington, when she made an analogy between HCBUs and her advocacy of “school choice” today:
They [African Americans] saw that the system wasn’t working, that there was an absence of opportunity, so they took it upon themselves to provide the solution. HBCUs are
real pioneers when it comes to school choice. They are living proof that when more options are provided to students, they are afforded greater access and greater quality. Their success has shown that more options help students flourish.
What commentators immediately pointed out was that this statement included a false analogy. HBCUs were not created to provide more choice for African American students (and thus be analogous to DeVos’s push for charter schools and school “choice”) but rather because these students had little to no choice; after the Civil War, African American students were barred from most white public institutions.
Paralipsis This fallacy (sometimes spelled paralepsis and often compared with occultatio) has been so predominant in the last two years that we think it’s worthy of inclusion here. Basically, this fallacy occurs when speakers or writers say they will NOT talk about something, thus doing the very thing they say they’re not going to do. It’s a way of getting a point into an argument obliquely, of sneaking it in while saying that you are not doing so. Although paralipsis is rampant today, it is not new: Socrates famously used it in his trial when he said he would not mention his grieving wife and children who would suffer so mightily at his death. In the 2016 presidential campaign and in the first years of his presidency, Donald Trump used paralipsis repeatedly. Here, for instance, he is at a campaign rally in Fort Dodge, Iowa, speaking about rival candidate Marco Rubio:
I will not call him a lightweight, because I think that’s a derogatory term, so I will not call him a lightweight. Is that OK with you people? I refuse to say that he’s a lightweight.
Although he is the most conspicuous user of paralipsis today, Trump is by no means the only politician to use this fallacy. Here’s a commentator reporting on presidential candidate Bernie Sanders at a 2016 town hall meeting in Iowa:
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Friday called Bill Clinton’s sexual scandals “totally disgraceful and unacceptable” but
said he would not use the former president’s infidelities against Hillary Clinton. “Hillary Clinton is not Bill Clinton. What Bill Clinton did, I think we can all acknowledge was totally, totally, totally disgraceful and unacceptable.”
—Reporter Lisa Hagen, The Hill
In saying he would not use the former president’s scandalous behavior against Hillary Clinton, he in fact does just the opposite.
Finally, you may run across the use of paralipsis anywhere, even at the movies, as spoken here by Robert Downey Jr.’s character Tony Stark:
I’m not saying I’m responsible for this country’s longest run of uninterrupted peace in 35 years! I’m not saying that from the ashes of captivity, never has a phoenix metaphor been more personified! I’m not saying Uncle Sam can kick back on a lawn chair, sipping on an iced tea, because I haven’t come across anyone man enough to go toe to toe with me on my best day. It’s not about me!
—Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man 2 (2010)
You may be tempted to use this fallacy in your own writing, but beware: it is pretty transparent and may well backfire on you. Better to say what you believe to be the truth—and stick to it.
1. Examine each of the following political slogans or phrases for
logical fallacies.
“Resistance is futile.” (Borg message on Star Trek: The Next Generation)
“It’s the economy, stupid.” (sign on the wall at Bill Clinton’s campaign headquarters)
“Make love, not war.” (antiwar slogan popularized during the Vietnam War)
“Build bridges, not walls.” (attributed to Martin Luther King Jr.)
“Stronger Together” (campaign slogan)
“Guns don’t kill, people do.” (NRA slogan)
“Dog Fighters Are Cowardly Scum.” (PETA T-shirt)
“If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” (attributed to Harry S Truman)
2. Hone your critical reading skills by choosing a paper you’ve written for a college class and analyze it for signs of fallacious reasoning. Then find an editorial, a syndicated column, and a news report on the same topic and look for fallacies in them. Which has the most fallacies—and what kind? What may be the role of the audience in determining when a statement is fallacious? How effective do you think the fallacies were in speaking to their intended audience?
3. Find a Web site that is sponsored by an organization (the Future of Music Coalition, perhaps), a business (Coca-Cola, Pepsi), or another group (the Democratic or Republican National Committee), and analyze the site for fallacious reasoning. Among other considerations, look at the
relationship between text and graphics and between individual pages and the pages that surround or are linked to them.
4. Political blogs such as Mother Jones and InstaPundit typically provide quick responses to daily events and detailed critiques of material in other media sites, including national newspapers. Study one such blog for a few days to see whether and how the site critiques the articles, political commentary, or writers it links to. Does the blog ever point out fallacies of argument? If so, does it explain the problems with such reasoning or just assume readers will understand the fallacies? Summarize your findings in a brief oral report to your class.
CHAPTER 6 Rhetorical Analysis
If you watched the 2016 Super Bowl between the Carolina Panthers and the Denver Broncos, you may remember the commercial in which the images above appeared. For a full 60 seconds, “Portraits” — which celebrates the seventy-fifth birthday of Jeep — shows still photographs of the faces of a wide range of people, all of whom have had some connection with the iconic Jeep. B. B. King, one of the most influential blues musicians of all time, recorded a cover of the famous Duke Ellington song, “Jeep’s Blues,” and Marilyn Monroe rode in a Jeep when she visited troops in 1954. One of the noncelebrities in the commercial is a young woman holding her hands in front of her face; who knows what her connection might be? This advertisement, which won the Super Clio for the best ad of the 2016 Super Bowl, plays in black and white, flashing from one memorable face to another, as a voice speaks to viewers:
I’ve seen things no man should bear and those that every man should dare, from the beaches of Normandy to the farthest reaches of the earth. In my life, I’ve lived millions of lives. I’ve outrun robots and danced with dinosaurs. I’ve faced the faces
of fear, and of fortitude, and witnessed great beauty in the making. I’ve kept the company of kings — and queens. But I’m no royalty or saint. I’ve traveled, trekked, wandered, and roamed only to find myself right where I belong.
As the portraits are shown, they are occasionally joined by an image of a Jeep, and the ad closes with these lines:
Within seconds of its showing, the ad had been viewed on YouTube over 15,000 times. So how do we account for the power of such advertisements? That would be the work of a rhetorical analysis, the close, critical reading of a text or, in this case, a video commercial, to figure out exactly how it functions. Certainly, Iris, the ad agency that created “Portraits,” counted on the strong emotional appeal of the photographs, assuming that the faces represented would stir strong sentiments, along with the lyrical words of the voiceover.
The ad’s creators pushed the envelope of convention, too, by rejecting the over-the-top, schmaltzy, or super-cute techniques of other advertisements and by the muted product connection. As Super Clio commissioner Rob Reilly put it, “I liked the restraint it showed for the Super Bowl, to not use the typical tricks. Jeep could have easily shown driving footage . . . but they chose to show very little product and tell a great story.” Another Clio juror found that the ad “credits people with intelligence and asks you to decode it.” (For more information on analyzing images, see Chapter 14.)
Rhetorical analysis and critical reading also probe the contexts that surround any argument or text — its impact on a society, its deeper implications, or even what it lacks or whom it excludes. Predictably, the widely admired Jeep commercial found its share of critics. In a review of the ad for Wired, Jenna Garrett helps viewers understand some of the choices made by the advertisers, such as the decision to show the ad in portrait format (and thus using only a third of the TV screen) in recognition that many would be watching on cell phones and tablets (indeed, she reports, the ad looks very fine on those devices). But she then turns to faults she finds with the ad:
Some of the photos are legitimately great, taken by the likes of celebrity photographer Martin Schoeller. But others look like vacation snapshots, and many of the Jeep images were “fan photos” taken by people doing, well, whatever. Although the photos make the point that Jeep has been everywhere and loved by everyone, the ad doesn’t feel cohesive. The pictures of Terminator and T-rex, for example, were jarring, particularly
the Terminator’s red eyes (the only splash of color in the entire ad). And speaking from a strictly technical perspective, the photos are all over the map in terms of contrast, and some of the crops are entirely too tight.
— Jenna Garrett, “Why Jeep’s $10M Super Bowl Ad Only Used a Third of the Screen”
Other reviewers found the advertisement over-sentimental, even saccharine; still others noted some lack of diversity.
Whenever you undertake a rhetorical analysis, do what these reviewers did: read (and view) critically, noting every detail and asking yourself how those details affect the audience, how they build agreement or adherence to the argument — or how they do not do so. And ask plenty of questions: Why does an ad for a cell phone or breakfast sandwich make people want one immediately? How does an op-ed piece in the Washington Post suddenly change your long-held position on immigration? Critical reading and rhetorical analysis can help you understand and answer these questions. Dig as deep as you can into the context of the item you are analyzing, especially when you encounter puzzling, troubling, or unusually successful appeals — ethical, emotional, or logical. Ask yourself what strategies a speech, editorial, opinion column, film, or ad uses to move your heart, win your trust, and change your mind — or why, maybe, it fails to do so.
Composing a Rhetorical Analysis: Reading and Viewing Critically You perform a rhetorical analysis by analyzing how well the components of an argument work together to persuade or move an audience. You can study arguments of any kind — advertisements (as we’ve seen), Web sites, editorials, political cartoons, and even songs, movies, photographs, buildings, or shopping malls. In every case, you’ll need to focus your rhetorical analysis on elements that stand out or make the piece intriguing or problematic. You could begin by exploring some of the following issues:
What is the purpose of this argument? What does it hope to achieve? Who is the audience for this argument? Who is ignored or excluded? What appeals or techniques does the argument use — emotional, logical, ethical? What type of argument is it, and how does the genre affect the argument? (You might challenge the lack of evidence in editorials, but you wouldn’t make the same complaint about bumper stickers.) Who is making the argument? What ethos does it create, and how does it do so? What values does the ethos evoke? How does it make the writer or creator seem trustworthy? What authorities does the argument rely on or appeal to?
What facts, reasoning, and evidence are used in the argument? How are they presented? Can you detect the use of misinformation, disinformation, “fake” news, or outright lies? What claims does the argument make? What issues are raised — or ignored or evaded? What are the contexts — social, political, historical, cultural — for this argument? Whose interests does it serve? Who gains or loses by it? Can you identify fallacies in the argument — emotional, ethical, or logical? (See Chapter 5.) How is the argument organized or arranged? What media does the argument use and how effectively? How does the language and style of the argument work to persuade an audience?
In answering questions like these, try to show how the key devices in an argument actually make it succeed or fail. Quote freely from a written piece, or describe the elements in a visual argument. (Annotating a visual text is one option.) Let readers know where and why an argument makes sense and where it falls apart. If you believe that an argument startles, challenges, insults, or lulls audiences, explain why that is the case and provide evidence. Don’t be surprised when your rhetorical analysis itself becomes an argument. That’s what it should be.
Understanding the Purpose of Arguments You Are Analyzing To understand how well any argument works, begin with its purpose: Is it to sell running shoes? To advocate for limits to college tuition? To push a political agenda? In many cases, that purpose may be obvious. A conservative blog will likely advance right-wing causes; ads from a baby food company will likely show happy infants delighted with stewed prunes.
But some projects may hide their persuasive intentions. Perhaps you’ve responded to a mail survey or telephone poll only to discover that the questions are leading you to switch your cable service or buy apartment insurance. Do such stealthy arguments succeed? Do consumers resent the intrusion? Answering questions like these provides material for useful rhetorical analyses that assess the strengths, risks, and ethics of such strategies.
Understanding Who Makes an Argument Knowing who is claiming what is key to any rhetorical analysis. That’s why persuasive appeals usually have a name attached to them. Remember the statements included in TV ads during the last federal election: “Hello, I’m X — and I approve this ad”? Federal law requires such statements so we can tell the difference between ads a candidate endorses and ones sponsored by groups not even affiliated with the campaigns. Their interests and motives might be very different.
Senator Elizabeth Warren endorsing Kamala Harris, who won the 2016 race to replace long-time California senator Barbara Boxer
But knowing a name is just a starting place for analysis. You need to dig deeper, and you could do worse than to Google such people or groups to discover more about them. What else have they produced? Who publishes them: the Wall Street Journal, the blog The Daily Kos, or even a Live-Journal celebrity gossip site such as Oh No They Didn’t? Check out related Web sites for information about goals,
policies, contributors, and funding.
RESPOND● Describe a persuasive moment that you can recall from a speech, an
editorial, an advertisement, a YouTube clip, or a blog posting. Or
research one of the following famous persuasive moments and
describe the circumstances—the historical situation, the issues at
stake, the purpose of the argument—that make it so memorable.
Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address (1863)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s Declaration of Sentiments at the
Seneca Falls Convention (1848)
Chief Tecumseh’s address to General William Henry Harrison
Winston Churchill’s radio addresses to the British people during
World War II (1940)
Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (1963)
Ronald Reagan’s tribute to the Challenger astronauts (1986)
Toni Morrison’s speech accepting the Nobel Prize (1993)
Former President Obama’s eulogy in memory of the
worshippers killed at the Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston
Sara Morrison’s report “Covering the Transgender Community” has a clear audience: journalists and others interested in how transgender individuals are represented in the media.
LINK TO Morrison, “Covering the Transgender Community,” in Chapter 23
Identifying and Appealing to Audiences
Most arguments are composed with specific audiences in mind, and their success depends, in part, on how well their strategies, content, tone, and language meet the expectations of that audience. So your rhetorical analysis of an argumentative piece should identify its target readers or viewers (see Appealing to Audiences in Chapter 1) if possible, or make an educated guess about the audience, since most arguments suggest whom they intend to reach and in what ways.
Both a flyer stapled to a bulletin board in a college dorm (“Why you shouldn’t drink and drive”) and a forty-foot billboard for Bud Light might be aimed at the same general population — college students. But each will adjust its appeals for the different moods of that group in different moments. For starters, the flyer will appeal to students in a serious vein, while the beer ad will probably be visually stunning and virtually text-free.
You might also examine how a writer or an argument establishes
credibility with an audience. One effective means of building credibility is to show respect for your readers or viewers, especially if they may not agree with you. In introducing an article on problems facing African American women in the workplace, editor-in-chief of Essence Diane Weathers considers the problems that she faced with respecting all her potential readers:
We spent more than a minute agonizing over the provocative cover line for our feature “White Women at Work.” The countless stories we had heard from women across the country told us that this was a workplace issue we had to address. From my own experience at several major magazines, it was painfully obvious to me that Black and White women are not on the same track. Sure, we might all start out in the same place. But early in the game, most sisters I know become stuck — and the reasons have little to do with intelligence or drive. At some point we bump our heads against that ceiling. And while White women may complain of a glass ceiling, for us, the ceiling is concrete.
So how do we tell this story without sounding whiny and paranoid, or turning off our White-female readers, staff members, advertisers and girlfriends? Our solution: Bring together real women (several of them highly successful senior corporate executives), put them in a room, promise them anonymity and let them speak their truth.
— Diane Weathers, “Speaking Our Truth”
Retailers like Walmart build their credibility by simple “straight talk” to shoppers: we always have low prices. Here the use of red, white, and blue says “we’re all-American,” while the simple layout and direct statement (a promise, really) say they are talking the talk as well as walking the walk.
Both paragraphs affirm Weathers’s determination to treat audiences fairly and to deal honestly with a difficult subject. The strategy would merit attention in any rhetorical analysis.
Look, too, for signals that writers share values with readers or at least understand an audience. In the following passage, writer Jack Solomon is clear about one value that he hopes readers have in common — a preference for “straight talk”:
There are some signs in the advertising world that Americans are getting fed up with fantasy advertisements and want to hear some straight talk. Weary of extravagant product claims . . . , consumers trained by years of advertising to distrust what they hear seem to be developing an immunity to commercials.
— Jack Solomon, “Masters of Desire: The Culture of American Advertising”
But straight talk still requires common sense. If ever a major television ad seriously misread its audience, it may have been a spot that ran during the 2014 Winter Olympics for Cadillac’s pricey new plug-in hybrid, the ELR. The company seemed to go out of its way to offend a great many people, foreign and domestic. As is typical strategy in rhetorical analyses, Huffington Post’s Carolyn Gregoire takes care to describe in detail the item she finds offensive — a shot of a man overlooking the pool in his backyard and asking why we work so hard, “For this? For stuff?”:
[I]t becomes clear that the answer to this rhetorical question is actually a big fat YES. And it gets worse. “Other countries, they work,” he says. “They stroll home. They stop by the cafe. They take August off. Off.”
Then he reveals just what it is that makes Americans better than all those lazy, espresso-sipping foreigners.
“Why aren’t you like that?” he says. “Why aren’t we like that? Because we’re crazy, driven, hard-working believers, that’s why.”
— Carolyn Gregoire, “Cadillac Made a Commercial about the American Dream, and It’s a Nightmare”
Her conclusion then is blistering, showing how readily a rhetorical
analysis becomes an argument — and subject to criticism itself:
Cadillacs have long been a quintessentially American symbol of wealth and status. But as this commercial proves, no amount of wealth or status is a guarantee of good taste. Now, the luxury car company is selling a vision of the American Dream at its worst: Work yourself into the ground, take as little time off as possible, and buy expensive sh*t (specifically, a 2014 Cadillac ELR).
Examining Arguments Based on Emotion: Pathos Some emotional appeals are just ploys to win over readers with a pretty face, figurative or real. You’ve seen ads promising an exciting life and attractive friends if only you drink the right soda or wear a particular brand of clothes. Are you fooled by such claims? Probably not, if you pause to think about them. But that’s the strategy — to distract you from thought just long enough to make a bad choice. It’s a move worth commenting on in a rhetorical analysis.
Yet emotions can add real muscle to arguments, too, and that’s worth noting. For example, persuading people not to drink and drive by making them fear death, injury, or arrest seems like a fair use of an emotional appeal. Public service announcements often use emotion- laden images to remind drivers to think of the consequences.
In analyzing emotional appeals, judge whether the emotions raised — anger, sympathy, fear, envy, joy, love, lust — advance the claims offered. Look, for example, at these photographs of protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the possible removal of a statue of General Robert E. Lee.
This photo shows proud members of the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, some carrying Confederate flags. What emotions do you think these protesters wanted to appeal to? What emotions does the photo stir in you?
Or how about this photo, from the same rally, showing counterprotesters: again, what emotions are being appealed to? How effective do you find either of these photos in appealing to your emotions?
The August 2017 rally in Charlottesville stirred emotions across the country, as ordinary people, commentators, and politicians weighed in on issues of white supremacy, neo-Nazism, fascism, race-based hatred, and bigotry. President Trump at first suggested that there was plenty of blame on “all sides,” but later adjusted that statement when many accused him of drawing a false equivalency between those advocating for Nazism and those who were protesting against it.
But arguments that appeal to emotions don’t have to be as highly charged — and dangerous — as the Charlottesville event was. Consider, for example, how columnist Ron Rosenbaum makes the reasonable argument he offers for fatty foods all the more attractive by loading it with emotional language:
The foods that best hit that sweet spot and “overwhelm the brain” with pleasure are high-quality fatty foods. They discourage us from overeating. A modest serving of short ribs or Peking duck will be both deeply pleasurable and self- limiting. As the brain swoons into insensate delight, you won’t have to gorge a still-craving cortex with mediocre sensations. “Sensory-specific satiety” makes a slam-dunk case (it’s science!) for eating reasonable servings of superbly satisfying fatty foods.
— Ron Rosenbaum, “Let Them Eat Fat”
Does the use of evocative language (“swoons,” “insensate delight,” “superbly satisfying,” “slam-dunk”) convince you, or does it distract from considering the scientific case for “sensory-specific satiety”? Your task in a rhetorical analysis is to study an author’s words, the emotions they evoke, and the claims they support and then to make this kind of judgment.
Short ribs: health food? Who does this photo appeal to — and who might it turn off?
RESPOND● Browse YouTube or another Web site to find an example of a
powerful emotional argument that’s made visually, either alone or
using words as well. In a paragraph, defend a claim about how the
argument works. For example, does an image itself make a claim, or
does it draw you in to consider a verbal claim? What emotion does
the argument generate? How does that emotion work to persuade
Examining Arguments Based on Character: Ethos It should come as no surprise: readers believe writers who seem honest, wise, and trustworthy. So in analyzing the effectiveness of an argument, look for evidence of these traits. Does the writer have the experience or authority to write on this subject? Are all claims qualified reasonably? Is evidence presented in full, not tailored to the writer’s agenda? Are important objections to the author’s position acknowledged and addressed? Are sources documented? Above all, does the writer sound trustworthy?
When a Norwegian anti-immigration extremist killed seventy-six innocent people in July 2011, Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg addressed the citizens of Norway (and the world), and in doing so evoked the character or ethos of the entire nation:
We will not let fear break us! The warmth of response from people in Norway and from the whole world makes me sure of this one thing: evil can kill a single person, but never defeat a whole people. The strongest weapon in the world — that is freedom of expression and democracy.
In analyzing this speech, you would do well to look at the way this passage deploys the deepest values of Norway — freedom of expression and democracy — to serve as a response to fear of terrorism. In doing so, Stoltenberg evokes ethical ideals to hold onto in a time of tragedy.
Or take a look at the following paragraph from a blog posting by Timothy Burke, a teacher at Swarthmore College and parent of a preschool child who is trying to think through the issue of homework for elementary school kids:
In considering the role of ethos in rhetorical analyses, pay attention to the details right down to the choice of words or, in an image, the shapes and colors. The modest, tentative tone that Burke uses in his
blog is an example of the kind of choice that can shape an audience’s perception of ethos. But these details need your interpretation. Language that’s hot and extreme can mark a writer as either passionate or loony. Work that’s sober and carefully organized can paint an institution as competent or overly cautious. Technical terms and abstract phrases can make a writer seem either knowledgeable or pompous.
Examining Arguments Based on Facts and Reason: Logos In analyzing most arguments, you’ll have to decide whether an argument makes a plausible claim and offers good reasons for you to believe it. Not all arguments will package such claims in a single neat sentence, or thesis — nor should they. A writer may tell a story from which you have to infer the claim. Visual arguments may work the same way: viewers have to assemble the parts and draw inferences in order to get the point. Take a look, for instance, at this advertisement for GEICO insurance:
This ad draws attention with a snappy photo of a large silver watch and a headline: “That watch won’t pay for itself.” The smaller text below mentions other luxury items consumers may covet: designer aviators, for example, that don’t “come cheap.” Then the logical shift: if you want luxury things you would do well to save money. And how to save money? “So switch to GEICO and save money for the things you love.” There’s an implied syllogism here:
You need to save money so you can afford the things you love.
GEICO will help you save money.
GEICO will help you afford the things you love.
But a little critical thinking can lead you to question each of these implied premises. Is the reason to save money really to buy luxury items? Just exactly how will GEICO help you save money? How much is your current insurance and how does that compare to the cost of GEICO? Maybe GEICO does offer a very good deal on insurance, but you’ll need to do some more research to assure yourself of that fact. (For more on analyzing visual images, see Chapter 14.)
Some print arguments (like those on an editorial page) may be perfectly obvious: writers stake out a claim and then present reasons that you should consider, or they may first present reasons and lay out a case that leads you to accept a claim in the conclusion. Consider the following example. In a tough opinion piece in Time, political commentator John McWhorter argues that filmmaker Spike Lee is being racist when he rails against hipsters moving into Fort Greene, a formerly all-black neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. Lee fears that the whites are raising housing prices, pushing out old-time residents and diminishing the African American character of Fort Greene. McWhorter, an African American like Lee, sees matters differently:
Basically, black people are getting paid more money than they’ve ever seen in their lives for their houses, and a once sketchy neighborhood is now quiet and pleasant. And this is a bad thing . . . why?
Lee seems to think it’s somehow an injustice whenever black
See another argument on race by John McWhorter, this time on what it means when we say someone “sounds black” or “sounds white.”
LINK TO McWhorter, “Thick of Tongue,” in Chapter 25
people pick up stakes. But I doubt many of the blacks now set to pass fat inheritances on to their kids feel that way. This is not the old story of poor blacks being pushed out of neighborhoods razed down for highway construction. Lee isn’t making sense.
— John McWhorter, “Spike Lee’s Racism Isn’t Cute”
When you encounter explicit charges like these, you analyze whether and how the claims are supported by good reasons and reliable evidence. A lengthy essay may, in fact, contain a series of claims, each developed to support an even larger point. Here’s McWhorter, for instance, expanding his argument by suggesting that Lee’s attitudes toward whites are irreconcilable.
“Respect the culture” when you move in, Lee growls. But again, he isn’t making sense. We can be quite sure that if whites “respected” the culture by trying to participate in it, Lee would be one of the first in line to call it “appropriation.” So, no whites better open up barbecue joints or spoken word cafes or try to be rappers. Yet if whites walk on by the culture in “respectful” silence, then the word on the street becomes
that they want to keep blacks at a distance.
An anti-fur protestor in London makes a rather specific claim.
Indeed, every paragraph in an argument may develop a specific and related idea. In a rhetorical analysis, you need to identify all these separate propositions and examine the relationships among them: Are they solidly linked? Are there inconsistencies that the writer should acknowledge? Does the end of the piece support what the writer said (and promised) at the beginning?
You’ll also need to examine the quality of the information presented in an argument, assessing how accurately such information is reported, how conveniently it’s displayed (in charts or graphs, for example), and
Historian Catherine Nolan-Ferrell asks us to confront the value of logos when she asks, “How do we navigate a world where many in society have lost trust in shared data?”
LINK TO Nolan-Ferrell, “Balancing Classroom Civility and Free Speech,” in Chapter 27
how well the sources cited represent a range of respected opinions on a topic. (For more information on the use of evidence, see Chapter 4.)
Knowing how to judge the quality of sources is more important now than ever before because the digital universe is full of junk. In some ways, the computer terminal has become the equivalent of a library reference room, but the sources available online vary widely in quality and have not been evaluated by a library professional. As a consequence, you must know the difference between reliable, firsthand, or fully documented sources and those that don’t meet such standards. (For using and documenting sources, see Chapters 19, 20, and 22.)
Examining the Arrangement and Media of Arguments Aristotle carved the structure of logical argument to its bare bones when he observed that it had only two parts:
statement proof
You could do worse, in examining an argument, than to make sure that every claim a writer makes is backed by sufficient evidence. Some arguments are written on the fly in the heat of the moment. Most arguments that you read and write, however, will be more than mere statements followed by proofs. Some writers will lay their cards on the table immediately; others may lead you carefully through a chain of claims toward a conclusion. Writers may even interrupt their arguments to offer background information or cultural contexts for readers. Sometimes they’ll tell stories or provide anecdotes that make an argumentative point. They’ll qualify the arguments they make, too, and often pause to admit that other points of view are plausible.
In other words, there are no set formulas or acceptable patterns that fit all successful arguments. In writing a rhetorical analysis, you’ll have to assess the organization of a persuasive text on its own merits.
It’s fair, however, to complain about what may be absent from an
argument. Most arguments of proposal (see Chapter 12), for example, include a section that defends the feasibility of a new idea, explaining how it might be funded or managed. In a rhetorical analysis, you might fault an editorial that supports a new stadium for a city without addressing feasibility issues. Similarly, analyzing a movie review that reads like an off-the-top-of-the-head opinion, you might legitimately ask what criteria of evaluation are in play (see Chapter 10).
Rhetorical analysis also calls for you to look carefully at an argument’s transitions, headings and subheadings, documentation of sources, and overall tone or voice. Don’t take such details for granted, since all of them contribute to the strength — or weakness — of an argument.
Nor should you ignore the way a writer or an institution uses media. Would an argument originally made in a print editorial, for instance, work better as a digital presentation (or vice versa)? Would a lengthy essay have more power if it included more illustrations — graphs, maps, photographs, and so on? Or do these images distract from a written argument’s substance?
Finally, be open to the possibility of new or nontraditional structures of arguments. The visual arguments that you analyze may defy conventional principles of logic or arrangement — for example, making juxtapositions rather than logical transitions between elements or using quick cuts, fades, or other devices to link ideas. Quite often, these nontraditional structures will also resist the neatness of a thesis, leaving readers to construct at least a part of the argument in their heads. As we saw with the “Portraits” Jeep spot at the beginning of this
chapter, advertisers are growing fond of soft-sell multimedia productions that can seem like something other than what they really are — product pitches. We may be asked not just to buy a product but also to live its lifestyle or embrace its ethos. Is that a reasonable or workable strategy for an argument? Your analysis might entertain such possibilities.
Looking at Style Even a coherent argument full of sound evidence may not connect with readers if it’s dull, off-key, or offensive. Readers naturally judge the credibility of arguments in part by how stylishly the case is made — even when they don’t know exactly what style is (for more on style, see Chapter 13). In fact, today rhetoricians and media critics alike point out the crucial importance of style in getting and holding attention in a time when readers are drowning in an overload of information.
Consider how these simple, blunt sentences from the opening of an argument for gun control shape your image of the author and probably determine whether you’re willing to continue to read the whole piece:
Six minutes and about twenty seconds. In a little over six minutes, seventeen of our friends were taken from us. Fifteen were injured, and everyone — absolutely everyone — in [our] community was forever altered. Everyone who was there understands. Everyone who has been touched by the cold grip of gun violence understands.
— Emma Gonzalez, speech delivered at March for Our Lives on March 24, 2018
The strong, straightforward tone, the drum-beat use of repetition, and the stark evocation of just how little time it took to take the lives of seventeen high school students and staff set the style for this speech, which led to six minutes of silence and then to prolonged, and loud, applause and cheers.
Now consider the brutally sarcastic tone of Nathaniel Stein’s hilarious parody of the Harvard grading policy, a piece he wrote following up on a professor’s complaint of out-of-control grade inflation at the school. Stein borrows the formal language of a typical “grading standards” sheet to mock the decline in rigor that the professor has lamented:
The A+ grade is used only in very rare instances for the recognition of truly exceptional achievement.
For example: A term paper receiving the A+ is virtually indistinguishable from the work of a professional, both in its choice of paper stock and its font. The student’s command of the topic is expert, or at the very least intermediate, or beginner. Nearly every single word in the paper is spelled correctly; those that are not can be reasoned out phonetically within minutes. Content from Wikipedia is integrated with precision. The paper contains few, if any, death threats. . . .
An overall course grade of A+ is reserved for those students who have not only demonstrated outstanding achievement in coursework but have also asked very nicely.
Finally, the A+ grade is awarded to all collages, dioramas and other art projects.
— Nathaniel Stein, “Leaked! Harvard’s Grading Rubric”
Both styles probably work, but they signal that the writers are about to make very different kinds of cases. Here, style alone tells readers what
to expect.
Manipulating style also enables writers to shape readers’ responses to their ideas. Devices as simple as repetition, parallelism, or even paragraph length can give sentences remarkable power. Consider this brief announcement by Jason Collins, who played for the Washington Wizards:
I’m a 34-year-old NBA center. I’m black. And I’m gay.
I didn’t set out to be the first openly gay athlete playing in a major American team sport. But since I am, I’m happy to start the conversation. I wish I wasn’t the kid in the classroom raising his hand and saying, “I’m different.” If I had my way, someone else would have already done this. Nobody has, which is why I’m raising my hand.
— Jason Collins, Sports Illustrated, May 6, 2013
In this passage, Collins opens with three very short, very direct, and roughly parallel sentences. He also uses repetition of first-person pronouns to hammer home that he is claiming his own identity with this statement. Doing so invites readers and listeners to listen to his experience and to walk in his shoes, even for a brief time.
Jason Collins
In a rhetorical analysis, you can explore such stylistic choices. Why does a formal style work for discussing one type of subject matter but not another? How does a writer use humor or irony to underscore an important point or to manage a difficult concession? Do stylistic choices, even something as simple as the use of contractions or personal pronouns, bring readers close to a writer, or do technical words and an impersonal voice signal that an argument is for experts only?
To describe the stylistic effects of visual arguments, you may use a different vocabulary and talk about colors, camera angles, editing, balance, proportion, fonts, perspective, and so on. But the basic principle is this: the look of an item — whether a poster, an editorial cartoon, or a film documentary — can support the message that it
carries, undermine it, or muddle it. In some cases, the look will be the message. In a rhetorical analysis, you can’t ignore style.
Here’s an award-winning poster for Beauty and the Beast, praised by critics for its stylistic elegance. As a commentator for DigitalSpy put it, “So chic. So stylish. So yellow.”
A rhetorical analysis would note that the bright yellow dress and title evoke the sun as the image of Beauty dominates the middle of the image, while the beast’s profile is superimposed on a full moon. Here the simplicity, vivid color, and careful juxtaposition suggest that these two are made for each other. (For more on analyzing visual images, see Chapter 14.)
RESPOND● Find a recent example of a visual argument, either in print or on the
Internet. Even though you may have a copy of the image, describe it
carefully in your paper on the assumption that your description is all
readers may have to go on. Then make a judgment about its
effectiveness, supporting your claim with clear evidence from the
Examining a Rhetorical Analysis On the following pages, well-known New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof reports on his family’s annual vacation, when they “run away to the mountains.” He argues that we are plagued by “nature deficit disorder,” that we have lost our connection with the wilderness, with the land that supports us, and that we must do our best to preserve and protect the “natural splendor that no billionaire is allowed to fence off.” Responding to Kristof’s argument with a careful critical reading and detailed rhetorical analysis is Cameron Hauer, a student at Portland State University.
Fleeing to the Mountains
This will make me sound grouchy and misanthropic, but I sometimes wonder if what makes America great isn’t so much its people as its trees and mountains.
In contrast to many advanced countries, we have a vast and spectacular publicly owned wilderness, mostly free and available to all. In an age of inequality, the affluent have gated neighborhoods, private schools, backup generators and greater influence on elected officials. But our most awe-inspiring wild places have remained largely
a public good to be shared by all, a bastion of equality.
My family and I have been backpacking on the Pacific Crest Trail through the Sierras north of Donner Pass, enjoying magnificent splendor that no billionaire is allowed to fence off. We all have equal access, at no charge: If you can hold your own against mosquitoes and bears, the spot is yours for the night.
Yet these public lands are at risk today. More on that in a moment, but first let me tell you about the Kristofs’ grand vacation. As we do each summer, we ran away from home to the mountains. We escaped the tether of email and cellphones, the tyranny of the inbox, and fled with everything we needed on our backs.
We’re yanked back to a simple life. We sleep under the stars rather than in a tent; if it rains we pull out a tarp to keep dry. Dawn wakes us up, we roll up our sleeping bags and plastic ground sheet, wolf down trail mix or granola bars and start down the path. We fill our water bottles at passing streams, stop for rest and meals wherever we fancy, chat as we walk, and when dusk comes we look for a flat spot, kick aside any rocks and branches and unroll our ground sheet and sleeping bags again.
Granted, we also moan about blisters. And marauding mosquitoes. And the heat — or, sometimes, the cold. We whine a lot, but that builds family solidarity.
This is also a spiritual experience: It’s a chance to share a reverence for the ethereal scenery of America’s wild places. The wilderness is
nature’s cathedral, and it’s a thrill to worship here.
The march of civilization has been about distancing ourselves from the raw power of nature. At home, we move the thermostat up or down by a degree, and we absorb the idea that we are lords of the universe. On the trail, we are either sweating or freezing, and it always feels as if the path is mainly uphill. Nature mocks us, usefully reminding us who’s boss.
If your kids are suffering from what the writer Richard Louv calls nature-deficit disorder, I recommend that you all run away from home together. Flee to the mountains. It’s heaven with blisters.
There are often charges to enter much-trafficked spots like Yellowstone or Yosemite, but the wilderness is mostly free to hikers.
This is our collective patrimony, a tribute to the wisdom of Theodore
Roosevelt, Gifford Pinchot and other visionaries who preserved our wild places for the future. Thank God for them. Otherwise, these lands might have been carved up and sold off as ranches for the rich.
Because of the foresight of past generations, the federal government owns one million square miles, an area three times the size of California, Oregon and Washington combined. Much of this is unspoiled, our inheritance and our shared playground.
Yet today, President Trump sees this heritage as an opportunity for development. More aggressively than past administrations, Trump’s is systematically handing over America’s public lands for private exploitation in ways that will scar the land forever.
The Trump administration lifted a moratorium on new coal mining leases on public land, it is drawing up plans to reduce wilderness protected as national monuments and it is rapidly opening up additional public lands to coal mining and oil and gas drilling.
A second challenge comes from our paralysis in the face of climate change, compounded by the Trump administration, and the risks this creates to our wilderness. A warmer climate has led to droughts and to the 20-year spread of the mountain pine beetle, and a result is the death of vast swaths of Western forests. Last year, 62 million trees died in California alone, the Forest Service says, and in Oregon and Washington I’ve watched forests turn brown and sickly. In parts of Wyoming and Colorado, the pine beetle has killed almost all the mature lodgepole pine trees, and it’s arguably even worse in British Columbia.
The third risk is from gradual degradation and chronic underfunding. Even before Trump took office, wilderness trails and campgrounds were in embarrassing disrepair. How is it that we could afford to construct these trails 80 years ago in the Great Depression but cannot manage even to maintain them today?
When public lands are lost — or mined in ways that scar the landscape — something has been lost forever on our watch. A public good has been privatized, and our descendants have been robbed.
To promote an understanding of what is being lost, I encourage everyone to run away from home as well. Flee to the mountains, deserts and babbling brooks to get in touch with wild spaces, to find perspective and humility. The wilderness nourishes our souls, if we let it.
Appeal, Audience, and Narrative in Kristof’s Wilderness
Cameron Hauer is a student at Portland State University, where he is majoring in Applied Linguistics, having returned to school after a decade spent cooking in fine dining establishments in the Pacific Northwest.
GUIDE to writing a rhetorical analysis
Finding a Topic
A rhetorical analysis is usually assigned: you’re asked to show how an argument works and to assess its effectiveness. When you can choose your own subject for analysis, look for one or more of the following qualities:
a complex verbal or visual argument that challenges you — or disturbs or pleases you a text that raises current or enduring issues of substance a text that you believe should be taken more seriously
Look for arguments to analyze in the editorial and op-ed pages of any newspaper, political magazines such as the Nation or National Review, Web sites of organizations and interest groups, political blogs such as Huffington Post or Power Line, corporate Web sites that post their TV ad spots, videos and statements posted to YouTube, and so on.
Researching Your Topic
Once you’ve got a text to analyze, find out all you can about it. Use library or Web resources to explore:
who the author is and what his or her credentials are if the author is an institution, what it does, what its sources of funding are, who its members are, and so on who is publishing or sponsoring the piece and what the organization typically publishes what the leanings or biases of the author and publisher might be, where they are coming from in the argument, and what influences may have led them to make the argument what the context of the argument is — what preceded or provoked it and how others have responded to it
Formulating a Claim
Begin with a hypothesis. A full thesis might not become evident until you’re well into your analysis, but your final thesis should reflect the complexity of the piece that you’re studying. In developing a thesis, consider questions such as the following:
What is the major claim of the argument? What evidence is presented in support of it? How can I describe what this argument achieves? What is the purpose, and is it accomplished? What audiences does the argument address and what audiences does it ignore, and why? Which rhetorical appeals does the argument make use of and which will likely influence readers most: ethos of the author? emotional appeals? logical progression? style, use of images or other illustrations? What aspects of the argument work better than others? How do the rhetorical elements of ethos, pathos, and logos interact?
Here’s the hardest part for most writers of rhetorical analyses: whether you agree or disagree with an argument should not keep you from careful, meticulous analysis: you need to stay out of the fray and pay attention only to how — and to how well — the argument works.
Examples of Possible Claims for a Rhetorical Analysis
Some people admire the directness and plain talking of Donald Trump; others are put off by his lack of information, his tendency to stretch or ignore the truth, and his noisy bluster. A close look at several of his tweets and public appearances will illuminate both sides of this debate.
Today’s editorial in the Daily Collegian about campus crimes may scare first-year students, but its anecdotal reporting doesn’t get down to hard numbers — and for a good reason. Those statistics don’t back the position taken by the editors. The imageboard 4chan has been called an “Internet hate machine,” yet others claim it as a great boon to creativity. A close analysis of its home-page can help to settle this debate. The original design of New York’s Freedom Tower, with its torqued surfaces and evocative spire, made a stronger argument about American values than its replacement, a fortress-like skyscraper stripped of imagination and unable to make any statement except “I’m 1,776 feet tall.” The controversy over speech on campuses has reached a fever pitch, with some arguing that those who spout hate and bigotry and prejudice should be barred from speaking.
Preparing a Proposal
If your instructor asks you to prepare a proposal for your rhetorical analysis, here’s a format you might use:
Provide a copy of the work you’re analyzing, whether it’s a print text, a photograph, a digital image, or a URL, for instance. Offer a working hypothesis or tentative thesis. Indicate which rhetorical components seem especially compelling and worthy of detailed study and any connections between elements. For example, does the piece seem to emphasize facts and logic so much that it becomes disconnected from potential audiences? If so, hint at that possibility in your proposal. Indicate background information you intend to research about the author, institution, and contexts (political, economic, social, and religious) of the argument. Define the audience you’d like to reach. If you’re responding to an
assignment, you may be writing primarily for a teacher and classmates. But they make up a complex audience in themselves. If you can do so within the spirit of the assignment, imagine that your analysis will be published in a local newspaper, Web site, or blog. Conclude by briefly discussing the key challenges you anticipate in preparing a rhetorical analysis.
Considering Genre and Media
Your instructor may specify that you use a particular genre and/or medium. If not, ask yourself these questions to help you make a good choice:
What genre is most appropriate for your rhetorical analysis? Does it call for an academic essay, a report, an infographic, a poster, brochure, or something else? What medium is most appropriate for your analysis? Would it be best delivered orally to a live audience? Presented as an audio essay or podcast? Presented in print only or in print with illustrations? Will you need visuals, such as moving or still images, maps, graphs, charts — and what function will they play in your analysis? Make sure they are not just “added on” but are necessary components of the analysis.
Thinking about Organization
Your rhetorical analysis is likely to include the following:
Facts about the text you’re analyzing: provide the author’s name; the title or name of the work; its place of publication or its
location; the date it was published or viewed. Evidence that you have read the argument carefully and critically, that you have listened closely to and understand the points it is making, and that you have been open and fair in your assessment. Contexts for the argument: readers need to know where the text is coming from, to what it may be responding, in what controversies it might be embroiled, and so on. Don’t assume that they can infer the important contextual elements. A synopsis of the text that you’re analyzing: if you can’t attach the original argument, you must summarize it in enough detail so that a reader can imagine it. Even if you attach a copy of the piece, the analysis should include a summary. Some claim about the work’s rhetorical effectiveness: it might be a simple evaluative claim or something more complex. The claim can come early in the paper, or you might build up to it, providing the evidence that leads toward the conclusion you’ve reached. A detailed analysis of how the argument works: although you’ll probably analyze rhetorical components separately, don’t let your analysis become a dull roster of emotional, ethical, and logical appeals. Your rhetorical analysis should be an argument itself that supports a claim; a simple list of rhetorical appeals won’t make much of a point. Evidence for every point made in your analysis. An assessment of alternative views and counterarguments to your own analysis.
Getting and Giving Response: Questions for Peer Response
If you have access to a writing center, discuss the text that you intend to analyze with a writing consultant before you write the analysis. Try to find people who agree with the argument and others who disagree, and take notes on their observations. Your instructor may assign you to
a peer group for the purpose of reading and responding to one another’s drafts; if not, share your draft with someone on your own. You can use the following questions to evaluate a draft. If you’re evaluating someone else’s draft, be sure to illustrate your points with examples. Specific comments are always more helpful than general observations.
The Claim
Does the claim address the rhetorical effectiveness of the argument itself rather than the opinion or position that it takes? Is the claim significant enough to interest readers? Does the claim indicate important relationships between various rhetorical components? Would the claim be one that the creator of the piece would regard as serious criticism?
Evidence for the Claim
Is enough evidence given to support all your claims? What evidence do you still need? Is the evidence in support of the claim simply announced, or are its significance and appropriateness analyzed? Is a more detailed discussion needed? Do you use appropriate evidence, drawn from the argument itself or from other materials? Do you address objections readers might have to the claim, criteria, or evidence? What kinds of sources might you use to explain the context of the argument? Do you need to use sources to check factual claims made in the argument? Are all quotations introduced with appropriate signal phrases (for
instance, “As Áida Álvarez points out”), and do they merge smoothly into your sentences?
Organization and Style
How are the parts of the argument organized? How effective is this organization? Would some other structure work better? Will readers understand the relationships among the original text, your claims, your supporting reasons, and the evidence you’ve gathered (from the original text and any other sources you’ve used)? If not, what could be done to make those connections clearer? Are more transitional words and phrases needed? Would headings or graphic devices help? Are the transitions or links from point to point, sentence to sentence, and paragraph to paragraph clear and effective? If not, how could they be improved? Is the style suited to the subject and appropriate to your audience? Is it too formal? Too casual? Too technical? Too bland or boring? Which sentences seem particularly effective? Which ones seem weakest, and how could they be improved? Should some short sentences be combined, or should any long ones be separated into two or more sentences? How effective are the paragraphs? Do any seem too skimpy or too long? Do they break the analysis at strategic points? Which words or phrases seem particularly effective, accurate, and powerful? Do any seem dull, vague, unclear, or inappropriate for the audience or your purpose? Are definitions provided for technical or other terms that readers might not know?
Spelling, Punctuation, Mechanics, Documentation, and Format
Check the spelling of the author’s name, and make sure that the name of any institution involved with the work is correct. Note that the names of many corporations and institutions use distinctive spelling and punctuation. Check the title of the text you’re analyzing so you’re sure to get it right. Look for any errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and the like. Check the format of your assignment and make sure it matches instructions given on your original assignment.
Find an argument on the editorial page or op-ed page in a recent
newspaper. Read it carefully and critically, taking time to make sure
you understand the claims it is making and the evidence that backs
up the claim. Then analyze it rhetorically, using principles discussed
in this chapter. Show how it succeeds, fails, or does something else
entirely. Perhaps you can show that the author is unusually
successful in connecting with readers but then has nothing to say.
Or perhaps you discover that the strong logical appeal is undercut
by a contradictory emotional argument. Be sure that the analysis
includes a summary of the original essay and basic publication
information about it (its author, place of publication, and
PART 2 WRITING arguments
CHAPTER 7 Structuring Arguments
These two sets of statements illustrate the most basic ways in which Western culture structures logical arguments. The first piles up specific examples and draws a conclusion from them: that’s inductive reasoning and structure. The second sets out a general principle (the major premise of a syllogism) and applies it to a specific case (the minor premise) in order to reach a conclusion: that’s deductive reasoning and structure. In everyday reasoning, we often omit the middle statement, resulting in what Aristotle called an enthymeme: “Since dairy products make me sick, I better leave that ice cream alone.” (See Using Reason and Common Sense in Chapter 4 for more on enthymemes.)
But the arguments you will write in college call for more than just the careful critical thinking offered within inductive and deductive reasoning. You will also need to make claims, explain the contexts in which you are offering them, defend the assumptions on which they are based, offer convincing evidence, appeal to specific audiences, consider counterarguments fairly and carefully, and more. And you will have to do so using a coherent structure that moves your argument
forward. This chapter introduces you to three helpful ways to structure arguments. Feel free to borrow from all of them!
The Classical Oration The authors of this book once examined a series of engineering reports and found that — to their great surprise — these reports were generally structured in ways similar to those used by Greek and Roman rhetors two thousand years ago. Thus, this ancient structuring system is alive and well in twenty-first-century culture. The classical oration has six parts, most of which will be familiar to you, despite their Latin names:
Exordium: You try to win the attention and goodwill of an audience while introducing a topic or problem.
Narratio: You present the facts of the case, explaining what happened when, who is involved, and so on. The narratio puts an argument in context.
Partitio: You divide up the topic, explaining what the claim is, what the key issues are, and in what order they will be treated.
Confirmatio: You offer detailed support for the claim, using both logical reasoning and factual evidence.
Refutatio: You carefully consider and respond to opposing claims or evidence.
Peroratio: You summarize the case and move the audience to action.
This structure is powerful because it covers all the bases: readers or
listeners want to know what your topic is, how you intend to cover it, and what evidence you have to offer. And you probably need a reminder to present a pleasing ethos when beginning a presentation and to conclude with enough pathos to win an audience over completely. Here, in outline form, is a five-part updated version of the classical pattern, which you may find useful on many occasions:
gains readers’ interest and willingness to listen indicates your qualifications to write about your topic establishes some common ground with your audience demonstrates that you’re fair and even-handed states your claim
presents information, including personal stories or anecdotes relevant to your argument
Lines of Argument
present good reasons, including logical and emotional appeals, in support of your claim
Alternative Arguments
carefully consider different points of view and opposing arguments note the advantages and disadvantages of these views explain why your view is preferable to others
summarizes the argument elaborates on the implications of your claim makes clear what you want the audience to think or do reinforces your credibility and perhaps offers an emotional appeal
Not every piece of rhetoric, past or present, follows the structure of the oration or includes all its components. But you can identify some of its elements in successful arguments if you pay attention to their design. Here are the words of the 1776 Declaration of Independence:
The authors might have structured this argument by beginning with the
last two sentences of the excerpt and then listing the facts intended to prove the king’s abuse and tyranny. But by choosing first to explain the purpose and “self-evident” assumptions behind their argument and only then moving on to demonstrate how these “truths” have been denied by the British, the authors forge an immediate connection with readers and build up to the memorable conclusion. The structure is both familiar and inventive — as your own use of key elements of the oration should be in the arguments you compose.
Notice that John Hancock’s defiant signature on the Declaration of Independence is still readable in this much reduced image of the original document.
Rogerian and Invitational Arguments In trying to find an alternative to confrontational and angry arguments like those that so often erupt in legislative bodies around the world, scholars and teachers of rhetoric have adapted the nonconfrontational principles employed by psychologist Carl Rogers in personal therapy sessions. In simple terms, Rogers argued that people involved in disputes should not respond to each other until they could fully, fairly, and even sympathetically state the other person’s position. Scholars of rhetoric Richard E. Young, Alton L. Becker, and Kenneth L. Pike developed a four-part structure that is now known as Rogerian argument:
1. Introduction: You describe an issue, a problem, or a conflict in terms rich enough to show that you fully understand and respect any alternative position or positions.
2. Contexts: You describe the contexts in which alternative positions may be valid.
3. Writer’s position: You state your position on the issue and present the circumstances in which that opinion would be valid.
4. Benefits to opponent: You explain to opponents how they would benefit from adopting your position.
The key to Rogerian argumentation is a willingness to think about opposing positions and to describe them fairly. In a Rogerian structure, you have to acknowledge that alternatives to your claims exist and that they might be reasonable under certain circumstances. In tone,
Rogerian arguments steer clear of heated and stereotypical language, emphasizing instead how all parties in a dispute might gain from working together.
In the same vein, feminist scholars Sonja Foss and Cindy Griffin have outlined a form of argument they label “invitational,” one that begins with careful attention to and respect for the person or the audience you are in conversation with. Foss and Griffin show that such listening — in effect, walking in the other person’s shoes — helps you see that person’s points of view more clearly and thoroughly and thus offers a basis for moving together toward new understandings. The kind of argument they describe is what rhetorician Krista Ratcliffe calls “rhetorical listening,” as we saw in Chapter 1 — listening that helps to establish productive connections between people and thus helps enable effective cross-cultural communications.
Invitational rhetoric has as its goal not winning over opponents but getting people and groups to work together and identify with each other; it strives for connection, collaboration, and the mutually informed creation of knowledge. As feminist scholar Sally Miller Gearhart puts it, invitational argument offers a way to disagree without hurting one another, to disagree with respect. This kind of argument is especially important in a society that increasingly depends on successful collaboration to get things done. In college, you may have opportunities to practice invitational rhetoric in peer-review sessions, when each member of a group listens carefully in order to work through problems and issues. You may also practice invitational rhetoric looking at any contested issue from other people’s points of
view, taking them into account, and engaging them fairly and respectfully in your own argument. Students we know who are working in high-tech industries also tell us how much such arguments are valued, since they fuel innovation and “out of the box” thinking.
Invitational arguments, then, call up structures that more resemble good two-way conversations or free-ranging dialogues than straight- line marches from thesis to conclusion. Even conventional arguments benefit from invitational strategies by giving space early on to a full range of perspectives, making sure to present them thoroughly and clearly. Remember that in such arguments your goal is enhanced understanding so that you can open up a space for new perceptions and fresh ideas.
Consider how Frederick Douglass tried to broaden the outlook of his audiences when he delivered a Fourth of July oration in 1852. Most nineteenth-century Fourth of July speeches followed a pattern of praising the Revolutionary War heroes and emphasizing freedom, democracy, and justice. Douglass, a former slave, had that tradition in mind as he delivered his address, acknowledging the “great principles” that the “glorious anniversary” celebrates. But he also asked his (white) listeners to see the occasion from another point of view:
Fellow-citizens, pardon me, allow me to ask, why am I called upon to speak here today? What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and natural justice, embodied in the Declaration of Independence, extended to us? And am I,
Frederick Douglass
therefore, called upon to bring our humble offering to the national altar, and to confess the benefits and express devout gratitude for the blessings resulting from your independence to us? . . . I say it with a sad sense of the disparity between us. I am not included within the pale of this glorious anniversary! Your high independence only reveals the immeasurable distance between us. The blessings in which you, this day, rejoice, are not enjoyed in common. The rich inheritance of justice, liberty, prosperity and independence, bequeathed by
your fathers, is shared by you, not by me. The sunlight that brought life and healing to you, has brought stripes and death to me. This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn.
— Frederick Douglass, “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?”
Although his speech is in some ways confrontational, Douglass is also inviting his audience to see a version of reality that they could have discovered on their own had they dared to imagine the lives of African Americans living in the shadows of American liberty. Issuing that invitation, and highlighting its consequences, points a way forward in the conflict between slavery and freedom, black and white, oppression and justice, although response to Douglass’s invitation was a long time in coming.
More recently, in the aftermath of Donald J. Trump’s unexpected victory in the 2016 presidential election, pundits on the political left reconsidered strategies that may have distanced many working-class voters from any appeal Hillary Clinton might have made. Kevin Drum in Mother Jones offers what amounts to a Rogerian analysis of how liberal Democrats (like himself) might recapture middle-American voters who swung to Trump by accepting, not denigrating, their political values, such as being pro-life or owning a gun for self- defense:
In the same way that right-wing Republicans need to learn how to talk about women’s issues, Democrats need to learn
how to talk about middle America. No more deplorables. No more clinging to guns and religion. Less swarming over every tin-eared comment on race.
—Kevin Drum, “Less Liberal Contempt, Please,” May 31, 2017
In finding validity in views held by some of middle America’s working-class voters, Drum urges his fellow liberals to take the high road of respect and learn to talk with those with whom they might share common interests.
The use of invitational argument like this in contemporary political life may seem rare, but in spite of much evidence to the contrary (think of brutal clashes on Twitter and cable news shows), the public claims to prefer nonpartisan and invitational rhetoric to one-on-one, winner-take- all battles. The lesson to take from Rogerian or invitational argument may be that it makes good sense to learn opposing positions well enough to state them accurately and honestly, to strive to understand the points of view of your opponents, to acknowledge those views fairly in your own work, and to look for solutions that benefit as many people as possible.
RESPOND● Dividing into groups, choose a controversial topic that is frequently
in the news, and decide how you might structure an argument on
the subject, using the general principles of the classical oration.
Then look at the same subject from a Rogerian or invitational
perspective. How might your argument differ? Which approach
would work better for your topic? For the audiences you might want
to address?
Toulmin Argument In The Uses of Argument (1958), British philosopher Stephen Toulmin presented structures to describe the way that ordinary people make reasonable arguments. Because Toulmin’s system acknowledges the complications of life — situations when we qualify our thoughts with words such as sometimes, often, presumably, unless, and almost — his method isn’t as airtight as formal logic that uses syllogisms (see introduction to Chapter 7 and Using Reason and Common Sense in Chapter 4). But for that reason, Toulmin logic has become a powerful and, for the most part, practical tool for understanding and shaping arguments in the real world.
Toulmin argument will help you come up with and test ideas and also figure out what goes where in many kinds of arguments. Let’s take a look at the basic elements of Toulmin’s structure:
Claim the argument you wish to prove
Qualifiers any limits you place on your claim
Reason(s)/Evidence support for your claim
Warrants underlying assumptions that support your claim
Backing evidence for warrant
If you wanted to state the relationship among them in a sentence, you might say:
My claim is true, to a qualified degree, because of the following reasons, which make sense if you consider the
warrant, backed by these additional reasons.
These terms — claim, evidence, warrants, backing, and qualifiers — are the building blocks of the Toulmin argument structure. Let’s take them one at a time.
Making Claims Toulmin arguments begin with claims, debatable and controversial statements or assertions you hope to prove.
A claim answers the question So what’s your point? or Where do you stand on that? Some writers might like to ignore these questions and avoid stating a position. But when you make a claim worth writing about, then it’s worth standing up and owning it.
Is there a danger that you might oversimplify an issue by making too bold a claim? Of course. But making that sweeping claim is a logical first step toward eventually saying something more reasonable and subtle. Here are some fairly simple, undeveloped claims:
Congress should enact legislation that establishes a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
It’s time to treat the opioid addiction in the United States as a medical crisis.
NASA should affirm its commitment to a human expedition to Mars.
Veganism is the most responsible choice of diet.
Military insurance should not cover the cost of sex reassignment surgery for service men and women.
Good claims often spring from personal experiences. You may have relevant work or military or athletic experience — or you may know a lot about music, film, sustainable agriculture, social networking, inequities in government services — all fertile ground for authoritative, debatable, and personally relevant claims.
Claims aren’t always easy to find. Sometimes they’re buried deep
within an argument, and sometimes they’re not present at all. An
important skill in reading and writing arguments is the ability to
identify claims, even when they aren’t obvious.
In class and working in a group, collect a sample of four to six brief
argumentative postings from political blogs or editorial postings
(from news sites). Read each item, and then try to identify every
claim that the writer makes. When you’ve compiled a list of claims,
look carefully at the words that the writer or writers use when
stating their positions. Is there a common vocabulary? Can you find
terms or phrases that signal an impending claim? Which of these
seem most effective? Which ones seem least effective? Why?
Offering Evidence and Good
Academic arguments such as “Playing with Prejudice: The Prevalence and Consequences of Racial Stereotypes in Video Games” by Melinda C. R. Burgess et al. often closely follow the Toulmin structure, making sure that all their claims are well supported.
LINK TO Burgess et al., “Playing with Prejudice,” in Chapter 23
Reasons You can begin developing a claim by drawing up a list of reasons to support it or finding evidence that backs up the point.
One student writer wanted to gather good reasons in support of an assertion that his college campus needed more official spaces for parking bicycles. He did some research, gathering statistics about parking-space allocation, numbers of people using particular designated slots, and numbers of bicycles registered on campus. Before he went any further, however, he listed his primary reasons for wanting to increase bicycle parking:
Personal experience: At least twice a week for two terms, he was unable to find a designated parking space for his bike. Anecdotes: Several of his friends told similar stories. One even sold her bike as a result. Facts: He found out that the ratio of car to bike parking spaces
was 100 to 1, whereas the ratio of cars to bikes registered on campus was 25 to 1. Authorities: The campus police chief told the college newspaper that she believed a problem existed for students who tried to park bicycles legally.
On the basis of his preliminary listing of possible reasons in support of the claim, this student decided that his subject was worth more research. He was on the way to amassing a set of good reasons and evidence that were sufficient to support his claim.
In shaping your own arguments, try putting claims and reasons together early in the writing process to create enthymemes. Think of these enthymemes as test cases or even as topic sentences:
Bicycle parking spaces should be expanded because the number of bikes on campus far exceeds the available spots.
It’s time to lower the driving age because I’ve been driving since I was fourteen and it hasn’t hurt me.
National legalization of marijuana is long overdue since it is already legal in many states, has proven to be less harmful than alcohol, and provides effective relief from pain associated with cancer.
Violent video games should be carefully evaluated and their use monitored by the industry, the government, and parents because such games cause addiction and even psychological harm to players.
As you can see, attaching a reason to a claim often spells out the major terms of an argument.
But your work is just beginning when you’ve put a claim together with its supporting reasons and evidence — because readers are certain to begin questioning your statement. They might ask whether the reasons and evidence that you’re offering actually do support the claim: should the driving age really be changed just because you’ve managed to drive since you were fourteen? They might ask pointed questions about your evidence: exactly how do you know that the number of bikes on campus far exceeds the number of spaces available? Eventually, you’ve got to address potential questions about the quality of your assumptions and the reliability of your evidence. The connection between claim and reason(s) is a concern at the next level in Toulmin argument.
Anticipate challenges to your claims.
Briahna Joy Gray argues that charges of cultural appropriation imply ownership of culture, as represented by music, costume, food, etc. What warrants lie behind this claim?
LINK TO Gray, “The Question of Cultural Appropriation,” in Chapter 24
Determining Warrants
Crucial to Toulmin argument is appreciating that there must be a logical and persuasive connection between a claim and the reasons and data supporting it. Toulmin calls this connection the warrant. It answers the question How exactly do I get from the data to the claim? Like the warrant in legal situations (a search warrant, for example), a sound warrant in an argument gives you authority to proceed with your case.
The warrant tells readers what your (often unstated) assumptions are — for example, that any major medical problem should be a concern of the government. If readers accept your warrant, you can then present specific evidence to develop your claim. But if readers dispute your warrant, you’ll have to defend it before you can move on to the claim
Stating warrants can be tricky because they can be phrased in various ways. What you’re looking for is the general principle that enables you to justify the move from a reason to a specific claim — the bridge connecting them. The warrant is the assumption that makes the claim seem believable. It’s often a value or principle that you share with your readers. Here’s an easy example:
Don’t eat that mushroom: it’s poisonous.
The warrant supporting this enthymeme can be stated in several ways, always moving from the reason (it’s poisonous) to the claim (Don’t eat that mushroom):
Anything that is poisonous shouldn’t be eaten.
If something is poisonous, it’s dangerous to eat.
Here’s the relationship, diagrammed:
Perfectly obvious, you say? Exactly — and that’s why the statement is so convincing. If the mushroom in question is a death cap or destroying angel (and you might still need expert testimony to prove that it is), the warrant does the rest of the work, making the claim that it supports seem logical and persuasive.
Let’s look at a similar example, beginning with the argument in its basic form:
We’d better stop for gas because the gauge has been reading empty for more than thirty miles.
In this case, you have evidence that is so clear (a gas gauge reading empty) that the reason for getting gas doesn’t even have to be stated: the tank is almost empty. The warrant connecting the evidence to the claim is also obvious:
If the fuel gauge of a car has been reading empty for more than thirty miles, then that car is about to run out of gas.
Since most readers would accept this warrant as reasonable, they would also likely accept the statement the warrant supports.
Naturally, factual information might undermine the whole argument: the fuel gauge might be broken, or the driver might know from experience that the car will go another fifty miles even though the fuel gauge reads empty. But in most cases, readers would accept the warrant.
A simple icon — a skull and crossbones — can make a visual argument that implies a claim, a reason, and a warrant.
Now let’s consider how stating and then examining a warrant can help you determine the grounds on which you want to make a case. Here’s a political enthymeme of a familiar sort:
Flat taxes are fairer than progressive taxes because they treat all taxpayers in the same way.
Warrants that follow from this enthymeme have power because they appeal to a core American value — equal treatment under the law:
Treating people equitably is the American way.
All people should be treated in the same way.
You certainly could make an argument on these grounds. But stating the warrant should also raise a flag if you know anything about tax policy. If the principle is obvious and universal, then why do federal
and some state income taxes require people at higher levels of income to pay at higher tax rates than people at lower income levels? Could the warrant not be as universally popular as it seems at first glance? To explore the argument further, try stating the contrary claim and warrants:
Progressive taxes are fairer than flat taxes because people with more income can afford to pay more, benefit more from government, and shelter more of their income from taxes.
People should be taxed according to their ability to pay.
People who benefit more from government and can shelter more of their income from taxes should be taxed at higher rates.
Now you see how different the assumptions behind opposing positions really are. If you decided to argue in favor of flat taxes, you’d be smart to recognize that some members of your audience might have fundamental reservations about your position. Or you might even decide to shift your entire argument to an alternative rationale for flat taxes:
Flat taxes are preferable to progressive taxes because they simplify the tax code and reduce the likelihood of fraud.
Here, you have two stated reasons that are supported by two new warrants:
Taxes that simplify the tax code are desirable.
Taxes that reduce the likelihood of fraud are preferable.
Whenever possible, you’ll choose your warrant knowing your audience, the context of your argument, and your own feelings.
Be careful, though, not to suggest that you’ll appeal to any old warrant that works to your advantage. If readers suspect that your argument for progressive taxes really amounts to I want to stick it to people who work harder than I, your credibility may suffer a fatal blow.
At their simplest, warrants can be stated as “X is good” or “X is bad.”
Return to the editorials or blog posts that you analyzed in the
exercise on p. 144, this time looking for the warrant that is behind
each claim. As a way to start, ask yourself these questions:
If I find myself agreeing with the letter writer, what
assumptions about the subject matter do I share with him/her?
If I disagree, what assumptions are at the heart of that
The list of warrants you generate will likely come from these
Offering Evidence: Backing The richest, most interesting part of a writer’s work — backing — remains to be done after the argument has been outlined. Clearly stated claims and warrants show you how much evidence you will need. Take a look at this brief argument, which is both debatable and controversial, especially in tough economic times:
NASA should affirm its commitment to a human expedition to Mars because Americans need a unifying national goal.
Here’s one version of the warrant that supports the enthymeme:
What unifies the nation ought to be a national priority.
To run with this claim and warrant, you’d first need to place both in context. Human space exploration has been debated with varying intensity following the 1957 launch of the Soviet Union’s Sputnik satellite, after the losses of the U.S. space shuttles Challenger (1986) and Columbia (2003), and after the retirement of the Space Shuttle program in 2011. Acquiring such background knowledge through reading, conversation, and inquiry of all kinds will be necessary for making your case. (See Chapter 3 for more on gaining authority.)
Sticker honoring the retirement of the Space Shuttle program
There’s no point in defending any claim until you’ve satisfied readers that questionable warrants on which the claim is based are defensible. In Toulmin argument, evidence you offer to support a warrant is called backing.
Warrant What unifies the nation ought to be a national priority.
Backing Americans want to be part of something bigger than themselves. (Emotional appeal as evidence)
In a country as diverse as the United States, common purposes and values help make the nation stronger. (Ethical appeal as evidence)
In the past, government investments such as the Hoover Dam and the Apollo moon program enhanced economic progress for many — though not all — Americans. (Logical appeal as evidence)
In addition to evidence to support your warrant (backing), you’ll need evidence to support your claim:
Argument in Brief (Enthymeme/Claim) NASA should launch a human expedition to Mars because Americans now need a unifying national goal.
Evidence The American people are politically divided along lines of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, and class. (Fact as evidence)
A common challenge or problem often unites people to accomplish great things. (Emotional appeal as evidence)
A successful Mars mission would require the cooperation of the entire nation — and generate tens of thousands of jobs. (Logical appeal as evidence)
A human expedition to Mars would be an admirable scientific project for the nation to pursue. (Appeal to values as evidence)
As these examples show, appeals to values and emotions can be just as appropriate as appeals to logic and facts, and all such claims will be stronger if a writer presents a convincing ethos. In most arguments,
appeals work together rather than separately, reinforcing each other. (See Chapter 3 for more on ethos.)
Using Qualifiers Experienced writers know that qualifying expressions make writing more precise and honest. Toulmin logic encourages you to acknowledge limitations to your argument through the effective use of qualifiers. You can save time if you qualify a claim early in the writing process. But you might not figure out how to limit a claim effectively until after you’ve explored your subject or discussed it with others.
it is possible
it seems
it may be
more or less
in some cases
one might argue
under these conditions
for the most part
if it were so
in general
Never assume that readers understand the limits you have in mind. Rather, spell them out as precisely as possible, as in the following examples:
Unqualified Claim
People who don’t go to college earn less than those who do.
Qualified Claim
Statistics show that in most cases, people who don’t go to college earn less than those who do.
Understanding Conditions of Rebuttal In the Toulmin system, potential objections to an argument are called conditions of rebuttal. Understanding and reacting to these conditions are essential to support your own claims where they’re weak and also to recognize and understand the reasonable objections of people who see the world differently. For example, you may be a big fan of the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and prefer that federal tax dollars be spent on these programs. So you offer the following claim:
Claim The federal government should support the arts.
You need reasons to support this thesis, so you decide to present the issue as a matter of values:
Argument in Brief
The federal government should support the arts because it also supports the military.
Now you’ve got an enthymeme and can test the warrant, or the premises of your claim:
Warrant If the federal government can support the military, then it can also support other programs.
But the warrant seems frail: you can hear a voice over your shoulder saying, “In essence, you’re saying that Because we pay for a military, we should pay for everything!” So you decide to revise your claim:
Revised Argument
If the federal government can spend huge amounts of money on the military, then it can afford to spend moderate amounts on arts programs.
Now you’ve got a new warrant, too:
Revised Warrant
A country that can fund expensive programs can also afford less expensive programs.
This is a premise that you can defend, since you believe strongly that the arts are just as essential as a strong military is to the well-being of the country. Although the warrant now seems solid, you still have to offer strong grounds to support your specific and controversial claim. So you cite statistics from reputable sources, this time comparing the federal budgets for the military and the arts. You break them down in ways that readers can visualize, demonstrating that much less than a penny of every tax dollar goes to support the arts.
But then you hear those voices again, saying that the “common defense” is a federal mandate; the government is constitutionally obligated to support a military, and support for the arts is hardly in the same league! Looks like you need to add a paragraph explaining all the benefits the arts provide for very few dollars spent, and maybe you should suggest that such funding falls under the constitutional mandate to “promote the general welfare.” Though not all readers will accept these grounds, they’ll appreciate that you haven’t ignored their point of view: you’ve gained credibility by anticipating a reasonable objection.
Dealing with conditions of rebuttal is an essential part of argument. But it’s important to understand rebuttal as more than mere opposition. Anticipating objections broadens your horizons, makes you more open to alternative viewpoints, and helps you understand what you need to
do to support your claim.
Within Toulmin argument, conditions of rebuttal remind us that we’re part of global conversations: Internet newsgroups and blogs provide potent responses to positions offered by participants in discussions; instant messaging and social networking let you respond to and challenge others; links on Web sites form networks that are infinitely variable and open. In cyberspace, conditions of rebuttal are as close as your screen.
RESPOND● Using an essay or a project you are composing, do a Toulmin
analysis of the argument. When you’re done, see which elements of
the Toulmin scheme are represented. Are you short of evidence to
support the warrant? Have you considered the conditions of
rebuttal? Have you qualified your claim adequately? Next, write a
brief revision plan: How will you buttress the argument in the places
where it is weakest? What additional evidence will you offer for the
warrant? How can you qualify your claim to meet the conditions of
rebuttal? Then show your paper to a classmate and have him/her do
a Toulmin analysis: a new reader will probably see your argument in
different ways and suggest revisions that may not have occurred to
Outline of a Toulmin Argument Consider the claim that was mentioned on p. 150:
The federal government should ban e-cigarettes.
Qualifier The ban would be limited to public spaces.
Good Reasons
E-cigarettes have not been proven to be harmless.
E-cigarettes legitimize smoking and also are aimed at recruiting teens and children with flavors like bubblegum and cotton candy.
Warrants The Constitution promises to “promote the general welfare.”
Citizens are entitled to protection from harmful actions by others.
Backing The United States is based on a political system that is supposed to serve the basic needs of its people, including their health.
Evidence Analysis of advertising campaigns that reveal direct appeals to children
Lawsuits recently won against e-cigarette companies, citing the link between e-cigarettes and a return to regular smoking
Examples of bans on e-cigarettes already imposed in many public places
Authority Cite the FDA and medical groups on effect of e-cigarette smoking.
Conditions of Rebuttal
E-cigarette smokers have rights, too.
Smoking laws should be left to the states.
Such a ban could not be enforced.
Responses The ban applies to public places; smokers can smoke in private.
A Toulmin Analysis You might wonder how Toulmin’s method holds up when applied to
an argument that is longer than a few sentences. Do such arguments really work the way that Toulmin predicts? In the following column from Bloomberg Opinion (June 19, 2017), Stephen L. Carter explains why he supports a unanimous Supreme Court decision protecting offensive speech. Carter, a professor of law at Yale, novelist, and essayist, begins by offering background information on a trademark case brought before the Supreme Court by a band called The Slants. Carter signals quite clearly (in what amounts to his core claim) that the Court was right to strike down restrictions on potentially offensive trademarks set in place during World War II. To justify his support for the new ruling, Carter helps readers understand the Constitutional rationale for defending forms of speech that some people might regard as offensive, derogatory, or racist. Carter even draws upon the remarks of two Supreme Court justices who reach the same conclusion about the unconstitutionality of the so-called “disparagement clause” through very different approaches. As you will see below, many elements of Toulmin argument are in play throughout Carter’s essay, even if they don’t follow a predictable sequence from claim to reason to evidence to conditions of rebuttal to response pattern.
The Slants chose their band’s name to reappropriate the offensive slur. Anthony Pidgeon/Getty Images
What Toulmin Teaches As Carter’s essay demonstrates, few arguments you read have perfectly sequenced claims or clear warrants, so you might not think of Toulmin’s terms in building your own arguments. Once you’re into your subject, it’s easy to forget about qualifying a claim or finessing a warrant. But remembering what Toulmin teaches will always help you strengthen your arguments:
Claims should be clear, reasonable, and carefully qualified. Claims should be supported with good reasons and evidence. Remember that a Toulmin structure provides the framework of an argument, which you fill out with all kinds of data, including facts, statistics, precedents, photographs, and even stories. Claims and reasons should be based on assumptions your audience will likely accept. Toulmin’s focus on warrants can be confusing because it asks us to state the values that underlie our arguments — something many would rather not do. Toulmin also prompts us to consider how our assumptions relate to particular audiences.
Effective arguments respectfully anticipate objections readers might offer. Toulmin argument acknowledges that any claim can crumble under certain conditions, so it encourages complex views that don’t insist on absolute or unqualified positions.
It takes considerable experience to write arguments that meet all these conditions. Using Toulmin’s framework brings them into play automatically. If you learn it well enough, constructing good arguments can become a habit.
Organization As you think about organizing your argument, remember that cultural factors are at work: patterns that you find persuasive are probably ones that are deeply embedded in your culture. In the United States, many people expect a writer to “get to the point” as directly as possible and to articulate that point efficiently and unambiguously. The organizational patterns favored by many in business hold similarities to the classical oration — a highly explicit pattern that leaves little or nothing unexplained — introduction and thesis, background, overview of the parts that follow, evidence, other viewpoints, and conclusion. If a piece of writing follows this pattern, American readers ordinarily find it “well organized.”
So it’s no surprise that student writers in the United States are expected to make their structures direct and their claims explicit, leaving little unspoken. Their claims usually appear early in an argument, often in the first paragraph.
But not all cultures take such an approach. Some expect any claim or thesis to be introduced subtly, indirectly, and perhaps at the end of a work, assuming that audiences will “read between the lines” to understand what’s being said. Consequently, the preferred structure of arguments (and face-to-face negotiations, as well) may be elaborate, repetitive, and full of digressions. Those accustomed to such writing may find more direct Western styles naive, childish, or even rude.
When arguing across cultures, look for cues to determine how to structure your presentations effectively. Here are several points to consider:
Do members of your audience tend to be very direct, saying explicitly what they mean? Or are they more restrained? Consider adjusting your work to the expectations of the audience. Do members of your audience tend to respect authority and the opinions of groups? They may find blunt approaches disrespectful or contrary to their expectations. Consider when to state your thesis: At the beginning? At the end? Somewhere else? Not at all? Consider whether digressions are a good idea, a requirement, or an element to avoid.
CHAPTER 8 Arguments of Fact
Some people believe that extensive use of smartphones and
social media is especially harmful to children and young adults,
and recent research provides disturbing evidence that they may
be right.
In the past, female screen stars like Marilyn Monroe could be
buxom and curvy, less concerned about their weight than
actresses today. Or so the legend goes. But measuring the
costumes worn by Monroe and other actresses reveals a
different story.
When an instructor announces a tough new attendance policy
for her course, a student objects that there is no evidence that
students who regularly attend classes perform any better than
those who do not. The instructor begs to differ.
Understanding Arguments of Fact Factual arguments come in many varieties, but they all try to
establish whether something is or is not so, answering
questions such as Is a historical legend true? Has a crime
occurred? or Are the claims of a scientific study replicable? At
first glance, you might object that these aren’t arguments at all
but just a matter of looking things up and then writing reports.
And you’d be correct to an extent: people don’t usually argue
factual matters that are settled or undisputed (The earth
revolves around the sun), that might be decided with simple
research (The Mendenhall Glacier has receded 1.75 miles since
1958), or that are the equivalent of a rule (One mile measures
5,280 feet). Reporting facts, you might think, should be free of
the friction of argument.
But the authority of “facts” has been routinely challenged. With
a full generation of contemporary philosophers insisting that
reality is just a creation of language, perhaps it’s not surprising
that politicians and pundits now find themselves arguing over
“fake news,” “known facts,” and “alternative facts.”
Yet facts do still become arguments whenever they’re
controversial on their own or challenge people’s conventional
beliefs and lifestyles. Disagreements about childhood obesity,
endangered species, or energy production ought to have a kind
of clean, scientific logic to them. But that’s rarely the case
because the facts surrounding them must be interpreted. Those
interpretations then determine what we feed children, where
we can build a dam, or how we heat our homes. In other words,
serious factual arguments almost always have consequences.
Can we rely on wind and solar power to solve our energy needs?
Will the Social Security trust fund really go broke? Is it healthy
to eat fatty foods? People need well-reasoned factual arguments
on subjects of this kind to make informed decisions. Such
arguments educate the public.
For the same reason, we need arguments to challenge beliefs
that are common in a society but held on the basis of
inadequate or faulty information. We sometimes need help, too,
noticing change that is occurring all around us. So corrective
arguments appear daily in the media, often based on studies
written by scientists or researchers that the public would not
encounter on their own. Many people, for example, still believe
that talking on a cell phone while driving is just like listening to
the radio. But their intuition is not based on hard data: scientific
studies show that using a cell phone in a car is comparable to
driving under the influence of alcohol. That’s a fact. As a result,
fifteen states (and counting) have banned the use of handheld
phones while driving—and almost all now ban texting while
Factual arguments also routinely address broad questions about
how we understand the past. For example, are the accounts that
we have of the American founding—or the Civil War,
Reconstruction, or the heroics of the “Greatest Generation” in
World War II—accurate? Or do the “facts” that we teach today
sometimes reflect the perspectives and prejudices of earlier
times or ideologies? The telling of history is almost always
controversial and rarely settled: the British and Americans will
always tell different versions of what happened in North
America in 1776.
The Internet puts mountains of information at our fingertips,
but we need to be sure to confirm whether or not that
information is fact, using what Howard Rheingold calls “crap
detection,” the ability to distinguish between accurate
information and inaccurate information, misinformation, or
disinformation. (For more on “crap detection,” see Chapter 19,
“Evaluating Sources.”)
As you can see, arguments of fact do much of the heavy lifting
in our world. They report on what has been recently discovered
or explore the implications of that new information. They also
add interest and complexity to our lives, taking what might
seem simple and adding new dimensions to it. In many
situations, they’re the precursors to other forms of analysis,
especially causal and proposal arguments. Before we can
explore why things happen as they do or solve problems, we
need to do our best to determine the facts.
RESPOND● For each topic in the following list, decide whether the claim is
worth arguing to a college audience, and explain why or why not.
Earthquakes at Yellowstone National Park are increasing in
number and intensity.
Many people die annually of heart disease.
The planet would benefit enormously if more people learned to
eat insects.
Japan might have come to terms more readily in 1945 if the
Allies in World War II hadn’t demanded unconditional
Boys would do better in school if there were more men
teaching in elementary and secondary classrooms.
The benefits of increasing oil and natural gas production via
fracking more than outweigh the environmental downsides of
the process.
There aren’t enough high-paying jobs for college graduates
these days.
Hydrogen may never be a viable alternative to fossil fuels
because it takes too much energy to change hydrogen into a
usable form.
Characterizing Factual Arguments Factual arguments are often motivated by simple human
curiosity or suspicion: Are people who earn college degrees
happier than those who don’t? If being fat is so unhealthy, why
aren’t mortality rates rising? Does it matter economically that so
many young people today think of themselves as foodies?
Researchers may notice a pattern that leads them to look more
closely at some phenomenon or behavior, exploring questions
such as What if? or How come? Or maybe a writer first notes
something new or different or unexpected and wants to draw
attention to that fact: Contrary to expectations, suicide rates are
much higher in rural areas than in urban ones.
Such observations can lead quickly to hypotheses—that is,
toward tentative and plausible statements of fact whose merits
need to be examined more closely. Perhaps people at different
educational levels define happiness differently? Maybe being a
little overweight isn’t as bad for people as we’ve been told?
Maybe self-identifying as a “foodie” is really a marker of class
and social aspirations? To support such hypotheses, writers
then have to uncover evidence that reaches well beyond the
casual observations that triggered an initial interest—like a
news reporter motivated to see whether there’s a verifiable
story behind a source’s tip.
For instance, the authors of Freakonomics, Stephen J. Dubner
and Steven D. Levitt, were intrigued by the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration’s claim that car seats for children
were 54 percent effective in preventing deaths in auto crashes
for children below the age of four. In a New York Times op-ed
column entitled “The Seat-Belt Solution,” they posed an
important question about that factual claim:
But 54 percent effective compared with what? The
answer, it turns out, is this: Compared with a child’s
riding completely unrestrained.
Their initial question about that claim led them to a more
focused inquiry, then to a database on auto crashes, and then to
a surprising conclusion: for kids above age twenty-four months,
those in car seats were statistically safer than those without any
protection but weren’t safer than those confined by ordinary
seat belts (which are much simpler, cheaper, and more readily
available devices). Looking at the statistics every which way, the
authors wonder if children older than two years would be just
as well off physically—and their parents less stressed and better
off financially—if the government mandated seat belts rather
than car seats for them.
What kinds of evidence typically appear in sound factual
arguments? The simple answer might be “all sorts,” but a case
can be made that factual arguments try to rely more on “hard
evidence” than do “constructed” arguments based on logic and
reason (see Chapter 4). Even so, some pieces of evidence are
harder than others!
Developing a Factual Argument Entire Web sites are dedicated to finding and posting errors
from news and political sources. Some, like Media Matters for
America and Accuracy in Media, take overtly partisan stands.
Here’s a one-day sampling of headlines from Media Matters:
After NASA Announces It Found Water on Mars, Rush
Limbaugh Says It’s Part of a Climate Change Conspiracy
Trump administration met with a GOP donor and a Fox
contributor about a fake story meant to distract from
Russia probe
Fox hosts can’t keep their facts straight while praising
Trump’s immigration cuts
And here’s a listing from Accuracy in Media from the same day:
Major Newspapers Just Pretend to Have Conservative
Columnists Left Claims Hitler-Style “Indoctrination” in
Trump’s Boy Scouts Speech Washington Post Reluctantly
Admits Stock Market Gains Linked to Trump
It would be hard to miss the blatant political agendas at work on
these sites.
Other fact-checking organizations have better reputations when
it comes to assessing the truths behind political claims and
media presentations. Although both are also routinely charged
with bias, Pulitzer Prize–winning PolitiFact.com and
FactCheck.org at least make an effort to seem fair-minded
across a broader political spectrum. FactCheck.org, for
example, provides a detailed analysis of the claims it
investigates in relatively neutral and denotative language, and
lists the sources its researchers used—just as if its writers were
doing a research paper. At its best, FactCheck.org demonstrates
what one valuable kind of factual argument can accomplish.
Any factual argument that you might compose—from how you
state your claim to how you present evidence and the language
you use—should be similarly shaped by the occasion for the
argument and a desire to serve the audiences that you hope to
reach. We can offer some general advice to help you get started.
PolitiFact uses a meter to rate political claims from “True” to “Pants on Fire.”
RESPOND● The Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of
Pennsylvania hosts FactCheck.org, a Web site dedicated to
separating facts from opinion or falsehood in the area of politics. It
claims to be politically neutral. Find a case that interests you, either
a recent controversial item listed on its homepage or another from
its archives. Carefully study the item. Pay attention to the devices
that FactCheck.org uses to suggest or ensure objectivity and the
way that it handles facts and statistics. Then offer your own brief
factual argument about the site’s objectivity.
Identifying an Issue 323
In their report about food insecurity on college campuses, researchers James Dubick, Brandon Mathews, and Clare Cady offer an argument of fact based on more than 3,700 surveys of students on 34 college campuses.
LINK TO Dubick et al., “Hunger on Campus,” in Chapter 24
To offer a factual argument of your own, you need to identify an
issue or problem that will interest you and potential readers.
Look for situations or phenomena—local or national—that seem
novel or out of the ordinary in the expected order of things. For
instance, you might notice that many people you know are
deciding not to attend college. How widespread is this change,
and who are the people making this choice?
Or follow up claims that strike you as at odds with the facts as
you know them or believe them. Maybe you doubt explanations
being offered for your favorite sport team’s current slump or for
the declining number of male students majoring in the
humanities at your school. Or you might give a local spin to
factual questions that other people have already formulated on
a national level. Are more of your friends considering technical
apprenticeships (rather than expensive academic programs),
delaying any plans they might have for marriage or families, or
buying entirely online instead of at brick and mortar stores?
You will likely write a better paper if you take on a factual
question that genuinely interests you.
In fact, whole books are written when authors decide to pursue
factual questions that intrigue them. But you want to be careful
not to argue matters that pose no challenge for you or your
audiences. You’re not offering anything new if you just try to
persuade readers that smoking is harmful to their well-being.
So how about something fresh in the area of health?
Quick preliminary research and reading might allow you to
move from an intuition to a hypothesis, that is, a tentative
statement of your claim: Having a dog is good for your health.
As noted earlier, factual arguments often provoke other types of
analysis. In developing this claim, you’d need to explain what
“good for your health” means, potentially an argument of
definition. You’d also likely find yourself researching causes of
the phenomenon if you can demonstrate that it is factual. As it
turns out, your canine hypothesis would have merit if you
defined “good for health” as “encouraging exercise.” Here’s the
lede to a 2011 New York Times story reporting recent research:
If you’re looking for the latest in home exercise
equipment, you may want to consider something with
four legs and a wagging tail.
Several studies now show that dogs can be powerful
motivators to get people moving. Not only are dog
owners more likely to take regular walks, but new
research shows that dog walkers are more active overall
than people who don’t have dogs.
—Tara Parker-Pope, “Forget the Treadmill. Get a Dog,”
March 14, 2011
As always, there’s another side to the story: what if people likely
to get dogs are the very sort already inclined to be more
physically active? You could explore that possibility as well (and
researchers have) and then either modify your initial
hypothesis or offer a new one. That’s what hypotheses are for.
They are works in progress.
A Harvard source for your paper on dogs and health?
Read C. Richard King’s excerpt from Redskins: Insult and Brand in Chapter 23. What kind of research does King use to support his argument?
LINK TO King, “Redskins: Insult and Brand,” in Chapter 23
Working with a group of colleagues, generate a list of a dozen
“mysteries” regularly explored on TV shows, in blogs, or in tabloid
newspapers. Here are three to get you started—the alien crash
landing at Roswell, the existence of Atlantis, and the uses of Area 51
in Nevada. Then decide which—if any—of these puzzlers might be
resolved or explained in a reasonable factual argument and which
ones remain eternally mysterious and improbable. Why are people
attracted to such topics? Would any of these items provide material
for a noteworthy factual argument?
Researching Your Hypothesis
How and where you research your subject will depend,
naturally, on your subject. You’ll certainly want to review
Chapter 18, “Finding Evidence,” Chapter 19, “Evaluating
Sources,” and Chapter 20, “Using Sources,” before constructing
an argument of fact. Libraries and the Web will provide you
with deep resources on almost every subject. Your task will
typically be to separate the best sources from all the rest. The
word best here has many connotations: some reputable sources
may be too technical for your audiences; some accessible
sources may be pitched too low or be too far removed from the
actual facts.
You’ll be making judgment calls like this routinely. But do use
primary sources whenever you can. For example, when
gathering a comment from a source on the Web, trace it
whenever possible to its original site, and read the comment in
its full context. When statistics are quoted, follow them back to
the source that offered them first to be sure that they’re recent
and reputable. Instructors and librarians can help you
appreciate the differences. Understand that even sources with
pronounced biases can furnish useful information, provided
that you know how to use them, take their limitations into
account, and then share what you know about the sources with
your readers.
Sometimes, you’ll be able to do primary research on your own,
especially when your subject is local and you have the resources
to do it. Consider conducting a competent survey of campus
opinions and attitudes, for example, or study budget documents
(often public) to determine trends in faculty salaries, tuition,
student fees, and so on. Primary research of this sort can be
challenging because even the simplest surveys or polls have to
be intelligently designed and executed in a way that samples a
representative population (see Chapter 4). But the work could
pay off in an argument that brings new information to readers.
Refining Your Claim 328
As you learn more about your subject, you might revise your
hypothesis to reflect what you’ve discovered. In most cases,
these revised hypotheses will grow increasingly complex and
specific. Following are three versions of essentially the same
claim, with each version offering more information to help
readers judge its merit:
Americans really did land on the moon, despite what some people think! Since 1969, when the Eagle supposedly landed on the moon, some people have been unjustifiably skeptical about the success of the United States’ Apollo program. Despite plentiful hard evidence to the contrary—from Saturn V launches witnessed by thousands to actual moon rocks tested by independent labs worldwide—some people persist in believing falsely that NASA’s moon landings were filmed on deserts in the American Southwest as part of a massive propaganda fraud.
The additional details about the subject might also suggest new
ways to develop and support it. For example, conspiracy
theorists claim that the absence of visible stars in photographs
of the moon landing is evidence that it was staged, but
photographers know that the camera exposure needed to
capture the foreground—astronauts in their bright space suits—
would have made the stars in the background too dim to see.
That’s a key bit of evidence for this argument.
As you advance in your research, your thesis will likely pick up
even more qualifying words and expressions, which help you to
make reasonable claims. Qualifiers—words and phrases such as
some, most, few, for most people, for a few users, under
specific conditions, usually, occasionally, seldom, and so on—
will be among your most valuable tools in a factual argument.
(See p. 153 in Chapter 7 for more on qualifiers.)
Sometimes it will be important to contextualize a factual claim
for others who may find it hard to accept. Of course, you could
just present the hard numbers, but research suggests that many
people double down on their positions when offered contrary
facts. What to do? Michael Shermer, writing in Scientific
American, suggests these common sense strategies:
[W]hat can we do to convince people of the error of their
beliefs? From my experience, 1. keep emotions out of the
exchange, 2. discuss, don’t attack (no ad hominem and no
ad Hitlerum), 3. listen carefully and try to articulate the
other position accurately, 4. show respect, 5.
acknowledge that you understand why someone might
hold that opinion, and 6. try to show how changing facts
does not necessarily mean changing worldviews. These
strategies may not always work to change people’s
minds, but now that the nation has just been put through
a political fact-check wringer, they may help reduce
unnecessary divisiveness.
—Michael Shermer, “How to Convince Someone When
Facts Fail”
Deciding Which Evidence to Use In this chapter, we’ve blurred the distinction between factual
arguments for scientific and technical audiences and those for
the general public (in magazines, blogs, social media sites,
television documentaries, and so on). In the former kind of
arguments, readers will expect specific types of evidence
arranged in a formulaic way. Such reports may include a
hypothesis, a review of existing research on the subject, a
description of methods, a presentation of results, and finally a
formal discussion of the findings. If you are thinking “lab
report,” you are already familiar with an academic form of a
factual argument with precise standards for evidence.
Less scientific factual arguments—claims about our society,
institutions, behaviors, habits, and so on—are seldom so
systematic, and they may draw on evidence from a great many
different media. For instance, you might need to review old
newspapers, scan videos, study statistics on government Web
sites, read transcripts of congressional hearings, record the
words of eyewitnesses to an event, glean information by
following experts on Twitter, and so on. Very often, you will
assemble your arguments from material found in credible,
though not always concurring, authorities and resources—
drawing upon the factual findings of scientists and scholars, but
perhaps using their original insights in novel ways.
For example, you might be intrigued by a much cited article
from the Atlantic (August 5, 2017) in which author Jean M.
Twenge reviews evidence that suggests that adolescents who
spend more and more time on their cellphones are increasingly
unhappy—to the detriment of their emotional health. Here’s an important moment in her lengthy argument:
You might expect that teens spend so much time in these
new spaces because it makes them happy, but most data
suggest that it does not. The Monitoring the Future
survey, funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse
and designed to be nationally representative, has asked
12th-graders more than 1,000 questions every year since
1975 and queried eighth- and 10th-graders since 1991.
The survey asks teens how happy they are and also how
much of their leisure time they spend on various
activities, including nonscreen activities such as in-
person social interaction and exercise, and, in recent
years, screen activities such as using social media,
texting, and browsing the web. The results could not be
clearer: Teens who spend more time than average on
screen activities are more likely to be unhappy, and those
who spend more time than average on nonscreen
activities are more likely to be happy.
There’s not a single exception. All screen activities are
linked to less happiness, and all nonscreen activities are
linked to more happiness.
—Jean M. Twenge, “Have Smartphones Destroyed a
Reading such dire news (and the article reports even more
frightening increases in suicide), may raise new questions for
you: Are there contrary studies? Is it conceivable that time spent
online has benefits? Twenge herself notes, for example, that
teen pregnancies have dropped dramatically in recent years.
Perhaps, too, adolescents so inwardly directed by screen use
might develop into more sensitive and less violent adults? Such
considerations might lead you to look for research that
complicates the earlier work by bringing fresh facts or
perspectives to the table.
Often, though, you may have only a limited number of words or
pages in which to make an academic argument. What do you do
then? You present your best evidence as powerfully as possible:
you can make a persuasive factual case with just a few examples
—three or four often suffice to make a point. Indeed, going on
too long or presenting even good data in uninteresting ways can
undermine a claim.
Presenting Your Evidence In Hard Times (1854), British author Charles Dickens poked fun
at a pedagogue he named Thomas Gradgrind, who preferred
hard facts before all things human or humane. When poor Sissy
Jupe (called “girl number twenty” in his awful classroom) is
unable at his command to define horse, Gradgrind turns to his
star pupil, Bitzer:
“Bitzer,” said Thomas Gradgrind. “Your definition of a
“Quadruped. Graminivorous. Forty teeth, namely twenty-
four grinders, four eyeteeth, and twelve incisive. Sheds
coat in the spring; in marshy countries, sheds hoofs, too.
Hoofs hard, but requiring to be shod with iron. Age
known by marks in mouth.” Thus (and much more)
“Now girl number twenty,” said Mr. Gradgrind. “You
know what a horse is.”
—Charles Dickens, Hard Times
But does Bitzer? Rattling off facts about a subject isn’t quite the
same thing as knowing it, especially when your goal is, as it is in
an argument of fact, to educate and persuade audiences. So you
must take care how you present your evidence.
Factual arguments, like any others, take many forms. They can
be as simple and pithy as a letter to the editor (or Bitzer’s
definition of a horse) or as comprehensive and formal as a
senior thesis or even a dissertation, meant for just two or three
readers evaluating the competence of your work. But to earn
the attention of readers in more public forums, you may need to
work harder, affirming your expertise by offering engaging and
authoritative sources, presenting your argument with grace and
clarity, including tables, graphs, photographs and other visual
evidence when appropriate, and documenting all your claims.
For an example of how to use design effectively in a factual argument, see “How Do Your Eating Habits Differ from Your Grandparents’?” in Chapter 24. Compare the chart to the table that accompanies it. How does design impact the success of the factual argument?
LINK TO United States Department of Agriculture, “How Do Your Eating Habits Differ from Your Grandparents’?” in Chapter 24
Such moves will establish the ethos of your work, making it
seem serious, credible, well-conceived, and worth reading.
Considering Design and Visuals
When you prepare a factual argument, consider how you can
present your evidence most effectively. Precisely because
factual arguments often rely on evidence that can be measured,
computed, or illustrated, they benefit from thoughtful, even
artful presentation of data. If you have lots of examples, you
might arrange them in a list (bulleted or otherwise) and keep
the language in each item roughly parallel. If you have an
argument that can be translated into a table, chart, or graph
(see Chapter 14), try it. Below, for example, are three of the six
tables that accompanied Jean M. Twenge’s essay on
smartphones, all dramatically illustrating a decline in various
adolescent behaviors following the introduction of the iPhone
in 2007. And if there’s a more dramatic medium for your factual
argument—a Prezi slide show, a multimedia mashup, a
documentary video posted via a social network—experiment
with it, checking to be sure it would satisfy the assignment.
Jean M. Twenge uses graphs to support her claims about the impact of smartphones on teenagers.
Images and photos—from technical illustrations to imaginative
re-creations—have the power to document what readers might
otherwise have to imagine, whether actual conditions of
drought, poverty, or a disaster like Hurricane Harvey that
dropped 27 trillion gallons of water on Texas and Louisiana in
2017, or the dimensions of the Roman forum as it existed in the
time of Julius Caesar. Readers today expect the arguments they
read to include visual elements, and there’s little reason not to
offer this assistance if you have the technical skills to create
Consider also the rapid development of the genre known as
infographics—basically data presented in bold visual form.
These items can be humorous and creative, but many, such as
“Learning Out of Poverty” on the following page, make
powerful factual arguments even when they leave it to viewers
to draw their own conclusions. Just search “infographics” on
the Web to find many examples.
“Learning Out of Poverty.” Infographics like this one turn facts and data into arguments.
GUIDE to writing an argument of fact
Finding a Topic
You’re entering an argument of fact when you:
make a claim about fact or existence that’s controversial or surprising: Climate change is threatening species in all regions by extending the range of non-native plants and animals. correct an error of fact: The overall abortion rate is not increasing in the United States, though rates are increasing in some states. challenge societal myths: Many Mexicans fought alongside Anglos in battles that won Texas its independence from Mexico. wish to discover the state of knowledge about a subject or examine a range of perspectives and points of view: The rationales of parents who homeschool their children reveal some surprising differences.
Researching Your Topic
Use both a library and the Web to locate the information you need. A research librarian is often a valuable resource, as are experts or eyewitnesses. Begin research by consulting the following types of sources:
scholarly books on your subject newspapers, magazines, reviews, and journals (online and print) online databases government documents and reports Web sites, blogs, social networking sites, and listservs or
newsgroups experts in the field, some of whom might be right on your campus
Do field research if appropriate—a survey, a poll, or systematic observation. Or invite people with a stake in the subject to present their interpretations of the facts. Evaluate all sources carefully, making sure that each is authoritative and credible.
Formulating a Hypothesis
Don’t rush into a thesis. Instead, begin with a hypothesis that expresses your beliefs at the beginning of the project but that may change as you learn more. It’s okay to start with a question to which you don’t have an answer or with a broad, general interest in a subject:
Question: Have higher admissions standards at BSU reduced the numbers of entering first-year students from small, rural high schools? Hypothesis: Higher admissions standards at BSU are reducing the number of students admitted from rural high schools, which tend to be smaller and less well-funded than those in suburban and urban areas. Question: Have music sites like Pandora and Spotify reduced the amount of illegal downloading of music? Hypothesis: Services like Pandora and Spotify may have done more than lawsuits by record companies to discourage illegal downloads of music. Question: How dangerous is nuclear energy, really? Hypothesis: The danger posed by nuclear power plants is far less than that attributable to other viable energy sources. Question: Why can’t politicians and citizens agree about the threat posed by the huge federal deficit? Hypothesis: People with different points of view see different
threats in the budget numbers and so react differently.
Examples of Arguable Factual Claims
A campus survey that shows that far more students have read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban than Hamlet indicates that our current core curriculum lacks depth. Evidence suggests that the European conquest of the Americas may have had more to do with infectious diseases than any superiority in technology or weaponry. In the long run, dieting may be more harmful than moderate overeating.
Preparing a Proposal
If your instructor asks you to prepare a proposal for your project, here’s a format that may help:
State your thesis or hypothesis completely. If you are having trouble doing so, try outlining it in Toulmin terms:
Alternatively, you might describe the complications of a factual issue you hope to explore in your project, with the thesis perhaps coming later.
Explain why the issue you’re examining is important, and provide the context for raising the issue. Are you introducing new information, making available information better known, correcting what has been reported incorrectly, or
complicating what has been understood more simply? Identify and describe those readers you most hope to reach with your argument. Why is this group of readers most appropriate for your project? What are their interests in the subject? How might you involve them in the paper? Discuss the kinds of evidence you expect to use in the project and the research the paper will require. Briefly discuss the key challenges you anticipate in preparing your argument.
Considering Genre and Media
Your instructor may specify that you use a particular genre and/or medium. If not, ask yourself these questions to help you make a good choice:
What genre is most appropriate for your argument of fact? Does it call for an academic essay, a report, an infographic, a brochure, or something else? What medium is most appropriate for your argument? Would it be best delivered orally to a live audience? Presented as an audio essay or podcast? Presented in print only or in print with illustrations? Will you need visuals, such as moving or still images, maps, graphs, charts—and what function will they play in your argument? Make sure they are not just “added on” but are necessary components of the argument.
Thinking about Organization
The simplest structure for a factual argument is to make a claim and then prove it. But even a basic approach needs an introductory section that provides a context for the claim and a concluding section that assesses the implications of the argument. A factual argument that
corrects an error or provides an alternative view of some familiar concept or historical event will also need a section early on explaining what the error or the common belief is. Be sure your opening section answers the who, what, where, when, how, and (maybe) why questions that readers will bring to the case.
Factual arguments offered in some academic fields follow formulas and templates. A format favored in the hard sciences and also in the social and behavioral sciences is known by its acronym, IMRAD, which stands for Introduction, Methods, Research, and Discussion. Another typical format calls for an abstract, a review of literature, a discussion of method, an analysis, and a references list. When you have flexibility in the structure of your argument, it makes sense to lead with a striking example to interest readers in your subject and then to conclude with your strongest evidence. Pay particular attention to transitions between key points.
If you are defending a specific claim, anticipate the ways people with different points of view might respond to your argument. Consider how to address such differences respectfully in the body of your argument. But don’t let a factual argument with a persuasive thesis end with concessions or refutations, especially in pieces for the general public. Such a strategy leaves readers thinking about problems with your claim at precisely the point when they should be impressed by its strengths. On the other hand, if your factual argument becomes exploratory, you may find yourself simply presenting a range of positions.
Getting and Giving Response: Questions for Peer Response
Your instructor may assign you to a group for the purpose of reading and responding to each other’s drafts. If not, ask for responses from
serious readers or consultants at a writing center. Use the following questions to evaluate a colleague’s draft. Since specific comments help more than general observations, be sure to illustrate your comments with examples. Some of the questions below assume a conventional, thesis-driven project, but more exploratory or invitational arguments of fact also need to be clearly phrased, organized, and supported with evidence.
The Claim
Does the claim clearly raise a serious and arguable factual issue? Is the claim as clear and specific as possible? Is the claim qualified? If so, how?
Evidence for the Claim
Is the evidence provided enough to persuade readers to believe your claim? If not, what additional evidence would help? Does any of the evidence seem inappropriate or ineffective? Why? Is the evidence in support of the claim simply announced, or do you explain its significance and appropriateness? Is more discussion needed? Are readers’ potential objections to the claim or evidence addressed adequately? Are alternative positions understood thoroughly and presented fairly? What kinds of sources are cited? How credible and persuasive will they be to readers? What other kinds of sources might work better? Are all quotations introduced with appropriate signal phrases (such as “As Tyson argues, . . .”) and blended smoothly into the writer’s sentences? Are all visuals titled and labeled appropriately? Have you introduced them and commented on their significance?
Organization and Style
How are the parts of the argument organized? Is this organization effective? Will readers understand the relationships among the claims, supporting reasons, warrants, and evidence? If not, how might those connections be clearer? Is the function of every visual clear? Are more transitions needed? Would headings or graphic devices help? Are the transitions or links from point to point, sentence to sentence, and paragraph to paragraph clear and effective? If not, how could they be improved? Are all visuals carefully integrated into the text? Is each visual introduced and commented on to point out its significance? Is each visual labeled as a figure or a table and given a caption as well as a citation? Is the style suited to the subject? Is it too formal, casual, or technical? Can it be improved? Which sentences seem effective? Which ones seem weaker, and how could they be improved? Should short sentences be combined, and any longer ones be broken up? How effective are the paragraphs? Too short or too long? How can they be improved? Which words or phrases seem effective? Do any seem vague or inappropriate for the audience or the writer’s purpose? Are technical or unfamiliar terms defined?
Spelling, Punctuation, Mechanics, Documentation, and Format
Are there any errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and the like? Is an appropriate and consistent style of documentation used for parenthetical citations and the list of works cited or references? (See Chapter 22.)
Does the paper or project follow an appropriate format? Is it appropriately designed and attractively presented? How could it be improved?
1. Turn a database of information you find in the library or online into a traditional argument or, alternatively, into a multimodal project such as an infographic that offers various ways to present a claim. FedStats, a government Web site, provides endless data, but so can the sports or financial sections of a newspaper. Once you find a rich field of study, examine the data and draw your ideas from it, perhaps amplifying these ideas with material from other related sources of information. If you decide to create an infographic, you’ll find good examples online at VizWorld or Cool Infographics. Software tools you can use to create infographics include Piktochart and Google Public Data Explorer. Have fun.
2. Write an argument about a factual matter you are confident— based on personal experience or your state of knowledge—that most people get wrong, time and again. Use your expertise to correct this false impression.
3. Tough economic and political times sometimes reinforce and sometimes undermine cultural myths. With your classmates, generate a list of common beliefs about education, employment, family life, marriage, social progress, technology, and so on that seem to be under unusual scrutiny today. Does it still pay to invest in higher education? Do two-parent households matter as much as they used to? Can children today expect to do better than their parents? Is a home still a good investment? Pick
one area to explore in depth, narrow the topic as much as you can, and then gather facts that inform it by doing research, perhaps working collaboratively to expand your findings. Turn your investigation into a factual argument.
4. Since critic and writer Nicholas Carr first asked “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” many have answered with a resounding “yes,” arguing that extensive time online is reducing attention spans and leaving readers less critical than ever. Others have disagreed, saying that new technologies are doing just the opposite—expanding our brain power. Do some research on this controversy, on the Web or in the library, and consult with a wide range of people interested in the subject, perhaps gathering them together for a panel discussion. Then offer a factual argument based on what you uncover, reflecting the range of perspectives and opinions you have encountered.
Two Sample Factual Arguments
Don’t Believe Facebook: The Demise of the Written Word Is Very Far Off
June 17, 2016
Facebook executive Nicola Mendelsohn shook up the online-o-
sphere earlier this week with one of those offhand declarations
that sound superficially profound for a moment or two but are
vacuous at their core. In five years, she told a Fortune
conference in London, her platform will probably be “all
video,” and the written word will be essentially dead.
“I just think if we look already, we’re seeing a year-on-year
decline on text,” she said. “If I was having a bet, I would say:
video, video, video.” That’s because “the best way to tell stories
in this world, where so much information is coming at us,
actually is video. It conveys so much more information in a
much quicker period. So actually the trend helps us to digest
much more information.”
This is, of course, exactly wrong. We don’t mean her prediction
about Facebook; in that respect she’s talking her own book,
since Facebook has made a big commercial bet on video. It’s
her assertion that video conveys more information—and faster
—than text that’s upside-down.
We’ll outsource the initial pushback to Kevin Drum of Mother
Jones, who observes, “Video has many benefits, but
information density generally isn’t one of them. . . . I can read
the transcript of a one-hour speech in about five or 10 minutes
and easily pick out precisely what’s interesting and what’s not.
With video, I have to slog through the full hour.” That’s why his
policy is never to click a link that goes to video.
Drum’s most salient point applies to the definition of the
“information” people are seeking when they’re accessing video
or text. “I read/view stuff on the Web in order to gather actual
information that I can comment on,” he writes. Plainly, video is
hopelessly overmatched by text in conveying hard information
—facts, figures, data. A given video may arguably convey more
“information” in bulk, but most of that is self-reinforcing
context—color, motion, sound. The underlying factual
information is relatively meager, in the same sense that the
energy capacity of an electric-car battery can’t match that of an
average gasoline fuel tank (the range of a fully charged Tesla
Model S is about 250 miles, while that of a typical gasoline-
fueled sedan can exceed 400).
Then there’s the challenge of extracting usable information
from video vs. text. Video is a linear medium: You have to allow
it to unspool frame by frame to glean what it’s saying. Text can
be absorbed in blocks; the eye searches for keywords or names
or other pointers such as quotation marks. Text is generally
searchable online. Some programs can convert some videos to
searchable form, but more often, the search is done via a
transcript keyed to points in the video. Here, for example, is the
full transcript of “Meet the Press” for May 29. Below is the video
of the entire show. If your task was to find the moment when
Chuck Todd first mentioned Trump University, which would
you use to find it? (We’re not even counting the five commercial
breaks.) [A video appears here in Hiltzik’s original text.]
Give up? It’s at about the 24:43 mark.
The demise of text is often predicted, but the horizon seems to
perpetually recede. Tech writer Tim Carmody puts his finger on
the reasons why “text is surprisingly resilient” in an essay at
Kottket.org: “It’s cheap, it’s flexible, it’s discreet. Human brains
process it absurdly well considering there’s nothing really built-
in for it. Plenty of people can deal with text better than they can
spoken language, whether as a matter of preference or
necessity. And it’s endlessly computable—you can search it,
code it. . . . In short, all of the same technological advances that
enable more and more video, audio, and immersive VR
entertainment also enable more and more text. We will see
more of all of them as the technological bottlenecks open up.”
He concludes that “nothing has proved as invincible as writing
and literacy. Because text is just so malleable. Because it fits
into any container we put it in. Because our world is
supersaturated in it, indoors and out. Because we have so much
invested in it. . . . Unless our civilization fundamentally
collapses, we will never give up writing and reading.”
In predicting a world overtaken by video, Mendelsohn seems to
be making a category error; she’s conflating visual with video.
Facebook and other online platforms understand that their
users are accessing their sites for their visual offerings, but
that’s not the same as saying they’re doing nothing but watching
That notion is contradicted by the findings of Oxford
University’s Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism in its
just-released Digital News Report for 2016.
The study found that most consumers of online news (59%) still
gravitate to news articles—that is, text; only 24% said they
accessed news video in the week before they were polled. “One
surprise in this year’s data,” the report’s authors found, “is that
online news video appears to be growing more slowly than
might be expected.” The 24% figure “represents surprisingly
weak growth given the explosive growth and prominence on the
supply side.” In other words, there’s more video than ever
before, but it’s not attracting a commensurately large audience.
Why not? For the same reasons Drum mentioned:
They take too long to load and unspool, and extracting the
sought-after information is slower and more inconvenient than
reading the written word. The number-two complaint—“Pre-roll
ads put me off”—is another artifact of the linear nature of video,
compounded by the cleverness of video providers in forcing you
to watch through an entire ad, or three, before the clip even
The secret underlying Mendelsohn’s claim is that there is
something at which video is better than text: marketing.
The goal of advertising is not to impart information, but to keep
it from the audience—to distract viewers from thinking too hard
or asking questions. Video is ideal for that because that color,
movement, noise, and light is all distraction. Video is
entertainment, often of the empty-calorie variety. People love
circuses, but they don’t normally go there to study zoology.
Indeed, it seems that most of the articles (yes, articles) written
about the coming dominance of video look at the phenomenon
from the marketer’s standpoint: “A recent campaign from
Volkswagen,” the Guardian reported last year, “saw a trio of its
videos viewed a combined 155 million times.” Here’s a safe bet:
those videos weren’t produced to explain why the car company
had been faking emissions data, but to entice viewers to buy
their cars. Mendelsohn, by the way, came to Facebook from the
advertising industry.
Certainly text and the written word will change to meet the
demands of the new technologies through which we do our
reading. That’s always been the case. Novels tended to be
structured as a series of cliffhangers when they were read in
monthly installments in a popular magazine; and in a different
narrative form when they began to be printed in books sized to
fit conveniently in a saddlebag, or valise, or before the
fireplace. The length of news articles began to shrink when the
reading audience began to migrate from newspapers that
arrived on the stoop in the morning and were kept around to be
perused at leisure, and toward smartphones and pads to be read
between elevator stops.
That’s a testament to the infinite malleability of text. Text can
conform to the relentless shrinkage of people’s attention spans;
video can’t. Who will have time in the future to watch even a
five-minute video, when they can learn so much more by
scanning five paragraphs of text? “Bet for better video, bet for
better speech, bet for better things we can’t imagine,” Carmody
writes, “but if you bet against text, you will lose.”
Michael Hiltzik’s argument originally appeared in the Los Angeles Times, where he is a columnist who ordinarily writes about financial issues. You’ll see that orientation in his reflections on why the written word will likely thrive in the digital era. The piece includes no endnotes, but we’ve underlined where the online text provides links to source materials.
CHAPTER 9 Arguments of Definition
Everyone seems convinced that products like Amazon’s Alexa
and Apple’s Homekit are redefining the way people live in and
control their homes. But what exactly do these products do?
What defines them?
A panel of judges must decide whether computer-enhanced
images must be identified as such in a contest for landscape
photography. At what point is an electronically manipulated
image no longer a photograph—or does it even matter?
A conservative student group accuses the student government
on campus of sponsoring a lecture series featuring a
disproportionate number of “social justice warrior types.” A
spokesperson for the student government defends its program
by questioning whether the term actually means anything.
Understanding Arguments of Definition Definitions matter. Just ask scientists, mathematicians,
engineers, judges—or people who want to use restrooms
consistent with their gender identification. Looking back, in
1996 the Congress passed, and President Clinton signed, the
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defined marriage in
federal law this way:
In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of
any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various
administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States,
the word “marriage” means only a legal union between
one man and one woman as husband and wife, and the
word “spouse” refers only to a person of the opposite sex
who is a husband or a wife. 1 U.S.C. 7.
This decision and its definitions of marriage and spouse have
been challenged over and over again in the ensuing decades,
leading eventually to another Supreme Court decision, in the
summer of 2013, that declared DOMA unconstitutional. The
majority opinion, written by Justice Kennedy, found that the
earlier law was discriminatory and that it labeled same-sex
unions as “less worthy than the marriage of others.” In so
ruling, the court affirmed that the federal government cannot
differentiate between a “marriage” of heterosexuals and one of
homosexuals. Debates over laws that involve definitions of
marriage and, more recently, gender are still ongoing, and you
might want to check the status of such controversies in your
own state.
Cases like these demonstrate that arguments of definition aren’t
abstract academic exercises: they often have important
consequences for ordinary people—that’s why farmers,
landowners, Congress, and the Environmental Protection
Agency have battled for decades over how that agency defines
“wetlands,” which Congress long ago gave it power to regulate.
And why it was so controversial when in Citizens United v.
Federal Election Commission (2010) the Supreme Court decided
that individuals in association—such as unions or corporations
—are equivalent to individual citizens when it comes to the
exercise of free speech rights and thus have no limit on their
spending in election campaigns. Opponents of the decision
argue that it enhances the power of monied interests in
American politics; others see it as affirming free speech in the
face of increasing government censorship.
Arguments about definition even sometimes decide what
someone or something is or can be. Such arguments can both
include or exclude: A wolf in Montana either is an endangered
species or it isn’t. An unsolicited kiss is or is not sexual
harassment. A person merits official political refugee status in
the United States or doesn’t. Another way of approaching
definitional arguments, however, is to think of what falls
between is and is not in a definitional claim. In fact, many
definitional disputes occur in that murky realm.
Consider the controversy over how to define human
intelligence. Some argue that human intelligence is a capacity
that is measured by tests of verbal and mathematical reasoning.
In other words, it’s defined by IQ and SAT scores. Others define
intelligence as the ability to perform specific practical tasks.
Still others interpret intelligence in emotional terms as a
competence in relating to other people. Any of these positions
could be defended reasonably, but perhaps the wisest approach
would be to construct a definition of intelligence that is rich
enough to incorporate all these perspectives—and maybe more.
The fact is that crucial political, social, and scientific terms—
such as intelligence, justice, free speech, or gender—are
reargued, reshaped, and updated for the times.
Why not just consult a dictionary when the meanings of terms
are disputed? It doesn’t work that way, no matter how up to date
or authoritative a dictionary might be. In fact, dictionaries
(almost by definition!) inevitably reflect the way individual
groups of people use words at a specified time and place. And
like any form of writing, these reference books mirror the
interests and prejudices of their makers—as shown, perhaps
most famously, in the entries of lexicographer Samuel Johnson
(1709–1784), who gave the English language its first great
dictionary. No friend of the Scots, Johnson defined oats as “a
grain which in England is generally given to horses, but in
Scotland supports the people.” (To be fair, he also defined
lexicographer as “a writer of dictionaries, a harmless drudge.”)
Thus, it’s possible to disagree with dictionary definitions or to
regard them merely as starting points for arguments.
The Dictionary for Landlubbers defines words according to their point of view!
RESPOND● Briefly discuss how you might define the italicized terms in the
following controversial claims of definition. Compare your
definitions of the terms with those of your classmates.
Graphic novels can be serious literature.
Burning a nation’s flag is a hate crime.
Neither Matt Drudge nor Rachel Maddow is a journalist.
College sports programs have become big businesses.
Plagiarism can be an act of civil disobedience.
The menus at Taco Bell and Panda Express illustrate cultural appropriation.
Satanism is a religion properly protected by the First Amendment.
The District of Columbia should not have all the privileges of an American state.
Polyamorists should have the option of marriage.
Kinds of Definition Because there are various kinds of definitions, there are also
different ways to make a definition argument. Fortunately,
identifying a particular type of definition is less important than
appreciating when an issue of meaning is at stake. Let’s explore
some common definitional issues.
Formal Definitions Formal definitions are what you find in dictionaries. Such
definitions place a term in its proper genus and species—first
determining its class and then identifying the features or
criteria that distinguish it from other members of that class.
That sounds complicated, but an example will help you see the
principle. To define electric car, for example, you might first
place it in a general class—passenger vehicles. Then you define
its species. Here’s how the U.S. Department of Energy does that,
explaining specific differences between cars powered by
electricity (EVs):
Just as there are a variety of technologies available in
conventional vehicles, plug-in electric vehicles (also
known as electric cars or EVs) have different capabilities
that can accommodate different drivers’ needs. A major
feature of EVs is that drivers can plug them in to charge
from an off-board electric power source. This
distinguishes them from hybrid electric vehicles, which
supplement an internal combustion engine with battery
power but cannot be plugged in.
Got that? It gets even more complicated (or precise) as the
government goes on to distinguish among plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles (PHEVs), all-electric vehicles (AEVs), battery
electric vehicles (BEVs), and even fuel cell electric vehicles
But all these definitional distinctions can actually make matters
clearer. For instance, suppose that you are considering a new
car and prefer an electric one this time. Quickly, the
definitional question becomes—what kind? A Toyota Prius, or
maybe a Tesla Model 3? How do they differ? Both are clearly
passenger cars—one might even add four-door sedans, so the
genus raises no question. But the Prius is an electrically assisted
version of a regular gasoline car while the Tesla is fully electric
—just battery and motor, no engine. That’s the species
difference, which obviously has consequences for consumers
concerned, let’s say, either about range or about CO emissions.
(Or maybe it just comes down to good looks?) 2
Consider how Ben Schwartz defines funny in his response to claims of a “humor crisis” in America.
LINK TO Schwartz, “Shutting Up,” in Chapter 27
Tesla Model 3
Operational Definitions
Operational definitions identify an object or idea by what it
does or by what conditions create it. For example, someone’s
offensive sexual imposition on another person may not meet
the technical definition of harassment unless it is considered
unwanted, unsolicited, and repeated. These three conditions
then define what makes an act that might be acceptable in some
situations turn into harassment. But they might also then
become part of a highly contentious debate: were the conditions
actually present in a given case? For example, could an
offensive act be harassment if the accused believed sexual
interest was mutual and therefore solicited?
As you might imagine, arguments arise from operational
definitions whenever people disagree about what the conditions
define or whether these conditions have been fulfilled. Here are
some examples of those types of questions:
Questions Related to Conditions
Can institutional racism occur in the absence of specific and individual acts of racism? Can people paid for their community service still be called volunteers? Does academic dishonesty occur if a student accepts wording suggested by a writing center tutor?
Questions Related to Fulfillment of Conditions
Has an institution supported traditions or policies that have led to widespread racial inequities? Was the compensation given to volunteers really “pay” or simply “reimbursement” for expenses? Did the student actually copy down what the tutor said with the intention of using it?
Prince Charming considers whether an action would fulfill the conditions for an operational definition.
RESPOND● This chapter opens with three rhetorical situations that center on
definitional issues: What is Alexa? What is a photograph? What
defines a social justice warrior (SJW)? Select one of these situations,
and then address it, using the strategies either of formal definitions
or of operational ones. For example, might a formal definition help
to explain what products like Alexa or Homekit are? (You may have
to do some quick research.) Would an operational definition work to
explain or defend what SJWs allegedly do or don’t do?
Definitions by Example Resembling operational definitions are definitions by example,
which define a class by listing its individual members. Such
definitions can be helpful when it is easier to illustrate or show
what related people or things have in common than to explain
each one in precise detail. For example, one might define the
broad category of virtual reality products by listing the major
examples of these items or define Libertarian Democrat by
naming politicians or thinkers associated with that title.
An app like Discovr Music defines musical styles by example when it connects specific artists or groups to others who make similar sounds.
Arguments of this sort may focus on who or what may be
included in a list that defines a category—classic movies, worst
natural disasters, groundbreaking painters, acts of terror. Such
arguments often involve comparisons and contrasts with the
items that most readers would agree belong in this list. One
could ask why Washington, D.C., is denied the status of a state:
how does it differ from the fifty recognized American states? Or
one might wonder why the status of planet is denied to
asteroids, when both planets and asteroids are bodies that orbit
the sun. A comparison between planets and asteroids might
suggest that size is one essential feature of the eight recognized
planets that asteroids don’t meet. (In 2006, in a famous exercise
in definitional argument, astronomers decided to deny poor
Pluto its planetary classification.)
Negative Definitions Definitional arguments sometimes involve explaining what a
person, thing, or concept is by defining what it is not or
explaining with what it should be contrasted. Such strategies of
definition play a substantial role in politics today, as individuals
or political groups craft public images that show them in the
best light—as not radicals, not fascists, not Alt-Right, not Antifa,
not coastal elitists, not one-percenters, and so on. But this
strategy of argument has other uses as well, especially when a
writer wants to counter stereotypes or change expectations. For
a thoughtful—and particularly apropos—example, see Rob
Jenkins’s “Defining the Relationship” at the end of this chapter.
Legal scholar John Palfrey’s discussion of free speech on college campuses depends on the definition and limits of free expression.
LINK TO Palfrey, “Safe Spaces, Brave Spaces,” in Chapter 27
Developing a Definitional Argument
Definitional arguments don’t just appear out of the blue; they
often evolve from daily life. You might get into an argument
over the definition of ordinary wear and tear when you return a
rental car with some soiled upholstery. Or you might be asked
to write a job description for a new position to be created in
your workplace: you have to define the job position in a way
that doesn’t step on anyone else’s turf. Or maybe employees at
your school object to being defined as temporary workers when
they’ve held their same jobs for years. Or someone derides one
of your best friends as fake woke and you’re unsure how to read
the term. In a dozen ways every day, you encounter situations
that are questions of definition. They’re so inevitable that you
barely notice them for what they are.
Formulating Claims In addressing a question of definition, you’ll likely formulate a
tentative claim—a declarative statement that represents your
first response to such situations. Note that such initial claims
usually don’t follow a single definitional formula.
Claims of Definition
A person paid to do public service is not a volunteer.
Institutional racism can exist—maybe even thrive—in the
absence of overt civil rights violations.
Climate change is not the same thing as global warming.
Political bias has been routinely practiced by some media
Theatergoers shouldn’t confuse musicals with operas.
None of the statements listed here could stand on its own
because it likely reflects a first impression and gut reaction. But
that’s fine because making a claim of definition is typically a
starting point, a cocky moment that doesn’t last much beyond
the first serious rebuttal or challenge. Statements like these
aren’t arguments until they’re attached to reasons, data,
warrants, and evidence (see Chapter 7).
Finding good reasons to support a claim of definition usually
requires formulating a general definition by which to explore
the subject. To be persuasive, the definition must be broad and
not tailored to the specific controversy:
A volunteer is . . .
Institutional racism is . . .
Climate change is . . . but global warming is . . .
Political bias is . . .
A musical is . . . but an opera is . . .
Now consider how the following claims might be expanded with
a general definition to become full-fledged definitional
Arguments of Definition
Someone paid to do public service is not a volunteer
because volunteers are people who . . .
Institutional racism can exist even in the absence of overt
violations of civil rights because, by definition,
institutional racism is . . .
Climate change differs from global warming because . . .
Political bias in media outlets is evident whenever . . .
Musicals focus on words first while operas . . .
Notice, too, that some of the issues can involve comparisons
between things—such as operas and musicals.
Crafting Definitions Imagine that you decide to tackle the concept of paid volunteer
in the following way:
Participants in the federal AmeriCorps program are not
really volunteers because they receive “education
awards” for their public service. Volunteers are people
who work for a cause without receiving compensation.
In Toulmin terms, as explained in Chapter 7, the argument
looks like this:
Claim Participants in AmeriCorps aren’t volunteers . . .
Reason . . . because they are paid for their service.
Warrant People who are compensated for their services are, ordinarily, employees.
As you can see, the definition of volunteers will be crucial to the
shape of the argument. In fact, you might think you’ve settled
the matter with this tight little formulation. But now it’s time to
listen to the readers over your shoulder (again, see Chapter 7),
who are pushing you further. Do the terms of your definition
account for all pertinent cases of volunteerism—in particular,
any related to the types of public service AmeriCorps members
might be involved in? What do you do with unpaid interns: how
do they affect your definition of volunteers? Consider, too, the
word cause in your original claim of the definition:
Volunteers are people who work for a cause without
receiving compensation.
Cause has political connotations that you may or may not
intend. You’d better clarify what you mean by cause when you
discuss its definition in your paper. Might a phrase such as the
public good be a more comprehensive or appropriate substitute
for a cause? And then there’s the matter of compensation in the
second half of your definition:
Volunteers are people who work for a cause without
receiving compensation.
Aren’t people who volunteer to serve on boards, committees,
and commissions sometimes paid, especially for their
expenses? What about members of the so-called all-volunteer
military? They’re financially compensated during their years of
service, and they enjoy benefits after they complete their tours
of duty.
As you can see, you can’t just offer up a definition as part of an
argument and expect that readers will accept it. Every part of a
definition has to be interrogated, critiqued, and defended. So
investigate your subject in the library, on the Internet, and in
conversation with others, especially genuine experts if you can.
You might then be able to present your definition in a single
paragraph, or you may have to spend several pages coming to
terms with the complexity of the core issue.
After conducting research of this kind, you’ll be in a better
position to write an extended definition that explains to your
readers what you believe makes a volunteer a volunteer, how to
identify institutional racism, or how to distinguish between a
musical and an opera.
Matching Claims to Definitions Once you’ve formulated a definition that readers will accept—a
demanding task in itself—you might need to look at your
particular subject to see if it fits your general definition. It
should provide evidence of one of the following:
It is a clear example of the class defined. It clearly falls outside the defined class. It falls between two closely related classes or fulfills some conditions of the defined class but not others. It defies existing classes and categories and requires an entirely new definition.
How do you make this key move in an argument? Here’s an
example from an article by Anthony Tommasini entitled
“Opera? Musical? Please Respect the Difference.” Early in the
piece, Tommasini argues that a key element separates the two
musical forms:
Both genres seek to combine words and music in
dynamic, felicitous and, to invoke that all-purpose term,
artistic ways. But in opera, music is the driving force; in
musical theater, words come first.
This explains why for centuries opera-goers have revered
works written in languages they do not speak.
Tommasini’s claim of definition (or of difference) makes sense
because it clarifies aspects of the two genres.
If evidence you’ve gathered while developing an argument of
definition suggests that similar limitations may be necessary,
don’t hesitate to modify your claim. It’s amazing how often
seemingly cut-and-dried matters of definition become blurry—
and open to compromise and accommodation—as you learn
more about them. That has proved to be the case as various
campuses across the country have tried to define hate speech or
internship—tricky matters indeed. And even the Supreme Court
has never said exactly what pornography is. Just when matters
seem to be settled, new legal twists develop. Should virtual child
pornography created with software be illegal, as is the real
thing? Or is a virtual image—even a lewd one—an artistic
expression that is protected (as other works of art are) by the
First Amendment?
Considering Design and Visuals In thinking about how to present your argument of definition,
you may find a simple visual helpful, such as the Venn diagram
below from Wikimedia Commons that defines sustainability as
the place where our society and its economy intersect with the
environment. Such a visual might even suggest a structure for
an oral presentation.
Remember too that visuals like photographs, charts, and graphs
can also help you make your case. Such items could
demonstrate that the conditions for a definition have been met
—for example, a widely circulated photograph of children in
Flint, Michigan, carrying bottled water (see p. 210) might define
crisis or civic collapse. Or you might create a graphic yourself to
illustrate a concept you are defining, perhaps through
comparison and contrast.
Finally, don’t forget that basic design elements—such as
boldface and italics, headings, or links in online text—can
contribute to (or detract from) the credibility and
persuasiveness of your argument of definition. (See Chapter 14
for more on “Visual Rhetoric.”)
GUIDE to writing an argument of definition
● Finding a Topic
You’re entering an argument of definition when you:
formulate a controversial or provocative definition: Cultural appropriation is the disrespectful borrowing of the ideas, history, cultural achievements, dress, music, traditions, foods, or any other cultural artifacts of an exploited or marginalized group by a more powerful one.
challenge a definition: For many Americans today, cultural appropriation is an idea that runs counter to the melting-pot ideal of American assimilation. try to determine whether something fits an existing definition: Dining at Taco Bell or Panda Express is (or is not) an act of cultural appropriation. seek to broaden an existing definition or create a new definition to accommodate wider or differing perspectives: In a world where cultural information is shared so fluidly via social media, it may be time to explore alternative representations of cultural appropriation.
Look for issues of definition in your everyday affairs—for instance, in the way that jobs are classified at work, that key terms are used in your academic major, that politicians visually represent social issues that concern you, and so on. Be especially alert to definitional arguments that arise when you or others deploy adjectives such as true, real, actual, or genuine: a true patriot, real reform, authentic Kombucha tea.
● Researching Your Topic
You can research issues of definition by using the following sources:
college dictionaries and encyclopedias unabridged dictionaries specialized reference works and handbooks, such as legal and medical dictionaries your textbooks (check their glossaries) Web articles and blogs that focus on particular topics, especially political ones community or advocacy groups focused on legal or social issues social media postings by experts you respect
Browse in your library reference room and use the electronic indexes
and databases to determine how often disputed or contentious terms or phrases occur in influential online newspapers, journals, and Web sites.
When dealing with definitions, ask librarians about the most appropriate and reliable sources. For instance, to find the definition of a legal term, Black’s Law Dictionary or a database such as FindLaw may help. Check USA.gov for how the government defines terms.
● Formulating a Claim
After exploring your subject, try to formulate a thesis that lets readers know where you stand or what issues are at stake. Begin with the following types of questions:
questions related to genus: Is assisting in suicide a crime? questions related to species: Is marijuana a harmful addictive drug or a useful medical treatment? questions related to conditions: Must the imposition of sexual attention be both unwanted and unsolicited to be considered sexual harassment? questions related to fulfillment of conditions: Has our college kept in place traditions or policies that might embody forms of racial privilege? questions related to membership in a named class: Can a story put together out of thirty-one retweets be called a novel, or even a short story?
If you start with a thesis, it should be a complete statement that makes a claim of definition and states the reasons supporting it. You may later decide to separate the claim from its supporting reasons. But a working thesis should be a fully articulated thought that spells out all the details and qualifications: Who? What? Where? When? How many? How
regularly? How completely?
However, since arguments of definition are often exploratory and tentative, an initial thesis (if you have one) may simply describe problems in formulating a particular definition: What we mean by X is likely to remain unsettled until we can agree more fully about Y and Z;
The key to understanding what constitutes X may lie in appreciating how
different groups approach Y and Z.
● Examples of Definitional Claims
Assisting a gravely ill person in committing suicide should not be considered murder when the motive for the act is to ease a person’s suffering and not to benefit from the death. Although somewhat addictive, marijuana should not be classified as a dangerous drug because it damages individuals and society less than heroin or cocaine and because it helps people with life- threatening diseases live more comfortably. Giving college admission preference to all racial minorities can be an example of class discrimination because such policies may favor middle- and upper-class students who are already advantaged. Attempts to define the concept of free speech need to take into account the way the term is understood in cultures worldwide, not just in the countries of Western Europe and North America.
● Preparing a Proposal
If your instructor asks you to prepare a proposal for your project, here’s a format that may help:
State your thesis or hypothesis completely. If you’re having trouble doing so, try outlining it in Toulmin terms:
Alternatively, you might describe the complications of a definitional issue you hope to explore in your project, with the thesis perhaps coming later.
Explain why this argument of definition deserves attention. What’s at stake? Why is it important for your readers to consider? Identify whom you hope to reach through your argument and why these readers would be interested in it. How might you involve them in the paper? Briefly discuss the key challenges that you anticipate in preparing your argument. Determine what sources you expect to consult: Social media? Databases? Dictionaries? Encyclopedias? Periodicals? Determine what visuals to include in your definitional argument.
● Considering Genre and Media
Your instructor may specify that you use a particular genre. If not, ask yourself these questions to help you make a good choice:
What format is most appropriate for your argument of definition? Does it call for an academic essay, report, infographic, poster, or something else? What medium is most appropriate for your argument? Would it be best delivered orally to a live audience? Presented as an audio essay or podcast? Presented in print only or in print with illustrations?
Will you need visuals, such as moving or still images, maps, graphs, charts—and what function will they play in your argument? Make sure they are not just “added on” but are necessary components of the argument.
● Thinking about Organization
An argument of definition is likely to include some of the following parts:
a claim involving a question of definition a general definition of some key concept a careful look at your subject in terms of that general definition evidence for every part of the argument, including visual evidence if appropriate a careful consideration of alternative views and counterarguments a conclusion drawing out the implications of the argument
It’s impossible, however, to predict what emphasis each of those parts might receive or what the ultimate shape of an argument of definition will be. Try to account for the ways people with different points of view will likely respond to your argument. Then, consider how to address such differences civilly in the body of your argument.
● Getting and Giving Response: Questions for Peer Response
Your instructor may assign you to a group for the purpose of reading and responding to each other’s drafts. If not, ask for responses from serious readers or consultants at a writing center. Use the following questions to evaluate a colleague’s draft. Be sure to illustrate your comments with examples; specific comments help more than general observations.
The Claim
Is the claim clearly an issue of definition? Is the claim significant enough to interest readers? Are clear and specific criteria established for the concept being defined? Do the criteria define the term adequately? Using this definition, could most readers identify what’s being defined and distinguish it from other related concepts?
Evidence for the Claim
Is enough evidence furnished to explain or support the definition? If not, what kind of additional evidence is needed? Is the evidence in support of the claim simply announced, or are its significance and appropriateness analyzed? Is a more detailed discussion needed? Are all the conditions of the definition met in the concept being examined? Are any objections readers might have to the claim, criteria, evidence, or way the definition is formulated adequately addressed? Have you represented other points of view completely and fairly? What kinds of sources are cited? How credible and persuasive will they be to readers? What other kinds of sources might work better? Are all quotations introduced with appropriate signal phrases (such as “As Tyson argues, . . .”) and blended smoothly into the writer’s sentences? Are all visual sources labeled, introduced, and commented upon?
Organization and Style
How are the parts of the argument organized or presented? Is this organization effective? Will readers understand the relationships among the claims,
supporting reasons, warrants, and evidence? If not, how might those connections be clearer? Does every visual serve a clear purpose? Are more transitions (verbal or visual) needed? Would headings help? Are the transitions or links from point to point, sentence to sentence, and paragraph to paragraph clear and effective? If not, how could they be improved? Are all visuals (or other elements such as audio or video clips) carefully integrated into the text? Is each visual introduced and commented on to point out its significance? If your argument of definition is an academic essay, is each visual labeled as a figure or a table and given a caption as well as a citation? Is the style suited to the subject? Is it too formal, casual, or technical? Can it be improved? Which sentences seem effective? Which ones seem weaker, and how could they be improved? Should short sentences be combined, and any longer ones be broken up? How effective are the paragraphs? Too short or too long? How can they be improved? Which words or phrases seem effective? Do any seem vague or inappropriate for the audience or the writer’s purpose? Are technical or unfamiliar terms defined?
Spelling, Punctuation, Mechanics, Documentation, and Format
Are there any errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and the like? Is the documentation appropriate and consistent? (See Chapter 22.) Does the paper or project follow an appropriate format? Is it appropriately designed and attractively presented?
1. Write an argument of definition about a term such as fake news or intersectionality that has suddenly become culturally significant or recently changed in some important way. Either defend the way the term has come to be defined or raise questions about its appropriateness, offensiveness, accuracy, and so on. Consider words or expressions such as Antifa, big data, deep state, disruptive technology, Islamophobia, machine learning, marginalization, white nationalist, etc.
2. Write an essay in which you compare or contrast the meaning of two related terms, explaining the differences between them by using one or more methods of definition: formal definition, operational definition, definition by example. Be clever in your choice of the initial terms: look for a pairing in which the differences might not be immediately apparent to people unfamiliar with how the terms are used in specific communities. Consider terms such as liberal/progressive, classy/cool, lead soprano/prima donna, student athlete/jock, highbrow/intellectual, manual laborer/blue collar worker, babysitter/nanny, and so on.
3. In an essay at the end of this chapter, Natasha Rodriguez explores the adjective underprivileged, trying to understand why this label bothers her so much. She concludes that needing financial aid should not be conflated with being disadvantaged. After reading this selection carefully, respond to Rodriguez’s argument in an argument of definition of your own—either an academic essay or a multimodal presentation, combining various media such as audio, video, posters, etc. Alternatively, explore a concept similar to “underprivileged”
with the same intensity that Rodriguez brings to her project. Look for a term to define and analyze either from your major or from an area of interest to you.
4. Because arguments of definition can have such important consequences, it helps to develop one by first getting input from lots of “stakeholders,” that is, from people or groups likely to be affected by any change in the way a term is defined. Working with a small group, identify a term in your school or wider community that might need a fresh formulation or a close review. It could be a familiar campus word or phrase such as nontraditional student, diversity, scholastic dishonesty, or social justice; or it may be a term that has newly entered the local environment, perhaps reflecting an issue of law enforcement, safety, transportation, health, or even entertainment. Once you have settled on a significant term, identify a full range of stakeholders. Then, through some systematic field research (interviews, questionnaires) or by examining existing documents and materials (such as library sources, Web sites, pamphlets, publications), try to understand how the term currently functions in your community. Your definitional argument will, in effect, be what you can learn about the meanings that word or phrase has today for a wide variety of people.
Two Sample Definitional Arguments
Defining the Relationship
August 9, 2016
Dear Students: I think it’s time we had the talk. You know, the
one couples who’ve been together for a while sometimes have
to review boundaries and expectations? Your generation calls
this “DTR”—short for “defining the relationship.”
We definitely need to define our relationship because, first of
all, it is a long-term relationship—maybe not between you and
me, specifically, but between people like you (students) and
people like me (professors). And, second, it appears to need
some defining, or redefining. I used to think the boundaries and
expectations were clear on both sides, but that no longer seems
to be the case.
The truth is, I wonder if college students today truly understand
the nature of their relationship to professors. Perhaps their
experiences with other authority figures—high-school teachers,
parents, and bosses—have led them to make assumptions that
aren’t quite accurate. Or perhaps students are just not too
thrilled with authority figures in general. That’s always been the
case, to some extent. But it seems to me, after 31 years of
college teaching, that the lines have grown blurrier, the
misconceptions more profound.
So I’d like to take a few moments to define the professor-student
relationship. And if no one has ever put it to you quite this way
before—well, that just highlights the need for a DTR.
And by the way, please keep in mind that I’m not trying to
offend you or tick you off. I actually like you quite a bit, or I
wouldn’t even bother having this discussion.
I don’t work for you. Students (or their parents), when they’re
unhappy with something I’ve said or done, occasionally try
throwing this line in my face: “You work for me.” They mean
that by paying tuition and taxes, they pay my salary and I
should, therefore, be responsive in the way they desire.
Let’s dismiss that old canard right off the bat. Yes, as a
professor at a state institution, I am a public employee. But
that’s precisely the point: I’m employed by the college and by
the public, not by any particular member of the public. My duty
—to the institution and to the people of this state—is to ensure
that students in my courses meet the standards set by the
college’s faculty and are well-prepared for further study and for
You’re not a customer, and I’m not a clerk. Unfortunately, too
many students have been told for too long that they are
“customers” of the institution—which means, of course, that
they’re always right. Right?
Wrong. This is not Wal-Mart. You are not a customer, and I
don’t even own a blue smock. Our relationship is much more
like that of doctor and patient. My only obligation: to tell you
what you need to hear (not what you want to hear) and to do
what I think is best (not what you think is best).
I’m not a cable network or streaming site. What you get out of
this relationship is that you'll be better equipped to succeed in
this and other college courses, and life in general. What I get is
a great deal of professional and personal satisfaction.
Natives of today’s social-media-fueled digital universe have
come to expect that everything they want will be available
whenever they want it, on demand. That includes, or ought to
include, their professors. I mean, we have email, don’t we? And
Consider this official notice that I have opted out of the on-
demand world. My office hours are listed on my syllabus. If for
some reason I can’t be in my office during those hours, I’ll let
you know beforehand if possible or post a note on my door. But
I’m usually there.
As for email, yes, I have it and I check it often, but not
constantly. I do have a life outside this classroom—a wife, kids,
hobbies, other professional obligations. That’s why I don’t give
out my private cell number. If you need me after hours, email
me and I’ll probably see it and respond within 24 to 48 hours.
I’m not a high-school teacher. A common refrain among first-
year college students is, “But my high-school teacher said. . . .”
Those teachers did their best to prepare you for college and tell
you what to expect. Unfortunately, some of their information
was outdated or just plain wrong. For example, not every essay
has exactly five paragraphs, and it’s OK, in certain situations, to
begin a sentence with “because.” One of the main differences
between them and me is that I’m not telling you how you’re
going to do things “once you get to college.” This is college, and
this is how we do things.
Plus, because of something called “academic freedom,” which
most college professors enjoy but most high-school teachers
don’t, I’m not nearly as easy to intimidate when you think you
deserved an A. I’m sure you (or your parents) would never
dream of trying anything like that, but I thought I’d go ahead
and mention it, just in case.
I’m not your boss. Please don’t misunderstand: I don’t take a
“my way or the highway” approach to teaching. In my view,
that’s not what education, and certainly not higher education, is
all about. I’m here to help you learn. Whether you choose to
accept that help—ultimately, whether you choose to learn
anything—is up to you.
My role is not to tell you what to do, like your shift manager at
the fast-food restaurant. Rather, I will provide information,
explain how to do certain things, and give you regular
assignments and assessments designed to help you internalize
that knowledge and master those skills. Internalizing and
mastering are your responsibility. I can’t “fire” you, any more
than you can get me fired. But I can and will evaluate the quality
and timeliness of your work, and that evaluation will be
reflected in your final grade.
I’m not your parent. Some of my colleagues (especially among
the administration) believe the institution should act “in loco
parentis,” which means “in the place of a parent.” In other
words, when you’re away from your parents, we become your
I’ve never really subscribed to that theory, at least not in the
classroom. I suppose there are certain areas of the college, like
student services, that have some parental-like obligation to
students. But as a professor, I don’t. And what that means, more
than anything else, is that I’m not going to treat you like a child.
I’m not your BFF. When I first started teaching, I was only a few
years older than many of my students. It was tempting, at times,
to want to be friends with some of them. I occasionally
struggled to maintain an appropriate professional distance.
Not anymore. I’ve been doing this for a while now—over 30
years—and I’m no longer young. (Sadly, I’m no longer mistaken
for a student, either.) I try to be friendly and approachable, but
if by “friendly” you think I mean “someone to hang out with,” I
don’t. I regret that we cannot actually be friends.
That applies to virtual friendship, too. Even if you happen to
track me down on Facebook, I will not accept your friend
request. You’re welcome to follow me on Twitter, if you like, but
I won’t follow you back. And I don’t do Instagram or Snapchat
or, um, whatever else there is.
I’m not your adversary. Just because we’re not best buds,
please don’t think I’m your enemy. Nothing could be further
from the truth. In fact, if by “friend” you mean someone who
cares about your well-being and success, then I guess I am a
friend after all.
Yet there is always a degree of tension in the student-professor
relationship. You may at times feel that I am behaving in an
adversarial manner—questioning the quality and relevance of
your work, making judgments that you perceive as negative.
Understand that is only because I do want you to succeed. It’s
not personal, on my end, and you must learn not to take it
I’d like to be your partner. More than anything, I’d like for us to
form a mutually beneficial alliance in this endeavor we call
I pledge to do my part. I will:
Stay abreast of the latest ideas in my field. Teach you what I believe you need to know, with all the enthusiasm I possess. Invite your comments and questions and respond
constructively. Make myself available to you outside of class (within reason). Evaluate your work carefully and return it promptly with feedback. Be as fair, respectful, and understanding as I can humanly be. If you need help beyond the scope of this course, I will do my best to provide it or see that you get it.
In return, I expect you to:
Show up for class each day or let me know (preferably in advance) if you have some good reason to be absent. Do your reading and other assignments outside of class and be prepared for each class meeting. Focus during class on the work we’re doing and not on extraneous matters (like whoever or whatever is on your phone at the moment). Participate in class discussions. Be respectful of your fellow students and their points of view. In short, I expect you to devote as much effort to learning as I devote to teaching.
What you get out of this relationship is that you’ll be better
equipped to succeed in this and other college courses, work-
related assignments, and life in general. What I get is a great
deal of professional and personal satisfaction. Because I do
really like you guys and want the best for you.
All in all, that’s not a bad deal. It’s a shame more relationships
aren’t like ours.
Rob Jenkins is an associate professor of English at Georgia State University– Perimeter College and a regular contributor to the Chronicle of Higher Education, where this argument was published.
CHAPTER 10 Evaluations
“We don’t want to go there for coffee. Their beans aren’t fair
trade, the drinks are high in calories, and the stuff is way
The campus storytelling project has just won a competition
sponsored by NPR, and everyone involved is thrilled. Then they
realize that this year all but one of the leaders of this project will
graduate and that they have very few new recruits. So they put
their heads together to figure out what qualities they need in
new recruits that will help maintain the excellence of their
Orson Welles’s masterpiece Citizen Kane is playing at the
Student Union for only one more night, but the new Marvel
Avengers epic is featured across the street in 3-D. Guess which
movie your roomie wants to see? You intend to set her straight.
Understanding Evaluations Evaluations are everyday arguments. By the time you leave
home in the morning, you’ve likely made a dozen informal
evaluations: You’ve selected neat but informal clothes because
you have a job interview with a manufacturing company
looking for machinists. You’ve chosen low-fat yogurt and fruit
over the pancakes you really love. You’ve queued up the perfect
playlist on your iPhone for your hike to campus. In each case,
you’ve applied criteria to a particular problem and then made a
decision. That’s evaluating on the fly.
Some professional evaluations require more elaborate
standards, evidence, and paperwork (imagine an aircraft
manufacturer certifying a new jet for passenger service), but
they don’t differ structurally from the simpler choices that
people make all the time. People love to voice their opinions,
and they always have. In fact, a mode of ancient rhetoric—
called the ceremonial or epideictic (see Chapter 1)—was devoted
entirely to speeches of praise and blame.
Today, rituals of praise and (mostly) blame are a significant part
of American life. Adults who would choke at the notion of
debating causal or definitional claims will happily spend hours
appraising the Oakland Raiders, Boston Red Sox, or Pittsburgh
Penguins. Other evaluative spectacles in our culture include
awards shows, late-night comedy shows, most-valuable-player
presentations, lists of best-dressed or worst-dressed celebrities,
literary prizes, consumer product magazines, and—the ultimate
formal public gesture of evaluation—elections. Indeed, making
evaluations is a form of entertainment in America and
generates big audiences (think of The Voice) and revenues.
Arguments about sports are usually evaluations of some kind.
RESPOND● The last ten years have seen a proliferation of “reality” talent shows
around the world—Dancing with the Stars, So You Think You Can
Dance, American (or Canadian or Australian or many other) Idol,
America’s Got Talent, The Voice, and so on. Write a short opinion
piece assessing the merits of a particular “talent” show. What
should a proper event of this kind accomplish? Does the event
you’re reviewing do so?
Criteria of Evaluation Arguments of evaluation can produce simple rankings and
winners or can lead to profound decisions about our lives, but
they always involve standards. The particular standards we
establish for judging anything—whether a political candidate,
consumer product, work of art, or career strategy—are called
criteria of evaluation. Sometimes criteria are self-evident: a
truck that gets nine miles per gallon is a gas hog, and a piece of
fish that smells even a little off shouldn’t be eaten. But criteria
get complicated when a subject is abstract: What constitutes a
fair wage? What are the qualities of a classic song? What makes
an event worthy of news coverage? Struggling to identify such
amorphous criteria of evaluation can lead to important insights
into your values, motives, and preferences.
Why make such a big deal about criteria when many acts of
evaluation seem effortless? Because we should be suspicious of
opinions we offer too casually. Spontaneous quips and snap
judgments can’t carry the same weight as well-informed and
well-argued opinions. Serious evaluations require reflection,
and when we look deeply into our judgments, we sometimes
discover important questions that typically go unasked, many
prefaced by why:
You challenge the grade you received in a course, but you don’t question the practice of grading. You argue passionately that a Democratic Congress is better for America than a Republican one, but you fail to consider
why voters get only two choices. You argue that news coverage is biased, but it doesn’t occur to you to ask what makes an event worthy of news coverage.
Push an argument of evaluation hard enough and even simple
judgments become challenging and intriguing.
In fact, for many writers, grappling with criteria is the toughest
step in producing an evaluation. When you offer an opinion
about a topic you know well, readers ought to learn something
from your argument. So you need to formulate and then justify
the criteria for your opinions, whatever the subject.
Do you think, for instance, that you could explain what (if
anything) makes a veggie burger good? Though many people
have eaten veggie burgers, they probably haven’t spent much
time thinking about them. Moreover it wouldn’t be enough
merely to assert that a proper one should be juicy or tasty—such
observations are trite, uninteresting, and obvious. The
following criteria offered on the Cook’s Illustrated Web site
show what happens when experts give the matter their at-
We wanted to create veggie burgers that even meat
eaters would love. We didn’t want them to taste like
hamburgers, but we did want them to act like
hamburgers, having a modicum of chew, a harmonious
blend of savory ingredients, and the ability to go from
grill to bun without falling apart. [emphasis added]
—Cook’s Illustrated
After a lot of experimenting, Cook’s Illustrated came up with a
recipe that met these criteria.
What criteria of evaluation are embedded in this visual argument?
Criteria of evaluation aren’t static, either. They may evolve over
time depending upon audience. Much market research, for
example, is designed to find out what particular consumers
want now or may want in the future—what their criteria are for
choosing a product or service. In good economic times, people
may demand homes with soaring entryways, lots of space, and
premium appliances. In tougher times, they may care more
about quality insulation and energy-efficient stoves and
dishwashers. Shifts in values, attitudes, and criteria happen all
the time.
Criteria can also reveal biases we hardly notice. In a Current
Affairs column (July 28, 2017), Nathan J. Robinson, citing a 2007
study featured on the Our World In Data Web site, argues that
we are blind to an especially insidious omission in mainstream
American news coverage—the unspoken and often racially
motivated criteria networks use to decide what merits public
attention at all. Robinson contends that only “the purest kind of
subconscious prejudice” is at work in determining whose death
is worth reporting. Looking closely at 700,000 major network
news stories, the researchers found that
the loss of 1 European life was equivalent to the loss of 45
African lives, in terms of the amount of coverage
generated. Deaths in Europe and the Americas were
given tens of times more weight than Asian, African, and
Pacific lives.
Robinson is clearly asking news providers and consumers alike
to reconsider how they evaluate newsworthiness.
A graph from the Our World In Data Web site shows significant disparities in news coverage given to loss of life in different parts of the world.
RESPOND● Choose one item from the following list that you understand well
enough to evaluate (or choose a category of your own). Develop
several criteria of evaluation that you could defend to distinguish
excellence from mediocrity in the area. Then choose an item that
you don’t know much about and explain the research you might do
to discover reasonable criteria of evaluation for it.
NFL quarterbacks
social media sites
TV journalists
video games
virtual reality products
Navajo rugs
U.S. vice presidents
organic vegetables
electric cars
spoken word poetry
specialty coffee
country music bands
superhero films
Characterizing Evaluation One way of understanding evaluative arguments is to consider
the types of evidence they use. A distinction explored in
Chapter 4 between hard evidence and constructed arguments
based on reason is helpful here: we defined hard evidence as
facts, statistics, testimony, and other kinds of arguments that
can be measured, recorded, or even found—the so-called
smoking gun in a criminal investigation. We defined
constructed arguments based on reason as those that are
shaped by language and various kinds of logic.
We can talk about arguments of evaluation the same way,
looking at some as quantitative and others as qualitative.
Quantitative arguments of evaluation employ criteria that can
be measured, counted, or demonstrated in some mechanical
fashion (something is taller, faster, smoother, quieter, or more
powerful than something else). In contrast, qualitative
arguments rely on criteria that must be explained through
language and media, alluding to such matters as values,
traditions, and emotions (something is more ethical, more
beneficial, more handsome, or more noble than something
else). A claim of evaluation might be supported by arguments of
both sorts.
Quantitative Evaluations At first glance, quantitative evaluations seem to hold all the
cards, especially in a society as enamored of science and
technology as our own is. Making judgments should be easy if
all it involves is measuring and counting—and in some cases,
that’s the way things work out. Who’s the tallest or oldest or
loudest person in your class? If your classmates allow
themselves to be measured, you could find out easily enough,
using the right equipment and internationally sanctioned
standards of measurement—the meter, the calendar, or the
But what if you were to ask, Who’s the smartest person in class?
You could answer this more complex question quantitatively,
using IQ tests or college entrance examinations that report
results numerically. In fact, almost all college-bound students
in the United States submit to this kind of evaluation, taking
either the SAT or the ACT to demonstrate their verbal and
mathematical prowess. Such measures are widely accepted by
educators and institutions, but they are also vigorously
challenged. What do they actually measure? They predict likely
academic success only in college, which is one kind of
intelligence. As you might guess, quantitative measures of
evaluation have limits. Devised to measure only certain criteria
and ignore others, they have an inevitably limited perspective.
And yet quantitative evaluations may still be full of insight. For
example, even if you are not concerned with finding a mate at
this point, you might be interested to know what people are
looking for in a potential partner. Good looks? Of course—
according to a Business Wire story, 51 percent of the people on
online dating services value attractiveness in a potential mate.
Others look for modesty (39 percent), ambition (50 percent),
and a sense of humor (67 percent). But what trumps all these
qualities is something you might not have thought much about
at this point: your credit rating. Fully 69 percent of those
surveyed thought a good credit score was important or very
important in considering whom they might date. An odd
criterion? Not at all. Dr. Helen Fischer, chief scientific advisor
for Match.com, explains why:
When it comes to dating, a good credit score ups your
mate value, helping you win a responsible, long-term
partner, more so than some other qualities that online
daters might highlight on their profile. Money talks, but
your credit score can speak more about who you are as a
person, and singles agree that those with good credit
tend to be conscientious and reliable.
—“Online Daters Say a Good Credit Score Is More
Attractive Than a Fancy Car,” Business Wire, August 21,
Something to remember when your next credit card bill comes
Qualitative Evaluations Many issues of evaluation that are closest to people’s hearts
aren’t subject to quantification. What makes a movie great or
significant? If you suggested a quantitative measure like length,
your friends would probably hoot, “Get serious!” But what about
box-office receipts, adjusted for inflation? Would films that
made the most money—an easily quantifiable measure—be the
“best pictures”? That select group would include movies such as
Star Wars, The Sound of Music, Gone with the Wind, Titanic,
Avatar, and E.T. An interesting group of films—but the best?
To define the criteria for “significant movie,” you’d more likely
look for the standards and evidence that serious critics explore
in their arguments, abstract or complicated issues such as their
societal impact, cinematic technique, dramatic structures,
intelligent casting, and so on. Most of these markers of quality
could be defined or identified with some precision but not
actually measured or counted. You’d also have to make your
case rhetorically, convincing the audience to accept the
benchmarks of quality you are offering and yet appreciating
that they might not.
Indeed, a movie reviewer (or anyone else) making strong
qualitative judgments might spend as much time defending
criteria of evaluation as providing evidence that these standards
are present in a particular film. And putting those standards
into action can be what makes a review attention getting or,
even better, worth reading. Here’s a paragraph from Mehera
Bonner, an entertainment editor for Marie Claire who is not shy
about applying a feminist perspective to Christopher Nolan’s
World War II epic Dunkirk (2017), depicting the evacuation of
more than 300,000 allied soldiers trapped by German forces on
the coast of France at the outset of the conflict:
[M]y main issue with Dunkirk is that it’s so clearly
designed for men to man-out over. And look, it’s not like I
need every movie to have “strong female leads.” Wonder
Woman can probably tide me over for at least a year, and
I understand that this war was dominated by brave male
soldiers. I get that. But the packaging of the film, the
general vibe, and the tenor of the people applauding it
just screams “men-only”—and specifically seems to cater
to a certain type of very pretentious man who would love
nothing more than to explain to me why I’m wrong about
not liking it. . . . [T]o me, Dunkirk felt like an excuse for
men to celebrate maleness.
—Mehera Bonner, “I Think Dunkirk Was Mediocre at
Best, and It’s Not Because I’m Some Naïve Woman Who
Doesn’t Get It”
Web sites such as Netflix and Rotten Tomatoes offer recommendations for films based on users’ past selections and the ratings of other users and critics. Sometimes those judgments are at odds. Then whom do you trust?
RESPOND● For examples of powerful evaluation arguments, search the Web for
eulogies or obituaries of famous, recently deceased individuals. Try
to locate at least one such item, and then analyze the types of
claims it makes about the accomplishments of the deceased. What
types of criteria of evaluation hold the obituary or eulogy together?
Why should we respect or admire the person?
Developing an Evaluative Argument Developing an argument of evaluation can seem like a simple
process, especially if you already know what your claim is likely
to be. To continue the movie theme for one more example:
Citizen Kane is likely the finest film ever made by an
American director.
Having established a claim, you would then explore the
implications of your belief, drawing out the reasons, warrants,
and evidence that might support it:
Claim Citizen Kane is the finest film ever made by an American director . . .
Reason . . . because it revolutionizes the way we see the world.
Warrant Great films change viewers in fundamental ways.
Evidence Shot after shot, Citizen Kane presents the life of its protagonist through cinematic images that viewers can never forget.
The warrant here is, in effect, an implied statement of criteria—
in this case, the quality that defines “great film” for the writer. It
may be important for the writer to share that assumption with
readers and perhaps to identify other great films that similarly
make viewers appreciate new perspectives.
As you can see, in developing an evaluative argument, you’ll
want to pay special attention to criteria, claims, and evidence.
What criteria does Deanna Hartley use in evaluating what makes some candidates more successful than others in how they use social media during a job search?
LINK TO Hartley, “Creative Ways to Get Noticed by Employers on Social Media,” in Chapter 26
Formulating Criteria
Although even casual evaluations (This band sucks!) might be
traced to reasonable criteria, most people don’t defend their
positions until they are challenged (Oh yeah?). Writers who
address readers with whom they share core values rarely
discuss their criteria in great detail. Similarly, critics with
established reputations in their fields aren’t expected to restate
all their principles every time they write reviews. They assume
audiences will—over time—come to appreciate their standards.
Indeed, the expertise they command becomes a part of their
persuasive ethos (see Chapter 3). Still, criteria can make or
break a piece.
So spend time developing your criteria of evaluation. What
exactly makes a shortstop an all-star? What marks a
standardized test as an unreliable measure of intelligence?
What distinguishes an inspired rapper from a run-of-the-mill
one? In cases like these, list the possibilities and then pare them
down to the essential qualities. If you propose vague, dull, or
unsupportable principles, expect to be challenged.
You’re most likely to be vague about your beliefs when you
haven’t thought, read, or experienced enough about your
subject. Push yourself at least as far as you imagine readers will.
Anticipate readers looking over your shoulder, asking difficult
questions. Say, for example, that you intend to argue that
anyone who wants to stay on the cutting edge of personal
technology will obviously want Microsoft’s latest Surface Pro
because it does so many amazing things. But what does that
mean exactly? What makes the device “amazing”? Is it that it
offers the flexibility of a touch screen, boasts an astonishing
high-resolution screen, and gives artists the ability to draw with
a stylus? These are particular features of the device. But can you
identify a more fundamental quality to explain the product’s
appeal, such as a Surface user’s experience, enjoyment, or
productivity? You’ll often want to raise your evaluation to a
higher level of generality like this so that your appraisal of a
product, book, performance, or political figure works as a
coherent argument, and not just as a list of random
Be certain, too, that your criteria of evaluation apply to more
than just your topic of the moment. Your standards should
make sense on their own merits and apply across the board. If
you tailor your criteria to get the outcome you want, you are
doing what is called “special pleading.” You might be pleased
when you prove that the home team is awesome, but it won’t
take skeptics long to figure out how you’ve cooked the books.
Food blogger Jess Kapadia makes a strong evaluative claim when she asserts that, for example, the best Indian food she ever ate was not in India but in Singapore.
LINK TO Kapadia, “I Still Don’t Understand the Cultural Appropriation of Food,” in Chapter 24
RESPOND● Local news and entertainment magazines often publish “best of”
issues or articles that catalog their readers’ and editors’ favorites in
such categories as “best place to go on a first date,” “best ice cream
sundae,” and “best dentist.” Sometimes the categories are specific:
“best places to say ‘I was retro before retro was cool’” or “best
movie theater seats.” Imagine that you’re the editor of your own
local magazine and that you want to put out a “best of” issue
tailored to your hometown. Develop five categories for evaluation.
For each category, list the evaluative criteria that you would use to
make your judgment. Next, consider that because your criteria are
warrants, they’re especially tied to audience. (The criteria for “best
dentist,” for example, might be tailored to people whose major
concern is avoiding pain, to those whose children will be regular
patients, or to those who want the cheapest possible dental care.)
For several of the evaluative categories, imagine that you have to
justify your judgments to a completely different audience. Write a
new set of criteria for that audience.
Making Claims
In evaluations, claims can be stated directly or, more rarely,
strongly implied. For most writers, strong and specific
statements followed by reasonable qualifications work best.
Consider the differences between the following three claims
and how much greater the burden of proof is for the first claim:
J. R. R. Tolkien is the best writer of fantasy ever.
J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings is a better fantasy
series than J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, even for
For most readers, J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Return of the
King offers, arguably, a more profound examination of
evil than J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Deathly
Here’s a second set of examples demonstrating the same
principle, that knowledgeable qualifications generally make a
claim of evaluation easier to deal with and smarter:
Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel’s recent suggestion for a
new graduation requirement for high school seniors in
his city sure is dumb!
A proposal by Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago that
students in his city’s schools not receive high school
diplomas unless they’ve been admitted to college, joined
the military, or are already employed, might do more
harm than good.
While praiseworthy in its goal to make high school
seniors think about their futures, Mayor Emanuel’s
proposed graduation requirement might force many
working-class students into making the wrong choices—
going to trade school, joining the military, enrolling in
second-rate online schools—just to claim a high school
diploma they’ve already earned.
The point of qualifying theses like these isn’t to make evaluative
claims bland but to make them responsible and reasonable.
Consider how Reagan Tankersley uses the criticisms of a
musical genre he enjoys to frame an assertion he makes in its
Structurally, dubstep is a simple musical form, with
formulaic progressions and beats, something that gives a
musically tuned ear little to grasp or analyze. For this
reason, a majority of traditionally trained musicians find
the genre to be a waste of time. These people have a
legitimate position. . . . However, I hold that it is the
simplicity of dubstep that makes it special: the primal
nature of the song is what digs so deeply into fans. It
accesses the most primitive area in our brains that
connects to the uniquely human love of music.
—Reagan Tankersley, “Dubstep: Why People Dance”
Tankersley doesn’t pretend that dubstep is a subtle or
sophisticated musical form, nor does he expect his argument to
win over traditionally minded critics. Yet he still makes a claim
worth considering.
Dubstep band Dope D.O.D. performing live in Moscow in 2015
One tip: Nothing adds more depth to an opinion than letting
others challenge it. When you can, use the resources of the
Internet or local discussion boards to get responses to your
opinions or topic proposals. It can be eye-opening to realize
how strongly people react to ideas or points of view that you
regard as perfectly normal. Share your claim and then, when
you’re ready, your first draft with friends, classmates, or tutors
at the writing center, asking them to identify places where your
ideas need additional support, either in the discussion of
criteria or in the presentation of evidence.
Presenting Evidence Generally, the more evidence in an evaluation the better,
provided that the evidence is relevant. For example, in
evaluating the performance of two laptops, the speed of their
processors would be essential; the quality of their keyboards or
the availability of service might be less crucial yet still worth
mentioning. But you have to decide how much detail your
readers want in your argument. For technical subjects, you
might make your basic case briefly and then attach additional
supporting documents at the end—tables, graphs, charts—for
those who want more data.
Just as important as relevance in selecting evidence is
presentation. Not all pieces of evidence are equally convincing,
nor should they be treated as such. Select evidence that is most
likely to influence your readers, and then arrange the argument
to build toward your strongest points. In most cases, that best
material will be evidence that’s specific, detailed, memorable,
and derived from credible sources. The following example
comes from a celebratory defense of art and artists by musician,
songwriter, and producer T Bone Burnett, delivered at the 2016
AmericanaFest music festival in Nashville. The energy of his
language and the memorable examples likely solidify the case
that music is foundational to the American mythology:
This is the story of the United States: a kid walks out of
his home with a song and nothing else, and conquers the
world. We have replicated that phenomenon over and
over: Elvis Presley, ... Rosetta Tharpe, Johnny Cash,
Howlin Wolf, Mahalia Jackson, Bob Dylan, John Coltrane,
Billie Holiday.
—T Bone Burnett, Nashville, TN, September 22, 2016
T Bone Burnett gave the keynote speech at the AmericanaFest (Americana Music Festival & Conference) in Nashville.
In evaluation arguments, don’t be afraid to concede a point
when evidence goes contrary to the overall claim you wish to
make. If you’re really skillful, you can even turn a problem into
an argumentative asset, as Bob Costas does in acknowledging
the flaws of baseball great Mickey Mantle in the process of
praising him:
None of us, Mickey included, would want to be held to
account for every moment of our lives. But how many of
us could say that our best moments were as magnificent as his?
—Bob Costas, “Eulogy for Mickey Mantle”
Considering Design and Visuals Visual components play a significant role in many kinds of
evaluation arguments, especially during political campaigns—as
the image on the following page suggests. But they can also be
important in more technical arguments as well (see the graph
from Our World in Data earlier in this chapter). As soon as
numbers are involved in supporting your claim, think about
ways to arrange quantitative information in tables, charts,
graphs, or infographics to make the information more
accessible to readers. Visual elements are especially helpful
when comparing items. The facts can seem to speak for
themselves if they are presented with care and deliberation.
But don’t ignore other basic design features of a text—such as
headings for the different criteria you’re using or, in online
evaluations, links to material related to your subject.
Vote Hillary by Deborah Kass
Take a close look at what artist Deborah Kass described in July 2016
as her “official fundraising screen print” for the presidential
campaign of Hillary Clinton. In what ways did it make an argument
of evaluation designed to make Americans consider voting for the
Democratic candidate rather than for Republican Donald Trump?
Would any elements in it make some voters perhaps less likely to
support Clinton? Explain your assessment of the image.
GUIDE to writing an evaluation
Finding a Topic
You’re entering an argument of evaluation when you:
make a judgment about quality: Citizen Kane is probably the finest film ever made by an American director. challenge such a judgment: Citizen Kane is vastly overrated by
most film critics. construct a ranking or comparison: Citizen Kane is a more intellectually challenging movie than Casablanca. explore criteria that might be used in making critical judgments: Criteria for judging films are evolving as the production and audiences of films become ever more international.
Issues of evaluation crop up everywhere—in the judgments you make about public figures or policies; in the choices you make about instructors and courses; in the recommendations you offer about books, films, or television programs; in the preferences you exercise in choosing products, activities, or charities. Evaluations typically use terms or images that indicate value or rank—good/bad, effective/ineffective, best/worst, competent/incompetent,
successful/unsuccessful. When you can choose a topic for an evaluation, consider writing about something on which others regularly ask your opinion or advice.
Researching Your Topic
You can research issues of evaluation by using the following sources:
journals, reviews, and magazines (for current political and social issues) books (for assessing judgments about history, policy, etc.) biographies (for assessing people) research reports and scientific studies books, magazines, and Web sites for consumers periodicals and Web sites that cover entertainment and sports blogs and social media sites that explore current topics
Surveys and polls can be useful in uncovering public attitudes: What kinds of movies are young people seeing today? Who are the most
admired people in the country? What activities or businesses are thriving
or waning? You’ll discover that Web sites, newsgroups, and blogs thrive on evaluation. (Ever receive an invitation to “like” something on social media?) Browse these public forums for ideas, and, when possible, explore your own topic ideas there. But remember that all sources need to be critically assessed themselves; examine each source carefully, making sure that it is legitimate and credible.
Formulating a Claim
After exploring your subject, try to draw up a full and specific claim that lets readers know where you stand and on what criteria you’ll base your judgments. Come up with a thesis that’s challenging enough to attract readers’ attention. In developing a thesis, you might begin with questions like these:
What exactly is my opinion? Where do I stand? Can I make my judgment more clear-cut? Do I need to narrow or qualify my claim? By what standards will I make my judgment? Will readers or viewers accept my criteria, or will I have to defend them, too? What criteria might others offer? What evidence or major reasons can I offer in support of my evaluation?
For a conventional evaluation, such as a book or restaurant review, your thesis should be a complete statement. In one sentence, make a claim of evaluation and state the reasons that support it. Be sure your claim is specific. Anticipate the questions readers might have: Who? What? Where? Under what conditions? With what exceptions? In all
cases? Don’t expect readers to guess where you stand.
For a more exploratory argument, you might begin (and even end) with
questions about the process of evaluation itself. What are the qualities we seek—or ought to—in our political leaders? What does it say about our
cultural values when we find so many viewers entertained by so-called
reality shows on television? What might be the criteria for collegiate
athletic programs consistent with the values of higher education?
Projects that explore topics like these might not begin with straightforward theses or have the intention to persuade readers.
Examples of Evaluative Claims
Though they may never receive Oscars for their work, Tom Cruise and Angela Bassett deserve credit as actors who have succeeded in a wider range of film roles than most of their contemporaries. The much-vaunted population shift back to urban areas in the United States has really been mostly among rich, educated, and childless people who can afford the high costs of living there. The most remarkable aspect of Elon Musk as an entrepreneur is the way he blatantly uses public money to build his companies— from Tesla to SpaceX. Jimmy Carter has been highly praised for his work as a former president of the United States, but history may show that even his much-derided term in office laid the groundwork for the foreign policy and economic successes now attributed to later administrations. Young adults today are shying away from diving into the housing market because they no longer believe that homeownership is a key element in economic success.
Preparing a Proposal
If your instructor asks you to prepare a proposal for your project, here’s a format that may help:
State your thesis completely. If you’re having trouble doing so, try outlining it in Toulmin terms:
Alternatively, you might describe your intention to explore a particular question of evaluation in your project, with the thesis perhaps coming later.
Explain why this issue deserves attention. What’s at stake? Identify whom you hope to reach through your argument and why these readers would be interested in it. Briefly discuss the key challenges you anticipate in preparing your argument. Determine what research strategies you’ll use. What sources do you expect to consult?
Considering Genre and Media
Your instructor may specify that you use a particular genre and/or medium. If not, ask yourself these questions to help you make a good choice:
What genre is most appropriate for your argument of evaluation? Does it call for an academic essay, a report, an infographic, a video, or something else? What medium is most appropriate for your argument? Would it be best delivered orally to a live audience? Presented as an audio essay or podcast? Presented in print only or in print with illustrations? Will you need visuals, such as moving or still images, maps,
graphs, charts—and what function will they play in your argument? Make sure they are not just “added on” but are necessary components of the argument.
Thinking about Organization
Your evaluation will likely include elements such as the following:
an evaluative claim that makes a judgment about a person, idea, or object the criterion or criteria by which you’ll measure your subject an explanation or justification of the criteria (if necessary) evidence that the particular subject meets or falls short of the stated criteria consideration of alternative views and counterarguments
All these elements may be present in arguments of evaluation, but they won’t follow a specific order. In addition, you’ll often need an opening paragraph to explain what you’re evaluating and why. Tell readers why they should care about your subject and take your opinion seriously.
Getting and Giving Response: Questions for Peer Response
Your instructor may assign you to a group for the purpose of reading and responding to each other’s drafts. If not, ask for responses from serious readers or consultants at a writing center. Use the following questions to evaluate a colleague’s draft. Be sure to illustrate your comments with examples; specific comments help more than general observations.
The Claim
Is the claim an argument of evaluation? Does it make a critical judgment about something? Does the claim establish clearly what’s being evaluated?
Is the claim too sweeping or too narrow? Does it need to be qualified or expanded? Will the criteria used in the evaluation be clear to readers? Do the criteria need to be defined more precisely? Are the criteria appropriate ones to use for this evaluation? Are they controversial? Should they be defended?
Evidence for the Claim
Is enough evidence provided to show that what’s being evaluated meets the established criteria? If not, what additional evidence is needed? Is the evidence in support of the claim simply announced, or are its significance and appropriateness analyzed? Is more detailed discussion needed? Are any objections readers might have to the claim, criteria, or evidence adequately addressed? What kinds of sources are cited? How credible and persuasive will they be to readers? What other kinds of sources might work better? Are all quotations introduced with appropriate signal phrases (such as “As Tyson argues, . . .”) and blended smoothly into the writer’s sentences? Are all visual sources labeled, introduced, and commented upon?
Organization and Style
How are the parts of the argument organized? Is this organization effective? Will readers understand the relationships among the claims, supporting reasons, warrants, and evidence? If not, how might those connections be clearer? Does every visual serve a clear purpose? Are more transitions needed? Would headings or graphic devices help?
Are the transitions or links from point to point, sentence to sentence, and paragraph to paragraph clear and effective? If not, how could they be improved? Are all visuals carefully integrated into the text? Is each visual introduced and commented on to point out its significance? Is each visual labeled as a figure or a table and given a caption as well as a citation? Is the style suited to the subject? Is it too formal, casual, or technical? Can it be improved? Which sentences seem effective? Which ones seem weaker, and how could they be improved? Should short sentences be combined, and any longer ones be broken up? How effective are the paragraphs? Too short or too long? How can they be improved? Which words or phrases seem effective? Do any seem vague or inappropriate for the audience or the writer’s purpose? Are technical or unfamiliar terms defined?
Spelling, Punctuation, Mechanics, Documentation, and Format
Are there any errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and the like? Is the documentation appropriate and consistent? (See Chapter 22.) Does the paper or project follow an appropriate format? Is it well designed and attractively presented?
1. What kinds of reviews or evaluations do you read or consult most often—those of TV shows, sports teams, video games, fashions, fishing gear, political figures? Try composing an
argument of evaluation in your favorite genre: make and defend a claim about the quality of some object, item, work, or person within your area of interest or special knowledge. Let the project demonstrate an expertise you have gained. If it helps, model your evaluation upon the work of a reviewer or expert you particularly respect and choose the medium that you think works best.
2. Prepare a project in which you challenge what you regard as a wrong-headed evaluation, providing sound reasons and solid evidence for challenging this existing and perhaps commonly held view. Maybe you believe that a classic novel you had to read in high school is overrated or that people who criticize a particular social media platform really don’t understand it. Explain why the subject of your evaluation needs to be reconsidered and provide reasons, evidence, and, if necessary, different criteria of evaluation for doing so. For an example of this type of (re)evaluation, see Becca Stanek’s “I took vitamins every day for a decade. Then I found out they’re useless.”
3. Write an evaluation in which you compare or assess the contributions or achievements of two or three notable people working within the same field or occupation. They may be educators, entrepreneurs, public officials, artists, legislators, editorial cartoonists, fashion designers, programmers, athletes, faculty at your school, or employees where you work. While your first instinct might be to rank these individuals and pick a “winner,” you could also aim to help readers appreciate the different paths by which your subjects have achieved distinction.
4. Within this chapter, the authors claim that criteria of evaluation can change depending on times and circumstances: “In good economic times, people may demand homes with soaring
entryways, lots of space, and premium appliances. In tougher times, they may care more about quality insulation and energy- efficient stoves and dishwashers.” Working in a group, discuss several scenarios of change and then explore how those circumstances could alter the way we evaluate particular objects, activities, or productions. For example, what impact might global warming have upon the way we determine desirable places to live or vacation? How might growing resistance worldwide to immigration or open borders affect political alliances or cultural diversity? If people across the globe continue to put on weight, how might standards of personal beauty or fashion alter? If media and news outlets continue to fall in public esteem, how might we change the way we make political decisions? Following the discussion, write a paper or prepare a project in which you explore how one scenario for change might revise customary values and standards of evaluation.
Two Sample Evaluations
I took vitamins every day for a decade. Then I found out they’re useless.
March 22, 2017
Save for a few lapses in my irresponsible college days, I’ve
popped a multivitamin every single day since middle school.
First it was the chalky multivitamins that left a lump in my
throat for minutes after I’d gulped one down. Then it was the
slightly grainy, massive pills that my mom bought in bulk at
Costco. (They were technically for post-menopausal women,
but my mother assured me they would be just fine for my 17-
year-old self.) Then last year, tired of big, bad-tasting pills, I
bought gummy vitamins. Who doesn’t like noshing on some
candy that holds the promise of great health?
Well, last week I threw my vitamins away. I’ll miss that sugary,
fruity taste—but, according to my doctor, that’s about all I’ll be
At my appointment last Wednesday, my doctor bluntly
informed me that my multivitamins weren’t doing a darn thing
for me. Though the idea of getting just a little bit more of all the
most important vitamins may seem like a foolproof idea, she
informed me that more isn’t necessarily better. Few people
have vitamin deficiencies. Moreover, for those who do have a
deficiency in, say, Vitamin D or Vitamin B12, those little grape-
shaped gummies—or any multivitamin, for that matter—don’t
pack anywhere near enough of any one vitamin to correct that
deficiency, she explained.
That could be passed off as just one doctor’s opinion . . . except
there are a plethora of studies out there that back up her
argument. A much buzzed-about study published in Annals of
Internal Medicine in 2013, for instance, came to this clear-cut
conclusion after reviewing three trials of multivitamin
supplements and 24 trials of “single or paired vitamins that
randomly assigned more than 40,000 participants”:
Evidence is sufficient to advise against routine
supplementation, and we should translate null and
negative findings into action. The message is simple: Most
supplements do not prevent chronic disease or death, their
use is not justified, and they should be avoided. This
message is especially true for the general population with
no clear evidence of micronutrient deficiencies, who
represent most supplement users in the United States and
in other countries. [Annals of Internal Medicine]
Specifically, the study found vitamins to be ineffective when it
comes to reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, declines in
cognitive ability, and premature death. And, Quartz noted,
some vitamins can even be “harmful in high enough
Our bodies can easily get rid of excess vitamins that
dissolve in water, like vitamin C, all the B vitamins, and
folate, but they hold onto the ones that are fat soluble.
Buildup of vitamin A, K, E, or D—all of which are necessary
in low levels—can cause problems with your heart and
kidneys, and can even be fatal in some cases. [Quartz]
Though the FDA says on its vitamins information page that
there “are many good reasons to consider taking supplements,”
it indicates vitamins only “may be useful when they fill a
specific identified nutrient gap that cannot or is not otherwise
being met by the individuals’ intake of food.” The CDC
estimated in 2014 that “nine out of 10 people in the U.S. are
indeed getting enough of some important vitamins and
So why are so many Americans still taking multivitamins?
Steven Salzberg, a medicine professor at Johns Hopkins, told
NPR multivitamins are “a great example of how our intuition
leads us astray.” “It seems reasonable that if a little bit of
something is good for you, then more should be better for you.
It’s not true,” Salzberg said. “Supplementation with extra
vitamins or micronutrients doesn’t really benefit you if you
don’t have a deficiency.”
Americans’ abysmally bad diets also give vitamin companies
some marketing ammunition. When the average American is
eating just one or two servings of fruits and veggies a day
(experts recommend as many as 10 servings of fruits and
veggies a day for maximum benefits), a little boost of vitamins
might seem like a good idea. But popping a pill isn’t going to
make up for all those lost servings. “Food contains thousands of
phyto-chemicals, fiber, and more that work together to promote
good health that cannot be duplicated with a pill,” said
nutritionist Karen Ansel.
And if it’s those tasty gummy vitamins we’re falling back on,
there’s an even better chance we’re not offsetting our sugar-and
fat-laden diets. The women’s gummy multivitamins I was taking
pack three grams of sugar per gummy. A serving size is two
gummies. Even before breakfast, I was consuming six grams of
sugar—almost a quarter of the American Heart Association’s
recommended maximum sugar intake for women.
So why, if there are so many signs pointing to no on
multivitamins, had I never really heard any of them until that
fateful visit to the doctor? Pediatrician Paul Offit explained in a
2013 New York Times opinion article that it might have
something to do with a bill introduced in the 1970s:
In December 1972, concerned that people were consuming
larger and larger quantities of vitamins, the FDA
announced a plan to regulate vitamin supplements
containing more than 150 percent of the recommended
daily allowance. Vitamin makers would now have to prove
that these “megavitamins” were safe before selling them.
Not surprisingly, the vitamin industry saw this as a threat,
and set out to destroy the bill. In the end, it did far more
than that.
Industry executives recruited William Proxmire, a
Democratic senator from Wisconsin, to introduce a bill
preventing the FDA from regulating megavitamins. [Paul
Offit, via the New York Times]
That bill became law in 1976. Some 30 years later, almost a third
of Americans were still taking a daily multivitamin. But count
this gal out.
Becca Stanek, a writer for TheWeek.com, explains exactly why she gave up a habit common to many Americans—taking multivitamins. Citing ample research, she argues that most people don’t need them and people with genuine vitamin deficiencies need something more potent than an over-the-counter pill. We’ve underlined the hyperlinked words and phrases to give you an idea of how a professional writer backs up important claims in an evaluative argument. You can find the piece online at http://theweek.com/articles/687917/took-multivitamins- every-day-decade-found-theyre-useless.
CHAPTER 11 Causal Arguments
Although they have thrived for over fifty million years, several
decades ago colonies of bees started dying . . . and dying. Are
pesticides the cause? Or perhaps it’s the move agriculture has
made from planting cover crops like alfalfa and clover that
create natural fertilizers to using synthetic fertilizers. Or has the
decline been triggered by viruses transmitted by the varroa
mite, which infested the United States beginning in the mid-
1980s? Scientists believe a combination of these factors
accounts for a continuing decline in bees.
Somewhat unexpectedly, marijuana prices have declined
sharply in locales that have recently legalized pot. As a result,
state governments have not enjoyed the tax bonanzas they
anticipated, but at least they’ve enjoyed a reduction in law
enforcement costs.
Despite attempts to raise oil prices by cutting production, OPEC
(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) has discovered
that fracking techniques pioneered in the United States — which
will likely spread around the world — have broken the power
the cartel once held over petroleum markets.
Understanding Causal Arguments Americans seem to be getting fatter, so fat in fact that we hear
often about the “obesity crisis” in the United States. But what is
behind this rise in weight? Rachel Berl, writing for U.S. News
and World Report, points to the combination of unhealthy foods
and a sedentary lifestyle. Berl quotes Harvard nutrition
professor Walter Willett, who notes that individuals with lower
income and lower education are more likely to buy inexpensive
foods high in refined sugar and starch:
“There is no single, simple answer to explain the obesity
patterns” in America, says Willett. . . . “More deeply,
[obesity] also reflects lower public investment in
education, public transportation, and recreational
facilities,” he says. The bottom line: cheap, unhealthy
foods mixed with a sedentary lifestyle have made obesity
the new normal in America.
— Rachel Pomerance Berl
Many others agree that as processed fast food and other things
such as colas have gotten more and more affordable,
consumption of them has gone up, along with weight. But
others offer different theories for the rise in obesity.
Whatever the reasons for our increased weight, the
consequences can be measured by everything from the width of
airliner seats to the rise of diabetes in the general population.
Scientists, social critics, and health gurus offer many
explanations, and some are challenged or refuted. But figuring
out exactly what’s going on is a national concern — and an
important example of cause-and-effect argument.
Causal arguments — from the causes of an opioid addiction
crisis in many American communities to the consequences of
ocean pollution around the globe — are at the heart of many
major policy decisions, both national and international. But
arguments about causes and effects also inform choices that
people make every day. Suppose that you need to petition for a
grade change because you were unable to turn in a final project
on time. You’d probably enumerate the reasons for your failure
— the illness of your hamster, followed by an attack of the
hives, followed by a crash of your computer — hoping that an
associate dean reading the petition might see these
explanations as tragic enough to change your grade. In
identifying the causes of the situation, you’re implicitly arguing
that the effect (your failure to submit the project on time)
should be considered in a new light. Unfortunately, the
administrator might accuse you of faulty causality (see Faulty
Causality in Chapter 5) and propose that your failure to
complete the project is due more to procrastination than to the
reasons you offer — a causal analysis of her own.
Causal arguments exist in many forms and frequently appear as
part of other arguments (such as evaluations or proposals). It
may help focus your work on causal arguments to separate
them into three major categories:
Arguments That State a Cause and Then Examine Its Effects What would happen if Congress ever came together and passed
immigration reform that gave millions of people in the United
States a legal pathway to citizenship? Before such legislation
could be enacted, the possible consequences of this “cause”
would have to be examined in detail and argued intensely. In
fact, groups on all sides of this hot-button issue have been doing
so for decades now, and they generally posit different
outcomes. In this debate, you’d be successful if you could
convincingly describe the consequences of such a change and
make people see them as beneficial. Alternatively, you could
challenge the causal explanations made by groups you don’t
agree with. But, either way, speculation about causes and
effects can be dicey simply because life is complicated.
Consider the following passage from an essay in the Chronicle
of Higher Education by political scientist and self-identifying
liberal Mark Lilla, in which he describes the effects that he
believes follow from focusing too single-mindedly on “identity
politics,” especially in higher education:
Identity politics on the left was at first about large classes
of people — African-Americans, women, gays — seeking
to redress major historical wrongs by mobilizing and
then working through our political institutions to secure
their rights. But by the 1980s it had given way to a
pseudo-politics of self-regard and increasingly narrow
and exclusionary self-definition that is now cultivated in
our colleges and universities. The main result has been to
turn young people back onto themselves, rather than
turning them outward toward the wider world they share
with others. It has left them unprepared to think about
the common good in non-identity terms and what must
be done practically to secure it — especially the hard and
unglamorous task of persuading people very different
from themselves to join a common effort. Every advance
of liberal identity consciousness has marked a retreat of
effective liberal political consciousness.
— Mark Lilla, “How Colleges Are Strangling Liberalism”
Predictably, Professor Lilla’s causal analysis received much
attention and criticism, but he raised issues and described
consequences that merit serious discussion.
Arguments That State an Effect and Then Trace the Effect Back to Its Causes This type of argument might begin with a specific effect (an
unprecedented drop in sales of traditional four-door sedans)
and then trace it to its most likely causes (the popularity of
crossover SUVs, availability of all-wheel drive SUVs, cheaper
gas). Or you might examine the reasons auto manufacturers
offer for the sales decline of their once most popular models —
Honda Accords and Toyota Camrys — and decide whether their
causal explanations pass muster.
Like other types of causal arguments, those tracing effects to a
cause can offer provocative insights. You can see that in a 2017
Atlantic article by Jean M. Twenge, already excerpted in
Chapter 8. In the piece, Twenge, a professor at San Diego State
University, examines research that documents disturbing
behaviors she’d been noticing in post-millennial children and
adolescents. She begins the piece describing those effects
(generally) before going on to propose a not entirely surprising
I’ve been researching generational differences for 25
years, starting when I was a 22-year-old doctoral student
in psychology. Typically, the characteristics that come to
define a generation appear gradually, and along a
continuum. Beliefs and behaviors that were already
rising simply continue to do so. Millennials, for instance,
are a highly individualistic generation, but individualism
had been increasing since the Baby Boomers turned on,
tuned in, and dropped out. I had grown accustomed to
line graphs of trends that looked like modest hills and
valleys. Then I began studying [the current] generation.
Around 2012, I noticed abrupt shifts in teen behaviors
and emotional states. The gentle slopes of the line graphs
became steep mountains and sheer cliffs, and many of
the distinctive characteristics of the Millennial
generation began to disappear. In all my analyses of
generational data — some reaching back to the 1930s — I
had never seen anything like it.
At first I presumed these might be blips, but the trends
persisted, across several years and a series of national
surveys. The changes weren’t just in degree, but in kind.
The biggest difference between the Millennials and their
predecessors was in how they viewed the world; teens
today differ from the Millennials not just in their views
but in how they spend their time. The experiences they
have every day are radically different from those of the
generation that came of age just a few years before them.
What happened in 2012 to cause such dramatic shifts in
behavior? It was after the Great Recession, which
officially lasted from 2007 to 2009 and had a starker effect
on Millennials trying to find a place in a sputtering
economy. But it was exactly the moment when the
proportion of Americans who owned a smartphone
surpassed 50 percent.
— Jean M. Twenge, “Have Smartphones Destroyed a
Twenge goes on to connect the iPhone (and its clones) to a host
of specific effects, some positive, but most negative: fewer auto
accidents; less drinking; higher rates of depression and suicide;
declines in dating and sexual activity; avoidance of adult
responsibilities. Needless to say, her analysis caused a stir,
likely because many readers found the evidence she cited
Arguments That Move through a Series of Links: A Causes B, Which Leads to C and Perhaps to D As you might guess, entire arguments can be structured around
a series of linked causal connections. But you can see that
structure within individual paragraphs too when writers want to
draw out the consequences of their cause/effect studies. Here
are two such paragraphs near the end of Twenge’s essay
(described above) on how smartphones have damaged a whole
generation of children; note how she uses the causal links to
emphasize the consequences over time of that addiction:
The correlations between depression and smartphone
use are strong enough to suggest that more parents
should be telling their kids to put down their phone. As
the technology writer Nick Bilton has reported, it’s a
policy some Silicon Valley executives follow. Even Steve
Jobs limited his kids’ use of the devices he brought into
the world.
What’s at stake isn’t just how kids experience
adolescence. The constant presence of smartphones is
likely to affect them well into adulthood. Among people
who suffer an episode of depression, at least half become
depressed again later in life. Adolescence is a key time
for developing social skills; as teens spend less time with
their friends face-to-face, they have fewer opportunities
to practice them. In the next decade, we may see more
adults who know just the right emoji for a situation, but
not the right facial expression.
What is happening now, Twenge argues, has predictable
implications for the future.
RESPOND● The causes of the following events and phenomena are well known
and frequently discussed. But do you understand these causes well
enough to spell them out to someone else? Working in a group, see
how well (and in how much detail) you can explain these events or
phenomena. Which explanations are relatively clear, and which
seem more open to debate?
swelling caused by a bee sting
sharp rises in reported cases of autism or asthma
fake news
climate change
popularity of the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why
increasing post-graduation debt for college students
outcome of the 2016 presidential election
controversies in schools and online over free speech
Characterizing Causal Arguments Causal arguments tend to share several characteristics.
They Are Often Part of Other Arguments Many stand-alone causal arguments address questions that are
fundamental to our well-being: What accounts for the rise of
violent extremist political groups — left and right — in the
United States? What will happen as space travel moves into the
private sector, thanks to companies like SpaceX, Blue Origin,
and Virgin Galactic? How will the American middle class adjust
to its diminishing status? What will happen to Europe or Japan
if birthrates there continue to decline?
But causal analyses often work to support other types of
arguments — especially proposals. For example, a proposal to
limit the time that people spend on social media (see Two
Sample Proposals in Chapter 12) might begin with evidence
establishing that too much time on Facebook and Instagram can
have dire psychological consequences. This initial causal
analysis then provides a rationale for the proposal argument
that follows.
They Are Almost Always Complex
C. Richard King examines the complex network of cause and effect surrounding the racial slur and professional football team name “redskin,” wondering if the slur is the result of racism or its cause — or both.
LINK TO King, “Redskins: Insult and Brand,” in Chapter 23
The complexity of most causal relationships makes it difficult to
establish causes and effects. For example, in 2011 researchers at
Northwestern University reported a startling correlation: youths
who participated in church activities were far more likely to
grow into obese adults than their counterparts who were not
engaged in religious activities. How does one even begin to
explain such a peculiar and unexpected finding? Too many
church socials? Unhealthy food at potluck meals? More regular
social engagement? Perhaps.
Or consider the complexity of analyzing cause and effect when
it relates to consuming specific foods. In Chapter 4 we
mentioned a Wall Street Journal article by economist Emily
Oster examining the research behind many of the dietary
prohibitions pregnant women routinely face. When she took
the time to read the actual research behind the advice, Oster
made interesting discoveries. Some of the causal connections
stood up to scrutiny, but other claims were more ambiguous.
The claim that light drinking could cause behavior problems in
children was complicated by the fact that 45 percent of the
women in the study who had one drink a day also used cocaine.
As Oster wryly observed, “Perhaps the problem is that cocaine,
not the occasional glass of Chardonnay, makes your child more
likely to have behavior problems.”
With all its careful details and qualifications, what Oster’s
article illustrates — and it’s worth reading in its entirety — is
that causal claims, even those you have heard routinely, are
rarely simple or beyond scrutiny.
They Are Often Definition Based One reason that causal arguments are complex is that they often
depend on careful definitions. Recent figures from the U.S.
Department of Education, for example, show that the number
of high school dropouts is rising and that this rise has caused an
increase in youth unemployment. But exactly how does the
study define dropout? A closer look may suggest that some
students (perhaps a lot) who drop out later “drop back in” and
complete high school or that some who drop out become
successful entrepreneurs or business owners. Further, how
does the study define employment? Until you can provide
definitions for all key terms in a causal claim, you should
proceed cautiously with your argument.
Causal arguments can also be confusing.
They Usually Yield Probable Rather Than Absolute Conclusions Because causal relationships are almost always complex or
subtle, they seldom can yield more than a high degree of
probability. Consequently, they are almost always subject to
criticism or open to charges of false causality. (We all know
smokers who defy the odds to live long, cancer-free lives.)
Scientists in particular are wary when making causal claims.
Even after an event, proving precisely what caused it can be
hard. During the student riots of the late 1960s, for example, a
commission was charged with determining the causes of riots
on a particular campus. After two years of work and almost a
thousand pages of evidence and reports, the commission was
unable to pinpoint anything but a broad network of
contributing causes and related conditions. And how many
years is it likely to take to unravel all the factors responsible for
the extended recession and economic decline in the United
States that began in 2008? After all, serious scholars are still
arguing about the forces responsible for the Great Depression
of 1929.
To demonstrate that X caused Y, you must find the strongest
possible evidence and subject it to the toughest scrutiny. But a
causal argument doesn’t fail just because you can’t find a single
compelling cause. In fact, causal arguments are often most
effective when they help readers appreciate how tangled our
lives and landscapes really are.
In her essay “The Careless Language of Sexual Violence,” Roxane Gay looks closely at the cultural and linguistic causes and effects of “rape culture” — the way male violence toward women has become expected and even accepted.
LINK TO Gay, “The Careless Language of Sexual Violence,” in Chapter 25
Developing Causal Arguments Exploring Possible Claims
To begin creating a strong causal claim, try listing some of the
effects — events or phenomena — that you’d like to know the
causes of:
Why do college and university tuition costs so greatly outstrip the rate of inflation? Why are almost all the mothers in animated movies either dead to begin with or quickly killed off? Why have American schools largely abandoned technical training programs that, in the past, led to successful blue- collar careers? Why do so few younger Americans vote, even in major elections?
Or try moving in the opposite direction, listing some
phenomena or causes you’re interested in and then
hypothesizing what kinds of effects they may produce:
What effect is fracking having on the development of alternative energy sources? What consequences will follow from the politicization of traditional news organizations? What will be the consequences if more liberal (or conservative) judges are appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court? What will happen as China and India become dominant industrialized nations?
Read a little about the causal issues that interest you most, and
then try them out on friends and colleagues. They might suggest
ways to refocus or clarify what you want to do or offer leads to
finding information about your subject. After some initial
research, map out the causal relationship you want to explore
in simple form:
X might cause (or might be caused by) Y for the following
1. 2. 3. (add more as needed)
Such a statement should be tentative because writing a causal
argument should be an exercise in which you uncover facts, not
assume them to be true. Often, your early assumptions (Tuition was raised to renovate the stadium) might be undermined by
the facts you later discover (Tuition doesn’t fund the
construction or maintenance of campus buildings).
You might even decide to write a wildly exaggerated or parodic
causal argument for humorous purposes. Humorist Dave Barry
does this when he explains the causes of El Niño and other
weather phenomena: “So we see that the true cause of bad
weather, contrary to what they have been claiming all these
years, is TV weather forecasters, who have also single-handedly
destroyed the ozone layer via overuse of hair spray.” Most of the
causal reasoning you do, however, will take a serious approach
to subjects that you, your family, and your friends care about.
RESPOND● Working with a group, write a big Why? on a sheet of paper or
computer screen, and then generate a list of why questions. Don’t
be too critical of the initial list:
— do people laugh?
— do swans mate for life?
— do college students binge drink?
— do teenagers no longer care about getting driver’s licenses?
— do babies cry?
— do politicians, celebrities, or journalists take risks on social media?
Generate as lengthy a list as you can in fifteen minutes. Then decide
which of the questions might make plausible starting points for
intriguing causal arguments.
Defining the Causal Relationships In developing a causal claim, examine the various types of
causes and effects in play in a given argument and define their
relationship. Begin by listing all the plausible causes or effects
you need to consider. Then decide which are the most
important for you to analyze or the easiest to defend or critique.
The following chart on “Causes” may help you to appreciate
some important terms and relationships.
Type of Cause
What It Is or Does What It Looks Like
Sufficient cause
Enough for something to occur on its own
Lack of oxygen is sufficient to cause death Cheating on an exam is sufficient to fail a course
Necessary cause
Required for something to occur (but in combination with other factors)
Fuel is necessary for fire Capital is necessary for economic growth
Precipitating cause
Brings on a change
Protest march ignites a strike by workers Plane flies into strong thunderstorms
Proximate cause
Immediately present or visible cause of action
Strike causes company to declare bankruptcy Powerful wind shear causes plane to crash
Remote cause
Indirect or underlying explanation for action
Company was losing money on bad designs and inept manufacturing Wind shear warning failed to sound in cockpit
Reciprocal causes
One factor leads to a second, which reinforces the first, creating a cycle
Lack of good schools in a neighborhood leads to poverty, which further weakens education, which leads to even fewer opportunities . . .
Even the most everyday causal analysis can draw on such
distinctions among reasons and causes. What factors might
persuade a student in choosing a post-secondary school?
Proximate reasons might be the location of the school or its
excellent track record of graduate employment. But what are
the necessary reasons — the ones without which your choice of
that college could not occur? Adequate financial support? Good
test scores and academic record? The expectations of a parent?
Once you’ve identified a causal claim, you can draw out the
reasons, warrants, and evidence that can support it most
Claim Certain career patterns cause women to be paid less than men.
Reason Women’s career patterns differ from men’s.
Warrant Successful careers are made during the period between ages twenty-five and thirty-five.
Evidence Women often drop out of or reduce work during the decade between ages twenty-five and thirty-five to raise families.
Claim Lack of community and alumni support caused the football coach to lose his job.
Reason Ticket sales and alumni support have declined for three seasons in a row despite a respectable team record.
Warrant Winning over fans is as important as winning games for college coaches in smaller athletic programs.
Evidence Over the last ten years, coaches at several programs have been sacked because of declining support and revenues.
RESPOND● Here’s a schematic causal analysis of one event, exploring the
difference among precipitating, necessary, and sufficient causes.
Critique and revise the analysis as you see fit. Then create another
of your own, beginning with a different event, phenomenon,
incident, fad, or effect.
Event: Traffic fatality at an intersection
Precipitating cause: A pickup truck that runs a red light, totals a Miata, and injures its driver
Necessary cause: Two drivers who are navigating Friday rush- hour traffic (if no driving, then no accident)
Sufficient cause: A truck driver who is distracted by a cell- phone conversation
Supporting Your Point In drafting your causal argument, you’ll want to do the
Show that the causes and effects you’ve suggested are highly probable and backed by evidence, or show what’s wrong with the faulty causal reasoning you may be critiquing. Assess any links between causal relationships (what leads to or follows from what). Show that your explanations of any causal chains are accurate, or identify where links in a causal chain break down. Show that plausible cause-and-effect explanations haven’t been ignored or that the possibility of multiple causes or effects has been considered.
In other words, you will need to examine your subject carefully
and find appropriate ways to support your claims. There are
different ways to accomplish that goal.
For example, in studying effects that are physical and
measurable (as they would be with diseases or climate
conditions), you can usually offer and test hypotheses, or
theories about possible causes. That means exploring such
topics thoroughly to draw upon authorities and research
articles for your explanations and evidence. (See Chapter 17,
“Academic Arguments,” and Chapter 18, “Finding Evidence.”)
Don’t be surprised if you find yourself debating which among
conflicting authorities make the most plausible causal or
explanatory arguments. Your achievement as a writer may be
simply that you present these differences in an essay, leaving it
to readers to make judgments of their own.
But not all the evidence in compelling causal arguments needs
to be strictly scientific or scholarly. Many causal arguments rely
on ethnographic observations — the systematic study of
ordinary people in their daily routines. How would you explain,
for example, why some people step aside when they encounter
someone head-on and others do not? In an argument that
attempts to account for such behavior, investigators Frank
Willis, Joseph Gier, and David Smith observed “1,038
displacements involving 3,141 persons” at a Kansas City
shopping mall. In results that surprised the investigators,
“gallantry” seemed to play a significant role in causing people to
step aside for one another — more so than other causes that the
investigators had anticipated (such as deferring to someone
who’s physically stronger or higher in status). Doubtless you’ve
read of other such studies, perhaps in psychology or sociology
courses. You may even decide to do a little fieldwork on your
own — which raises the possibility of using personal
experiences in support of a causal argument.
Indeed, people’s experiences generally lead them to draw
causal conclusions about things they know well. Personal
experience can also help build your credibility as a writer, gain
the empathy of listeners, and thus support a causal claim.
Although one person’s experiences cannot ordinarily be
universalized, they can still argue eloquently for causal
relationships. Listen to Sara Barbour, writing in 2011 as a
student at Columbia University and drawing upon her own
carefully described experiences to bemoan what may happen
when e-readers finally displace printed books:
In eliminating a book’s physical existence, something
crucial is lost forever. Trapped in a Kindle, the story
remains but the book can no longer be scribbled in,
hoarded, burned, given, or received. We may be able to
read it, but we can’t share it with others in the same way,
and its ability to connect us to people, places, and ideas is
that much less powerful.
I know the Kindle will eventually carry the day — an
electronic reader means no more embarrassing coffee
stains, no more library holds and renewals, no more
frantic flipping through pages for a lost quote, or going to
three bookstores in one afternoon to track down an
evasive title. Who am I to advocate the doom of millions
of trees when the swipe of a finger can deliver all 838
pages of Middlemarch into my waiting hands?
But once we all power up our Kindles something will be
gone, a kind of language. Books communicate with us as
readers — but as important, we communicate with each
other through books themselves. When that connection
is lost, the experience of reading — and our lives — will be
forever altered.
— Sara Barbour, “Kindle vs. Books: The Dead Trees
Society,” Los Angeles Times, June 17, 2011
All these strategies — testing hypotheses, presenting
experimental evidence, and offering personal experience — can
help you support a causal argument or undermine a causal
claim you regard as faulty.
RESPOND● One of the fallacies of argument discussed in Chapter 5 is the post
hoc, ergo propter hoc (“after this, therefore because of this”) fallacy.
Causal arguments are particularly prone to this kind of fallacious
reasoning, in which a writer asserts a causal relationship between
two entirely unconnected events. When Angelina Jolie gave birth to
twins in 2008, for instance, the stock market rallied by nearly six
hundred points, but it would be difficult to argue that either event is
related to the other.
Because causal arguments can easily fall prey to this fallacy, you
might find it instructive to create and defend an absurd connection
of this kind. Begin by asserting a causal link between two events or
phenomena that likely have no relationship: Isn’t it more likely that
rising sea levels, usually attributed to global warming, are due to the
water displaced by ever larger ocean-going cargo vessels and by
more numerous cruise ships filled with much heavier passengers?
Then spend a page or two spinning out an imaginative argument to
defend the claim. It’s OK to have fun with this assignment exercise,
but see how convincing you can be at generating plausibly
implausible arguments.
A graph can provide visual evidence for a causal claim—in this case, the link between opioid prescriptions and opioid deaths.
Considering Design and Visuals You may find that the best way to illustrate a causal relationship
is to present it visually. Even a simple bar graph or chart can
demonstrate a relationship between two variables that might be
related to a specific cause, like the one above suggesting a
connection between the rise in opioid prescriptions and the rise
in opioid deaths. The report accompanying the graph,
published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
sets out guidelines for prescribing opioids to relieve chronic
pain without increasing the likelihood of addiction and
Or you may decide that the most dramatic way to present
important causal information about a single issue or problem is
via an infographic, cartoon, or public service announcement.
Our arresting example is part of a campaign by People for the
Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). An organization that
advocates for animal rights, PETA promotes campaigns that
typically try to sway people to adopt vegetarian diets by
depicting the practices of the agriculture industry as cruel. But
in this item, they make a very different causal argument,
connect eating meat to . . . well, you’ll see if you check the fine
“Meat interrupts your sex life.” This PETA ad campaign makes a causal argument that’s hard to ignore.
GUIDE to writing a causal argument
Finding a Topic
You’re entering a causal argument when you:
state a cause and then examine its effects: An enduring economic downturn in many blue-collar areas of the country changed the political landscape in 2016. describe an effect and trace it back to its causes: There has been a recent decline in migration to the U.S., likely due to questions about what immigration policies will look like in the immediate future. trace a string of causes to figure out why something happened: The housing and financial markets collapsed in 2008 after government mandates to encourage homeownership led banks to invent questionable financial schemes in order to offer subprime mortgages to borrowers who bought homes they could not afford with loans they could not pay back. explore plausible consequences (intended or not) of a particular action, policy, or change: The ban on incandescent lightbulbs may draw more attention to climate change than any previous government action.
Spend time brainstorming possibilities for causal arguments. Many public issues lend themselves to causal analysis and argument: browse the home-page of a newspaper or news source on any given day to discover plausible topics. Consider topics that grow from your own experiences.
It’s fair game, too, to question the accuracy or adequacy of existing arguments about causality. You can write a strong paper by raising doubts about the facts or assumptions that others have made and perhaps offering a better causal explanation on your own.
Researching Your Topic
Causal arguments will lead you to many different resources:
current news media — especially magazines, newspapers (online or in print), and news networks online databases and search engines scholarly journals books written on your subject (here you can do a keyword search, either in your library or online) social media
In addition, why not carry out some field research? Conduct interviews with appropriate authorities on your subject, create a questionnaire aimed at establishing a range of opinions on your subject, or arrange a discussion forum among people with a stake in the issue. The information you get from interviews, questionnaires, or open-ended dialogue might provide ideas to enrich your argument or evidence to back up your claims.
Formulating a Claim
For a conventional causal analysis, try to formulate a claim that lets readers know where you stand on some issue involving causes and effects. First, identify the kind of causal argument that you expect to make (see Understanding Causal Arguments for a review of these kinds of arguments) or decide whether you intend, instead, to debunk an existing cause-and-effect claim. Then explore your relationship to the claim. What do you know about the subject and its causes and effects? Why do you favor (or disagree with) the claim? What significant reasons can you offer in support of your position?
End this process by formulating a thesis — a complete sentence that says, in effect, A causes (or does not cause or is caused by) B, followed by a summary of the reasons supporting this causal relationship. Make your thesis as specific as possible and be sure that it’s sufficiently controversial or intriguing to hold a reader’s interest. Of course, feel
free to revise any such claim as you learn more about a subject.
For causal topics that are more open-ended and exploratory, you may not want to take a strong position, particularly at the outset. Instead, your argument might simply present a variety of reasonable (and possibly competing) explanations and scenarios.
Examples of Causal Claims
Right-to-carry gun laws have led to increased rates of violent crime in states that have approved such legislation. Sophisticated use of social media like Twitter is now a must for any political candidate who hopes to win. Grade inflation is lowering the value of a college education. The proliferation of images in film, television, and education is changing the way we read and use information. The disappearance of rewarding blue-collar jobs and careers will likely further polarize the country between haves and have-nots.
Preparing a Proposal
If your instructor asks you to prepare a proposal for your project, here’s a format that may help:
State your thesis completely. If you’re having trouble doing so, try outlining it in Toulmin terms:
Alternatively, you might indicate an intention to explore a particular causal question in your project, with the thesis perhaps
coming later.
Explain why this issue deserves attention. What’s at stake? Identify whom you hope to reach through your argument and why this group of readers would be interested in it. Briefly discuss the key challenges you anticipate in preparing your argument. Determine what research strategies you’ll use. What sources do you expect to consult? Briefly identify and explore the major stakeholders in your argument and what alternative perspectives you may need to consider as you formulate your argument.
Considering Genre and Media
Your instructor may specify that you use a particular genre and/or medium. If not, ask yourself these questions to help you make a good choice:
What genre is most appropriate for your causal argument? Does it call for an academic essay, a report, an infographic, a video, or something else? What medium is most appropriate for your argument? Would it be best delivered orally to a live audience? Presented as an audio essay or podcast? Presented in print only or in print with illustrations? Will you need visuals, such as moving or still images, maps, graphs, charts — and what function will they play in your argument? Make sure they are not just “added on” but are necessary components of the argument.
Thinking about Organization
Your causal argument will likely include elements such as the
a specific causal claim somewhere in the paper — or the identification of a significant causal issue an explanation of the claim’s significance or importance evidence sufficient to support each cause or effect — or, in an argument based on a series of causal links, evidence to support the relationships among the links a consideration of other plausible causes and effects, and evidence that you have thought carefully about these alternatives before offering your own ideas
Getting and Giving Response: Questions for Peer Response
Your instructor may assign you to a group for the purpose of reading and responding to each other’s drafts. If not, ask for responses from serious readers or consultants at a writing center. Use the following questions to evaluate a colleague’s draft. Be sure to illustrate your comments with examples; specific comments help more than general observations.
The Claim
Does the claim state a causal argument? Does the claim identify clearly what causes and effects are being examined? What about the claim will make it appeal to readers? Is the claim too sweeping? Does it need to be qualified? How might it be narrowed and focused? How strong is the relationship between the claim and the reasons given to support it? How could that relationship be made more explicit?
Evidence for the Claim
What’s the strongest evidence offered for the claim? What, if any, evidence needs to be strengthened? Is enough evidence offered to show that these causes are responsible for the identified effect, that these effects result from the identified cause, or that a series of causes and effects are linked? If not, what additional evidence is needed? What kinds of sources might provide this evidence? How credible will the sources be to potential readers? What other sources might be more persuasive? Is evidence in support of the claim analyzed logically? Is more discussion needed? Have alternative causes and effects been considered? Have objections to the claim been carefully considered and presented fairly? Have these objections been discussed?
Organization and Style
How are the parts of the argument organized? Is this organization effective? Will readers understand the relationships among the claims, supporting reasons, warrants, and evidence? If not, how might those connections be clearer? Does every visual serve a clear purpose? Are more transitions needed? Would headings or graphic devices help? Are the transitions or links from point to point, sentence to sentence, and paragraph to paragraph effective? If not, how could they be improved? Are all visuals (or other elements such as audio or video clips) carefully integrated into the text? Is each visual introduced and commented on to point out its significance? Is each visual labeled as a figure or a table and given a caption as well as a citation? Is the style suited to the subject? Is it too formal, casual, or technical? Can it be improved? Which sentences seem effective? Which ones seem weaker, and
how could they be improved? Should short sentences be combined, and any longer ones be broken up? How effective are the paragraphs? Too short or too long? How can they be improved? Which words or phrases seem effective? Do any seem vague or inappropriate for the audience or the writer’s purpose? Are technical or unfamiliar terms defined?
Spelling, Punctuation, Mechanics, Documentation, and Format
Are there any errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and the like? Is the documentation appropriate and consistent? (See Chapter 22.) Does the paper or project follow an appropriate format? Is it appropriately designed and attractively presented?
1. Develop an argument exploring one of the cause-and-effect topics mentioned in this chapter. Just a few of those topics are listed below:
Disappearance of honeybees in the United States
The implications of fracking in the United States on the
global oil market
Increasing numbers of obese children and/or adults
Ramifications of identity politics on efforts to build
Long-term consequences of food or healthcare choices
Psychological influences of smartphones on people who
have grown up with them
How career patterns affect professional achievement and
What is lost/gained as paper books disappear
2. Write a causal argument about a subject you know well, even if the topic does not strike you as particularly “academic”: What accounts for the popularity of superhero movie franchises or series on streaming services like Netflix or Hulu? What are the likely consequences of students living more of their lives via social media? How are video games changing the way students you know learn or interact? Why do women love shoes? In this argument, be sure to separate precipitating or proximate causes from sufficient or necessary ones. In other words, do a deep and revealing causal analysis about your subject, giving readers new insights.
3. In “Forever Alone (and Perfectly Fine)” (see p. 280), Laura Tarrant argues that remaining single is a valid option many people choose for many different reasons. In a project of your own, describe and analyze causally the trends in personal relationships that you have experienced or seen among your family, friends, coworkers, or neighbors, including such choices as remaining single, living with a significant other, getting married, remaining childless by choice, choosing to have children, etc. Why are people making these decisions? Clearly, Tarrant is comfortable being single, but you or those around
you may feel differently about your own relationship or family status.
4. Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry’s essay “America’s Birthrate Is Now a National Emergency” explores some of the consequences for societies that produce fewer children. After reading the Gobry piece, list any comparable situations you know of where a largely unnoticed change may have long-term consequences. The changes you list need not be as consequential as the one Gobry has identified. Choose your most intriguing situation, do the necessary research, and write or present a causal argument about it, using whatever media work best to make your point.
Two Sample Causal Arguments
America’s Birthrate Is Now a National Emergency
August 12, 2016
The new birth rate numbers are out, and they’re a disaster.
There are now only 59.6 births per 1,000 women, the lowest rate
ever recorded in the United States. Some of the decrease is due
to good news, which is the continuing decline of teen
pregnancies, but most of it is due to people getting married later
and choosing to have fewer children. And the worst part is,
everyone is treating this news with a shrug.
It wasn’t always this way. It used to be taken for granted that the
best indicator of a nation’s health was its citizens’ desire and
capacity to reproduce. And it should still seem self-evident that
people’s willingness to have children is not only a sign of
confidence in the future, but a sign of cultural health. It’s a
signal that people are willing to commit to the most enduring
responsibility on Earth, which is raising a child.
But reproduction is also a sign of national health in a more
dollars-and-cents way. The more productive people you have in
your society, the healthier your country’s economy. It’s an idea
that was obvious back in the 17th century, when economist Jean
Bodin wrote “the only wealth is people.”
Today we see the problems wrought by the decline in
productive populations all over the industrialized world, where
polities are ripping each other to shreds over how to pay for
various forms of entitlements, especially for old people. The
debates play out in different ways in different countries, but in
other ways they are exactly the same. That’s because they are
ruled by the same ruthless math: The fewer young, productive
people you have to pay for entitlements for old, unproductive
people, the steeper the bill for the entire society becomes. This
basic problem is strangling Europe’s economies. And while the
United States is among the least bad of the bunch, it is still
headed in the wrong direction.
It doesn’t have to be this way. While the evidence for
government programs that encourage people to have more
children is mixed, the fact of the matter is that in contemporary
America, 40 percent of women have fewer children than they
want to.
And there are plenty of policies that could help close that gap,
whether from the left or from the right. Not just pro-maternity
policies, but also policies that encourage healthy child-rearing,
like child tax credits, family savings accounts, and tax-free
children savings accounts. Or education reforms that would
make fewer parents feel that they have to pony up for private
school to give their kids a decent shot at life. Perhaps one of the
biggest things we could do is to reduce the countless state and
local regulations that make housing expensive.
But put policy aside for a second. The United States literally
exports more oil than Saudi Arabia and has the world’s top
expertise in both renewable and traditional energy forms. It is
the world’s biggest food producer and a gargantuan country
with very little density. There is no reason for the United States
to have a weak birth rate — and it is a national emergency that it
Yet no one seems worried. And that might be the biggest worry
of all.
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry, who has written for Forbes, the Atlantic, Commentary, and the National Review, among other publications, is a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
CHAPTER 12 Proposals
A student looking forward to spring break proposes to two
friends that they join a group that will spend the vacation
helping to build a school in a Haitian village.
Members of a business club at a community college talk about
their common need to create informative, appealing,
interactive résumés. After much discussion, three members
suggest that the club develop a résumé app designed especially
for students looking for a first job.
A project team at a large architectural firm works for three
months developing a response to an RFP (request for proposal)
to convert a university library into a digital learning center.
Understanding and Categorizing Proposals We live in an era of big proposals—complex schemes for
reforming health care, bold dreams to privatize space
exploration, multibillion-dollar prototypes for hyperloop
transport systems, serious calls for free post-secondary
education, and so many other such ideas usually shot down to
earth by budget realities. As a result, there’s often more talk
than action because persuading people (or legislatures) to do
something—or anything!—is always hard. But that’s what
proposal arguments do: they provide compelling reasons for
supporting or sometimes resisting change.
Such arguments, whether national or local, formal or casual,
are important not only on the national scene but also in all of
our lives. How many proposals do you make or respond to in
one day to address problems and offer solutions? A neighbor
might suggest that you volunteer to help revitalize a neglected
city park; a campus group might demand more reasonably
priced student/staff parking; a supervisor might ask for
employee suggestions to improve customer satisfaction at a
restaurant; or you might propose to a friend that you both
invest in a vinyl record outlet. In each case, the proposal
implies that there are good reasons for new action or that
you’ve found a solution to a problem.
In their simplest form, proposal arguments look something like
Proposals come at us so routinely that it’s not surprising that
they cover a dizzyingly wide range of possibilities. So it may
help to think of proposal arguments as divided roughly into two
kinds—those that focus on specific practices and those that
focus on broad matters of policy. Here are several examples of
each kind:
Proposals about Practices The college should allow students to pay tuition on a month-by-month basis. Conventional businesses should learn to compete with nontraditional competitors like Airbnb and Uber within the sharing economy. College athletes should be paid for the entertainment they provide.
Proposals about Policies The college should guarantee that in any disciplinary hearings students charged with serious misconduct be
assured of regular due-process protections. The United Nations should make saving the oceans from pollution a global priority. Major Silicon Valley firms should routinely reveal the demographic makeup of their workforces.
RESPOND● People write proposal arguments to address problems and to
change the way things are. But problems aren’t always obvious:
what troubles some people might be no big deal to others. To get an
idea of the range of issues people face at your school (some of which
you may not even have thought of as problems), divide into groups
and brainstorm about things that annoy you about your institution,
including things such as complex or restrictive registration
procedures, poor scheduling of lab courses, and convoluted
paperwork for student aid applications. Ask each group to aim for at
least a half dozen gripes. Then choose three problems and, as a
group, discuss how you’d prepare a proposal to deal with them.
Characterizing Proposals 1. They call for change, often in response to a problem. 2. They focus on the future. 3. They center on the audience.
Proposals always call for some kind of action. They aim at
getting something done—or sometimes at preventing something
from being done. Proposals marshal evidence and arguments to
persuade people to choose a course of action: Let’s make the
campus safer for people taking night courses. Let’s create an
organization for first-generation or working-class students.
Let’s ban drones from local airspace, especially at sporting and
entertainment venues. Let’s investigate incentives for
supporting small business start-ups in our community. But you
know the old saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you
can’t make it drink.” It’s usually easier to convince audiences
what a good course of action is than to persuade them to take it
(or pay for it). Even if you present a cogent proposal, you may
still have work to do.
Proposal arguments must appeal to more than good sense.
Ethos matters, too. It helps if a writer suggesting a change
carries a certain gravitas earned by experience or supported by
knowledge and research. If your word and credentials carry
weight, then an audience is more likely to listen to your
proposal. So when the commanders of three Apollo moon
missions, Neil Armstrong, James Lovell, and Eugene Cernan,
wrote an open letter to President Obama in 2010 expressing
their dismay at his administration’s decision to cancel NASA’s
plans for advanced spacecraft and new lunar missions, they
won a wide audience:
For the United States, the leading space faring nation for
nearly half a century, to be without carriage to low Earth
orbit and with no human exploration capability to go
beyond Earth orbit for an indeterminate time into the
future, destines our nation to become one of second or
even third rate stature. While the President’s plan
envisages humans traveling away from Earth and
perhaps toward Mars at some time in the future, the lack
of developed rockets and spacecraft will assure that
ability will not be available for many years.
But even their considerable ethos was not enough to carry the
day with the space agency or the man who made the decision.
Entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have since acted
on their own to privatize (at least partially) what had been a
government monopoly, offering new proposals for innovative
rockets and spacecraft.
Who thought this crazy idea could work? A fourteen-story tall SpaceX first-stage booster rocket successfully lands on a barge at sea after helping to launch a supply mission to the International Space Station (April 8, 2016).
Yet, as the photo demonstrates, proposal arguments inevitably
focus on the future—what individuals, institutions, or entire
governments should do over the upcoming weeks, months, or
even decades. This orientation toward the future presents
special challenges, since few of us have crystal balls. Proposal
arguments must therefore offer the best evidence available to
suggest that actions we recommend can achieve what they
Proposals must also be tailored to reach and convince
audiences to support, possibly approve, and quite often pay for
them. Not surprisingly, politicians making public policy
proposals not infrequently exaggerate the benefits and
minimize the costs or disadvantages.
It makes sense that proposals aimed at general audiences make
straightforward and relatively simple points, avoid technical
language, and use visuals like charts, graphs, and tables to
make supporting data comprehensible. You can find such
arguments, for example, in newspaper editorials, letters to the
editor, and actual proposal documents. Such appeals to broad
groups make sense when a project—say, to finance new toll
roads or build a sports arena—must surf on waves of
community support.
But just as often, proposals need to win support from specific
groups or individuals (such as bankers, developers, public
officials, and legislators) who have power to make change
actually happen. Arguments to them will usually be far more
technical, detailed, and comprehensive than those aimed at the
general public because such people likely know the subject
already and they may be responsible eventually for
implementing or financing the proposal. You can expect these
experts or professionals—engineers, designers, administrators,
bureaucrats—to have specific questions and, possibly,
formidable objections.
So identifying your potential and most powerful audiences is
critical to the success of any proposal. On your own campus, for
example, a plan to alter admissions policies might be directed
both to students in general and (perhaps in a different form) to
the university president and provost, members of the faculty
council, and admissions officers.
An effective proposal also has to be compatible with the values
of the audience. Some ideas sound appealing, but cannot be
enacted immediately—as California legislators discovered when
in 2017 they first tried to implement single-payer, universal
health care for that state. Citizens favored the idea, but
legislators blanched at the considerable costs. Or consider a less
complicated matter: many American towns and suburbs have a
significant problem with expanding deer populations. Without
natural predators, the deer are moving closer to homes, dining
on gardens and shrubbery, and endangering traffic. Yet one
obvious and feasible solution—culling the herds through
hunting—is usually not saleable to communities (perhaps too
many people remember Bambi).
RESPOND● Work in a group to identify about half a dozen problems on your
campus or in the local community, looking for a wide range of
issues. (Don’t focus on problems in individual academic classes.)
Once you have settled on these issues, then use various resources—
social media, the phone book (if you can find one), a campus
directory—to locate specific people, groups, or offices whom you
might address or influence to deal with the issues you have
In compiling their report “Hunger on Campus: The Challenge of Food Insecurity for College Students,” the researchers used surveys at thirty-four colleges and universities to identify the problem of food insecurity. Their study found that 48 percent of students surveyed were food insecure in the previous month.
LINK TO Dubick et al., “Hunger on Campus,” in Chapter 24
Developing Proposals In developing a proposal, you will have to do some or all of the
Define a problem that lacks a good solution or describe a need that is not currently addressed—and convince audiences the matter deserves attention. Make a strong claim that addresses the problem or need. Your solution should be an action directed at the future. Show why your proposal will fix the problem or address the need. Demonstrate that your proposal is feasible.
This might sound easy, but writing a proposal argument can be
a process of discovery. At the outset, you think you know
exactly what ought to be done, but by the end, you may see (and
even recommend) other options.
Defining a Need or Problem
To make a proposal, first establish that a need or problem
exists. You’ll typically dramatize the problem that you intend to
fix at the beginning of your project and then lead up to a
specific claim that attempts to solve it. But in some cases, you
could put the need or problem right after your claim as the
major reason for adopting the proposal:
Let’s ban cell phones for students walking (or biking!)
across college property. Why? Because we’ve become
dangerous zombies. The few students not browsing the
Web or chatting have to dodge their clueless and self-
absorbed colleagues. Worse, no one speaks to or even
acknowledges the people they pass on campus. We are
no longer a functional community.
How can you make readers care about the problem you hope to
address? Following are some strategies:
Paint a vivid picture of the need or problem. Show how the need or problem affects people, both those in the immediate audience and the general public as well. Underscore why the need or problem is significant and pressing. Explain why previous attempts to address the issue may have failed.
For example, were you to propose that the military draft be
restored in the United States or that all young men and women
give two years to national service (a tough sell!), you might
begin by drawing a picture of a younger generation that is self-
absorbed, demands instant gratification, and doesn’t
understand what it means to participate as a full member of
society. Or you might note how many young people today fail to
develop the life skills they need to strike out on their own. Or
you could define the issue as a matter of fairness, arguing that
the current all-volunteer army shifts the burden of national
service to a small and unrepresentative sample of the American
population. Of course, you would want to cite authorities and
statistics to prove that any problem you’re diagnosing is real
and that it touches your likely audience. Then readers may be
willing to hear your proposal.
In describing a problem that your proposal argument intends to
solve, be sure to review earlier attempts to fix it. Many issues
have a long history that you can’t afford to ignore (or be
ignorant of). Understand too that some problems seem to grow
worse every time someone tinkers with them. You might think
twice before proposing any new attempt to change the current
system of financing federal election campaigns when you
discover that previous reforms have resulted in more
bureaucracy, more restrictions on political expression, and
more unregulated money flowing into the system. “Enough is
enough” can be a potent argument when faced with such a
RESPOND● If you review “My Free-Range Kids Manifesto” at the end of this
chapter (p. 313), a proposal by blogger and columnist Lenore
Skenazy, you’ll see that she spends quite a bit of time arguing that
American children had more fun and learned more life skills in the
past, when parents were (in general) less protective than she
believes they are today. Chances are, you grew up in the highly
protective environment she describes. If so, do you relate to the
problem she defines in her manifesto? Or does the piece fail to
engage your interest? If so, why?
Making a Strong and Clear Claim After you’ve described and analyzed a problem, you’re prepared
to offer a fix. Begin with your claim (a proposal of what X or Y
should do), followed by the reason(s) that X or Y should act and
the effects of adopting the proposal:
Claim Americans should encourage and support more scientists running for political office.
Reason Scientists are trained to think more systematically and globally and may have greater respect for facts than the lifelong politicians who currently dominate American government.
Effects Scientists will move our governments at all levels (local, state, federal) to make decisions based on facts and evidence rather than on emotions or the politics of the moment.
In “The Power of Words,” the Japanese American Citizens League advocates using precise, clear terms instead of euphemisms to describe the experience of Japanese Americans during World War II. Instead of “relocation,” for instance, they recommend “forced removal.”
LINK TO Japanese American Citizens League, “The Power of Words,” in Chapter 25
Having established a claim, you can explore its implications by
drawing out the reasons, warrants, and evidence that can
support it most effectively:
Claim In light of a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that ruled that federal drug laws cannot be used to prosecute doctors who prescribe drugs for use in suicide, our state should immediately pass a bill legalizing physician-assisted suicide for patients who are terminally ill.
Reason Physician-assisted suicide can relieve the suffering of those who are terminally ill and will die soon.
Warrant The relief of suffering is desirable.
Evidence Oregon voters have twice approved the state’s Death with Dignity Act, which has been in effect since 1997, and to date the suicide rate has not risen sharply, nor have doctors given out a large number of prescriptions for death-inducing drugs. At least four other states, as well as the District of Columbia, have legalized physician-assisted suicide.
The reason sets up the need for the proposal, whereas the
warrant and evidence demonstrate that the proposal is just and
could meet its objective. Your actual argument would develop
each point in detail.
For each problem and solution below, make a list of readers’ likely
objections to the solution offered. Then propose a solution of your
own, and explain why you think it’s more workable than the
Problem Future deficits in the Social Security system
Solution Raise the age of retirement to seventy-two.
Problem Severe grade inflation in college courses
Solution Require a prescribed distribution of grades in every class: 10% A; 20% B; 40% C; 20% D; 10% F.
Problem Increasing rates of obesity in the general population
Solution Ban the sale of high-fat sandwiches and entrees in fast-food restaurants.
Problem Increase in sexual assaults on and around campus
Solution Establish a 10:00 p.m. curfew on weekends.
A proposal argument in four panels
Showing That the Proposal
Addresses the Need or Problem An important but tricky part of making a successful proposal
lies in relating the claim to the need or problem that it
addresses. Facts and probability are your best allies. Take the
time to show precisely how your solution will fix a problem or
at least improve upon the current situation. Sometimes an
emotional appeal is fair play, too. Here, for example, is a
paragraph from a group called YesCalifornia backing a
referendum for that state to secede from the United States, a
proposal that gained traction after the 2016 presidential
election. The group explains what type of government
California might expect after it leaves the United States:
[O]ur referendum is a way to gauge the sense of the
people on whether we Californians prefer the status quo
of statehood, or if we want to see a change towards
nationhood. Voting yes on the referendum is essentially
voting yes to reform our system of government as well as
our political and elections process to guarantee a more
responsible and responsive government; move away
from a two-party system; reduce the influence of big
money in elections; restore the principle of one person,
one vote; establish a system of proportional
representation; and, engage disenfranchised voters.
These are goals Californians and others are currently
fighting for, yet under the corrupt U.S. political system,
they are unlikely to be achieved.
The advocacy group seems to be claiming that an independent
California would guarantee a more responsive government and
a more engaged citizenry no longer swayed by big-money
elections and two-party politics. Wishful thinking perhaps, but
powerful rationale for change?
Alternatively, when you oppose an idea, these strategies work
just as well in reverse: if a proposal doesn’t fix a problem, you
have to show exactly why. Perhaps you are skeptical about a
proposal mentioned earlier in this chapter to reinstate a
military draft in the United States. You might ask for proof that
forced military conscription would, in fact, improve the moral
fiber of young Americans. Or you might raise doubts about
whether any new draft could operate without loopholes for
well-connected or favored groups. Or, like Doug Bandow
writing for Forbes, you might focus on the monetary and social
costs of a restored draft: “Better to make people do grunt work
than to pay them to do it? Force poorer young people into
uniform in order to save richer old people tax dollars. . . . It
would be a bad bargain by any measure.”
Finally, if your own experience backs up your claim or
demonstrates the need or problem that your proposal aims to
address, then consider using it to develop your proposal.
Consider the following questions in deciding when to include
your own experiences in showing that a proposal is needed or
will in fact do what it claims:
Is your experience directly related to the need or problem
that you seek to address or to your proposal about it? Will your experience be appropriate and speak convincingly to the audience? Will the audience immediately understand its significance, or will it require explanation? Does your personal experience fit logically with the other reasons that you’re using to support your claim?
Be careful. If a proposal seems crafted to serve mainly your own
interests, you won’t get far.
Showing That the Proposal Is Feasible To be effective, proposals must be feasible—that is, the action
proposed can be carried out in a reasonable way.
Demonstrating feasibility calls on you to present evidence—
from similar cases, from personal experience, from
observational data, from interview or survey data, from
Internet research, or from any other sources—showing that
what you propose can indeed be done with the resources
available. “Resources available” is key: if the proposal calls for
funds, personnel, or skills beyond reach or reason, your
audience is unlikely to accept it. When that’s the case, it’s time
to reassess your proposal, modify it, and test any new ideas
against these revised criteria. This is also when you can
reconsider proposals that others might suggest are better, more
effective, or more workable than yours. There’s no shame in
admitting that you may have been wrong. When drafting a
proposal, ask friends to think of counterproposals. If your own
proposal can stand up to such challenges, it’s likely a strong
Considering Design and Visuals Because proposals often address specific audiences, they can
take a number of forms—a letter, a memo, a Web page, a
feasibility report, an infographic, a video, a prospectus, or even
an editorial cartoon (see Andy Singer’s “No Exit” item). Each
form has different design requirements. Indeed, the form of a
proposal may determine its effectiveness.
For example, formal reports on paper or slides typically use
straightforward headings to identify the stages of the
presentation, terms such as Introduction, Nature of the
Problem, Current Approaches or Previous Solutions,
Proposal/Recommendations, Advantages, Counterarguments,
Feasibility, Implementation, and so on. Important data may be
arrayed in tables and charts, all of them clearly labeled.
Infographics making proposals will be more visually intense,
with their claims and data presented in ways designed to grab
readers and then hold their attention as they move through
panels or pages. So before you produce a final copy of any
proposal, be sure its overall design complements and enhances
its messages.
Proposal arguments, especially those aimed at wide audiences,
may rely on a wide range of graphic materials that to convey
information—photographs, pie charts, scatter charts, timelines,
maps, artist’s renderings, and so on. Such items help readers
visualize problems and then (if need be) imagine solutions. Any
such items you find or create should be carefully designed,
incorporated, and credited when you borrow them: they will
contribute to your ethos.
Images also make proposals more interesting. Architects,
engineers, and government agencies know this. For example,
the rendering below helped viewers imagine what a future
National Museum of African American History & Culture might
look like on the Mall in Washington, D.C.—its structure
suggesting the shape of African baskets. This winning proposal
was offered in 2009 by designer David Adjaye, architect Philip
Freelon, and the Freelon Adjaye Bond/Smith Group.
The proposed design of the National Museum of African American History & Culture
But the building did evolve, gaining a third terrace and a bronze
color to suggest other themes. Here’s how the Smithsonian Web
site describes the ideas evoked by the finished structure, which
opened on September 24, 2016:
From one perspective, the building’s architecture follows
classical Greco-Roman form in its use of a base and shaft,
topped by a capital or corona. For our Museum, the
corona is inspired by the three-tiered crowns used in
Yoruban art from West Africa. Moreover, the building’s
main entrance is a welcoming porch, which has
architectural roots in Africa and throughout the African
Diaspora, especially the American South and Caribbean.
Finally, by wrapping the entire building in an ornamental
bronze-colored metal lattice, Adjaye pays homage to the
intricate ironwork crafted by enslaved African
Americans in Louisiana, South Carolina, and elsewhere.
The completed version
GUIDE to writing a proposal
● Finding a Topic or Identifying a Problem
You’re entering a proposal argument when you:
make a claim that supports a change in practice: Bottled water should carry a warning label describing the environmental impact of plastic. make a claim that supports a change in policy: Government workers, especially legislators and administrative officials, should never be exempt from laws or programs imposed on other citizens. make a claim that resists suggested changes in practice or policy: The surest way to guarantee that HOV lanes on freeways improve traffic flow is not to build any.
explore options for addressing existing issues or investigate opportunities for change: Urban planners need to examine the long-term impact digital technologies may have on transportation, work habits, housing patterns, power usage, and entertainment opportunities in cities of the future.
Since your everyday experience often calls on you to consider problems and to make proposals, begin your brainstorming with practical topics related to your life, education, major, or job. Or make an informal list of proposals that you would like to explore in broader academic or cultural areas—problems you see in your field or in the society around you. Or do some freewriting on a subject of political concern, and see if it leads to a call for action.
● Researching Your Topic
For many proposals, you can begin your research by consulting the following types of sources:
newspapers, magazines, reviews, and journals (online and print) television or radio news reports online databases government documents and reports Web sites, blogs, social media books experts in the field, some of whom might be right on your campus
Consider doing some field research, if appropriate—a survey of student opinions on Internet accessibility, for example, or interviews with people who have experienced the problem you are trying to fix.
Finally, remember that your proposal’s success can depend on the credibility of the sources you use to support it, so evaluate each source carefully (see Chapter 19).
● Formulating a Claim
As you think about and explore your topic, begin formulating a claim about it. To do so, come up with a clear thesis that makes a proposal and states the reasons that this proposal should be adopted. To start formulating a claim, explore and respond to the following questions:
What do I know about the proposal that I’m making? What reasons can I offer to support my proposal? What evidence do I have that implementing my proposal will lead to the results I want?
Rather than make a specific proposal, you may sometimes want to explore the range of possibilities for addressing a particular situation or circumstance (see, for instance, the last bullet in the following section). In that case, a set of open-ended questions might be a more productive starting point than a focused thesis, suggesting, for instance, what goals any plausible proposal might have to meet.
● Examples of Proposal Claims
Because the one-time costs for a host city/nation staging the Olympics have become staggering, the International Olympics Committee should consider moving the summer games to a permanent site—in Athens, Greece. Every home should be equipped with a well-stocked emergency kit that can sustain inhabitants for at least three days in a natural disaster. Congress should repeal the Copyright Extension Act, since it disrupts the balance between incentives for creators and the right of the public to information as set forth in the U.S. Constitution. To simplify the lives of the soon-to-be significant number of people driving electric cars, manufacturers should quickly settle upon a universal charging system that all e-cars can share rather
than the individual systems now in place. People from different economic classes, age groups, political philosophies, and power groups (government, Main Street, Wall Street, blue collar labor, immigrants) all have a stake in reforming current budget and tax policies. But how do we get them to speak and to listen to each other? That is the challenge we face if we hope to solve our national economic problems.
● Preparing a Proposal
If your instructor asks you to prepare a proposal for your project, here’s a format that may help:
State the thesis of your proposal completely. If you’re having trouble doing so, try outlining it in Toulmin terms (see Chapter 7 for more on the Toulmin approach):
Alternatively, you might describe your intention to explore a particular problem in your project, with the actual proposal (and thesis) coming later.
Explain why this issue deserves attention. What’s at stake? Identify and describe those readers whom you hope to reach with your proposal. Why is this group of readers appropriate? Can you identify individuals who can actually fix a problem? Briefly discuss the major difficulties that you foresee for your proposal. How will you demonstrate that the action you propose is necessary and workable? Persuade the audience to act? Pay for the proposal?
Determine what research strategies you’ll use. What sources do you expect to consult?
● Considering Genre and Media
Your instructor may specify that you use a particular genre and/or medium. If not, ask yourself these questions to help you make a good choice:
What genre is most appropriate for your proposal? Does the problem call for an academic essay, a report, an infographic, a brochure, or something else? What medium is most appropriate for your argument? Would it be best delivered orally to a live audience? Presented as an audio essay or podcast? Presented in print only or in print with illustrations? Will you need visuals, such as moving or still images, maps, graphs, charts—and what function will they play in your argument? Make sure they are not just “added on” but are necessary components of the argument.
● Thinking about Organization
Proposals can take many different forms but generally include the following elements:
a description of the problem you intend to address or the state of affairs that leads you to propose the action a strong and specific proposal, identifying the key reasons for taking the proposed action and the effects that taking this action will have a clear connection between the proposal and a significant need or problem a demonstration of ways in which the proposal addresses the
need evidence that the proposal will achieve the desired outcome a consideration of alternative ways to achieve the desired outcome and a discussion of why these may not be feasible a demonstration that the proposal is feasible and an explanation of how it may be implemented
● Getting and Giving Response: Questions for Peer Response
Your instructor may assign you to a group for the purpose of reading and responding to each other’s drafts. If not, ask for responses from serious readers or consultants at a writing center. Use the following questions to evaluate a colleague’s draft or project. Since specific comments help more than general observations, be sure to illustrate your comments with examples. Some of the questions below assume a conventional, thesis-driven project, but more exploratory, open-ended proposal arguments in various media also need to be clearly presented, organized, and supported with evidence.
The Claim
Does the claim clearly call for action? Is the proposal as clear and specific as possible? Is it realistic or possible to accomplish? Is the proposal too sweeping? Does it need to be qualified? If so, how? Does the proposal clearly address the problem that it intends to solve? If not, how could the connection be strengthened? Is the claim likely to get the audience to act rather than just to agree? If not, how could it be revised to do so?
Evidence for the Claim
Is enough evidence furnished to get the audience to support the proposal? If not, what kind of additional evidence is needed? Does
any of the evidence provided seem inappropriate or otherwise ineffective? Why? Is the evidence in support of the claim simply announced, or are its significance and appropriateness analyzed? Is a more detailed discussion needed? Are objections that readers might have to the claim or evidence adequately and fairly addressed? What kinds of sources are cited? How credible and persuasive will they be to readers? What other kinds of sources might work better? Are all quotations introduced with appropriate signal phrases (such as “As Tyson argues, . . .”) and blended smoothly into the writer’s sentences? Are all visual sources labeled, introduced, and commented upon?
Organization and Style
How are the parts of the argument organized? Is this organization or design effective? Will readers understand the relationships among the claims, supporting reasons, warrants, and evidence? If not, how might those connections be clearer? Is the function of every visual clear? Are more transitions needed? Would headings or graphic devices help? Are the transitions or links from point to point, sentence to sentence, and paragraph to paragraph clear and effective? Are transitions evident and helpful in oral presentations or speeches, videos, infographics, or other media? If not, how could they be improved? Are all visuals carefully integrated into the text? Is each visual introduced and commented on to point out its significance? Is each visual labeled as a figure or a table and given a caption as well as a citation? Is the style suited to the subject? Is it too formal, casual, or
technical? Can it be improved? Which sentences seem effective? Which ones seem weaker, and how could they be improved? Should short sentences be combined, and any longer ones be broken up? How effective are the paragraphs or sections? Too short or too long? How can they be improved? Which words or phrases seem effective? Do any seem vague or inappropriate for the audience or the writer’s purpose? Are technical or unfamiliar terms defined?
Spelling, Punctuation, Mechanics, Documentation, and Format
Are there any errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and the like? Is the documentation appropriate and consistent? (See Chapter 22.) Does the paper or project follow an appropriate format or design? Is it appropriately formatted and attractively presented?
1. Identify a proposal currently in the news or one advocated unrelentingly by the media that you really don’t like. It may be a political initiative, a cultural innovation, a transportation alternative, or a lifestyle change. Spend time studying the idea more carefully than you have before. And then compose a proposal argument based on your deeper understanding of the proposal. You may still explain why you think it’s a bad idea. Or you may endorse it, using your new information and your interesting perspective as a former dissenter.
2. As should be evident from readings throughout this book, the uses and abuses of technology and media—from smartphones
and smartwatches to social networks—seem to be on everyone’s mind. Write a proposal argument about some pressing dilemma caused by the technological tools and devices that are changing (ruining? improving?) our lives. You might want to explain how to bring traditional instructors into the digital age, or establish etiquette for people installing surveillance equipment in and around their homes, or make suggestions for people discovering the self-driving features in their new cars. Or maybe you want to keep parents off social networks. Or maybe you have a great idea for separating professional and private lives online. Make your proposal in some pertinent medium: print op-ed, cartoon, photo essay, infographic, set of PowerPoint or Prezi slides, TED talk.
3. Write a proposal to yourself diagnosing some minor issue you would like to address, odd personal behavior you’d like to change, or obsession you’d like to curb. Explore the reasons behind your mania and the problems it causes you and others. Then come up with a proposal to resolve the issue and prove that you can do it. Make the paper hilarious.
4. Working in a group initially, come up with a list of problems— local, national, or international—that seem just about insoluble, from persuading nations to cut down on their CO emissions to figuring out how to keep tuition or textbook costs in check. After some discussion, focus on just one or two of these matters and then discuss not the issues themselves but the general reasons that the problems have proven intractable. What exactly keeps people from agreeing on solutions? Are some people content with the status quo? Do some groups profit from the current arrangements? Are alternatives to the status quo just too costly or not feasible for other reasons? Do people find change uncomfortable? Following the discussion,
work alone or collaboratively on an argument that examines the general issue of change: What makes it possible in any given case? What makes it difficult? Use the problems you have discussed as examples to illustrate your argument. Your challenge as a writer may be to make such an open-ended discussion interesting to general readers.
Two Sample Proposals
My Free-Range Parenting Manifesto
July 22, 2015
Back in 2009, the parenting site Babble listed the top 50 “mom”
blogs in America—funniest, most fashionable, etc., and “most
That would be my blog, Free-Range Kids. Then it was voted
most controversial again, a year later.
What crazy idea was I pushing? Don’t vaccinate your kids?
Clobber them when they cry? Teach them to play piano by
threatening to burn their stuffed animals? Actually, my message
was—and is—this: Our kids are just as safe and smart as we were
when we were young. There’s no reason to suddenly be afraid of
everything they do, see, eat, wear, hear, touch, read, watch,
lick, play or hug.
That idea runs smack up against the big, basic belief of our era:
That our kids are in constant danger. It’s an erroneous idea that
is crippling our children and enslaving us parents.
Luckily, there’s new pushback in the Capitol. Last week, Sen.
Mike Lee introduced the first federal legislation in support of
free-range parenting.
* * *
You’ve heard of me. I’m the New York City mom who let her 9-
year-old ride the subway alone back in 2008. I wrote a column
about it and two days later ended up on The Today Show,
MSNBC, Fox News and (for contrast) NPR, defending myself as
NOT “America’s Worst Mom.” But if you search that phrase
you’ll find me there for 77 Google pages.
I started my blog the weekend after the column ran to explain
that I love safety—helmets, carseats, seatbelts—I just don’t
believe kids need a security detail every time they leave the
house. As people found the site, I started hearing just how little
we let kids do at all.
For instance, thanks to a mistaken belief that “We can’t let our
kids play outside like we did because times have changed!” only
13 percent of kids walk to school. One study found that in a
typical week, only 6 percent of kids 9–13 play outside
unsupervised. And Foreign Policy recently ran a piece about
how army recruits are showing up for basic training not
knowing to skip or do a somersault. It’s like they totally missed
the physical, frolicking part of childhood—along with its
lessons. How are they going to roll away from an explosion, or
skip over a landmine? And then of course there’s the rise in
childhood obesity, diabetes and depression.
That rise does not strike me as a coincidence. But here’s the
killer irony: The crime rate today is actually lower than it was
when we were growing up. (And it’s not lower because of
helicopter parenting. We don’t helicopter adults and yet crimes
against them—murder, rape, assault—are all down.) We’re back
to the crime rate of 1963. So if it wasn’t crazy for our parents to
let us play outside, it is even less crazy today. But gripped by the
fear of extremely rare and random tragedies hammered home
by a hyperventilating news cycle, we are actually putting our
kids at risk for increasingly common health risks.
Beyond those, however, there is something even sadder
happening to the kids we keep indoors, or in adult-run activities
“for their safety.” By having their every moment supervised,
kids don’t get a chance to play the way we did—free play,
without a coach or trophy or parents screaming from the
This is catastrophic. Free play turns out to be one of the most
important things a kid can do to develop into the kind of adult
who’s resilient, entrepreneurial—and a pleasure to be around.
You see, when kids play on their own, they first of all have to
come up with something to do. That’s called problem solving:
“We don’t have a ball, so what can we play?” They take matters
into their own hands. Then, if they don’t all agree, they have to
learn to compromise—another good skill to have.
If there are a bunch of kids, someone has to make the teams.
Leadership! If there’s a little kid, the big kids have to throw the
ball more gently. Empathy! For their part, the little kids want to
earn the big kids’ respect. So they act more mature, which is
how they become more mature. They rise to the occasion.
And here’s the most important lesson that kids who are “just”
playing learn. How to lose. Say a kid strikes out. Now he has a
choice. He can throw a tantrum—and look like a baby. He can
storm off—and not get to play anymore. Or he can hold it
together, however hard that is, and go to the back of the line.
Because play is so fun, a kid will usually choose the latter. And
in doing that difficult deed—taking his lumps—the child is
learning to control himself even when things are not going his
way. The term for this is “executive function.”
It’s the crucial skill all parents want their kids to learn, and the
easiest way to learn it is through play. In fact, Penny Wilson, a
thought leader on play in Britain, calls fun the “orgasm” of play.
Kids play because it’s fun—not realizing that really they are
actually ensuring the success of the species by learning how to
function as a society.
Unfortunately, thanks to the belief that kids are in danger any
second we’re not watching them, this kind of play has all but
evaporated. Walk to your local park the next sunny Saturday
and take a look: Is there any child there who isn’t a toddler with
a caregiver, or a kid in uniform with a team?
Instead of letting our kids make their own fun, we enroll them
in programs (fearful they’d otherwise “waste” some teachable
time), or we keep them inside (fearful they’d otherwise be
kidnapped). And if we do boldly say, “Go out and play!” often
there’s no one else out there for them to play with.
Can you imagine a country full of people who have been
listening to Mozart since they were in the womb, but have no
idea how to organize a neighborhood ballgame? My friend was
recently telling a high school-age cousin about how he used to
play pick-up basketball in the park, and the cousin couldn’t
understand how this was possible without supervision. “What
happened if someone decided to cheat and fouled all the time?”
the kid asked. “We just wouldn’t play with him anymore,” my
friend replied. Said the cousin: “That’s exclusion!” and that, he
added, was a “form of” bullying.
Agghh! We are crippling kids by convincing them they can’t
solve any issues on their own. And as depressing as all this is,
now there’s another barrier to free play: The government.
You’ve all heard the story of the Alexander and Danielle Meitiv,
the parents investigated by child protective services not once
but twice for letting their kids walk home from the playground
in Silver Spring, Maryland. While they were eventually found
not guilty on both accounts, it seemed to require massive public
outrage before the authorities let them go. Maryland has since
“clarified” its CPS policy, which now states, “It is not the
department’s role to pick and choose among child-rearing
philosophies and practices.”
It sure isn’t. But the authorities have a habit of doing just that. A
mom in Austin was visited by the cops for letting her 6-year-old
play within sight of the house. A mom in Chicago is on the child
abuse registry for letting her children 11, 9 and 5 play in the
park literally across the street from her house—even though she
peeked out at them every 10 minutes. And I’ve heard from
parents investigated for letting their kids walk to the library, the
post office and the pizza shop.
Want more tales from the annals of government
overprotection? Last year, four Rhode Island legislators
proposed a bill that would make it illegal for a school bus to let
off any children under 7th grade—that’s age 11—unless there
was an adult waiting there to walk them home from the bus
stop. Naturally this was presented as just another new measure
to keep kids safe. Fortunately—and perhaps just a bit due to
agitation by the “most controversial” blog in America—the bill
ended up shelved.
Another triumph: A library in Boulder, Colorado, had actually
prohibited anyone under age 12 to be there without a guardian,
because, “Children may encounter hazards such as stairs,
elevators, doors, furniture, electrical equipment, or, other
library patrons.” Ah, yes, kids and furniture. What a recipe for
But that library regulation was beaten back, too.
The biggest ray of hope to date? Republican Sen. Mike Lee from
Utah just added a groundbreaking “Free-Range” provision to the
Every Child Achieves Act. It would permit kids to walk or ride
their bikes to school at an age their parents deem appropriate,
without the threat of criminal or civil action—provided this
doesn’t pre-empt state or local laws. “‘Helicopter parents’
should be free to hover over their own kids, but more ‘Free-
Range’ parents have the exact same rights,” the senator told me.
“And government at all levels should trust loving moms and
dads to make those decisions for their own families.”
The Act, including Lee’s amendment, passed the Senate on
Thursday (although in the end Lee could not support the final
version of the bill) and now must be reconciled with the House
Support for Lee’s provision was bi-partisan. So if Free-Range
was once “controversial,” now it is the people’s will. We are sick
of seeing childhood through the kaleidoscope of doom. Sick of
thinking, “A stranger near the school? Abduction!” “A child
waiting in the car while mom returns a book? Instant death!” “A
non-organic grape? That kid’s a goner!”
Enough! It is time to stop making ourselves crazy with fear. All
we need to do is adopt a new skepticism whenever we hear the
words “for the safety of our precious children.”
Those words precede grandstanding and bad laws. They
precede sanctimony and scapegoating. They turn rational
parents into outlaws and exuberant children into gelatinous
lumps on the couch.
The way to keep kids safe is not by forbidding them to go
outside. It’s by giving them the freedom we loved when we were
kids, to play, explore, goof up, run around, take responsibility
and get lost in every sense of the expression. Here, then, is The
Free-Range Kids’ and Parents’ Bill of Rights:
“Our kids have the right to some unsupervised time (with our
permission) and parents have the right to give it to them
without getting arrested.”
Take this bill to your local legislators, or Congress, or the
president (or his “Let’s Move!” wife), and remind them: This is
how we grew up. Why are we denying our kids a healthy, all-
American upbringing?
It’s time to save childhood—and the country. How can we be the
home of the brave when we’re too scared to let our kids go out
and become smart, successful, resilient, resourceful and
independent by doing what we all did at their age?
Lenore Skenazy offers a proposal argument with passion, humor, and what used to be called common sense. Blogger, writer, and columnist, Skenazy became famous in 2008 when she allowed her nine-year-old son to ride by himself in a New York City subway. He survived.
CHAPTER 13 Style in Arguments
The images above all reflect the notable styles of musicians
from different times and musical traditions: Yo-Yo Ma, Count
Basie, Kiss, and Beyoncé. One could argue that these
performers craft images to define their stage personalities, but
how they present themselves also reflects the music they play
and the audiences they perform for. Imagine Yo-Yo Ma
appearing in Kiss makeup at Carnegie Hall. Weird!
Writers, too, create styles that express their ethos and life
experiences. But in persuasive situations, style is also a matter
of the specific choices they make—strategically and self-
consciously—to influence audiences. And today, style is
arguably more important than ever before in getting messages
across. In a time when we are overcome with a veritable fire-
hose of information 24 hours a day, getting and holding an
audience’s attention is often difficult. So what can do the job for
writers today? STYLE.
It’s not surprising, then, that writers take questions of style very
seriously, that they adapt their voices to a range of rhetorical
situations, from very formal to very casual. At the formal and
professional end of the scale, consider the opening paragraph
of a dissent by Justice Sonia Sotomayor to a Supreme Court
decision affecting affirmative action in Michigan public
universities. Writing doesn’t get much more consequential than
this, and that earnestness is reflected in the justice’s sober,
authoritative, but utterly clear style:
We are fortunate to live in a democratic society. But
without checks, democratically approved legislation can
oppress minority groups. For that reason, our
Constitution places limits on what a majority of the
people may do. This case implicates one such limit: the
guarantee of equal protection of the laws. Although that
guarantee is traditionally understood to prohibit
intentional discrimination under existing laws, equal
protection does not end there. Another fundamental
strand of our equal protection jurisprudence focuses on
process, securing to all citizens the right to participate
meaningfully and equally in self-government. That right
is the bedrock of our democracy, for it preserves all other
—Sonia Sotomayor, dissenting opinion, April 22, 2014
Contrast this formal style with the far more casual style in a
blog item by Huffington Post book editor Claire Fallon, arguing
(tongue-in-cheek) that Shakespeare’s Romeo is one of those
literary figures readers just love to hate. The range of Fallon’s
vocabulary choices—from “most romantic dude” to “penchant
for wallowing”—suggests the (Beyoncé-like?) playfulness of the
exercise. Style is obviously a big part of Fallon’s game:
Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou such a wishy-washy
doofus? . . . [Romeo] spends his first scene in the play
insisting he’s heartbroken over a girl he goes on to
completely forget about the second he catches a glimpse
of Juliet! . . . Romeo’s apparent penchant for wallowing in
the romantic misery of unrequited love finds a new target
in naive Juliet, who then dies for a guy who probably
would have forgotten about her as soon as their
honeymoon ended.
—Claire Fallon, “11 Unlikeable Classical Book Characters
We Love to Hate”
These examples use different styles but are written in standard
English, with a bit of slang mixed into the blog post. In the
multilingual, polyglot world we live in today, however, writers
are also mixing languages (as Gloria Anzaldúa does when she
shifts from English to Spanish to Spanglish in her book
Borderlands: La Frontera) as well as mixing dialects and
languages. This translingual turn recognizes that English itself
exists in many forms (Singaporean English, Canadian English,
New Zealand English, and so on), that many writers of English
speak and write a variety of other languages, and that many if
not most writers “code mesh,” a term scholar Suresh
Canagarajah defines as “a strategy for merging local varieties
with standard written Englishes in a move toward more
gradually pluralizing academic writing and developing
multilingual competence for transnational relationships” (“The
Place of World Englishes in Composition,” CCC, June 2006).
Here is an example of code-meshing in an article by Professor
Donald McCrary:
Like my students, I know the value of my native
language, black English, and the significance it has
played in both my public and private life. However, many
would challenge my claim that black English is both a
public and private language. For example, in “Aria: A
Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood,” Richard Rodriguez
argues for the separation of home and school languages
because he believes the former is private while the latter
is public. . . . I, however, view black English as a public
language because it is the language with which I learned
about the world, including the perils of racism, the
importance of education, and the consequences of
improper conduct. When Moms told me, “Don’t go
showin’ your ass when I take you in this store,” I knew
she was telling me to behave respectfully, and I knew
what would happen if I didn’t. The black English I
learned at home is the same black English I used outside
the home. It got black people through slavery, and it
saved my black behind a thousand times.
Hold up. I know what you gonna say. Talkin’ that black
English is okay at home and with your friends, but don’t
be speakin’ that foolishness in school or at the j-o-b. And
don’t be tellin’ no students they can speak that mess
either. You want people (read: white) to think they
ignorant? Right.
Right. I hear you. I hear you. But let’s be real. America
loves itself some black English. Half the announcers on
ESPN speak it, and I’m talking about the white dudes, too.
Americans know more black English than they like to
admit. Black English is intelligible and intelligent, and
just because somebody tells you different, don’t
necessarily make it so. And that’s what I want the
academy to understand. My students don’t speak no
broken English. They speak a legitimate dialect that
conveys legitimate meanings.
—Donald McCrary, “Represent, Representin’,
Representation: The Efficacy of Hybrid Texts in the
Writing Classroom”
McCrary, who teaches at Long Island University, “meshes”
elements of African American language with “standard” written
English to create a style that speaks to both academic and
nonacademic audiences. His use of colloquialisms (“I hear
you”), features of spoken English (“at the j-o-b”), and what he
refers to as “black English” establish a connection between
speaker and listener (“But let’s be real”) as he argues for a more
pluralistic and inclusive “translingual approach” to language.
RESPOND● Write a paragraph or two (or three!) about your own use of
languages and dialects. In what ways do you ordinarily “mesh”
features of different dialects and/or languages? What languages did
you grow up speaking and hearing and how do those languages
enter into your writing today? How would you describe your own
style of writing (and speaking)?
As you might guess from these examples, style always involves
making choices about language across a wide range of situations.
Style can be public or personal, conventional or creative, and
everything in between. When you write, you’ll find that you have
innumerable tools and options for expressing yourself exactly as
you need to. This chapter introduces you to some of them.
In her essay about the language we use to describe sexual violence, Roxane Gay presents a compelling example of the impact of subtle stylistic choices.
LINK TO Gay, “The Careless Language of Sexual Violence,” in Chapter 25
Style and Word Choice
Words matter—and those you choose will define the style of
your arguments.
In spite of the extensive work on translingualism and code
meshing, many academic arguments today still call for a formal
or professional style using standard written English. Such
language can sound weighty, and it usually is. It often uses
technical terms and conventional vocabulary because that’s
what readers of academic journals or serious magazines and
newspapers generally expect. Formal writing also typically
avoids contractions, phrases that mimic speech, and sometimes
even the pronoun I. (For information about the use of pronouns
in contemporary writing, see the Cultural Contexts for
Argument box in this chapter.) But what may be most
remarkable about the style is how little it draws attention to
itself—and that’s usually deliberate. Here’s a paragraph from
Annette Vee’s Coding Literacy: How Computer Programming Is
Changing Writing, published by MIT Press in 2017:
[T]he concept of coding literacy helps to expand access,
or to support “transformative access” to programming in
the words of rhetorician Adam Banks. For Banks,
transformative access allows people “to both change the
interfaces of that system and fundamentally change the
codes that determine how the system works.” Changing
the “interface” of programming might entail more
widespread education on programming. But changing
“how the system works” would move beyond material
access to education and into a critical examination of the
values and ideologies embedded in that education.
Programming as defined by computer science or
software engineering is bound to echo the values of those
contexts. But a concept of coding literacy suggests
programming is a literacy practice with many
applications beyond a profession defined by a limited set
of values. The webmaster, game maker, tinkerer,
scientist, and citizen activist can benefit from coding as a
means to achieve their goals. As I argue in this book, we
must think of programming more broadly—as coding
literacy—if the ability to program is to become
distributed more broadly. Thinking this way can help
change “how the system works.”
In this passage, Vee uses conventional standard written English,
fairly complex syntax, and abstract terms (transformative
access, interfaces, coding literacy) that she expects her readers
will make sense of, though she draws the line at employing
highly technical terms that only computer scientists would be
familiar with. Also note the two footnote markers that identify
her sources, also a staple of formal academic discourse. The
tone is efficient and cool, the style academic and somewhat
Colloquial words and phrases, slang, and even first- and second-
person pronouns (I, me, we, you) can create relationships with
audiences that feel much more intimate. When you use
everyday language in arguments, readers are more likely to
identify with you personally and, possibly, with the ideas you
represent or advocate. In effect, such vocabulary choices lessen
the distance between you and readers.
Admittedly, some colloquial terms simply bewilder readers not
tuned in to them. A movie review in Rolling Stone or a music
review in Spin might leave your parents (or some authors)
scratching their heads. Writing for the music Web site
Pitchfork, Meaghan Garvey has this to say about Spanish R&B
singer Bad Gyal’s 2018 release:
On “Blink,” slow-winding dancehall rhythms with pulsing
bass and staccato hand-claps climax in thumping
reggaeton with hypnotic synth washes. Bad Gyal’s voice
stutters and chops along with the dembow drum loops,
her melodies evoking an R-rated lullaby as she sings
sweetly about grinding the club (“Me gusta el perreo”).
—Meaghan Garvey, “Bad Gyal, ‘Blink’”
Huh? we say. But you probably get it.
A Note on Pronoun Preference Conventions about personal pronouns are in flux right now, and particularly traditional third-person singular pronouns. You may have been asked what pronouns you prefer, since many people identify with neither of the traditional personal pronouns, namely he and she. For this reason, writers and speakers are sensitive to members of their audiences, realizing that some may prefer the use of singular they as in “Jamie called me and I called them back.” Others prefer to use an alternate gender-neutral pronoun such as ze or zir. Linguist Peter Smagorinsky notes that it was only several decades ago that women, tired of having to be either Mrs. or Miss, coined the title Ms. It took some time, but eventually caught on:
It may well be that “ze” and “zir” will replace current pronouns over time. For those who reject “they” as grammatically improper while also recognizing that “he” and “she” are inadequate, it may become a reasonable development.
And of course, still others are just fine with the traditional he or she. The important point for writers and speakers is to be sensitive to these differences and to choose terms appropriately.
You will want to be careful, as Annette Vee is, with the use of
jargon, the special vocabulary of members of a profession,
trade, or field. Although jargon serves as shorthand for experts,
it can alienate readers who don’t recognize technical words or
Another verbal key to an argument’s style is its control of
connotation, the associations that surround many words.
Consider the straightforward connotative differences among
the following three statements:
Students from the Labor Action Committee (LAC) carried
out a hunger strike to call attention to the below-
minimum wages that are being paid to campus
temporary workers, saying, “The university must pay a
living wage to all its workers.”
Left-wing agitators and radicals tried to use self-induced
starvation to stampede the university into caving in to
their demands.
Champions of human rights put their bodies on the line
to protest the university’s tightfisted policy of paying
temporary workers scandalously low wages.
The style of the first sentence is the most neutral, presenting
facts and offering a quotation from one of the students. The
second sentence uses loaded terms like agitators, radicals, and
stampede to create a negative image of this event, while the
final sentence uses other loaded words to create a positive view.
As these examples demonstrate, the words you choose can
change everything about a sentence.
Watch how Jason Collins, the first openly gay NBA star (see
image here), uses the connotations of a common sports term to
explain why he decided to come out:
Now I’m a free agent, literally and figuratively. I’ve
reached that enviable state in life in which I can do pretty
much what I want. And what I want is to continue to play
basketball. . . . At the same time, I want to be genuine and
authentic and truthful.
Collins plays on the professional and figurative meanings of
“free agent” to illustrate his desire to be honest about his sexual
RESPOND● Exercise your critical reading muscles by reviewing the excerpts in
this section and choose one or two words or phrases that you think
are admirably selected or unusually interesting choices. Then
explore the meanings and possibly the connotations of the word or
words in a nicely developed paragraph or two.
Sentence Structure and Argument Writers of effective arguments know that “variety is the spice of
life” when it comes to stylish sentences. A strategy as simple as
varying sentence length can keep readers attentive and
interested. For instance, the paragraph from Coding Literacy in
the preceding section (pp. 324–25) has sentences as short as ten
words and as lengthy as twenty-seven. Now the author almost
certainly didn’t pause as she wrote and think, hmm, I need a
little variation here. Instead, as an experienced writer, she
simply made sure that her sentences complemented the flow of
her ideas and also kept readers engaged.
Sentences, you see, offer you more options and special effects
than you can ever exhaust. To pull examples from selections
earlier in this chapter, just consider how dramatic, punchy, or
even comic short sentences can be:
Hold up. I know what you gonna say.
—Donald McCrary
Longer sentences can explain ideas, build drama, or sweep
readers along:
I, however, view black English as a public language
because it is the language with which I learned about the
world, including the perils of racism, the importance of
education, and the consequences of improper conduct.
—Donald McCrary
Bad Gyal’s voice stutters and chops along with the
dembow drum loops, her melodies evoking an R-rated
lullaby as she sings sweetly about grinding the club (“Me
gusta el perreo”).
—Meaghan Garvey, “Bad Gyal, ‘Blink’”
Meanwhile, sentences of medium length handle just about any
task assigned without a fuss. They are whatever you need them
to be: serviceable, discrete, thoughtful, playful. And they pair
up nicely with companions:
But without checks, democratically approved legislation
can oppress minority groups. For that reason, our
Constitution places limits on what a majority of the
people may do.
—Sonia Sotomayor
Balanced or parallel sentences, in which clauses or phrases are
deliberately matched, as highlighted in the following example,
draw attention to ideas and relationships:
Ulysses can be finished . The Internet is never
finished .
—Alexis C. Madrigal
And sentences that alternate sentence length can work
especially well in much writing. For example, after one or more
long sentences, the punch of a short sentence can be dramatic:
Previously, Ms. Collins was the first woman at The Times
to hold the post of editorial page editor. The author of six
books, she took time off in 2007—between the editorial
page editor job and her column—and returned to write
about the 2008 presidential election. She’s been at it ever
—Susan Lehman, The New York Times, March 22, 2016
Sentences with complicated structures or interruptions make
you pay attention to their motions and, therefore, their ideas:
As other voting requirements were gradually stripped
away—location of birth, property ownership, race, and
later sex—literacy and education began to stand in for
those qualities in defining what it meant to be an
American citizen.
—Annette Vee
Even sentence fragments—which don’t meet all the
requirements for full sentence status—have their place when
used for a specific effect:
Right. Right. —Donald McCrary
You see, then, that there’s much more to the rhetoric of
sentences than just choosing subjects, verbs, and objects—and
far more than we can explain in one section. But you can learn a
lot about the power of sentences simply by observing how the
writers you admire engineer them—and maybe imitating some
of those sentences yourself. You might also make it a habit to
read and re-read your own sentences aloud (or in your head) as
you compose them to gauge whether words and phrases are
meshing with your ideas. And then tinker, tinker, tinker—until
the sentences feel and sound right.
RESPOND● Working with a classmate, first find a paragraph you both admire,
perhaps in one of the selections in Part 2 of this book, and read it
carefully and critically, making sure you understand its structure,
syntax, and word choice. Then, individually write paragraphs of your
own that imitate the sentences within it—making sure that both
these new items are on subjects different from that of the original
paragraph. When you are done, compare your paragraphs and pick
out a few sentences you think are especially effective.
Punctuation and Argument In a memorable comment, actor and director Clint Eastwood
said, “You can show a lot with a look. . . . It’s punctuation.” He’s
certainly right about punctuation’s effect, and it is important
that as you read and write arguments, you consider punctuation
“You can show a lot with a look. . . . It’s punctuation.”
Eastwood may have been talking about the dramatic effect of
end punctuation: the finality of periods; the tentativeness of
ellipses (. . .); the query, disbelief, or uncertainty in question
marks; or the jolt in the now-appearing-almost-everywhere
exclamation point! Yet even exclamations can help create tone
if used strategically. In an argument about the treatment of
prisoners at Guantánamo, consider how Jane Mayer evokes the
sense of desperation in some of the suspected terrorists:
As we reached the end of the cell-block, hysterical
shouts, in broken English, erupted from a caged exercise
area nearby. “Come here!” a man screamed. “See here!
They are liars!… No sleep!” he yelled. “No food! No
medicine! No doctor! Everybody sick here!”
—Jane Mayer, “The Experiment”
Punctuation that works within sentences can also do much to
enhance meaning and style. The semicolon, for instance, marks
a pause that is stronger than a comma but not as strong as a
period. Semicolons function like “plus signs”; used correctly,
they join items that are alike in structure, conveying a sense of
balance, similarity, or even contrast. Do you recall Nathaniel
Stein’s parody of grading standards at Harvard University (see
pp. 114–15)? Watch as he uses a semicolon to enhance the
humor in his description of what an A+ paper achieves:
Nearly every single word in the paper is spelled
correctly; those that are not can be reasoned out
phonetically within minutes.
—Nathaniel Stein, “Leaked! Harvard’s Grading Rubric”
In many situations, however, semicolons, with their emphasis
on symmetry and balance, can feel stodgy, formal, and maybe
even old-fashioned, and lots of writers avoid them, perhaps
because they are very difficult to get right. Check a writing
handbook before you get too friendly with semicolons.
Much easier to manage are colons, which function like pointers
within sentences: they say pay attention to this. Philip
Womack’s London Telegraph review of Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows, Part 2 demonstrates how a colon enables a
writer to introduce a lengthy illustration clearly and elegantly:
The first scene of David Yates’s film picks up where his
previous installment left off: with a shot of the dark lord
Voldemort’s noseless face in triumph as he steals the
most powerful magic wand in the world from the tomb of
Harry’s protector, Professor Dumbledore.
—Philip Womack
And Paul Krugman of the New York Times shows how to use a
colon to catch a reader’s attention:
Recently two research teams, working independently
and using different methods, reached an alarming
conclusion: The West Antarctic ice sheet is doomed.
—Paul Krugman, “Point of No Return”
Colons can serve as lead-ins for complete sentences, complex
phrases, or even single words. As such, they are versatile and
potentially dramatic pieces of punctuation.
Like colons, dashes help readers focus on important,
sometimes additional details. But they have even greater
flexibility since they can be used singly or in pairs. Alone,
dashes function much like colons to add information. Here’s the
Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson commenting
pessimistically on a political situation in Iraq, using a single
dash to extend his thoughts:
The aim of U.S. policy at this point should be minimizing
the calamity, not chasing rainbows of a unified,
democratic, pluralistic Iraq—which, sadly, is something
the power brokers in Iraq do not want.
—Eugene Robinson, “The ‘Ungrateful Volcano’ of Iraq”
And here are paired dashes used to insert such information in
the opening of the Philip Womack review of Deathly Hallows 2
cited earlier:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2—the eighth
and final film in the blockbusting series—begins with our
teenage heroes fighting for their lives, and for their
entire world.
As these examples illustrate, punctuation often enhances the
rhythm of an argument. Take a look at how Maya Angelou uses
a dash along with another punctuation mark—ellipsis points—to
create a pause or hesitation, in this case one that builds
Then the voice, husky and familiar, came to wash over us
—“The winnah, and still heavyweight champeen of the
world . . . Joe Louis.”
—Maya Angelou, “Champion of the World”
It’s probably worth mentioning that today we are seeing an
upsurge in the use of ellipses on social media—a virtual
onslaught of these little dots. Of course, in the very informal
style of many texts and tweets, writers may be likely to omit end
punctuation entirely. The use of ellipsis dots can signal a
trailing off of a thought, leave open the possibility of further
communication, or mimic conversational-style pauses. But they
can also be a sign of laziness, as Matthew J. X. Malady points
out in “Why Everyone and Your Mother Started Using Ellipses . .
. Everywhere”:
Ellipses, then, . . . can help carefully structure a bit of
written communication so that it mimics some of the
more subtle, meaningful elements of face-to-face
conversation. But when we want to be lazy, they also
allow us to avoid thinking too much while crafting a
RESPOND● First, read several movie reviews carefully and critically. Then try
writing a brief movie review for your campus newspaper,
experimenting with punctuation as one way to create an effective
style. See if using a series of questions might have a strong effect,
whether exclamation points would add or detract from the message
you want to send, and so on. When you’ve finished the review,
compare it to one written by a classmate, and look for similarities
and differences in your choices of punctuation.
Special Effects: Figurative Language You don’t have to look hard to find examples of figurative
language adding style to arguments. When a writing teacher
suggests you take a weed whacker to your prose, she’s using a
figure of speech (in this case, a metaphor) to suggest you cut the
wordiness. To indicate how little he trusts the testimony of John
Koskinen, head of the Internal Revenue Service, political pundit
Michael Gerson takes the metaphor of a “witch hunt” and flips it
on the bureaucrat, relying on readers to recognize an allusion to
Shakespeare’s Macbeth:
Democrats were left to complain about a Republican
“witch hunt”—while Koskinen set up a caldron, added
some eye of newt and toe of frog and hailed the Thane of
—Michael Gerson, “An Arrogant and Lawless IRS”
The three witches from Macbeth, at their cauldron
Figurative language like this—indispensable to our ability to
communicate effectively—dramatizes ideas, either by clarifying
or enhancing the thoughts themselves or by framing them in
language that makes them stand out. As a result, figurative
language makes arguments attractive, memorable, and
powerful. An apt simile, a timely rhetorical question, or a
wicked understatement might do a better job bringing an
argument home than whole paragraphs of evidence. Figurative
language is not the icing on the cake: it’s the cake itself!
Figures of speech are usually classified into two main types:
tropes, which involve a change in the ordinary meaning of a
word or phrase; and schemes, which involve a special
arrangement of words. Here is a brief alphabetical listing—with
examples—of some of the most familiar kinds.
Tropes To create tropes, you often have to think of one idea or claim in
relationship to others. Some of the most powerful—one might
even say inevitable—tropes involve making purposeful
comparisons between ideas: analogies, metaphors, and similes.
Other tropes such as irony, signifying, and understatement are
tools for expressing attitudes toward ideas: you might use them
to shape the way you want your audience to think about a claim
that you or someone else has made.
Allusion An allusion is a connection that illuminates one situation by
comparing it to another similar but usually more famous one,
often with historical or literary connections. Allusions work
with events, people, or concepts—expanding and enlarging
them so readers better appreciate their significance. For
example, a person who makes a career-ending blunder might
be said to have met her Waterloo, the famous battle that
terminated Napoleon’s ambitions. Similarly, every impropriety
in Washington brings up mentions of Watergate, the only
scandal to lead to a presidential resignation; any daring venture
becomes a moon shot, paralleling the ambitious program that
led to a lunar landing in 1969. Using allusions can be tricky:
they work only if readers get the connection. But when they do,
they can pack a wallop. Earlier in this section Michael Gerson
mentions “eye of newt” and “toe of frog” in the same breath as
IRS chief John Koskinen, he knows what fans of Macbeth are
thinking. But other readers might be left clueless.
Analogy Analogies compare two things, often point by point, either to
show similarity or to suggest that if two concepts, phenomena,
events, or even people are alike in one way, they are probably
alike in other ways as well. Often extended in length, analogies
can clarify or emphasize points of comparison, thereby
supporting particular claims.
Here’s the first paragraph of an essay in which a writer who is
also a runner thinks deeply about the analogies between the two
tough activities:
When people ask me what running and writing have in
common, I tend to look at the ground and say it might
have something to do with discipline: You do both of
those things when you don’t feel like it, and make them
part of your regular routine. You know some days will be
harder than others, and on some you won’t hit your mark
and will want to quit. But you don’t. You force yourself
into a practice; the practice becomes habit and then
simply part of your identity. A surprising amount of
success, as Woody Allen once said, comes from just
showing up.
—Rachel Toor, “What Writing and Running Have in
This cartoon creates an analogy in the way it depicts the relationship between North Korea and the United States.
To be effective, an analogy has to make a good point and hold
up to scrutiny. If it doesn’t, it can be criticized as a faulty
analogy, a fallacy of argument (see Faulty Analogy in Chapter
Antonomasia Antonomasia is an intriguing trope that simply involves
substituting a descriptive phrase for a proper name. It is
probably most familiar to you from sports or entertainment
figures: “His Airness” still means Michael Jordan; Aretha
Franklin remains “The Queen of Soul”; Cleveland Cavaliers star
LeBron James is “the King”; and Superman, of course, is “The
Man of Steel.” In politics, antonomasia is sometimes used
neutrally (Ronald Reagan as “The Gipper”), sometimes as a
backhanded compliment (Margaret Thatcher as “The Iron
Lady”), and occasionally as a crude and racist put-down
(Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas”). As you well know if you
have one, nicknames can pack potent arguments into just one
Hyperbole Hyperbole is the use of overstatement for special effect, a kind
of fireworks in prose. The tabloid gossip magazines that scream
at you in the checkout line survive by hyperbole. Everyone has
seen these overstated arguments and perhaps marveled at the
way they sell.
Hyperbole can, however, serve both writers and audiences
when very strong opinions need to be registered. One senses
exasperation in this excerpt from a list of the worst movies of
2017, which ranks Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No
Tales as one of the most boring and worst films of that year:
The (sigh) fifth movie in Disney’s deathless series finds
Johnny Depp and co. dead in the water. Remember when
we loved the star’s loose-and-boozy portrayal of Capt.
Jack Sparrow, so fresh and charismatic 14 years ago? He
was a joy. Now, you just want to smack the tri-cornered
hat off his head and see him stranded on a godforsaken
rock somewhere near the Marianas Trench.
—John Serba, mlive.com
Irony Irony is a complex trope in which words convey meanings that
are in tension with or even opposite to their literal meanings.
Readers who catch the irony realize that a writer is asking them
(or someone else) to think about all the potential connotations
in their language. One of the most famous uses of satiric irony
in literature occurs in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar when Antony
punctuates his condemnation of Caesar’s assassins with the
repeated word honourable. He begins by admitting, “So are
they all, honourable men” but ends railing against “the
honourable men / Whose daggers have stabb’d Caesar.” Within
just a few lines, Antony’s funeral speech has altered the
meaning of the term.
In popular culture, irony often takes a humorous bent in
publications such as the Onion and the appropriately named
Ironic Times. Yet even serious critics of society and politics use
satiric devices to undercut celebrities and politicians,
particularly when such public figures ignore the irony in their
own positions.
Louise Linton, the Scottish actress, made news on
Monday when she posted a photo to her Instagram
account showing her and her husband [Secretary of the
Treasury Steven Mnuchin] deplaning on an official trip to
Kentucky. In her white wide-legged trousers and slim
blouse, handbag held as though being presented in the
crook of her arm, she looked every bit the jet-setting
style-grammer. As any aspiring social media celebrity
would, she took the opportunity to let her followers know
not only what she thought of the bluegrass state, but also
who she was wearing.
—Tony Bravo, “Louise Linton’s Fashion Instagram Post
Reveals Her Entitlement”
The ironically negative responses to Linton came instantly:
“Glad we could pay for your little getaway,” Instagram user
@jennimiller29 replied to Linton, ending with the hashtag
“#deplorable.” “Please don’t tag your Hermes scarf,”
@emily.e.dickey responded, calling the hashtagging
Metaphor A bedrock of our language, metaphor creates or implies a
comparison between two things, illuminating something
unfamiliar by correlating it to something we usually know
much better. For example, to explain the complicated structure
of DNA, scientists Watson and Crick famously used items
people would likely recognize: a helix (spiral) and a zipper.
Metaphors can clarify and enliven arguments. In the following
passage, novelist and poet Benjamin Sáenz uses several
metaphors (highlighted) to describe his relationship to the
southern border of the United States:
It seems obvious to me now that I remained always a son
of the border , a boy never quite comfortable in an
American skin, and certainly not comfortable in a
Mexican one. My entire life, I have lived in a liminal
space, and that space has both defined and confined me.
That liminal space wrote and invented me. It has been
my prison , and it has also been my only piece of sky .
—Benjamin Sáenz, “Notes from Another Country”
In an example from Andrew Sullivan’s blog, he quotes an 1896
issue of Munsey’s Magazine that uses a metaphor to explain
what, at that time, the bicycle meant to women and to clarify
the new freedom it gave women who weren’t accustomed to
being able to ride around on their own:
To men, the bicycle in the beginning was merely a new
toy , another machine added to the long list of devices
they knew in their work and play. To women, it was a
steed upon which they rode into a new world .
And here is Kurt Andersen in the Atlantic writing about what he
calls America’s “lurch toward fantasy”:
For all the fun, and all the many salutary effects of the
1960s—the main decade of my childhood—I saw that
those years had also been the big-bang moment for
truthiness . And if the ’60s amounted to a national
nervous breakdown , we are probably mistaken to
consider ourselves over it.
Metonymy Metonymy is a rhetorical trope in which a writer uses a
particular object to stand for a general concept. You’ll recognize
the move immediately in the expression “The pen is mightier
than the sword”—which obviously is not about Bics and sabers.
Metonyms are vivid and concrete ways of compacting big
concepts into expressive packages for argument: the term Wall
Street can embody the nation’s whole complicated banking and
investment system, while all the offices and officials of the U.S.
military become the Pentagon. You can quickly think of dozens
of expressions that represent larger, more complex concepts:
Nashville, Hollywood, Big Pharma, the Press, the Oval Office,
even perhaps the electorate.
It’s not just a street; it’s a metonym!
Oxymoron Oxymoron is a rhetorical trope that states a paradox or
contradiction. John Milton created a classic example when he
described Hell as a place of “darkness visible.” We may be less
poetic today, but we nevertheless appreciate the creativity (or
arrogance) in expressions such as light beer, sports utility
vehicle, expressway gridlock, or negative economic growth.
You might not have much cause to use this figure in your
writing, but you’ll get credit for noting and commenting on
oxymoronic ideas or behaviors.
Rhetorical Question Rhetorical questions, which we use frequently, are questions
posed by a speaker or writer that don’t really require answers.
Instead, an answer is implied or unimportant. When you say
“Who cares?” or “What difference does it make?” you’re using
such questions.
Rhetorical questions show up in arguments for many reasons,
most often perhaps to direct readers’ attention to the issues a
writer intends to explore. For example, Erin Biba asks a
provocative, open-ended rhetorical question in her analysis of
Facebook “friending”:
So if we’re spending most of our time online talking to
people we don’t even know, how deep can the
conversation ever get?
—Erin Biba, “Friendship Has Its Limits”
Signifying Signifying, in which a speaker or writer cleverly and often
humorously needles another person, is a distinctive trope found
extensively in African American English. In the following
passage, two African American men (Grave Digger and Coffin
Ed) signify on their white supervisor (Anderson), who has
ordered them to discover the originators of a riot:
“I take it you’ve discovered who started the riot,”
Anderson said.
“We knew who he was all along,” Grave Digger said.
“It’s just nothing we can do to him,” Coffin Ed echoed.
“Why not, for God’s sake?”
“He’s dead,” Coffin Ed said.
“Lincoln,” Grave Digger said.
“He hadn’t ought to have freed us if he didn’t want to
make provisions to feed us,” Coffin Ed said. “Anyone
could have told him that.”
—Chester Himes, Hot Day, Hot Night
Coffin Ed and Grave Digger demonstrate the major
characteristics of effective signifying—indirection, ironic
humor, fluid rhythm, and a surprising twist at the end. Rather
than insulting Anderson directly by pointing out that he’s asked
a dumb question, they criticize the question indirectly by
ultimately blaming a white man for the riot (and not just any
white man, but one they’re supposed to revere). This twist
leaves the supervisor speechless, teaching him something and
giving Grave Digger and Coffin Ed the last word—and last laugh.
Take a look at the example of signifying from a Boondocks
cartoon (see below). Note how Huey seems to be sympathizing
with Jazmine and then, in two surprising twists, reveals that he
has been needling her all along.
In these Boondocks strips, Huey signifies on Jazmine, using indirection, ironic humor, and two surprising twists.
Simile A simile uses like or as to compare two things. Here’s a simile
from an essay about visiting Montana in the August 2017
Hemispheres Magazine:
By now we’ve driven the cows to an open pasture. The
wranglers teach me how to cut a cow from the herd, as
real cowboys do. I find it’s a lot like parallel parking ,
except the curb keeps moving to join the other curbs, and
my car has lost respect for me.
—Jacob Baynham, “Three Perfect Days: Montana”
And here is a series of similes, from an excerpt of a Wired
magazine review of a new magazine for women:
Women’s magazines occupy a special niche in the
cluttered infoscape of modern media. Ask any Vogue
junkie: no girl-themed Web site or CNN segment on
women’s health can replace the guilty pleasure of
slipping a glossy fashion rag into your shopping cart.
Smooth as a pint of chocolate Häagen-Dazs, feckless as a
thousand-dollar slip dress, women’s magazines wrap
culture, trends, health, and trash in a single, decadent
package. But like the diet dessert recipes they print,
these slick publications can leave a bad taste in your
—Tiffany Lee Brown, “En Vogue”
Here, three similes—smooth as a pint of chocolate Häagen-Dazs
and feckless as a thousand-dollar slip dress in the third
sentence, and like the diet dessert recipes in the fourth—add to
the image of women’s magazines as a mishmash of “trash” and
Understatement Understatement uses a quiet message to make its point. In her
memoir, Rosa Parks—the civil rights activist who made history
in 1955 by refusing to give up her bus seat to a white passenger
—uses understatement so often that it becomes a hallmark of
her style. She refers to her lifelong efforts to advance civil rights
as just a small way of “carrying on.”
Understatement can be particularly effective in arguments that
might seem to call for its opposite. Outraged that New York’s
Metropolitan Opera has decided to stage The Death of
Klinghoffer, a work depicting the murder by terrorists of a
wheelchair-bound Jewish passenger on a cruise ship in 1985,
writer Eve Epstein in particular points to an aria in which a
terrorist named Rambo blames all the world’s problems on
Jews, and then, following an evocative dash, she makes a quiet
Rambo’s aria echoes the views of Der Stürmer, Julius
Streicher’s Nazi newspaper, without a hint of irony or
condemnation. The leitmotif of the morally and
physically crippled Jew who should be disposed of has
been heard before—and it did not end well.
—Eve Epstein, “The Met’s Staging of Klinghoffer Should
Be Scrapped”
“It did not end well” alludes, of course, to the Holocaust.
RESPOND● Use online sources (such as American Rhetoric’s Top 100 Speeches
at americanrhetoric.com/top100speechesall.html) to find the text of an essay or a speech by someone who uses figures of speech
liberally. Pick a paragraph that is rich in figures and read it carefully
and critically. Then rewrite it, eliminating every bit of figurative
language. Then read the original and your revised version aloud to
your class. Can you imagine a rhetorical situation in which your
pared-down version would be more appropriate?
Schemes Schemes are rhetorical figures that manipulate the actual word
order of phrases, sentences, or paragraphs to achieve specific
effects, adding stylistic power or “zing” to arguments. The
variety of such devices is beyond the scope of this work.
Following are schemes that you’re likely to see most often,
again in alphabetical order.
Anaphora Anaphora, or effective repetition, can act like a drumbeat in an
argument, bringing the point home. Sometimes an anaphora
can be quite obvious, especially when the repeated expressions
occur at the beginning of a series of sentences or clauses. Here
is President Lyndon Johnson urging Congress in 1965 to pass
voting rights legislation:
There is no constitutional issue here. The command of
the Constitution is plain.
There is no moral issue. It is wrong—deadly wrong—to
deny any of your fellow Americans the right to vote in
this country.
There is no issue of States rights or national rights. There
is only the struggle for human rights.
I have not the slightest doubt what will be your answer.
Repetitions can occur within sentences or paragraphs as well.
Here, in an argument about the future of Chicago, Lerone
Bennett Jr. uses repetition to link Chicago to innovation and
[Chicago]’s the place where organized Black history was
born, where gospel music was born, where jazz and the
blues were reborn, where the Beatles and the Rolling
Stones went up to the mountaintop to get the new
musical commandments from Chuck Berry and the
rock’n’roll apostles.
—Lerone Bennett Jr. “Blacks in Chicago”
Antithesis Antithesis is the use of parallel words or sentence structures to
highlight contrasts or opposition:
Marriage has many pains, but celibacy has no pleasures.
—Samuel Johnson
Those who kill people are called murderers; those who
kill animals, sportsmen.
Inverted Word Order Inverted word order is a comparatively rare scheme in which
the parts of a sentence or clause are not in the usual subject-
verb-object order. It can help make arguments particularly
Into this grey lake plopped the thought, I know this man,
don’t I?
—Doris Lessing
Hard to see, the dark side is.
Parallelism Parallelism involves the use of grammatically similar phrases
or clauses for special effect. Among the most common of
rhetorical effects, parallelism can be used to underscore the
relationships between ideas in phrases, clauses, complete sentences, or even paragraphs. You probably recognize the
famous parallel clauses that open Charles Dickens’s A Tale of
Two Cities:
It was the best of times,
it was the worst of times . . .
The author’s paralleled clauses and sentences go on and on
through more than a half-dozen pairings, their rhythm
unforgettable. Or consider how this unattributed line from the
2008 presidential campaign season resonates because of its
elaborate and sequential parallel structure:
Rosa sat so that Martin could walk. Martin walked so that
Obama could run. Obama ran so that our children could
RESPOND● Identify the figurative language used in the following slogans. Note
that some slogans may use more than one device.
“A day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine.”
(Florida Orange Juice)
“Taste the Feeling” (Coca-Cola)
“Be all that you can be.” (U.S. Army)
“Breakfast of champions.” (Wheaties)
“America runs on Dunkin’.” (Dunkin’ Donuts)
“Like a rock.” (Chevrolet trucks)
Levels of Formality and Other Issues of Style At least one important style question needs to be asked when arguing across cultures: what level of formality is most appropriate? In the United States, a fairly informal style is often acceptable and even appreciated. Many cultures, however, tend to value formality. If in doubt, err on the side of formality:
Take care to use proper titles as appropriate (Ms., Mr., Dr., etc.). Don’t use first names unless you’ve been invited to do so. Steer clear of slang and jargon. When you’re communicating with members of other cultures, slang may not be understood, or it may be seen as disrespectful. Avoid potentially puzzling pop cultural allusions, such as sports analogies or musical references, if your audience might not understand them.
When arguing across cultures or languages, another stylistic issue might be clarity. When communicating with people whose native languages are different from your own, analogies and similes almost always aid in understanding. Likening something unknown to something familiar can help make your argument forceful—and understandable.
CHAPTER 14 Visual Rhetoric
During the summer of 2017, protesters and counterprotesters
and counter-counterprotesters gathered across the United
States in attempts to “unite the right,” to “say no to white
supremacy,” to “make fascists afraid again,” to rally for “blood
and soil,” to claim that “you will not replace us.” Often the
protesters carried symbols or flags, including the three depicted
above: the American flag, the Confederate flag, and the flag of
Nazi Germany (others carried a wide range of flags or banners,
from Black Lives Matter and the Anti-Defamation League’s “No
Place for Hate” to the National Socialist Movement flag, the
Southern Nationalist Flag, and the Identity Evropa flag, all three
associated with white nationalism).
These banners and flags are powerful examples of visual
rhetoric and the arguments such images can make. Even so
small a sampling of visual rhetoric underscores what you
doubtless already know: images grab and hold our attention,
stir our emotions, tease our imaginations, provoke intense
responses, and make arguments. In short, they have clout.
RESPOND● Choose a flag or banner that speaks strongly to you and then study
it carefully and critically. What arguments—implicit and explicit—
does the banner or flag make? What are its appeals and who does it
seem to address? How do you respond to the image or symbol, and
why? Are your responses based primarily on emotion, on logic and
reason, on ethical considerations? Then write a paragraph in which
you analyze your connection to this imagery.
Artist Sonny Assu uses the seemingly lighthearted medium and familiar iconography of breakfast cereals to make a serious claim about the victimization of Native Americans.
LINK TO Assu, “Breakfast Series,” in Chapter 23
The Power of Visual Arguments
Even in everyday situations, images—from T-shirts to billboards
to animated films and computer screens—influence us. Media
analyst Kevin Kelly ponders the role screens and their images
now play in our lives:
Everywhere we look, we see screens. The other day I
watched clips from a movie as I pumped gas into my car.
The other night I saw a movie on the backseat of a plane.
We will watch anywhere. Screens playing video pop up in
the most unexpected places—like ATM machines and
supermarket checkout lines and tiny phones; some
movie fans watch entire films in between calls. These
ever-present screens have created an audience for very
short moving pictures, as brief as three minutes, while
cheap digital creation tools have empowered a new
generation of filmmakers, who are rapidly filling up
those screens. We are headed toward screen ubiquity.
—Kevin Kelly, “Becoming Screen Literate”
Of course, visual arguments weren’t invented by YouTube, and
their power isn’t novel either. The pharaohs of Egypt lined the
banks of the Nile River with statues of themselves to assert their
authority, and there is no shortage of monumental effigies in
Washington, D.C., today.
Not only the high and mighty: sculpture of a Great Depression–era breadline at the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial in Washington, D.C.
Still, the ease with which all of us make and share images is
unprecedented: people are uploading three billion shots a day
to Snapchat. And most of us have easily adjusted to
instantaneous multichannel, multimedia connectivity (see
Chapter 16). We expect it to be seamless too. The prophet of this
era was Marshall McLuhan, who nearly fifty years ago
proclaimed that “the medium is the massage,” with the play on
message and massage intentional. As McLuhan says, “We shape
our tools and afterwards our tools shape us. All media works us
over completely.”
McLuhan was certainly prescient, as legendary filmmaker
Werner Herzog makes clear in his 2016 documentary, Lo and
Behold: Reveries of the Connected World. Herzog conducted
interviews with a range of people— from computer scientists at
UCLA and Carnegie Mellon to Silicon Valley denizens like Elon
Musk and Sebastian Thrun to ordinary citizens caught up in
use, abuse, and overuse—associated with the Internet. Herzog’s
instantly recognizable voice-over narrates the film’s ten
sections: as a reviewer for the New Yorker puts it, “It should be
impossible to sound simultaneously droning and clipped, but
somehow Herzog manages it, and it’s delicious to watch the
expressions on the faces of neuroscientists as he inquires,
‘Could it be that the Internet starts to dream of itself?’”
The poster below aims to capture the complexity of “the
connected world” as well as to suggest that we may well have
lost our minds in the enormously complex, hugely wired world
that now seems to “work us over” perhaps more than even
McLuhan imagined. Take a close look at the poster and do some
critical thinking about it and its effects. Note the four stars at
the top under the heading, the figure dominating the poster
(which appears to be a male wearing a suit and tie), the use of
color to highlight the scramble in our Internet-filled heads, the
change in font in the title, and the bottom caption “The human
side of the digital revolution.” How do image and text work
together to create an argument and how would you express that
argument? Certainly the poster intends to entice viewers to take
in Herzog’s film, but what other arguments can you detect
there? Look back to Chapter 6 for more information on
analyzing texts and images.
“Herzog weaves a fantastical tale. For those looking for a ride through our modern technological world, or indeed a preview of what is to come, this is it.”
RESPOND● Find an advertisement, poster, or flyer—either print or digital—that
uses both verbal and visual elements. Analyze its argument first by
pointing out the claims the ad makes (or implies) and then by
identifying the ways it supports them verbally and/or visually. (If it
helps, go over the questions about multimodal texts offered in
Analyzing Multimodal Arguments in Chapter 16.) Then switch ads
with a classmate and discuss his/her analysis. Compare your
responses to the two ads. If they’re different—and they probably will
be—how might you account for the differences?
Using Visuals in Your Own Arguments Given the power of images, it’s only natural that you would use
them in your own composing. In fact, many college instructors
now expect projects for their courses to be posted to the Web,
where digital photos, videos, and design elements are native.
Other instructors invite or even require students to do
multimedia reports or to use videos, photo collages, cartoons,
or other media to make arguments. Using visual media in your
academic writing can have all the reach and versatility of more
conventional verbal appeals to pathos, ethos, and logos. Often
even more.
Using Images and Visual Design to Create Pathos Many advertisements, YouTube videos, political posters, rallies,
marches, and even church services use visual images to trigger
emotions. You can’t flip through a magazine, watch a video, or
browse the Web without being cajoled or seduced by figures or
design elements of all kinds—most of them fashioned in some
way to attract your eye and attention.
Technology has also made it incredibly easy for you to create
on-the-spot photographs and videos that you can use for making
arguments of your own. With a GoPro camera strapped to your
Consider the design choices made by the creators of the information security posters in Chapter 26. Which ones are most effective?
LINK TO McKenzie, “Getting Personal about Cybersecurity,” in Chapter 26
head, you could document transportation problems in and
around campus and then present your visual evidence in a
paper or an oral report. You don’t have to be a professional
these days to produce poignant, stirring, or even satirical visual
Yet just because images are powerful doesn’t mean they always
work. When you compose visually, you have to be certain to
generate impressions that support your arguments, not weigh
against them.
Shape Visuals to Convey Appropriate Feelings
To appeal visually to your readers’ emotions, think first of the
goal of your writing: you want every image or use of multimedia
to advance that purpose. Consider, for a moment, the iconic
Apollo 8 “earthrise” photograph of our planet hanging above
the horizon of the moon. You could adapt this image to
introduce an appeal for additional investment in the space
program. Or it might become part of an argument about the
need to preserve frail natural environments, or a stirring appeal
against nationalism: From space, we are one world. Any of
these claims might be supported successfully without the
image, but the photograph—like most visuals—will probably
touch members of your audience more strongly than words
alone could.
Still striking almost fifty years later, this 1968 Apollo 8 photograph of the earth shining over the moon can support many kinds of arguments.
Consider Emotional Responses to Color As the “earthrise” photo demonstrates, color can have great
power too: the beautiful blue earth floating in deep black space
carries a message of its own. Indeed, our response to color is
part of our biological and cultural makeup. So it makes sense to
consider what shades are especially effective with the kinds of
arguments you’re making, whether they occur in images
themselves or in elements such as headings, fonts,
backgrounds, screens, banners, and so on. And remember that
a black-and-white image can also be a memorable design
Here’s an image of the box cover for one of the iconic Zelda
games for Nintendo. Note its simplicity and the use of vivid
color: red dominates, signaling strength and adventure; the
gold background and the gold-emblazoned shield and sword
suggest fantasy. This particular game (A Link to the Past) was
released in the United States in 1992.
Compare the 1992 box cover art with the most recent Zelda
game, Breath of the Wild (2017). Here the cooler green and blue
colors speak of the natural world and the adventures Link will
encounter there.
When you think about using images like these in your writing,
do some critical analysis of the image before you definitely
decide on it. How does the image, and its use of color, help to
support the argument you are making? Is it a good fit?
If you are creating images of your own, let your selection of
colors be guided by
your own good taste,
by designs you admire,
or by the advice of
friends or helpful
professionals. Some
design and
presentation software
will even help you
choose colors by
offering dependable
“default” shades or an
array of pre-existing
designs and
compatible colors (for
example, of
presentation slides).
To be emotionally
effective, the colors you choose for a design should follow
certain commonsense principles. If you’re using background
colors on a political poster, Web site, or slide, the contrast
between words and background should be vivid enough to
make reading easy. For example, white letters on a yellow
background are not usually legible. Similarly, bright
background colors should be avoided for long documents
because reading is easiest with dark letters against a light or
white background. Avoid complex patterns; even though they
might look interesting and be easy to create, they often
interfere with other more important elements of a presentation.
When you use visuals—either ones you’ve created or those you
have taken from other sources—in your college projects, test
them on prospective readers. That’s what professionals do
because they appreciate how delicate the choices of visual and
multimedia texts can be. These responses will help you analyze
your own arguments and improve your success with them.
Eve Arnold took this powerful black-and-white photograph in 1958 at a party in Virginia for students being introduced to mixed-race schools. How might a full- color image have changed the impact of the scene?
Using Images to Establish Ethos If you are on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or other social
networking sites, you no doubt chose photographs for those
sites with an eye to creating a sense of who you are, what you
value, and how you wish to be perceived. You fashioned a self-
image. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that you can boost
your credibility as a writer by using visual design strategically:
we know one person whose Facebook presentation of images
and media so impressed a prospective employer that she got a
job on the spot. So whether you are using photographs, videos,
or other media on your personal pages or in your college work,
it pays to attend to how they construct your ethos.
Understand How Images Enhance Credibility and Authority You might have noticed that just about every company,
organization, institution, government agency, or club now
sports a logo or an emblem. Whether it’s the Red Cross, the
Canadian Olympic Committee, or perhaps the school you
attend, such groups use carefully crafted images to signal their
authority and trustworthiness. An emblem or a logo can also
carry a wealth of cultural and historical implications. That’s
why university Web sites typically include the seal of the
institution somewhere on the homepage (and always on its
letterhead) or why the president of the United States travels
with a presidential seal to hang on the speaker’s podium.
What do the following posters, which circulated during the 2016
presidential election, suggest about each candidate’s ethos?
Based on these images, how would you describe each candidate
as a politician?
Posters from the 2016 election
Though you probably don’t have a personal logo or trademark,
your personal ethos functions the same way when you make an
argument. You can establish it by offering visual evidence of
your knowledge or competence. In an essay on safety issues in
competitive biking, you might include a photo of yourself in a
key race, embed a video showing how often serious accidents
occur, or include an audio file of an interview with an injured
biker. The photo proves that you have personal experience with
biking, while the video and audio files show that you have done
research and know your subject well, thus helping to affirm
your credibility.
Predictably, your choice of medium also says something
important about you. Making an appeal on a Web site sends
signals about your technical skills, contemporary orientation,
and personality. So if you direct people to a Facebook or Flickr
page, be sure that any materials there present you favorably. Be
just as careful in a classroom that any handouts or slides you
use for an oral report demonstrate your competence. And
remember that you don’t always have to be high-tech to be
effective: when reporting on a children’s story that you’re
writing, the most sensible medium of presentation might be
cardboard and paper made into an oversized book and
illustrated by hand.
Take a look at these three government logos, each of which intends to convey credibility, authority, and maybe more. Do they accomplish their goals? Why or why not?
You demonstrate your ethos simply by showing an awareness of
the basic design conventions for any kind of writing you’re
doing. It’s no accident that lab reports for science courses are
sober and unembellished. Visually, they reinforce the
professional ethos of scientific work. The same is true of a
college research paper. So whether you’re composing an essay,
a résumé, a film, an animated comic, or a Web site, look for
successful models and follow their design cues.
Consider How Details of Design Reflect Your Ethos As we have just suggested, almost every design element you use
in a paper or project sends signals about character and ethos.
You might resent the tediousness of placing page numbers in
the appropriate corner, aligning long quotations just so, and
putting footnotes in the right place, but these details prove that
you are paying attention. Gestures as simple as writing on
official stationery (if, for example, you are representing a club
or campus organization) or dressing up for an oral presentation
matter too: suddenly you seem more mature and competent.
Even the type fonts that you select for a document can mark you
as warm and inviting or as efficient and contemporary. The
warm and inviting fonts often belong to a family called serif.
The serifs are those little flourishes at the ends of the strokes
that make the fonts seem handcrafted and artful:
Cleaner, modern fonts go without those little flourishes and are
called sans serif. These fonts are cooler, simpler, and, some
argue, more readable on a computer screen (depending on
screen resolution):
Other typographic elements send messages as well. The size of
type can make a difference. If your text or headings are in
boldface and too large, you’ll seem to be shouting:
Tiny type, on the other hand, might make you seem evasive:
*Excludes the costs of enrollment and required meal purchases. Minimum contract: 12 months.
Finally, don’t ignore the signals you send through your choice
of illustrations and photographs themselves. Images
communicate your preferences, sensitivities, and inclusiveness
—sometimes inadvertently. Conference planners, for example,
are careful to create brochures that represent all participants,
and they make sure that the brochure photos don’t show only
women, only men, or only members of one racial or ethnic
In March 2017, journalist Tim Murphy asked, “Who’s missing from this photo of politicians deciding the future of women’s health?” Notice anyone other than white men here?
RESPOND● Choose a project or an essay you have written recently and read it
critically for how well visually it establishes your credibility and how
well it is designed. Ask a classmate or friend to look at it and
describe the ethos you convey through the item. Then go back to
the drawing board with a memo to yourself about how you might
use images or media to improve it.
Using Visual Images to Support Logos To celebrate the Fourth of July in 2017, ancestry.com, the online
company that helps people identify their ancestors through
DNA, aired a commercial called “Declaration Descendants.” A
still from one of the frames appears below.
In the commercial, people from a wide range of ethnicities
recite parts of the American Declaration of Independence. At
the conclusion, viewers learn that each of those readers is a
descendent of someone who signed the Declaration. As the CEO
of ancestry.com Vineet Mehra said about the advertisement,
“We’re all much more similar than you think. And we’re using
facts and data to prove it. This is not fluffy marketing. These are
facts.” Thus an online ancestry service uses images, facts, and
data to support its major claim.
As this example shows, we get information from visual images
of all kinds, including commercials we see on television and
online every day. Today, much information comes to us in
graphic presentations that use images along with words. Such
images work well to gather information efficiently and
persuasively. In fact, readers now expect evidence to be
presented graphically, and we are learning to read such graphic
representations more and more critically.
Organize Information Visually
Graphic presentation calls for design that enables readers and
viewers to look at an item and understand what it does. A
brilliant, much-copied example of such an intuitive design is a
seat adjuster invented many years ago by Mercedes-Benz (see
image). It’s shaped like a tiny seat. Push any element of the
control, and the real seat moves in that direction—back and
forth, up and down. No instructions are necessary.
Mercedes-Benz’s seat adjuster
Good visual design can work the same way in an argument by
conveying evidence, data, and other information without
elaborate instructions. Titles, headings, subheadings, enlarged
quotations, running heads, and boxes are some common visual
Use headings to guide your readers through your print or electronic document. For long and complex pieces, use subheadings as well, and make sure they are parallel. Use type font, size, and color to show related information among headings. Arrange headings or text on a page to enforce relationships among comparable items, ideas, or bits of evidence. Use a list or a box to set off material for emphasis or to
show that it differs from the rest of the presentation. You can also use shading, color, and typography for emphasis. Place your images and illustrations strategically. What you position front and center will appear more important than items in less conspicuous places. Images of comparable size will be treated as equally important.
Remember, too, that design principles evolve and change from
medium to medium. A printed text or presentation slide, for
example, ordinarily works best when its elements are easy to
read, simply organized, and surrounded by restful white space.
But some electronic texts thrive on visual clutter, packing a grab
bag of data into a limited space (see the “Infographic of
Infographics” below). Look closely, though, and you’ll probably
find the logic in these designs.
An infographic
Use Visuals to Convey Data Efficiently Words are capable of great precision and subtlety, but some
information is conveyed far more effectively by charts, graphs,
drawings, maps, or photos—as several items in Chapter 4
illustrate. When making an argument, especially to a large
group, consider what information might be more persuasive
and memorable in nonverbal form.
A pie chart is an effective way of comparing parts to the whole.
You might use a pie chart to illustrate the ethnic composition of
your school, the percentage of taxes paid by people at different
income levels, or the consumption of energy by different
nations. Pie charts depict such information memorably.
A graph is an efficient device for comparing items over time or
according to other variables. You could use a graph to trace the
rise and fall of test scores over several decades, to show college
enrollment by sex, race, and Hispanic origin, or to track bicycle
usage in the United States, as in the bar graph below.
Diagrams or drawings are useful for attracting attention to
details. Use drawings to illustrate complex physical processes or
designs of all sorts. After the 2001 attack on the World Trade
Center, for example, engineers prepared drawings and
diagrams to help citizens understand precisely what led to the
total collapse of the buildings.
A bar graph
You can use maps to illustrate location and spatial relationships
—something as simple as the distribution of office space in your
student union or as complex as poverty in the United States, as
in the map shown below. In fact, scholars in many fields now
use geographic information system (GIS) technology to merge
maps with databases in all fields to offer new kinds of
arguments about everything from traffic patterns and health
care trends to character movements in literary works. Plotting
data this way yields information far different from what might
be offered in words alone. You can find more about GIS
applications online.
A map
Timelines allow you to represent the passage of time
graphically, and online tools like Sutori or Our Story or Office
Timeline can help you create them for insertion into your
documents. Similarly, Web pages can make for valuable
illustrations. Programs like ShrinkTheWeb’s Snapito let you
create snapshots of Web sites that can then be inserted easily
into your writing. And when you want to combine a variety of
graphs, charts, and other texts into a single visual argument,
you might create an infographic using free software such as
Canva Infographic Maker, Google Charts, Easel.ly, Venngage,
or Pictochart.
Follow Professional Guidelines for Presenting Visuals Charts, graphs, tables, illustrations, timelines, snapshots of
Web sites, and video clips play such an important role in many
fields that professional groups have come up with guidelines for
labeling and formatting these items. You need to become
familiar with those conventions as you advance in a field. A
guide such as the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association, Sixth Edition, or the MLA Handbook,
Eighth Edition, describes these rules in detail. See also Chapter
15, “Presenting Arguments.”
Remember to Check for Copyrighted Material You also must be careful to respect copyright rules when using
visual items that were created by someone else. If you do
introduce any borrowed items into academic work, be careful to
document them fully. It’s relatively easy these days to download
visual texts of all kinds from the Web. Some of these items—
such as clip art or government documents—may be in the
public domain, meaning that you’re free to use them without
requesting permission or paying a royalty. But other visual texts
may require permission, especially if you intend to publish your
work or use the item commercially. Remember: anything you
place on a Web site is considered “published.” (See Chapter 21
for more on intellectual property and fair use.)
CHAPTER 15 Presenting Arguments
For some arguments you make in college, the format you’ve
used since middle school is still a sensible choice—a traditional
paper with double spacing, correct margins, MLA- or APA-style
notes, and so on. Printed texts like these offer a methodical way
to explain abstract ideas or to set down complicated chains of
reasoning. Even spruced up with images or presented online (to
enable color, media, and Web links), such conventional
arguments—whether presented as essays, newsletters, or
brochures—are cheap to create and easy to reproduce and
share. You will find examples of printed texts throughout this
book and especially in Part 4 on “Research and Arguments.”
But print isn’t your only medium for advancing arguments.
Increasingly, you’ll need to make a case orally, drawing on the
visual or multimedia strategies discussed in previous chapters.
Like Clint Smith, author of How to Raise a Black Son in
America, delivering a TED talk, you might need illustrations or
slides to back up a lecture; or, like Ambassador Nikki Haley,
speaking on North Korea at the United Nations, you may find
yourself engaged in serious discussions; or, maybe like college
sophomore Michael Bereket, you might receive an award for
original research presented orally. Knowing how to speak
eloquently to a point is a basic rhetorical skill.
In “Balancing Classroom Civility and Free Speech,” historian Catherine Nolan-Ferrell describes the heated political discussions that her students engage in, both in and out of the classroom.
LINK TO Nolan-Ferrell, “Balancing Classroom Civility and Free Speech,” in Chapter 27
Class and Public Discussions
No doubt you find yourself arguing all the time at school, maybe
over a piece of code with a classmate in a computer science
course, or perhaps with a teaching assistant whose
interpretation of economic trends you’re sure is flat wrong. Or
maybe you spoke up at a campus meeting against the
administration’s latest policy on “free speech zones”—or wish
you had. The fact is, lots of people are shy about joining class
discussions or public debates, even those that interest them:
indeed, the National Institute of Mental Health finds that
Americans dread public speaking more than almost anything
National Public Radio reporter Jorge Encinas sheds light on how Spanish-speaking baseball players are often depicted negatively in the press because of their lack of native English skills.
LINK TO Encinas, “How Latino Players Are Helping Major League Baseball Learn Spanish,” in Chapter 25
Even if you are a little shy about jumping into a discussion or
being part of a spirited debate, you can improve your
participation in such situations by observing both effective and
ineffective speakers. Watch how the participants who enliven a
discussion stay on topic, add new information or ideas, and pay
attention to all members of the group. Notice, too, that less
successful speakers often can’t stop talking, somehow make all
discussions about themselves, or just play the smart aleck when
they don’t know much about a topic. We know you can do better
than that!
You can start just by joining in on conversations whenever you
can. If speaking is a problem, take it slow at first—a comment or
two, something as simple as “That’s a really good idea!” or “I
wonder how accurate this data is?” The more that you hear your
own voice in discussions, the more comfortable you’ll be
offering your opinions in detail. Here are some more tips:
Do the required reading in a class so that you know what you’re talking about. That alone will give you a leg up in most groups. Listen carefully, purposefully, and respectfully, and jot
down important points. Speak briefly to the point under discussion so that your comments are relevant. Don’t do all the talking. Ask questions about issues that bother you: others probably have the same thoughts. Occasionally, summarize points that have already been made to make sure that everyone is “on the same page.” Keep the summary brief. Respond to questions or comments by others in specific rather than vague terms. Try to learn the names of people in a discussion, and then use them. When you’re already a player in a discussion, invite others to join in.
Speaking Up in Class Speaking up in class is viewed as inappropriate or even rude in some cultures. In North America, however, doing so is expected and encouraged. Some instructors even assign credit for such class participation.
Reconsidering Confrontation Be aware that while North Americans often like to get straight to the point, even if it means being confrontational, a number of cultures find such tactics aggressive, rude, and ineffective. East Asians, for example, generally prefer working behind the scenes to reach accord, if possible. Rather than employing direct confrontation with such an audience,
experts on cross-cultural communication suggest drawing attention to issues or concerns through the use of stories, analogies, or metaphors.
Preparing a Presentation You’ve probably already been asked to deliver a presentation in
one or more of your college classes. That’s partly because the
ability to explain material clearly to an audience is a skill much
admired by potential employers and partly because so much
information today is shared orally, online or off. Unfortunately,
instructors sometimes give little practical advice about how to
hone that talent, which is not a natural gift for most of us. While
it’s hard to generalize here, capable presenters attribute their
success to the following strategies and perceptions:
They make sure they know their subjects thoroughly. They pay attention to the values, ideas, and needs of their listeners. They use language, patterns, gestures, eye contact, and style to make their spoken arguments easy to follow. They realize that oral arguments are interactive. (Live audiences can argue back!) They appreciate that most oral presentations involve visuals, and they plan accordingly. (We’ll address multimedia presentations in the next chapter.) They practice, practice—and then practice some more.
We suggest a few additional moves for when you are specifically
required to make a formal argument or presentation in class (or
on the job): assess the rhetorical situation you face, nail down
the details of the presentation, fashion a script or plan, choose
media to fit your subject, and then deliver a good show.
Rob Greenfield pays careful attention to the different audiences of his blog post, “An Argument against Veganism … from a Vegan,” addressing the needs and values of both vegans and meat eaters.
LINK TO Greenfield, “An Argument against Veganism . . . from a Vegan,” in Chapter 24
Assess the Rhetorical Situation Whether asked to make a formal oral report in class, to speak to
the general public, or to join a panel discussion, ask yourself the
same questions about rhetorical choices that you face whenever
you make an argument.
Understanding Purpose Figure out the major purpose of the assignment or situation. Is
it to inform and enlighten your audience? To convince or
persuade them? To explore a concept or principle? To stimulate
discussion? To encourage a decision? Something else? Very
important in school, will you be speaking to share your
expertise or to prove that you have it (as you might in a class
Assessing the Audience
Determine who will be listening to your talk. Just an instructor
and classmates? Interested observers at a public meeting?
People who know more about the subject than you do—or less?
Or will you be a peer of the audience members—typically, a
classmate? What mix of age groups, of gender, of political and
religious affiliation, of rank, etc., will be in the group? What
expectations will listeners bring to the talk, and what opinions
are they likely to hold? Will this audience be invited to ask
questions after the event?
Deciding on Content What exactly is the topic for the presentation? What is its
general scope? Are you expected to make a narrow and specific
argument drawn from a research assignment? Are you expected
to argue facts, definitions, causes and effects? Will you be
offering an evaluation or perhaps a proposal? What degree of
detail is necessary, and how much evidence should you provide
for your claims?
Choosing Structure and Style Nancy Duarte, who consults with and coaches speakers, did an
extensive study of great presentations—hundreds and hundreds
of them. After analyzing their structures, she found that most of
the very successful presenters used a basic two-part structure,
beginning with describing the current problem or situation (the
status quo), and then moving to what the solution(s) might be,
going back and forth between the status quo and what could
and should be the case. She also found that successful speakers
embedded this structure in a story or stories and that they
concluded with a call to action. You might keep these findings
in mind, especially if your instructor does not specify a
particular structure or type of presentation. Or perhaps your
instructor will tell you that your talk should include an
introduction, background information, thesis, evidence,
refutation, discussion, conclusion. If so, look for other
presentations you have heard or public events you have
attended to look for models. What tone will your audience
expect? Serious? Friendly and colloquial? Perhaps even funny?
And finally, what are the standards by which your presentation
will be evaluated?
Here are students who are attending a House of Representatives session of the Mississippi State legislature and who look pretty darned bored: what might some of the speakers do to re-engage them?
Following are three excerpts from a detailed, three-page outline
that sophomore George Chidiac worked up to prepare for a
fifteen-minute oral presentation on Thomas More’s “Petition for
Free Speech” (1523)—an important document on the path to
establishing free speech as a natural right. Chidiac’s outline of
rhetorical issues and concerns prepped him well enough to
deliver the entire presentation without notes. His thesis is
highlighted, but also notice the question Chidiac asks at the very
end: So what? He recognizes an obligation to explain why his
report should matter to his audience.
Oral Presentation Outline
Requirements: 15 minutes; share what I’ve
learned in my research; help colleagues
appreciate the research I’ve done
Introduction: Introduce myself and my agenda;
define free speech: the right to express any
opinions without censorship or restraint
Set the stage: From history of free speech,
we are going to micro-focus: Renaissance >
16th-century England > April 18, 1523, in
the House of Commons
Present a dilemma: The king called all his
advisers and those able to enact legislation
to raise funds to go to war. You are the
intermediary between the main legislative
body and the king. You have three
obligations: one to truth, one to the king,
and one to the body you’re representing. The
king wants money, the legislative body
cannot object, and you want truth and the
best outcome to win out. How do you
reconcile this?
What’s my message? What’s the focal point of my
To provide a snapshot in time of the
evolution of free speech:
Thomas More, in his Petition for Free
Speech, incrementally advanced free speech
as a duty and a right.
Who made this happen? Who was involved?
Thomas More: (before he became Speaker →
Chancellor of England, friend of King Henry
VIII, theologian, poet, father)
Henry VIII
William Roper (minor role—son-in-law and
chief biographer)
Why was More’s Petition “successful”? Why did
Henry VIII accept the petition?
Henry VIII’s character as a humanist; spirit
of amicitia—friendship with counsel
Parliamentary expectations; relationship
between king and Parliament; by accepting
the petition, Henry acknowledged that while
not all parliamentary speech should be
permitted, not all speech critical of
monarchy is slanderous
What do I want my colleagues to take away from
Freedom of speech we have today wasn’t
always enjoyed.
Nail Down the Specific Details Big-picture rhetorical considerations are obviously important in
an oral presentation, but so are the details. Pay attention to
exactly how much time you have to prepare for an event, a
lecture, or a panel session, and how long the actual
presentation should be: never infringe on the time of other
speakers. Determine what visual aids, slides, or handouts might
make the presentation successful. Will you need a laptop and
“clicker” to move between slides, an overhead projector, a flip
chart, a whiteboard? Decide whether presentation software,
such as PowerPoint, Keynote, or Prezi, will help you make a
stronger presentation. Then figure out where to acquire the
equipment as well as the expertise to use it. If you run into
problems, especially with classroom presentations, ask your
instructor and fellow students for help. If possible, check out
where your presentation will take place. In a classroom with
fixed chairs? A lecture or assembly hall? An informal sitting
area? Will you have a lectern? Other equipment? Will you sit or
stand (research shows that standing makes for a stronger
performance)? Remain in one place or move around? What will
the lighting be, and can you adjust it? Take nothing for granted,
and if you plan to use media equipment, be ready with a backup
strategy if a projector bulb dies or a Web site won’t load.
Not infrequently, oral presentations are group efforts. When
that’s the case, plan and practice accordingly. The work should
be divvied up according to the strengths of the participants: you
will need to figure out who speaks when, who handles the
equipment, who takes the questions, and so on.
Fashion a Script Designed to Be Heard by an Audience Unless you are presenting a formal lecture (pretty rare in
college), most oral presentations are delivered from notes. But
even if you do deliver a live presentation from a printed text, be
sure to compose a script that is designed to be heard rather than
read. Such a text—whether in the form of note cards, an
overhead list, or a fully written-out paper—should feature a
strong introduction and conclusion, an unambiguous structure
with helpful transitions and signposts, concrete diction, and
straightforward syntax.
Strong Introductions and Conclusions Like readers, listeners remember beginnings and endings best.
Work hard, therefore, to make these elements of your spoken
argument memorable and personable. Consider including a
provocative or puzzling statement, opinion, or question; a
memorable anecdote; a powerful quotation; or a strong visual
image. If you can connect your report directly to the interests or
experiences of your listeners in the introduction or conclusion,
then do so.
Meet Juliana Chang, who provides a strong opening to her
research-based presentation. She opens her talk with a slide
announcing the title and occasion, then plunges into her topic
with a vivid second slide showing a photo of her mother holding
The title slide of Juliana’s presentation
Baby Juliana and her mother
This is a photo of my mother and me at our very first
home in America. My family immigrated to the U.S. when
I was six months old. My mother was 36. Even though she
spoke no English when she first arrived, she dedicated
the next two decades of her life to raising my brother and
me as Americans. Although Mandarin was my first
language growing up, by the time I got to high school, I
had forgotten almost everything. My mother and I could
still communicate, but it was on a basic level. I could tell
her what I wanted for dinner but not what I wanted to do
with my life. She could tell me how messy my room was
but not how devastated she felt after the 2016 election. I
had lost my language and in turn lost an invaluable part
of our relationship.
My name is Juliana Chang and today I’d like to talk with
you about Heritage Language Loss in Second Generation
East Asian Americans.
Speaking to a group of instructors and peers, Juliana begins
with a vivid photo and a personal anecdote that aims to pull the
audience into her talk and keep their attention. Note that she
uses straightforward vocabulary, simple syntax, and concrete
examples to lead up to her title and suggest her (at this point
implied) thesis: East Asian Americans should do everything
they can to hold onto their heritage language while also
becoming totally fluent in English.
Like Juliana, be sure that your introduction clearly explains
what your presentation will cover, what your focus will be, and
perhaps even how the presentation will be arranged. Give
listeners a mental map of where you are taking them. If you are
using presentation software, a bare-bones outline sometimes
makes sense, especially when the argument is a straightforward
Juliana ends her presentation with a treasured photo.
academic presentation: thesis + evidence.
The conclusion should drive home and reinforce your main
point. You can summarize the key arguments you have made
(again, a simple slide could do some of the work), but you don’t
want to end with just a rehash, especially when the presentation
is short. Instead, conclude by underscoring the implications of
your report: what do you want your audience to be thinking and
feeling at the end?
In her conclusion,
Juliana Chang says
she wants to “close
the way I opened,
with a story,” and
shows another
photo of her as an
infant, this time
with her beloved
grandmother in
She then recites a poem written for the occasion, called “This is
What Language Loss Looks Like,” part of which says
How could I have known what I was giving up? She holds
my hand and asks me a question I can no longer
understand. When I shake my head and offer her a blank
smile, she falters. Here is the part when I wish I knew
how to say I’m sorry. Remember the street with the Taro
and thick, thick rain? Remember how we got lost?
Remember how I talked all the way home?
The body of Juliana’s presentation was full of evidence drawn
from her extensive research—lots of logical proof in the form of
facts and figures—all of which contributes to and supports her
thesis. But for her opening and closing, she leans in on pathos
and emotional appeals, painting a picture of her young self with
her mother and grandmother—and what losing her first
language has meant. The contrast she paints with the words of
her conclusion, of her recently standing mute by her
grandmother’s side but of her “talking all the way home” as a
child tells us “what language loss looks like.”
Juliana’s presentation ends with her cited sources.
Clear Structures and Signposts For a spoken argument, you want your organizational structure
to be crystal clear. So make sure that you have a sharply
delineated beginning, middle, and end and share the structure
with listeners. You can do that by remembering to pause
between major points of your presentation and to offer
signposts marking your movement from one topic to the next.
They can be transitions as obvious as next, on the contrary, or
finally. Such words act as memory points in your spoken
argument and thus should be explicit and concrete: The second
crisis point in the breakup of the Soviet Union occurred hard on
the heels of the first, rather than just The breakup of the Soviet
Union led to another crisis. You can also keep listeners on track
by repeating key words and concepts and by using
unambiguous topic sentences to introduce each new idea.
These transitions can also be highlighted as you come to them
on a whiteboard or on presentation slides.
Straightforward Syntax and Concrete Diction Avoid long, complicated sentences in an oral presentation and
use straightforward syntax (subject-verb-object, for instance,
rather than an inversion of that order). Remember, too, that
listeners can grasp concrete verbs and nouns more easily than
they can mentally process a steady stream of abstractions.
When you need to deal with abstract ideas, illustrate them with
concrete examples.
Take a look at the following text that student Ben McCorkle
wrote about The Simpsons, first as he prepared it for an essay
and then as he adapted it for a live oral and multimedia
Print Version
The Simpson family has occasionally been described as a
nuclear family, which obviously has a double meaning:
first, the family consists of two parents and three
children, and, second, Homer works at a nuclear power
plant with very relaxed safety codes. The overused label
“dysfunctional,” when applied to the Simpsons, suddenly
takes on new meaning. Every episode seems to include a
scene in which son Bart is being choked by his father, the
baby is being neglected, or Homer is sitting in a drunken
stupor transfixed by the television screen. The comedy in
these scenes comes from the exaggeration of
commonplace household events (although some talk
shows and news programs would have us believe that
these exaggerations are not confined to the madcap
world of cartoons).
—Ben McCorkle, “The Simpsons: A Mirror of Society”
Oral Version (with a visual illustration)
What does it mean to describe the Simpsons as a nuclear
family? Clearly, a double meaning is at work. First, the
Simpsons fit the dictionary meaning—a family unit
consisting of two parents and some children. The second
meaning, however, packs more of a punch. You see,
Homer works at a nuclear power plant [pause here] with
very relaxed safety codes!
Still another overused family label describes the
Simpsons. Did everyone guess I was going to say
dysfunctional? And like nuclear, when it comes to the
Simpsons, dysfunctional takes on a whole new meaning.
Remember the scene when Bart is being choked by his
How about the many times the baby is being neglected?
Or the classic view—Homer sitting in a stupor transfixed
by the TV screen!
My point here is that the comedy in these scenes often
comes from double meanings—and from a lot of
exaggeration of everyday household events.
Homer Simpson in a typical pose
Note that the second version presents the same information as
the first, but this time it’s written to be heard. The revision uses
simpler syntax, so the argument is easy to listen to, and
employs signposts, repetition, a list, and italicized words to
prompt the speaker to give special emphasis where needed.
Take three or four paragraphs from an essay that you’ve recently
written. Then, following the guidelines in this chapter, rewrite the
passage to be heard by a live audience. Finally, make a list of every
change that you made.
The Power of Silence
Emma Gonzalez’s moment of silence at March of Our Lives made a powerful statement.
As you work on your delivery, consider the role that pauses, or
silences, may play in helping to get your point across. In her
oral presentation on language loss, Juliana Chang paused
dramatically during her conclusion, marking off the closing
questions with a pause before each one. These silent moments
held her audience’s attention and created anticipation for what
was coming next. During the March for Our Lives in the spring
of 2018, following the killing of seventeen Florida high school
students and staff members, high school senior Emma Gonzalez
stood before the huge rally in Washington, D.C., called out the
names of the seventeen who died, and then stood, in silence, for
the length of time it had taken the shooter to take those lives.
Broadcast on national television, it was a riveting, moving, and
silent call to action.
Repetition, Parallelism, and Climactic Order Whether they’re used alone or in combination, repetition,
parallelism, and climactic order are especially appropriate for
spoken arguments that sound a call to arms or that seek to
rouse the emotions of an audience. Perhaps no person in the
twentieth century used them more effectively than Martin
Luther King Jr., whose sermons and speeches helped to
spearhead the civil rights movement. Standing on the steps of
the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., on August 23, 1963,
with hundreds of thousands of marchers before him, King
called on the nation to make good on the “promissory note”
represented by the Emancipation Proclamation.
Look at the way that King uses repetition, parallelism, and
climactic order in the following paragraph to invoke a nation to
It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this
promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are
concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation,
America has given the Negro people a bad check which
has come back marked “insufficient funds.” But we
refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We
refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the
great vaults of opportunity of this nation. So we have
come to cash this check—a check that will give us upon
demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.
We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind
America of the fierce urgency of now. There is no time to
engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the
tranquillizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to rise
from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the
sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to open the
doors of opportunity to all of God’s children. Now is the
time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial
injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.
—Martin Luther King Jr., “I Have a Dream” (emphasis
The italicized words highlight the way that King uses repetition
to drum home his theme and a series of powerful verb phrases
(to rise, to open, to lift) to build to a strong climax. These
stylistic choices, together with the vivid image of the “bad
check,” help to make King’s speech powerful, persuasive—and
You don’t have to be as highly skilled and as eloquent as King to
take advantage of the power of repetition and parallelism.
Simply repeating a key word in your argument can impress it on
your audience (as Juliana Chang does at the end of her
presentation when she repeats “remember”), as can arranging
parts of sentences or items in a list in parallel order.
Choose Media to Fit Your Subject Visual materials—charts, graphs, posters, and presentation
slides—are major tools for conveying your message and
supporting your claims. People are so accustomed to visual (and
aural) texts that they genuinely expect to see them in most oral
presentations. And, in many cases, a picture, video, or graph
can truly be worth a thousand words. (For more about visual
argument, see Chapter 14.)
Successful Use of Visuals Be certain that any visuals that you use are large enough to be
seen by all members of your audience. If you use slides or
overhead projections, the information on each frame should be
simple, clear, and easy to process. For slides, use 24-point type
for major headings, 18 point for subheadings, and at least 14
point for other text. Remember, too, to limit the number of
words per slide. The same rules of clarity and simplicity hold
true for posters, flip charts, and whiteboards. (Note that if your
presentation is based on source materials—either text or images
—remember to include a slide that lists all those sources at the
end of the presentation.)
Use appropriate software to furnish an overview for a
presentation or lecture and to give visual information and
signposts to listeners. Audiences will be grateful to see the
people you are discussing, the key data points you are
addressing, the movement of your argument as it develops. But
if you’ve watched many oral presentations, you’re sure to have
seen some bad ones. Perhaps nothing is deadlier than a speaker
who stands up and just reads from each screen—and we’ve all
heard those jokes about “death by PowerPoint.” Do this and
you’ll just put people to sleep. Also remember not to turn your
back on your audience when you refer to these visuals. And if
you prepare supplementary materials (such as bibliographies or
other handouts), don’t distribute them until the audience
actually needs them, or wait until the end of the presentation so
that they don’t distract listeners from your spoken arguments.
(For advice on creating multimodal arguments, see Chapter 16.)
The best way to test the effectiveness of any images, slides, or
other visuals is to try them out on friends, family members,
classmates, or roommates. If they don’t get the meaning of the
visuals right away, revise and try again.
Accommodations for Everyone Remember that visuals and accompanying media tools can help
make your presentation accessible but that some members of
your audience may not be able to see your presentation or may
have trouble seeing or hearing them. Here are a few key rules to
Use words to describe projected images. Something as simple as “That’s Eleanor Roosevelt in 1944” can help audience members who have impaired vision appreciate what’s on a screen.
Use large print on slides so that people in the last row will be able to read it. Try to determine whether anyone in your audience will need some accommodation, such as an interpreter who can sign for people who are hearing impaired or who can describe visuals to anyone who can’t see them. If you use video, take the time to label sounds that might not be audible to audience members who are hearing impaired. (Be sure your equipment is caption capable and use the captions; they can be helpful to everyone when audio quality is poor.) For a lecture, consider providing a written handout that summarizes your argument or putting the text on an overhead projector—for those who learn better by reading and listening.
Deliver a Good Show When asked to identify the most important part of rhetoric, the
ancient Greek orator Demosthenes replied that there are three
most important parts: “Delivery, delivery, and delivery.” This
insight is as appropriate today as it was in the fourth century
BCE—perhaps even more so. Experienced speakers have
strategies for making sure they deliver a good show, starting
with very careful preparation and lots of practice. (They also
note that a little nervousness can be a good thing by keeping
you on your toes.)
The most effective strategy, however, seems to be simply
knowing your topic and material thoroughly. The more
confident you are in your own knowledge, the more easily and
naturally you will speak. And eloquence can be developed, and
practice can make perfect. In addition to being well prepared,
you may want to try some of the following strategies:
Practice a number of times, running through every part of the presentation. Leave nothing out, even audio or video clips. Work with the equipment you intend to use so that you are familiar with it. It also may help to visualize your presentation, imagining the scene in your mind as you go through your materials. Time your presentation to make sure you stay within your allotted slot. Tape yourself (video, if possible) at least once so that you can listen to your voice. Tone of voice and body language can dispose audiences for—or against—speakers. For most oral arguments, you want to develop a tone that conveys commitment to your position as well as respect for your audience. Think about how you’ll dress for your presentation, remembering that audience members notice how a speaker looks. Dressing for a presentation depends on what’s appropriate for your topic, audience, and setting, but experienced speakers choose clothes that are comfortable, allow easy movement, and aren’t overly casual or overly dressy: moderation is the key here. Looking your best indicates that you take pride in your appearance, have confidence in your argument, and respect your audience. Get some rest before the presentation, and avoid consuming too much caffeine.
Relax! Consider doing some deep-breathing exercises. Then pause just before you begin, concentrating on your opening lines. Maintain eye contact with members of your audience. Speak to them, not to your text or to the floor. Interact with the audience whenever possible; doing so will often help you relax and even have some fun. Most speakers make a stronger impression standing than sitting, so stand if you have that option. Moving around a bit may help you maintain good eye contact. Remember to allow time for audience responses and questions. Keep your answers brief so that others may join the conversation. Finally, at the very end of your presentation, thank the audience for its attention to your arguments.
A Note about Webcasts: Live Presentations over the Web This discussion of live oral presentations has assumed that
you’ll be speaking before an audience in the same room with
you. Increasingly, though—especially in business, industry, and
science—the presentations you make will be live, but you won’t
occupy the same physical space as the audience. Instead, you
might be in front of a camera that will capture your voice and
image and relay them via the Web to attendees who might be
anywhere in the world. In another type of Webcast, participants
can see only your slides or the software that you’re
demonstrating, using a screen-capture relay without cameras:
you’re not visible but still speaking live.
In either case, most of the strategies that work well for oral
presentations with an in-house audience will continue to serve
in Webcast environments. But there are some significant
Practice is even more important in Webcasts, since you need to be able to access online any slides, documents, video clips, names, dates, and sources that you provide during the Webcast. Because you can’t make eye contact with audience members, it’s important to remember to look into the camera (if you are using one), at least from time to time. If you’re using a stationary Webcam, perhaps one mounted on your computer, practice standing or sitting without moving out of the frame and yet without looking stiff. Even though your audience may not be visible to you, assume that if you’re on camera, the Web-based audience can see you. If you slouch, they’ll notice. Assume too that your microphone is always live. Don’t mutter under your breath, for example, when someone else is speaking or asking a question.
RESPOND● Attend a presentation on your campus, and observe the speaker’s
delivery. Note the strategies that the speaker uses to capture and
hold your attention (or not). What signpost language and other
guides to listening can you detect? How well are visuals integrated
into the presentation? What aspects of the speaker’s tone, dress,
eye contact, and movement affect your understanding and your
appreciation (or lack of it)? What’s most memorable about the
presentation, and why? Finally, write up an analysis of this
presentation’s effectiveness.
CHAPTER 16 Multimodal Arguments
The very first paragraph in this edition of Everything’s an
Argument features a tweet by actor and activist Alyssa Milano
focusing on sexual harassment and assault. And throughout this
book we draw on examples from a wide range of media and
genres, including online news sources, blog posts and
comments, cartoons, ads, maps, memes, posters, comics, video
games, infographics, bumper stickers, even a selfie—of the
pope, no less. In one way or another, all of these items illustrate
principles of persuasion. And while this book is also about more
conventional forms of argument—essays, extended articles, and
academic papers—the fact is that many arguments are now
shaped, distributed, and connected in ways that no one
imagined a generation ago. In fact, we know that many college-
age students today prefer visual communication and are on
their smartphones a great deal of the time: 82 percent of these
writers use Facebook (Twitter, at about 32 percent, seems to be
waning); Snapchat users view over 7 million videos every single
day; and savvy college-age entrepreneurs are vlogging, starting
their own YouTube channels—and making money in the
These social networks, and many others, have virtually
redefined the nature of influence and persuasion. The cascade
of information, the 24-hour news cycle, the incessant
connectivity of screens—all are now the new normal. More to
the point for the purposes of this book: all this online and
onscreen activity is deeply rhetorical in both its aims and its
methods. We want to spend a chapter exploring new media,
teasing out some connections between traditional modes of
persuasion and those currently reshaping our social and
political lives.
Old Media Transformed by New Media Civic arguments and opinions used to be delivered orally,
typically in speeches, debates, and dialogues and often at public
forums. Later, especially after the development of printing,
they arrived via paper, and then through other media such as
film and over-the-air broadcasting. Some of these traditional
channels of communication were actual physical objects
distributed one by one: books, journals, newspapers, fliers,
photographs. Other “old media” such as movies, TV news, or
radio shows were more like performances that could not be
distributed or shared readily, at least not until audio- and
videotape became cheap. Yet these media were all-powerful,
handy, and relatively inexpensive shapers of opinion: books
and serious magazines appealed to readers accustomed to
intellectual challenges; well-staffed newspapers provided
professional (if sometimes sensational) coverage of local and
world affairs; nightly, the three national TV networks reached
large and relatively undistracted audiences, establishing some
degree of cultural consensus.
At least that’s the romantic side of old media. We all recognize
today the remarkable limitations of paper books and journals or
celluloid film and print photographs. But we didn’t appreciate
quite how clumsy, hard to locate, hard to distribute, hard to
search, and hard to archive analog objects could be until they
went digital.
Fortunately, to one degree or another, electronic media have
made peace with all these genres and formats and “remediated”
them, to use a term coined by media scholars Jay Bolter and
Richard Grusin—though almost always with some
compromises. Books on e-readers have become like ancient
scrolls again, handy for sequential reading, but not so great for
moving back and forth or browsing. Magazine articles or
newspaper editorials (when not blocked by paywalls) can be
found instantly online (or in databases), complete with updates
and corrections, links that help establish their context, and,
usually, lots and lots of comments. The downside? Lots and lots
of inane, offensive, and bitter comments. And of course films
and music are now accessible everywhere. You can experience
Lawrence of Arabia—with its awesome horizons and desert
landscapes—on your iPhone while in line at McDonald’s.
When NBA star Kevin Durant decided to move from the Oklahoma Thunder to the Golden State Warriors in 2016, he published a brief personal essay titled “My Next Chapter” online and in print in the Players’ Tribune, hoping to reach the widest possible audience as he explained his decision.
The bigger point is that the serious, attentive, and carefully
researched arguments that represent the best of old media are
still in no danger of disappearing. Books, research articles, and
serious pieces of journalism are still being ground out—and
read attentively—in the new media world because they play an
essential role there. They provide the logos (see Chapter 4) for
innumerable Web sites, the full-bodied arguments, research
studies, and no-nonsense science propping up all those links in
tighter, punchier new media features. They give clout and
credibility to the quick blog post, the Facebook status, even the
trending Twitter hashtag.
Studies on reading continue to confirm that when the stakes are high— when you really need to comprehend something difficult—reading in print is still the way to go. As researchers note, reading print text tends to help us slow down and take in what we are reading, and it’s a snap to make notes, highlight, and use other techniques to reinforce our memories. Online readers are still very easily distracted (“oh, look at that irresistible link!”). Yet these same studies all acknowledge that readers are changing and adapting: perhaps in another decade we will be able to exercise more self-discipline and read as efficiently and effectively online as in print. But for now, if the information is very important to you, or if your grade depends on your thorough
understanding of an argument, you may be wise to stick to print.
New Content in New Media As you well know, new media represent a vast array of
interconnected, electronic platforms where ideas and
arguments (and a great deal else) can be introduced and shared.
In these environments, the content is almost anything that can
be delivered digitally—words, pictures, movement, and sounds.
Perhaps the first Web capability that writers and thinkers
appreciated was the distribution of traditional printed texts via
online databases; it made possible huge advances in speed,
accuracy, and efficiency. (Consider, for a moment, the
professional databases in every field and discipline that are
available through your school library.)
Online content quickly evolved once it became apparent that
just about anyone could create a Web site—and they did. Soon
valuable sites emerged, covering every imaginable topic, many
of them focusing on serious social and political concerns.
Today, such sites range from those that collect short items and
links to promote a topic or point of view (Instapundit, The Daily
Kos) to slick, full-featured magazines with original content and
extensive commentary (Salon, Jezebel). Social, political, and
cultural sites such as Slate, Drudge, and Politico have become
powerful shapers of opinion by showcasing a wide variety of
writers and arguments. Right from the beginning, blogs
demonstrated that interactive online sites could create virtual
communities and audiences, enabling people (sometimes
acting as citizen journalists) to find allies for their causes and
Enter social media and the wildly diverse worlds they now
represent. Consider the vast difference among platforms and
environments such as Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, Tumblr,
Instagram Stories, WhatsApp, Yelp, and Twitter. Reviews on
Yelp are by nature evaluative arguments, and many Facebook
postings have a persuasive bent, though they may not go much
beyond observations, claims, or complaints supported by links
or images. Indeed, the frameworks of these self-selected
environments encourage posting and, to varying degrees,
opinion making and sharing. And what gets posted in social
media? Everything allowed—especially stuff already available in
digital form on other online sites: cool pictures, funny people
and pets, outrageous videos, trendy performers, and, yes, lots of
links to serious talk about politics, culture, and social issues.
“Like” is easy; contributing is hard. (See Chapter 1 on the difference between convincing and persuading.)
Re-tweeting and forwarding is easy, but ensuring the accuracy
of what you are sending on is hard. You know that there are
trolls out there harassing, bullying, and pouring out
misinformation: it’s one of the responsibilities of a critical user
of media not only to acknowledge this fact but to actively work
to delegitimize such harmful and dishonest actions and to
support the truth.
Amanda Hess analyzes how the digital age has ushered in a loss of privacy—for all but the very wealthy.
LINK TO Hess, “How Privacy Became a Commodity for the Rich and Powerful,” in Chapter 26
New Audiences in New Media
When it comes to making arguments, perhaps the most
innovative aspect of new media is its ability to summon
audiences. Since ancient times (see p. 26), rhetoricians have
emphasized the need to frame arguments to influence people,
but new media and social networks now create places for
specific audiences to emerge and make the arguments
themselves, assembling them in bits and pieces, one comment
or supporting link at a time. Audiences gather around sites that
represent their perspectives on politics or mirror their social
conditions and interests.
Here’s what Twitter’s audience looked like when the government of Turkey tried to ban the service in 2014.
It seems natural. Democrats engage with different Web sites
than do Republicans or Libertarians; champions (and foes) of
immigration or gun rights have their favored places too. Within
social networks themselves, supporters of causes can join
existing activist communities or create new alliances among
people with compatible views. And then all those individuals
contribute to the never-ending newsfeeds: links, favorite books
and authors, preferred images or slogans, illustrative videos,
and so on. They stir the pot and generate still more energy,
concern, and emotion. All this talking and arguing can be
generative and exciting—or begin to sound like an echo
chamber. And today, this echo chamber effect seems
particularly pronounced, as lots of people don’t even want to
talk with someone who disagrees with their points of view and
instead band together in online niches—sometimes in secret
groups not visible to the public—where participants simply
reinforce each other’s biases. Doing so is not good for rhetorical
argumentation, which depends on listening carefully to others,
really hearing them, and then presenting alternate ideas in
clear, logical, and respectful ways. Rhetorical argumentation
and persuasion aren’t about shouting and screaming and
pushing, but about listening and reasoning and searching for
common ground that can help move ideas forward.
The ubiquitous hashtag is liable to turn up anywhere.
Still, social media platforms like Twitter allow writers and
speakers to reach enormous audiences. Celebrities and political
figures alike, for a wide variety of reasons, attract “followers”
cued into their 140- (or 280-) character musings (as of March
2018 President Trump’s main Twitter handle listed 48.8 million
followers; Pope Francis: 40 million; Taylor Swift: 85 million). In
some respects, “following” is simply a popularity contest or a
bandwagon (see Bandwagon Appeals in Chapter 5) that pulls
people in by the millions. And, as a 2018 New York Times
investigation found, some of those “followers” are actually fake
accounts, known as bots. But the number of followers can also
be a measure of ethos, the trust and connection people have in
the person offering a point of view (see Chapter 3). Sometimes
that ethos is largely just about media fame, narcissism, and self-
aggrandizement, one reason some pundits refer to President
Trump as the “Tweeter-in-Chief,” but in other cases it may
measure genuine influence that public figures have earned by
virtue of their serious ideas or opinions. Logos would seem to
have little chance of emerging in a platform like Twitter: can
you do much more than make a bare claim or two in the few
words and symbols allowed? That’s where hashtags (signaled by
the prefix #) come in, allowing people to identify a topic and
place around which an audience may gather. You’re probably
using hashtags to gather information and to post your own
messages. The swift rise of the #metoo hashtag (see Chapter 1,
Understanding Arguments and Reading Them Critically) shows
how Hollywood actors, directors, and writers used their ethos to
attract an even larger audience to the issue of sexual
harassment. At the end of 2016, Twitter announced the most
often used hashtags of that year: #Rio2016; #Election 2016;
#Pokemongo; #Oscars; #Brexit; #BlackLivesMatter. In all these
cases, the audience for these topics showed its power in the
sheer number of people weighing in on the topic, expressing
their sentiments succinctly, but also accumulating a sense of
direction, solidarity, and gravity—or engaging in attacks and
counterattacks. It’s also why political journalists or print
publications now routinely identify trending hashtags in their
reporting or even direct audiences to Twitter to track breaking
stories or social movements as they unfold there.
Do social media platforms help inform—or merely distract—us?
Analyzing Multimodal Arguments As the previous section suggests, a multimodal argument can be
complex. But you can figure it out by giving careful attention to
its key components: the creators and distributors; the medium
it uses; the viewers and readers it hopes to reach; its content
and purpose; its design. Following are some questions to ask
when you want to understand the rhetorical strategies in
arguments and interactions you encounter in social media or on
blogs, vlogs, Web sites, podcasts, or other nontraditional media.
It’s worth noting that the questions here don’t differ entirely
from those you might ask about books, journal articles, news
stories, or print ads when composing a rhetorical analysis (see
Chapter 6).
Questions about Creators and Distributors
Who is responsible for this multimodal text? Experts? Bots? Trolls? Did someone else distribute, repurpose, or retweet the item? What can you find out about these people and any other work they might have done? What does the creator’s attitude seem to be toward the content: serious, ironic, emotionally charged, satiric, comic? What is the attitude of the distributor, if different from the creator? What do the creator and the distributor expect the effects of
the text or posting to be? Do they share the same intentions? (Consider, for example, that someone might post an item in order to mock or criticize it.)
Questions about the Medium
Which media are used by this text? Images only? Words and images? Sound, video, animation, graphs, charts? Does the site or environment where the text appears suggest a metaphor: photo album, pin-up board, message board, chat room? In what ways is this text or its online environment interactive? Who can contribute to or comment on it? Where can an item be sent or redirected? How did it get to where you encountered it? How do various texts work together on the site? Do they make arguments? Accumulate evidence? Provide readers with examples and illustrations? What effect does the medium have on messages or items within it? How would a message, text, or item be altered if different media were used? Do claims or arguments play an explicit role in the medium? How are they presented, clarified, reinforced, connected, constrained, or commented upon?
Questions about Audience and Viewers
What are the likely audiences for the text or medium? How are people invited into the text or site? Who might avoid the experience?
Jess Kapadia’s Web article on cultural appropriation of food was first published on Medium.com, an online publishing platform. Had she chosen to create a video or podcast about this topic, how
How does the audience participate in the site or platform? Does the audience respond to content, create it, or something else? What audience interactions or connections occur there? Can participants interact with each other? How does the text or media site evoke or reward participation? Are audience members texted or emailed about events or interactions in the site?
Questions about Content and Purpose
What purpose does the multimodal text achieve? What is it designed to convey? What social, cultural, or political values does the text or site support? Cultural interaction? Power? Resistance? Freedom? Does the text, alone or in reaction to others, reinforce these values or question them? Does the text constitute an argument in itself or contribute to another claim in some way—as an illustration, example, exception, metaphor, analogy? What emotions does the multimodal site or text evoke? Are these the emotions that it intends to raise? How does it do it?
Questions about Design
might the content of her essay differed?
LINK TO Kapadia, “I Still Don’t Understand the Cultural Appropriation of Food,” in Chapter 24
How does the site present itself? What draws you to it? How easy is the environment to learn, use, or subscribe to? How is the multimodal text or environment structured? Does the structure enhance its purpose or functionality? If it presents data, is the information easy to understand? (See also Chapter 14, “Visual Rhetoric.”) How are arguments, concepts, or ideas presented or framed within the multimodal text or environment? How are ideas identified? How are these ideas amplified or connected to other supporting texts and ideas? What details are emphasized in the text or media environment? What details are omitted or de-emphasized? To what effect? Is anything downplayed, ambiguous, confusing, distracting, or obviously omitted? Why? What, if anything, is surprising about the design of the text or environment? What do you think is the purpose of that surprise? How are you directed to move within the text or site? Are you encouraged to read further? Click on links? Contribute links and information?
RESPOND● Using the discussion of multimodal arguments in this chapter and
the questions about multimodal texts and platforms above, find a
multimodal text that makes an intriguing argument or a social
media platform where you sometimes encounter debates about
political and social issues. Then read carefully and critically in order
to write a brief rhetorical analysis of the text or the site, focusing
more on the way the messages are conveyed than on the messages
that are in play. (See Chapter 6 for more on rhetorical analysis.)
This is the central image on the homepage of Wikipedia, a collaborative nonprofit encyclopedia project. Since its launch (as Nupedia) in 2000, Wikipedia has grown to include 42 million articles in 295 languages (5.5 million articles in English), all of them authored by volunteers around the world. This central image acts as a logo, a portal to access the site’s content, and, in a way, a mission statement for the organization. How does your eye construct this logo? What do you notice first, and how do your eyes move around the page? Do the parts make sense when you put them together?
Making Multimodal Arguments Though it may feel like you have been active in new media
platforms forever—browsing Web sites, checking Facebook,
sending text messages, following “Texas Humor” on Twitter—
you may not have thought of these activities as rhetorical. But
they certainly can be, especially those that might have
classroom or extracurricular connections. Here we discuss just
a few such situations. In other chapters in this section, we talk
in more detail about visual rhetoric (often a component in new
media) and oral presentations, which now almost always have a
digital component.
Web Sites It’s likely you have already created Web sites for a class or for
an organization to which you belong. In planning any Web site,
pay careful attention to your rhetorical situation (see Chapter 1)
—the purpose of your site, its intended audience, and the
overall impression that you want to make. To get started, you
may want to study several sites that you admire, looking for
effective design ideas or ways of organizing navigation and
information. Creating a map or storyboard for your site will
help you to think through the links from page to page.
Experienced Web designers such as Robin Williams cite several
important principles for Web-based presentations. The first of
these is contrast, which is achieved through the use of color,
icons, boldface, and so on; contrast helps guide readers through
the site (see also Chapter 14). The second principle, proximity,
calls on you to keep together the parts of a page that are closely
related, again for ease of reading. Repetition means using a
consistent design throughout the site for the elements (such as
headings and links) that help readers move smoothly through
the environment. Finally, designers concentrate on an overall
impression or mood for the site, which means that the colors
and visuals on the pages should help to create that impression
rather than challenge or undermine it.
The homepage for Vermont’s Middlebury College Web site
appears below. Designed by White Whale Web Services, it
features a line of colorful vertical bars: when you hover the
mouse over a bar, you can see where it will take you—to “faculty
stories,” for example, or “service learning in Japan,” or
“homecoming highlights”—an intuitive and efficient navigation
system. The page also highlights a photo you can click on to see
various stories about current events and programs at the
college. And below the bars and photo are key links: to
admissions, academics, student life, and so forth. Finally, note
the simple, uncluttered, clean design, which is easy on the eyes
and welcoming.
The articles by Lauren Salm and Deanna Hartley on employers’ use of social media are featured on the job searching site Careerbuilder, making it easy for them to reach their intended audience.
LINK TO Salm, “70% of Employers Are Snooping Candidates’ Social Media Profiles,” and Hartley, “Creative Ways to Get Noticed by Employers on Social Media,” in Chapter 26
An interactive and appealing design encourages users to explore a Web site.
Here are some additional tips that may help you design your
The homepage should be informative, eye-catching, and inviting (see Chapter 14)—especially when making an argument. Use titles and illustrations to make clear what the site is about. Think carefully about two parts of every page—the navigation menus or links and the content areas. You want to make these two areas distinct from one another. And
make sure you have a navigation area for every page, including links to the key sections of the site and to the homepage. Easy navigation is one key to a successful Web site. Either choose a design template that is provided by Web- building tools (such as SquareSpace or Wix) or create a template of your own that ensures that the elements of each page are consistent. Consider how to balance claims and evidence on a page. Claims might be connected to supporting links, or they can be enhanced by images or videos that dramatize a position you want to champion. Remember to include Web contact information on every page, but not your personal address or phone number.
Videos and Video Essays Given the ease with which competent digital films can be
produced, a video may be the best medium for delivering your
message. Videos are ubiquitous, for example, on college and
university sites, showcasing distinguished students and faculty
or explaining programs. It is an effective way to enhance the
ethos of a group or institution. Videos can also document public
events or show how to do practical things such as registering to
vote or navigating an unfamiliar campus. So whenever a video
fits well with the purpose of the message, consider creating
You can, of course, shoot a video with your smartphone. But
more sophisticated software might be needed to edit your film
A video essay analyzing a Beatles’ album cover
and get it ready for prime time: iMovie, Final Cut Pro, Movie
Maker, Blender (for animation), or Animoto, Camtasia, and
Soundslides (for combining media such as digital video, photos,
music, and text).
The Nerdwriter, aka Evan Puschak, is very well known for his
remarkable video essays, including one tracing the evolution of
music album covers. Entitled How the Beatles Changed Album
Covers, it includes several images from what Puschak calls “the
holy grail of album covers”—Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts
Club Band—and discusses its power. After surveying the
evolution of Beatles album covers, the essay focuses on how this
particular cover invites viewers to ask questions, to try to figure
out who all these people are, and to highlight the mixing of high
culture (Marx, Dylan Thomas) with low (Marilyn Monroe,
Johnny Weissmueller [Tarzan]), something the Beatles
perfected in their own art. For the full video essay, see
If you decide on a video or video essay for your argument, these
tips may be of help:
Present most of the evidence in support of your argument visually, using voiceover to link the images together. Choose color palettes carefully to match the tone you want to create. Make a scratch outline or storyboard to map out your video essay. Draft a script for words that are spoken or used as voiceover. Experiment with camera angles and camera movement— and get feedback from your classmates or friends. List credits at the end, just as you would add a bibliography to a written text or a list of sources to a final slide in an oral presentation.
Wikis To make working on group projects easier, many classes use
wikis—Web-based sites that enable writers to collaborate in the
creation of a single project or database. The most famous group
effort of this kind is, of course, Wikipedia, but software such as
DokuWiki, MediaWiki, or Tiki helps people to manage similar,
if less ambitious, efforts of their own, whether it be exploring
questions raised in academic courses or examining and
supporting needs within a community. Wiki projects can be
argumentative in themselves, or they might furnish raw data
and evidence for subsequent projects.
If asked to participate in a wiki, make sure you know how to use
the assigned software and follow course or project guidelines
for entering and documenting the material you contribute. Just
as you will expect your colleagues to use reliable sources or
make accurate observations, they will depend on you to do your
part in shaping the project. Within the wiki, participants will be
able to draw upon each other’s strengths and, ideally, to
compensate for any weaknesses. So take your responsibilities
Make sure that your contributions are based on reliable and credible sources: no fake news here, please! Listen to (or read) what others contribute very carefully, making sure you understand them and that you are being fair and respectful at all times, especially when editing what others have contributed. Think about how your contributions can move the project forward: suggest links, references, and sources you think will be helpful and credible. Remember to explain any technical terms that might be unfamiliar or confusing to a broad audience.
Blogs Perhaps no Web texts have been more instrumental in
advancing political, social, and cultural issues than blogs, which
are now too numerous to count. Blogs open an ideal space for
building interactive communities, engaging in arguments, and
giving voice to views and opinions of ordinary citizens. Today,
just about all major news media, including the most prestigious
newspapers and journals, feature the functionality of blogs or
sponsor blogs themselves as part of their electronic versions.
Like everything else, blogs have downsides: they are
idiosyncratic, can be self-indulgent and egoistic, and can distort
issues by spreading misinformation very quickly. If you’re a fan
of blogs, be sure to keep your critical reading hat on at all times,
remembering that information on blogs hasn’t been critically
reviewed in the way that traditional print sources edit their
stories. But also remember that blogs have reported many
instances of the mainstream news sources failing to live up to
their own standards.
Activist blogs of all kinds get plenty of attention, and you can
easily join in on the conversation there, sharing your arguments
in the comments section. If you do blog yourself, or comment
on others’ postings, remember to follow commonsense good
manners: be respectful and think carefully about what you are
saying and about the impression you want to leave with those
who read you. The following tips may be of help as you get
Aim for an eye-catching title for your blog post, one that includes key words that will help readers find you. And
keep the title brief. In an article on Hubspot, writer Corey Wainwright gives an example of a blog post in its original and revised state:
Before: Think Social Media Is Just for Kids? Here Are
10 Statistics Guaranteed to Prove You Wrong
After: 10 Stats That Prove Social Media Isn’t Just for
Choose easy-to-use blogging software, such as Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress. Keep your posts fairly brief and to the point since most readers come to blogs looking for information, not long- winded musings. Keep the point you want to make (your argument!) in the front of your mind as you write. Consider using headings and subheadings or other elements to help orient and guide your readers. Embed audio and video clips and visual images that will help make your point clear and compelling for all kinds of learners.
Social Media You are no doubt already a practiced user of social media and
understand the strengths and weaknesses, the pros and cons, of
platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr,
and more. Many arguments mounted on social media today
come in the form of memes, a term coined by evolutionary
biologist Richard Dawkins. Once thought of as a source of jokes
and cute cats (Nyan cat was around forever!), memes can offer
serious commentary via an image and short text. With a Twitter
account and a hashtag, they seem to circle the globe in an
instant. According to journalists Angela Watercutter and Emma
Grey Ellis, memes today are used to declare and argue for
political positions, cultural identities, and so on:
The success of memes like the alt-right’s Pepe the Frog . .
. points to political memes’ probable future function:
spreading propaganda. . . . That space between truth and
truthiness is where both memes and propaganda live. (If
you’re thinking that you’d never share propaganda,
remember this: thanks to Russia, you probably already
—“The Wired Guide to Memes,” April 1, 2018
Creating and responding to memes, not to mention the
networks that distribute them, takes up a lot of metaphorical
and literal space and time. As a result, many people benefit
from “unplugging” every once in a while to make sure they are
still in touch with real people in the real world. But everyone
needs to be especially aware of how these networks influence
our views on everything from what to eat to where (or if) to
worship to who to vote for. That’s because the Internet is
pulsing with arguments being presented to us twenty-four
hours a day, yet many of these arguments have nothing more
than an uninformed opinion to back them up. So take a break
from the social media scene and think carefully and critically
about how the arguments we encounter online are supported—
or not. Think about how these arguments draw us in and shape
our thinking, even our beliefs. And make sure you are a critical
as well as an ethical user of social media and that the causes you
follow or champion are worthy of you.
And remember that in with the trash and the junk on social
media, you can find serious and credible information,
information you may well use in your academic work. Social
media can lead you, for instance, to experts across a range of
fields, who can help you gather reliable information on almost
any topic or in any field. So social media provide powerful tools
for expanding your knowledge base and your experience, if you
approach information on such networks very carefully.
Posters Perhaps you’ve been asked to make a poster presentation in one
of your classes, or maybe you have created a poster for an
organization you belong to. Poster sessions are increasingly
popular at conferences, and a number of universities award
prizes for the best and most informative poster presentations.
Above, you can see an award-winning poster made for a public
policy class. It was created by Anna Shickele and demonstrates
how much useful information can be conveyed in this format.
Note the simple, uncluttered arrangement of this poster, from
the title that runs in a banner across the top; to the three text
columns that provide background information, state the
research question, and describe methods; to the maps and
photographs, including the photo of the author at the research
A well-designed poster presentation can pack an awful lot of information into a limited space.
If you are making a poster, remember this example that is easy
to look at and to take in at a glance. In addition:
Do some brainstorming about how best to grab and hold your audience’s attention: A central photo? A jaw-dropping question in bold font? Try these ideas out on classmates or friends. Make sure you understand the requirements for the poster:
Is it to be of a certain size? Using certain materials? How will it be displayed? Lay out your poster either in a word processing document or with pencil and paper. Allot the most space to the most important information and do not crowd text or images. Choose colors that will be easy to see: dark colors with text in them won’t be readable, for example, so choose white or light colors as background for text and primary colors for images. Finally, if you will be speaking to people who are looking at your poster, write out and practice a brief introduction to the project, telling viewers what your assignment was and what argument you are making in the poster. And be prepared to answer questions! (See Chapter 15 for more on giving presentations.)
Comics Judging by the immense popularity of Comic Cons (in 2017,
scores of them were scheduled from Seattle, Portland, San
Francisco, and Los Angeles to all points east—Minneapolis, Salt
Lake City, Santa Fe, Austin, Dallas, Nashville, Durham, Atlanta,
Baltimore, and New York—and lots of spots in between), comics
are experiencing a renaissance. Besides appearing in print,
comics have found new life on television, on the big screen,
even on the Broadway stage. Comics artist and speaker Lynda
Barry believes that there is an artist lurking in every single one
of us, as her standing-room-only workshops attest. On college
campuses, comics are also finding a place in the curriculum: at
Stanford University, for instance, the Graphic Novel Project is a
twenty-week course in which undergraduate students do
research in order to propose real-life stories that might be told
in graphic form. The goal of the course is to “teach nonfiction
research, visual storytelling, and long-form narrative structure .
. . through the collaborative production of a graphic novel.”
Students direct every part of the project, from choosing the
topic to conducting all of the research, and carrying out the
storyboarding and drawing, the lettering and inking, and the
full preparation of the text for the printer. In 2017, the student
group published their seventh collaborative graphic novel,
Luisa, about early twentieth-century Puerto Rican feminist and
labor organizer Luisa Capetillo, known for her toughness, her
perseverance—and her wearing of suits and ties.
Here’s the cover of the comic and its first page. Note the simple,
clean design and bright colors of the cover, which draws our
eyes to the central figure of Luisa (in one of her signature white
suits) standing in front of Spanish-style buildings, with
mountains in the background. The lower right box announces
the authorship of the book. The panels on the first page are
likewise simple: two page-wide rectangles stacked one above
the other, with a smaller rectangle and a square at the bottom of
the page. The words in a small banner at the top left (where a
reader would first look) set the scene: Havana, Cuba, 1914. We
see Luisa walking toward a building in the top panel, passing by
a horse and vegetable/fruit cart in the second, and then
approaching two officers of some kind in the third and fourth
panels. These four panels plunge us into the story and invite us
to read further. These artists and writers could have written a
research essay about Luisa Capetillo, but their decision to
render her story in graphic form makes for a much more
memorable presentation.
Luisa is a major research project, one that took a whole group
twenty weeks to put together. But you don’t have to take a full
course to use comics in your academic writing. Henry Tsai did
just that in a history research project he conducted about a
group of Vietnamese Americans who were triply displaced—
first from their homeland after the Vietnam War, then from
their arrival cities in the U.S. to New Orleans, and then from
there to Houston during the Hurricane Katrina disaster. Based
on extensive interviews with a dozen people, Tsai used their
stories to illustrate his history project, drawing panels that
brought them and their experiences to life. You can do the same
kind of thing in your own academic writing.
If you do, a few tips may come in handy in getting started.
Choose the topic of your comic or panels carefully, making sure it lends itself to visual depiction. The more action- filled and concrete the better. Decide what layout you will use: square panels, rectangular, triangular? Simpler will be better, especially for an early attempt. Pay attention to where the space between panels (the gutters) will be: they guide readers and give them a visual pause as they move from panel to panel. Remember that English speakers will expect to read these panels left to right, top to bottom. Check out free software for creating comics (such as EasyComic for PCs or ComicLife for Macs). Remember that comics panels could help you illustrate a research essay, such as one focusing on the events of Hurricane Harvey: in this case a picture you draw might be worth more than a thousand words. Don’t forget to check out comics that you find particularly compelling: put your critical reading and viewing skills to work in analyzing what makes the panels in these comics so effective. See if you can learn how to emulate them. Create a series of actions you want to include—a verbal script for your panel(s). Rough out a storyboard, turning words into pictures—stick figures at this point will be fine. Put in the speech bubbles and work to make them succinct
and to the point. For a final product, you’ll have to carry out many additional steps, including the final drawing, lettering, and inking. But the steps in this list can help you get started.
A Final Note on Time The projects illustrated in this chapter—from blog posts and
Web sites to presentation posters and comics—are all time-
consuming endeavors. Keep this in mind when you take on a
multimodal project and manage your time and effort and
resources accordingly.
RESPOND● Go to a blog or a video essay that you admire and read/view it
carefully and critically, taking note of what makes it especially
effective and what appeals it uses to engage you. Then answer the
following questions:
Why is the blog—a digital presentation—or the video essay the
best way to present this material?
What advantages over a print text or a live oral and multimodal
presentation does the blog or video essay have?
How could you “translate” the argument(s) of this blog or video
essay into print format, oral format, or social media platform?
What might be gained or lost in the process?
CHAPTER 17 Academic Arguments
Much of the writing you will do in college (and some of what
you will no doubt do later in your professional work) is
generally referred to as academic discourse or academic
argument. Although this kind of writing has many distinctive
features, in general it shares these characteristics:
It is based on research and uses evidence that can be documented. It is written for a professional, academic, or school audience likely to know something about its topic. It makes a clear and compelling point in a fairly formal, clear, and sometimes technical style. It follows agreed-upon conventions of format, usage, and punctuation. It is documented, using some professional citation style.
Academic writing is serious work, the kind you are expected to
do whenever you are assigned an essay, research paper, or
capstone project. You will find two examples of such work at
the end of this chapter.
Understanding What Academic Argument Is Academic argument covers a wide range of writing, but its
hallmarks are an appeal to reason and a reliance on research.
As a consequence, such arguments cannot be composed
quickly, casually, or off the top of one’s head. They require
careful reading, accurate reporting, and a conscientious
commitment to truth. But academic pieces do not tune out all
appeals to ethos or emotion: today, we know that these
arguments often convey power and authority through their
impressive lists of sources and their immediacy. But an
academic argument crumbles if its facts are skewed or its
content proves to be unreliable.
Look, for example, how systematically Susannah Fox and Lee
Rainie, director and codirector of the Pew Internet Project,
present facts and evidence in arguing (in 2014) that the Internet
has been, overall, a big plus for society and individuals alike.
[Today,] 87% of American adults now use the Internet,
with near-saturation usage among those living in
households earning $75,000 or more (99%), young adults
ages 18–29 (97%), and those with college degrees (97%).
Fully 68% of adults connect to the Internet with mobile
devices like smartphones or tablet computers.
The adoption of related technologies has also been
extraordinary: Over the course of Pew Research Center
polling, adult ownership of cell phones has risen from
53% in our first survey in 2000 to 90% now. Ownership of
smartphones has grown from 35% when we first asked in
2011 to 58% now.
Impact: Asked for their overall judgment about the
impact of the Internet, toting up all the pluses and
minuses of connected life, the public’s verdict is
overwhelmingly positive: 90% of Internet users say the
Internet has been a good thing for them personally and
only 6% say it has been a bad thing, while 3% volunteer
that it has been some of both. 76% of Internet users say
the Internet has been a good thing for society, while 15%
say it has been a bad thing and 8% say it has been equally
good and bad.
—Susannah Fox and Lee Rainie, “The Web at 25 in the
Note, too, that these writers draw their material from research
and polls conducted by the Pew Research Center, a well-known
and respected organization. Chances are you immediately
recognize that this paragraph is an example of a research-based
academic argument.
You can also identify academic argument by the way it
addresses its audiences. Some academic writing is clearly aimed
at specialists in a field who are familiar with both the subject
and the terminology that surrounds it. As a result, the
researchers make few concessions to general readers unlikely
to encounter or appreciate their work. You see that single-
mindedness in this abstract of an article about migraine
headaches in a scientific journal: it quickly becomes unreadable
to nonspecialists.
Migraine is a complex, disabling disorder of the brain
that manifests itself as attacks of often severe, throbbing
head pain with sensory sensitivity to light, sound and
head movement. There is a clear familial tendency to
migraine, which has been well defined in a rare
autosomal dominant form of familial hemiplegic
migraine (FHM). FHM mutations so far identified include
those in CACNA1A (P/Q voltage-gated Ca(2+) channel),
ATP1A2 (N(+)-K(+)-ATPase) and SCN1A (Na(+) channel)
genes. Physiological studies in humans and studies of the
experimental correlate—cortical spreading depression
(CSD)—provide understanding of aura, and have explored
in recent years the effect of migraine preventives in CSD.
. . .
—Peter J. Goadsby, “Recent Advances in Understanding
Migraine Mechanisms, Molecules, and Therapeutics,”
Trends in Molecular Medicine (January 2007)
“Playing with Prejudice: The Prevalence and Consequences of Racial Prejudice in Video Games” meets the criteria described here for academic argument. It begins with an abstract that summarizes the research performed and its findings.
LINK TO Burgess et al., “Playing with Prejudice,” in Chapter 23
Yet this very article might later provide data for a more
accessible argument in a magazine such as Scientific American,
which addresses a broader (though no less serious) readership.
Here’s a selection from an article on migraine headaches from
that more widely read journal (see also the infographic below):
At the moment, only a few drugs can prevent migraine.
All of them were developed for other diseases, including
hypertension, depression and epilepsy. Because they are
not specific to migraine, it will come as no surprise that
they work in only 50 percent of patients—and, in them,
only 50 percent of the time—and induce a range of side
effects, some potentially serious.
Recent research on the mechanism of these
antihypertensive, antiepileptic and antidepressant drugs
has demonstrated that one of their effects is to inhibit
cortical spreading depression. The drugs’ ability to
prevent migraine with and without aura therefore
supports the school of thought that cortical spreading
depression contributes to both kinds of attacks. Using
this observation as a starting point, investigators have
come up with novel drugs that specifically inhibit cortical
spreading depression. Those drugs are now being tested
in migraine sufferers with and without aura. They work
by preventing gap junctions, a form of ion channel, from
opening, thereby halting the flow of calcium between
brain cells.
—David W. Dodick and J. Jay Gargus, “Why Migraines
Strike,” Scientific American (August 2008)
Such writing still requires attention, but it delivers important
and comprehensible information to any reader seriously
interested in the subject and the latest research on it.
Infographic: The Root of Migraine Pain
Even when academic writing is less technical and demanding,
its style will retain a degree of formality. In academic
arguments, the focus is on the subject or topic rather than the
authors, the tone is straightforward, the language is largely
unadorned, and all the i’s are dotted and t’s crossed. Here’s an
abstract for an academic paper written by a scholar of
communications on the Burning Man phenomenon,
demonstrating those qualities:
Every August for more than a decade, thousands of
information technologists and other knowledge workers
have trekked out into a barren stretch of alkali desert and
built a temporary city devoted to art, technology, and
communal living: Burning Man. Drawing on extensive
archival research, participant observation, and
interviews, this paper explores the ways that Burning
Man’s bohemian ethos supports new forms of production
emerging in Silicon Valley and especially at Google. It
shows how elements of the Burning Man world—
including the building of a socio-technical commons,
participation in project-based artistic labor, and the
fusion of social and professional interaction—help shape
and legitimate the collaborative manufacturing
processes driving the growth of Google and other firms.
The paper thus develops the notion that Burning Man
serves as a key cultural infrastructure for the Bay Area’s
new media industries.
—Fred Turner, “Burning Man at Google: A Cultural
Infrastructure for New Media Production”
You might imagine a different and far livelier way to tell a story
about the annual Burning Man gathering in Nevada, but this
piece respects the conventions of its academic field.
A scene from Burning Man
Another way you likely identify academic writing—especially in
term papers or research projects—is by the way it draws upon
sources and builds arguments from research done by experts
and reported in journal articles and books. Using an
evenhanded tone and dealing with all points of view fairly, such
writing brings together multiple voices and intriguing ideas.
You can see these moves in just one paragraph from a heavily
documented student essay examining the comedy of Chris
The breadth of passionate debate that [Chris] Rock’s
comedy elicits from intellectuals is evidence enough that
he is advancing discussion of the foibles of black
America, but Rock continually insists that he has no
political aims: “Really, really at the end of the day, the
only important thing is being funny. I don’t go out of my
way to be political” (qtd. in Bogosian 58). His
unwillingness to view himself as a black leader triggers
Justin Driver to say, “[Rock] wants to be caustic and he
wants to be loved” (32). Even supporters wistfully sigh,
“One wishes Rock would own up to the fact that he’s a
damned astute social critic” (Kamp 7).
—Jack Chung, “The Burden of Laughter: Chris Rock
Fights Ignorance His Way”
Readers can quickly tell that author Jack Chung has read widely
and thought carefully about how to support his argument.
As you can see even from these brief examples, academic
arguments cover a broad range of topics and appear in a variety
of media—as a brief note in a journal like Nature, for example, a
poster session at a conference on linguistics, a short paper in
Physical Review Letters, a full research report in microbiology,
or an undergraduate honors thesis in history. What do all these
projects have in common? One professor we know defines
academic argument as “carefully structured research,” and that
seems to us to be a pretty good definition.
Conventions in Academic Argument Are Not Static Far from it. In fact, the rise of new technologies and the role
that blogs, wikis, social media, and other digital discourses play
in all our lives are affecting academic writing as well. Thus,
scholars today are pushing the envelope of traditional academic
writing in some fields. Physicians, for example, are using
narrative (rather than charts) more often in medicine to
communicate effectively with other medical personnel.
Professional journals now sometimes feature serious scholarly
work in new formats—such as comics (as in legal scholar Jamie
Boyle’s work on intellectual property, or Nick Sousanis’s
Columbia University PhD dissertation, which is entirely in
comic form). And student writers are increasingly producing
serious academic arguments using a wide variety of modalities,
including sound, still and moving images, and more. Obviously,
the “research paper” need not be a paper at all: most academic
research these days is available online—though, because of pay
walls, not everyone can access it.
Developing an Academic Argument In your first years of college, the academic arguments you make
will probably include the features and qualities we’ve discussed
above—and which you see demonstrated in the sample
academic arguments at the end of this chapter. In addition, you
can make a strong academic argument by following some time-
tested techniques.
Choose a topic you want to explore in depth Even if you are assigned a topic, look for an issue that intrigues
you—one you want to learn more about. One of the hardest
parts of producing an academic argument is finding a topic
narrow enough to be manageable in the time you have to work
on it but also rich enough to sustain your interest over the same
period. Talk with friends about possible topics and explain to
them why you’d like to pursue research on this issue. Look
through your Twitter feeds and social media postings to identify
themes or topics that leap out as compelling. Browse through
books and articles that interest you, make a list of potential
subjects, and then zero in on one or two top choices.
Get to know the conversation surrounding your topic Once you’ve chosen a topic, expect to do even more reading and
browsing—a lot more. Familiarize yourself with what’s been
said about your subject and especially with the controversies
that currently surround it. Where do scholars agree, and where
do they disagree? What key issues seem to be at stake? You can
start by exploring online, using key terms that are associated
with your topic. But you may be better off searching the more
specialized databases at your library with the assistance of a
librarian who can help you narrow your search and make it
more efficient. Library databases will also give you access to
materials not available via Google or other online search
engines—including, for example, full-text versions of journal
articles. For much more on identifying appropriate sources, see
Chapter 18, “Finding Evidence.”
Assess what you know and what you need to know As you read about your topic and discuss it with others, take
notes on what you have learned, including what you already
know about it. Such notes should soon reveal where the gaps
are in your knowledge. For instance, you may discover a need
to learn about legal issues and thus end up doing research in a
law school library. Or perhaps talking with experts about your
topic might be helpful. Instructors on your campus may have
the knowledge you need or be able to point you in the right
direction, so explore your school’s Web site to find faculty or
staff to talk with. Make an appointment to visit them during
office hours and bring the sorts of questions to your meeting
that show you’ve done basic work on the subject. And
remember that experts are now only a click away: a student we
know, working on Internet privacy concerns, wrote a brief
message to one of the top scholars in the field asking for help
with two particular questions—and got a response within two
Come up with a claim about your topic The chapters in Part 2, “Writing Arguments,” offer instruction
in formulating thesis statements, which most academic
arguments must have. Chapters 8–12, in particular, explain how
to craft claims tailored to individual projects ranging from
arguments of fact to proposals. Remember here, though, that
good claims are controversial. After all, you don’t want to
debate something that everyone already agrees upon or accepts.
In addition, your claim needs to say something consequential
about that important or controversial topic and be supported
with strong evidence and good reasons (see Chapter 20). Here,
for example, is the claim that student Charlotte Geaghan-
Breiner makes after observing the alienation of today’s children
from the natural world and arguing for the redesign of
schoolyards that invite children to interact with nature: “As a
formative geography of childhood, the schoolyard serves as the
perfect place to address nature deficit disorder.” Charlotte
develops her claim and supports it with evidence about the
physical, psychological, academic, and social benefits of
interacting with the natural world. She includes images
illustrating the contrast between traditional schoolyards and
“biophilic” (nature-oriented) schoolyards and establishes
guidelines for creating natural play landscapes. (See Charlotte’s
complete essay, reprinted at the end of this chapter.)
Consider your rhetorical stance and purpose Once you have a claim, ask yourself where you stand with
respect to your topic and how you want to represent yourself to
those reading your argument:
You may take the stance of a reporter: you review what has been said about the topic; analyze and evaluate contributions to the conversation surrounding it; synthesize the most important strands of that conversation; and finally draw conclusions based on them. You may see yourself primarily as a critic: you intend to point out the problems and mistakes associated with some view of your topic. You may prefer the role of an advocate: you present research that strongly supports a particular view on your topic.
Whatever your perspective, remember that in academic
arguments you want to come across as fair and evenhanded,
especially when you play the advocate. For instance, in her
essay about the effects of the phrase “thank you for your
service” (or TYFYS) on veterans, sociology doctoral student
Sidra Montgomery takes care to consider the feelings of both
the civilians expressing gratitude and the veterans who receive
it (see Montgomery, “The Emotion Work of ‘Thank You for Your
Service’” in Chapter 17. Your stance, of course, will always be
closely tied to your purpose, which in most of your college
writing will be at least twofold: to do the best job in fulfilling an
assignment for a course and to support the claim you are
making to the fullest extent possible. Luckily, these two
purposes work well together.
Think about your audience(s) Here again, you will often find that you have at least two
audiences—and maybe more. First, you will be writing to your
instructor, so pay close attention to the assignment and, if
possible, set up a conference to nail down your teacher’s
expectations: what will it take to convince this audience that
you have done a terrific job of writing an academic argument?
Beyond your instructor, you should also think of your
classmates as an audience—informed, intelligent peers who will
be interested in what you have to say. Again, what do you know
about these readers, and what will they expect from your
Finally, consider yet another important audience—people who
are already discussing your topic. These will include the authors
whose work you have read and the larger academic community
of which they are now a part. If your work appears online or in
some other medium, you will reach more people than you
initially expect, and most if not all of them will be unknown to
you. As a result, you need to think carefully about the various
ways your argument could be read—or misread—and plan
Concentrate on the material you are gathering Any academic argument is only as good as the evidence it
presents to support its claims. Give each major piece of
evidence (say, a lengthy article that addresses your subject
directly) careful scrutiny:
Summarize its main points. Analyze how those points are pertinent. Evaluate the quality of the supporting evidence. Synthesize the results of your analysis and evaluation. Summarize what you think about the article.
In other words, test each piece of evidence and then decide
which to keep—and which to throw out. But do not gather only
materials that favor your take on the topic. You want, instead, to
look at all legitimate perspectives on your claim, and in doing
so, you may even change your mind. That’s what good research
for an academic argument can do: remember the
“conscientious commitment to truth” we mentioned earlier?
Keep yourself open to discovery and change. (See Chapter 19,
“Evaluating Sources,” and Chapter 20, “Using Sources.”)
Give visual materials and other media the same scrutiny you
would to print sources, since you will likely be gathering or
creating such materials in many academic disciplines.
Remember that representing data visually always involves
interpreting that material: numbers can lie and pictures distort.
(For more information on evaluating and creating visuals, see
Chapter 14.) In addition, infographics today often make
complex academic arguments in a visual form. (See p. 179 for
one such example.)
Take special care with documentation As you gather materials for your academic argument, record
where you found each source so that you can cite it accurately.
For all sources, whether print or digital, develop a working
bibliography either on your computer or in a notebook you can
carry with you. For each book, write the name of the author, the
title of the book, the city of publication, the publisher, the date
of publication, and the place that you found it (the section of the
library, for example, and the call number for the book). For an
e-book, note the format (Nook, Kindle, etc.) or the URL where
you accessed it. For each newspaper, magazine, or journal
article, write the name of the author, the title of the article, the
title of the periodical, and the volume, issue, publication date,
and exact page numbers. If you accessed the article online,
include the name of the Web site or database where you found
the source, the full URL, the date it was published on the Web
or most recently updated, and the date you accessed and
examined it. Include any other information you may later need
in preparing a works cited list or references list. The simplest
way to ensure that you have this information is to print a copy
of the source, highlight source information, and write down any
other pertinent information.
Remember, too, that different academic fields use different
systems of documentation, so if your instructor has not
recommended a style of documentation to you, ask in class
about it. Scholars have developed these systems over long
periods of time to make research in an area reliable and
routine. Using documentation responsibly shows that you
understand and respect the conventions of your field or major,
thereby establishing your position as a member of the academic
community. (For more detailed information, see Chapter 22,
“Documenting Sources.”)
Think about organization As you review the research materials you have gathered, you
are actually beginning the work of drafting and designing your
project. Study the way those materials are organized, especially
any from professional journals, whether print or digital. You
may need to include in your own argument some of the sections
or features you find in professional research:
Does the article open with an abstract, summarizing its content? Does the article give any information about the author or authors and their credentials? Is there a formal introduction to the subject or a clear statement of a thesis or hypothesis? Does the article begin with a “review of literature,” summarizing recent research on its topic? Does the piece describe its methods of research? How does the article report its results and findings? Does the article use charts and graphs or other visuals to report data?
Does the piece use headings and subheadings? How does the work summarize its findings or how does it make recommendations? Does the essay offer a list of works cited or references?
Anticipate some variance in the way materials are presented
from one academic field to another.
As you organize your own project, check with your instructor to
see if there is a recommended pattern for you to follow. If not,
create a scratch outline or storyboard to describe how your
essay will proceed. In reviewing your evidence, decide which
pieces support specific points in the argument. Then try to
position your strongest pieces of evidence in key places—near
the beginning of paragraphs, at the end of the introduction, or
toward a powerful conclusion. In addition, strive to achieve a
balance between, on the one hand, your own words and
argument and, on the other hand, the sources that you use or
quote in support of the argument. The sources of evidence are
important supports, but they shouldn’t overpower the structure
of your argument itself. Finally, remember that your
organization needs to take into account the placement of visuals
—charts, tables, photographs, and so on. (For specific advice on
structuring arguments, review the “Thinking about
Organization” sections in the “Guides to Writing” for Chapters
Consider style and tone Most academic argument adopts the voice of a reasonable, fair-
Safe Spaces, Brave Spaces by John Palfrey exemplifies a clear and direct academic style. Even though the author makes a complex argument, addressing a broad and difficult set of issues, his writing remains straightforward and readable.
LINK TO Palfrey, “Safe Spaces, Brave Spaces,” in Chapter 27
minded, and careful thinker who is interested in coming as
close to the truth about a topic as possible. An essay that
achieves that tone may have some of the following features:
It strives for clarity and directness, though it may use jargon appropriate to a particular field. It favors denotative rather than connotative language. It is usually impersonal, using first person (I) sparingly. In some fields, such as the sciences, it may use the passive voice routinely. It uses technical language, symbols, and abbreviations for efficiency. It avoids colloquialisms, slang, and sometimes even contractions.
The examples at the end of this chapter demonstrate traditional
academic style, though there is, as always, a range of
possibilities in its manner of expression.
Consider genre, design, and visuals
Most college academic arguments look more like articles in
professional journals than like those one might find in a
glossier periodical like Scientific American—that is, they are
still usually black on white, use a traditional font size and type
(like 11-point Times New Roman), and lack any conscious
design other than inserted tables or figures. But such
conventions are changing.
Indeed, student writers today can go well beyond print, creating
digital documents that integrate a variety of media and array
data in strikingly original ways. But always consider what
genres best suit your topic, purpose, and audience and then act
accordingly. As you think about the design possibilities for your
academic argument, you may want to consult your instructor—
and to test your ideas and innovations on friends or classmates.
In choosing visuals to include in your argument, be sure each
one makes a strong contribution to your message and is
appropriate and fair to your topic and your audience. Treat
visuals as you would any other sources and integrate them into
your text. Like quotations, paraphrases, and summaries, visuals
need to be introduced and commented on in some way. In
addition, label and number (“Figure 1,” “Table 2,” and so on)
each visual, provide a caption that includes source information
and describes the visual, and cite the source in your references
page or works cited list. Even if you create a visual (such as a
bar graph) by using information from a source (the results, say,
of a Gallup poll), you must cite the source of the data. If you use
a photograph you took yourself, cite it as a personal
This bar chart, based on data from a Sandler Training survey of 1,053 adults, would be listed in your works cited or references under the authors’ names.
Reflect on your draft and get responses As with any important piece of writing, an academic argument
calls for careful reflection on your draft. You may want to do a
“reverse outline” to test whether a reader can pull a logical and
consistent pattern out of the paragraphs or sections you have
written. In addition, you can also judge the effectiveness of your
overall argument, assessing what each paragraph contributes
and what may be missing. Turning a critical eye to your own
work at the draft stage can save much grief in the long run. Be
sure to get some response from classmates and friends too:
come up with a set of questions to ask them about your draft
and push them for honest responses. Find out what in your
draft is confusing or unclear to others, what needs further
evidence, what feels unconvincing, and so on.
Edit and proofread your text Proofread an academic argument at least three times. First
review it for ideas, making sure that all your main points and
supporting evidence make sense and fit nicely together. Give
special attention to transitions and paragraph structure and the
way you have arranged information, positioned headings, and
captioned graphic items. Make sure the big picture is in focus.
Then read the text word by word to check spelling, punctuation,
quotation marks, apostrophes, abbreviations—in short, all the
details that can go wrong simply because of a slip in attention.
To keep their focus at this level, some readers will even read an
entire text backwards. Notice too where your computer’s
spelling and grammar checkers may be underlining particular
words and phrases. Don’t ignore these clear signals (and don’t
rely solely on them to spot errors, since such automated tools
are not perfectly accurate).
Finally, check that every source mentioned in the academic
argument appears in the works cited or references list and that
every citation is correct. This is also the time to make any final
touchups to your overall design. Remember that how the
document looks is part of what establishes its credibility.
1. Look closely at the following five passages, each of which is from an opening of a published work, and decide which ones provide examples of academic argument. How would you describe each one, and what are its key features? Which is the most formal and academic? Which is the least? How might you revise them to make them more—or less—academic?
During the Old Stone Age, between thirty-seven thousand
and eleven thousand years ago, some of the most
remarkable art ever conceived was etched or painted on
the walls of caves in southern France and northern Spain.
After a visit to Lascaux, in the Dordogne, which was
discovered in 1940, Picasso reportedly said to his guide,
“They’ve invented everything.” What those first artists
invented was a language of signs for which there will never
be a Rosetta stone; perspective, a technique that was not
rediscovered until the Athenian Golden Age; and a bestiary
of such vitality and finesse that, by the flicker of torchlight,
the animals seem to surge from the walls, and move
across them like figures in a magic-lantern show (in that
sense, the artists invented animation). They also thought
up the grease lamp—a lump of fat, with a plant wick,
placed in a hollow stone—to light their workplace;
scaffolds to reach high places; the principles of stenciling
and Pointillism; powdered colors, brushes, and stumping
cloths; and, more to the point of Picasso’s insight, the very
concept of an image. A true artist reimagines that concept
with every blank canvas—but not from a void.
—Judith Thurman, “First Impressions,” New Yorker
I stepped over the curb and into the street to hitchhike. At
the age of ten I’d put some pretty serious mileage on my
thumb. And I knew how it was done. Hold your thumb up,
not down by your hip as though you didn’t much give a
damn whether you got a ride or not. Always hitch at a
place where a driver could pull out of traffic and give you
time to get in without risking somebody tailgating him.
—Harry Crews, “On Hitchhiking,” Harper’s
Coral reef ecosystems are essential marine environments
around the world. Host to thousands (and perhaps
millions) of diverse organisms, they are also vital to the
economic well-being of an estimated 0.5 billion people, or
8% of the world’s population who live on tropical coasts
(Hoegh-Guldberg 1999). Income from tourism and fishing
industries, for instance, is essential to the economic
prosperity of many countries, and the various plant and
animal species present in reef ecosystems are sources for
different natural products and medicines. The degradation
of coral reefs can therefore have a devastating impact on
coastal populations, and it is estimated that between 50%
and 70% of all reefs around the world are currently
threatened (Hoegh-Guldberg). Anthropogenic influences
are cited as the major cause of this degradation, including
sewage, sedimentation, direct trampling of reefs, over-
fishing of herbivorous fish, and even global warming
(Umezawa et al. 2002; Jones et al. 2001; Smith et al. 2001).
—Elizabeth Derse, “Identifying the Sources of Nitrogen to
Hanalei Bay, Kauai, Utilizing the Nitrogen Isotope
Signature of Macroalgae,” Stanford Undergraduate
Research Journal
While there’s a good deal known about invertebrate
neurobiology, these facts alone haven’t settled questions
of their sentience. On the one hand, invertebrates lack a
cortex, amygdala, as well as many of the other major brain
structures routinely implicated in human emotion. And
unsurprisingly, their nervous systems are quite minimalist
compared to ours: we have roughly a hundred thousand
bee brains worth of neurons in our heads. On the other
hand, some invertebrates, including insects, do possess
the rudiments of our stress response system. So the
question is still on the table: do they experience emotion
in a way that we would recognize, or just react to the
world with a set of glorified reflexes?
—Jason Castro, “Do Bees Have Feelings?” Scientific
Bambi’s mother, shot. Nemo’s mother, eaten by a
barracuda. Lilo’s mother, killed in a car crash. Koda’s
mother in Brother Bear, speared. Po’s mother in Kung Fu
Panda 2, done in by a power-crazed peacock. Ariel’s
mother in the third Little Mermaid, crushed by a pirate
ship. Human baby’s mother in Ice Age, chased by a saber-
toothed tiger over a waterfall. . . . The mothers in these
movies are either gone or useless. And the father figures?
To die for!
—Sarah Boxer, “Why Are All the Cartoon Mothers Dead?”
2. Working with another student in your class, find examples from two or three different fields of academic arguments that strike you as being well written and effective. If possible, examine at least one from an online academic database so you can see what features periodical articles tend to offer. Then spend time looking at them closely. Do they exemplify the key features of academic arguments discussed in this chapter? What other features do they use? How are they organized? What kind of tone do the writers use? What use do they make of visuals? Draw up a brief report on your findings (a list will do), and bring it to class for discussion.
3. Read the following paragraphs about one writer’s experience with anorexia, taken from a recent memoir, and then list changes that the writer might make to convert them into an argument for an academic journal, considering everything from tone and style to paragraphing and format.
It began when I was at the start of my sophomore year in
college, sleeping on my lofted bed and rising before dawn.
Initially I was not focused on losing weight; I simply
became . . . obsessed with asceticism and determined to
get by on less. I mused on the phonetic similarity between
“ascetic” and “aesthetic,” believing that through self-
denial I could achieve a sort of delicate beauty. Even
words like “svelte” and “petite” began to assume, in my
mind, a positive valence. Soon I would begin to think of
anorexia in this way as well, conjuring a snow-white
princess who glided along in a winter fairyland, leaving no
Although I never stopped eating three meals a day, I
severely restricted my diet and the range of foods I would
eat. As the number of calories I consumed decreased with
each passing week, food assumed more and more a
central role in my life. I drove myself to extremes of hunger
so that during class I’d be fantasizing about a green apple
in my backpack, counting down the minutes until the
lecture would end and I would savor that first juicy bite.
—Ilana Kurshan, If All the Seas Were Ink: A Memoir
4. Choose two pieces of your college writing, and examine them closely. Are they examples of strong academic writing? How do they use the key features that this chapter identifies as characteristic of academic arguments? How do they use and document sources? What kind of tone do you establish in each? After studying the examples in this chapter, what might you change about these pieces of writing, and why?
5. Go to a blog that you follow, or check out one on the Huffington Post or Ricochet. Spend some time reading the articles or postings on the blog, and look for ones that you think are the
best written and the most interesting. What features or characteristics of academic argument do they use, and which ones do they avoid?
Two Sample Academic Arguments
The Emotion Work of “Thank You for Your Service”
In the post-9/11 era, “thank you for your service” (TYFYS) has
become the new mantra of public support bestowed upon the
veteran community. In the early 2000s, as the wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq began escalating, “Support Our Troops”
car magnets increasingly appeared on the trunks of cars across
America. After well over 15 years of war, public gratitude is now
most commonly expressed in small interactions between
veterans and the public they’ve served—with strangers saying
TYFYS or offering to pay for a coffee or meal. If you ask any
recent servicemember or veteran how they feel when someone
says TYFYS, you’ll probably hear them express a strong opinion
about the phrase. While some view it positively and enjoy these
interactions, most find it awkward, uncomfortable or irritating.
The message of support and gratitude that well-meaning
Americans are attempting to express is often lost in translation
with veterans.
A collection of op-ed pieces have addressed why
servicemembers find TYFYS to be a point of disconnection
rather than connection. James Kelly, an active-duty Marine,
says that he hears the phrase so often it has become an “empty
platitude,” something people say only because it is “politically
correct.” Matt Richtel, a New York Times reporter, highlights
how veterans feel the phrase can be self-serving; civilians get to
pat themselves on the back because they are doing something
for veterans, alleviating any sense of guilt in the era of an all-
volunteer service. Another common complaint is that TYFYS
doesn’t start the conversation between veterans and civilians—it
stunts it—leaving veterans feeling more isolated and less
connected to the America they served. Veterans commonly
remark that civilians don’t even know what they are saying
“thank you” for. Elizabeth Samet, a professor at West Point,
argues that we’ve come to the other “unthinking extreme” with
TYFYS as an attempt for atonement after the poor treatment of
Vietnam veterans.
While many have tried to explain why veterans find TYFYS to be
lacking, few have examined how these interactions affect
veterans. Having interviewed servicemembers and veterans for
the past 3 years in my professional life, and being a military
spouse for the past 5 years, I have always been intrigued by how
veterans handle these moments and interactions. I watch the
discomfort when strangers approach my interview subjects or
friends and say TYFYS—it becomes an awkward stumble for the
veteran to find a way to muster their appreciation for a gesture
that doesn’t necessarily square with its intent.
EMOTION WORK As I analyzed the data I collected for my dissertation, a total of
39 interviews with wounded, injured, and ill post–9/11 veterans,
I realized these interactions require veterans to engage in
emotion work, a sociological concept defined by Arlie
Hochschild. Emotion work is defined by Hochschild as “trying
to change, in degree or quality, an emotion or feeling”
(1979:561). It is an active attempt to shape and direct one’s
feelings to match the appropriate emotions for a given
situation. For example, when someone thanks you for
something you’ve done, you’re supposed to feel good, right?
Gratitude should give you that warm, fuzzy feeling inside. This
is called “feeling rules”; it’s how we know what we should be
feeling in any given moment. . . .
For veterans who genuinely appreciate and enjoy hearing
TYFYS and other acts of gratitude, there is no “work” necessary
because their feelings are appropriate given the situation. For
Alex, a wounded Marine veteran, TYFYS makes him feel as
though he is “seen” and that his service is validated:
I like it. I really like it when people acknowledge my
service. I’m not out there trying to get someone to do it, but
when someone takes time out of their day to shake my
hand and say, “Thank you for your service.” It’s like, “Wow.
You know this country—it was worth it. You know it’s—
proud of your service to the country”. . . That’s something
Alex’s emotions are in line with what we expect to feel when
someone says thank you and acknowledges something that we
have done. He doesn’t have to control or wrangle his emotions
because they already align with the socially prescribed “feeling
rules” and expectations.
My dissertation data suggests that 15 to 20% of veterans share
Alex’s feelings; they enjoy and appreciate when people thank
them for their service or demonstrate their gratitude through
other acts and gestures. Personally and anecdotally, I’ve found
about the same split: 10–20% find TYFYS gratifying and
associate it with positive feelings, and 80–90% of
servicemembers and veterans feel uncomfortable or upset
about the phrase.
For the majority of wounded veterans I interviewed, who don’t
have positive associations with TYFYS, these interactions
necessitate emotion work. As they go about their day-to-day life,
they are thrust into situations where they must acknowledge
and negotiate the gratitude of total strangers through their own
emotional response: emotions that do not match their true
feelings in the situation. Luis, a young Marine Corps veteran
with visible injuries, describes how he wrestles with having to
do emotion work in these interactions:
When people say thank you for your service, thank you for
what you did . . . it’s kind of lost its shock value or
something. I’ve heard it so much that I’m embarrassed that
I can’t give them . . . like that first time when someone said
thank you for your service . . . I feel like I don’t give them
enough sincerity, I feel bad . . . I feel embarrassed for
myself because I can’t do that, you know? . . . I just hear it
sooooo much.
Luis wants to give others a genuine emotional reaction each
time they thank him for his service, but he feels he can’t
because of the overwhelming number of times this happens to
him. From this quote it’s clear he is blaming himself for even
having to perform emotion work in the first place. Connor, an
Army veteran with invisible injuries, discusses how he handles
I give the standard, thanks, appreciate it or happy to do it.
Or I don’t get into it. Even if I know it’s totally fake I’m like,
yeah, appreciate it. And I’ll give just a fake answer. As fake
as I got [from them], that’s how much I’ll give back . . . It’ll
be like . . . “oh, thanks” with the plastic smile. You know
what I mean?
Connor attempts to mirror the level of sincerity in the
interaction, aligning his own response with it. His comment
about how he puts on a “plastic smile” describes how he
engages in surface acting: a way to present the necessary
emotion to others even though his own feelings haven’t
Another common strategy for veterans, especially wounded
veterans who are frequently thanked for their service, is the use
of predetermined responses. Having a rolodex of appropriate
responses minimizes impromptu emotion work. Jackson, a
Marine Corps veteran who has visible injuries, says that hearing
TYFYS “just gets old” because he hears it so much. When I
asked him how he usually responds, he said:
[I will say] “. . . no, thank you.” Another one is like some
people [say] “thank you guys for what you do . . . you guys
made coming home so much easier and so much more
worth it.” So make them feel just as adequate in a way.
Jackson reveals the set of responses that he (and others)
normally give. These prepackaged responses increase the
efficiency of Jackson’s emotion work by creating sentiments
that acknowledge and reciprocate the gratitude—an intentional
move on Jackson’s part.
Several years after her Marine Corps service, Susan, an invisibly
injured veteran, has gained a new perspective on the TYFYS
issue. She is now able to see it from another point of view:
You get to finally a point—I finally went, you know, these
people are very sincere, and you’ve got to let them just say
the thing. Because they generally want to thank you. And
this is so not your experience. You don’t have to have it
with them. And then it became okay going, you know what,
they’re really caring, lovely people most of the time . . .
Susan describes taking away her own investment in these
interactions as a way to distance herself from constantly
engaging in emotion work whenever someone says “thank you.”
She understands the moment to be more about the other person
than herself. She also describes her engagement with deep
acting: working to change the way she truly feels about these
interactions; trying to bring her own emotions in line with
what’s expected.
THE CUMULATIVE EFFECT FOR VISIBLY INJURED VETERANS For current servicemembers, veterans, and invisibly injured
veterans, these moments of invited gratitude from strangers
happen occasionally or in concentrated environments where
they know they may be thanked or approached. For visibly
injured veterans, these interactions happen every day. Visibly
injured veterans are disproportionately burdened with doing
the emotional work surrounding public gratitude because their
status as wounded veterans can’t be hidden or “taken off” like a
uniform. And their visible injury only amplifies feelings of
gratitude among the public, causing them to experience more
of these moments and interactions.
Thomas, an Army veteran with visible injuries, describes:
[Civilians] . . . they just all want to do the right things. And I
mean, to that person they have one chance to make a
difference to one person. But if it’s you, they’re the 100th
person today to say “thank you for your service.”
The cumulative effect of these interactions wears on Thomas
and other visibly injured veterans:
And what if everybody did that to me? Like, everywhere I
went, what if every single person thought they were doing
me a favor and said “thank you for your service.” I would
spend my whole life giving to other people. I could literally
go every five feet and just be doling out good feelings to
everybody. And I’m sorry, I’m an emotional bank account,
we’re all just emotional bank accounts.
Thomas’s comments clearly reveal how visibly injured veterans
can quickly become exhausted from the emotion work of
receiving TYFYS and other gestures of gratitude. What seems
like a small interaction in the moment is continually repeated
for wounded veterans like Thomas.
The treatment of U.S. veterans has significantly changed over
time, from the prosperous return of World War II veterans to
the protests and mistreatment of Vietnam veterans to the new
era of the all-volunteer force. It is important that as a nation, we
engage in a constant reflection process of how we treat our
veterans, from the largest of government programs to the
smallest interpersonal interactions. The well-meaning intent
behind TYFYS isn’t always received by post–9/11 veterans in the
same way.
“well, what should we be doing?” This is both a prudent and
complicated question, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer.
We all have our own personal preferences of what is
meaningful to us based on our personality, life experiences, and
our thoughts. I’m not here to say that I have the answer, but I
have a couple suggestions based on my work with veterans:
1. Judge whether the military member or veteran seems open to conversation with a stranger. You know how you can tell whether the person next to you on a plane wants to talk or wants to be left alone? The same should go for your interactions with veterans, servicemembers, and wounded veterans. Do they appear willing to engage with others (i.e., making eye contact or already engaging in a friendly conversation with you), or do they look like they just want to grab their coffee and go about their day? If the latter—let them go about their day and reflect privately on your gratitude for their willingness to lay their life on the line for our freedom.
2. If you want to show your support for veterans, find a local organization that helps veterans in your community. Do
your research, find out what organizations are doing to serve veterans and improve their lives. Give your financial support or your time (through volunteering).
3. Go beyond “thank you for your service.” Ask them why they served, ask them when and where they served, ask them what they most enjoyed about their service. Dig deeper; cultivate gratitude for their service by learning more about it.
Sidra Montgomery received her PhD in sociology in 2017 from the University of Maryland–College Park. Her work focuses specifically on the military and veterans. The piece appeared on March 21, 2017, on the Veterans Scholars Web site.
CHAPTER 18 Finding Evidence
In making and supporting claims for academic arguments,
writers use all kinds of evidence: data from journal articles;
scholarly books; historical records from archives; blogs, wikis,
social media sites, and other digital sources; personal
observations and fieldwork; surveys; and even DNA. But such
evidence doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Instead, the quality of
evidence—how and when it was collected, by whom, and for
what purposes—may become part of the argument itself.
Evidence may be persuasive in one time and place but not in
another; it may convince one kind of audience but not another;
it may work with one type of argument but not with the kind
you are writing. The point is that finding “good” evidence for a
research project is rarely a simple matter.
Considering the Rhetorical Situation To be most persuasive, evidence should match the time and
place in which you make your argument—that is to say, your
rhetorical situation. For example, arguing that government
officials in the twenty-first century should use the same policies
to deal with economic troubles that were employed in the
middle of the twentieth might not be convincing on its own.
After all, almost every aspect of the world economy has
changed in the past fifty years. In the same way, a writer may
achieve excellent results by citing a detailed survey of local
teenagers as evidence for education reform in her small rural
hometown, but she may have less success using the same
evidence to argue for similar reforms in a large urban
College writers also need to consider the fields that they’re
working in. In disciplines such as experimental psychology or
economics, quantitative data—the sort that can be observed,
collected and counted—may be the best evidence. In many
historical, literary, or philosophical studies, however, the same
kind of data may be less appropriate or persuasive, or even
impossible to come by. As you become more familiar with a
discipline, you’ll gain a sense of what it takes to support a claim.
The following questions will help you understand the rhetorical
situation of a particular field:
In “Getting Personal about Cybersecurity,” Lindsay McKenzie cites research from surveys as well as quotations by experts to establish the difficulties of cybersecurity education on campus.
LINK TO McKenzie, “Getting Personal about Cybersecurity,” in Chapter 26
What kinds of data are preferred as evidence? How are such data gathered, tabulated, and verified? How are definitions, causal analyses, evaluations, analogies, and examples used as evidence? How are statistics or other numerical information used and presented as evidence? Are tables, charts, or graphs commonly used? How much weight do they carry? What or who counts as an authority in this field? How are the credentials of authorities established? How are research publications reviewed and research journals refereed? What weight do writers in the field give to precedence— that is, to examples of similar actions or decisions made in the past? Is personal experience allowed as evidence? When? How are quotations used as part of evidence? How are still or moving images or sound(s) used as part of evidence, and how closely are they related to the verbal parts of the argument being presented? Are other kinds of media commonly used to present evidence?
As these questions suggest, evidence may not always travel well
from one field to another. Nor does it always travel easily from
culture to culture. Differing notions of evidence can lead to
arguments that go nowhere fast. For instance, when Italian
journalist Oriana Fallaci interviewed Ayatollah Khomeini, Iran’s
supreme leader, in 1979, she argued in a way that’s common in
North American and Western European cultures: she presented
claims that she considered to be adequately backed up with
facts (“Iran denies freedom to people. . . . Many people have
been put in prison and even executed, just for speaking out in
opposition”). In response, Khomeini relied on very different
kinds of evidence—analogies (“Just as a finger with gangrene
should be cut off so that it will not destroy the whole body, so
should people who corrupt others be pulled out like weeds so
they will not infect the whole field”) and, above all, the
authority of the Qur’an. Partly because of these differing beliefs
about what counts as evidence, the interview ended
The need for evidence depends a lot on the rhetorical situation.
The Rhetorical Situation To take another example, a Harvard Business Review blog post from December 4, 2013, on “How to Argue across Cultures” recounts the story of a Western businessperson who was selling bicycles produced in China to a buyer in Germany. When the business owner went to pick up the bicycles, he noticed that they rattled. In considering how to bring up this defect with the Chinese supplier, the businessperson could have confronted him directly, relying on physical evidence to
support his claim. He rejected this form of evidence, however, because he knew that such a confrontation would result in loss of face for the supplier and very likely lead to an undesirable outcome. So instead, he suggested that he and the Chinese supplier take a couple of bikes out for a ride, during which the bikes rattled away. At the end of the ride, the Western businessperson quietly mentioned that he “thought his bike had rattled” and then departed, leaving the Chinese supplier to consider his subtle presentation of evidence. And it worked: when the Germans received the bicycle delivery, the rattle had been repaired.
It’s always good to remember, then, that when arguing across cultural divides, whether international or more local, you need to think carefully about how you’re accustomed to using evidence—and about what counts as evidence to other people (without surrendering your own intellectual principles).
Searching Effectively The evidence you will use in most academic arguments—books,
articles, videos, documents, photographs and other images—
will likely come from sources you locate in libraries, in
databases, or online. How well you can navigate these complex
territories will determine the success of many of your academic
and professional projects. Research suggests that most students
overestimate their ability to manage these tools and, perhaps
more important, don’t seek the help they need to find the best
materials for their projects. In this chapter, we aim to point you
in the right direction for successful academic research.
Explore library resources: printed works and databases Your college library has printed materials (books, periodicals,
reference works) as well as computers that provide access to its
electronic catalogs, other libraries’ catalogs, and numerous
proprietary databases (such as Academic Search Complete,
Academic OneFile, JSTOR) not available publicly on the Web.
Crucially, libraries also have librarians whose job it is to guide
you through these resources, help you identify reputable
materials, and show you how to search for materials efficiently.
The best way to begin a serious academic argument then is
often with a trip to the library or a discussion with your
professor or a research librarian.
Also be certain that you know your way around the library. If
not, ask the staff there to help you locate the following tools:
general and specialized encyclopedias; biographical resources;
almanacs, yearbooks, and atlases; book and periodical indexes;
specialized indexes and abstracts; the circulation computer or
library catalog; special collections; audio, video, and art
collections; and the interlibrary loan office, for requesting
materials not available at your own library.
At the outset of a project, determine what kinds of sources you
will need to support your project. (You might also review your
assignment to see whether you’re required to consult particular
types or a specific number of sources.) If you’ll use print
sources, find out whether they’re readily available in your
library or whether you must make special arrangements (such
as an interlibrary loan) to acquire them. For example, your
argument for a senior thesis might benefit from material
available mostly in old newspapers and magazines: access to
them might require time and ingenuity. If you need to locate
other nonprint sources (such as audiotapes, videotapes,
artwork, or photos), find out where those are kept and whether
you need special permission to examine them.
Most academic resources, however, will be on the shelves or
available electronically through databases. Here’s when it’s
important to understand the distinction between library
databases and the Web. Your library’s computers hold
important resources that aren’t on the Web or aren’t available to
you except through the library’s system. The most important of
these resources may be your library’s catalog of its own
holdings (mostly books). But college libraries also pay to
subscribe to scholarly databases that you can use for free by
logging in through your school library—for example, guides to
journal and magazine articles, the Academic Search Complete
database (which holds the largest collection of multidisciplinary
journals), the LexisNexis database of news stories and legal
cases, and various compilations of statistics.
Though many of these Web and database resources may be
searchable through your own computer, consider exploring
them initially at your college library. That’s because these
professional databases aren’t always easy to use or intuitive: you
may need to learn to focus and narrow your searches (by date,
field, types of material, and so on) so that your results are
manageable and full of relevant items. That’s when librarians or
your instructor can help, so ask them for assistance. They
expect your questions.
Librarians may, for example, draw your attention to the
distinction between subject headings and keywords. The
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) are standardized
words and phrases that are used to classify the subject matter of
books and articles. Library catalogs and databases routinely use
these subject headings to index their contents by author, title,
publication date, and subject headings. When you do a subject
search of the library’s catalog, you need to use the exact
wording of the subject headings. On the other hand, searches
with keywords use the computer’s ability to look for any term in
any field of the electronic record. So keyword searching is less
restrictive, but you’ll still have to think hard about your search
terms to get usable results and to learn how to limit or expand
your search.
Determine, too, early on, how current your sources need to be.
If you must investigate the latest findings about, say, a new
treatment for malaria, check very recent periodicals, medical
journals, and the Web. If you want broader coverage with more
context and background information, look for reference
materials or scholarly books. If your argument deals with a
specific time period, newspapers, magazines, and books written
during that period may be your best assets.
How many sources should you consult for an academic
argument? Expect to examine many more sources than you’ll
end up using, and be sure to cover all major perspectives on
your subject. Read enough sources to feel comfortable
discussing it with someone with more knowledge than you. You
don’t have to be an expert, but your readers should sense that
you are well informed.
Explore online resources Chances are your first instinct when you need to find
information is to do a quick keyword search on the Web, which
in many instances will take you to a site such as Wikipedia, the
free encyclopedia launched by Jimmy Wales in 2001. For years,
many teachers and institutions argued that the information on
Wikipedia was suspect and could not be used as a reliable
source, particularly since anyone can edit and change the
content on a Wikipedia page. Times have changed, however,
and many serious research efforts now include a stop at
Wikipedia. As always, however, let the buyer beware: you need
to verify the credibility of all of your sources! If you intend to
support a serious academic argument, remember to approach
the Web carefully and professionally.
Web search engines such as Google or Bing make searching for
material seem very easy—perhaps too easy. For an argument
about the fate of the antihero in contemporary films, for
example, typing in film and antihero produces far too many
possible matches, or hits. Some of those hits might be generic
and geared to current moviegoers rather than someone
thinking about an analytical essay. You could further narrow
the search by adding a third or fourth keyword—say, French or
current—or you could simply type in a specific question. Google
will always offer pages of links. But you need to be a critical
user too, pushing yourself well beyond any initial items you
turn up or using those sources to find more authoritative,
diverse, or academic materials.
Google does have resources to help you refine your results or
direct you to works better suited to academic research. When
you search for any term, you can click “Help” at the bottom of
the results page, which takes you to the Google Help Center.
Click on “Filter and refine your results” and then “Advanced
search,” which will bring more options to narrow your focus in
important ways.
But that’s not the end of your choices. With an academic
argument, you might want to explore your topic in either
Google Books or Google Scholar. Both resources direct you to
the type and quality of materials (scholarly journal articles,
academic books) that you probably need for a term paper or
professional project. And Google offers multimodal options as
well: it can help you find images, photographs, videos, blogs,
and so on. The lesson is simple. If your current Web searches
typically don’t go much beyond the first items a search engine
offers, you aren’t close to using all the power available to you.
Explore the search tools you routinely use and learn what they
can really do.
You should work just as deliberately with the academic
databases you may have access to in a library or online—such as
Academic Search Complete or Business Source Complete,
among many others. As noted earlier, searching these
professional tools often requires more deliberate choices and
specific combinations of search terms and keywords. In doing
such searches, you’ll need to observe the search logic followed
by the particular database—usually explained on a search page.
For example, using Boolean operators such as and between
keywords (movies and heroes) may indicate that both terms
must appear in a file for it to be called up. Using or between
keywords usually instructs the computer to locate every file in
which either one word or the other shows up, and using not
tells the computer to exclude files containing a particular word
from the search results (movies not heroes).
Most search engines offer many kinds of research tools like this “Advanced Search” page from Google.
Don’t rely on simple Web searches only. Find library databases targeted to your subject. Use advanced search techniques to focus your search. Learn the difference between subject heading and keyword searches.
Understand the differences between academic and popular sources. Admit when you don’t know how to find material—you won’t be alone! Routinely ask for help from librarians and instructors.
Collecting Data on Your Own Not all your supporting materials for an academic argument
must come from print or online sources. You can present
research that you have carried out yourself or been closely
involved with, often called field research; such research usually
requires that you collect and examine data. Here, we discuss the
kinds of firsthand research that student writers do most often.
Perform experiments Academic arguments can be supported by evidence you gather
through experiments. In the sciences, data from experiments
conducted under rigorously controlled conditions is highly
valued. In other fields, more informal experiments may be
acceptable, especially if they’re intended to provide only part of
the support for an argument.
If you want to argue, for instance, that the recipes in Bon
Appétit magazine are impossibly tedious to follow and take far
more time than the average person wishes to spend preparing
food, you might ask five or six people to conduct an experiment
—following two recipes from a recent issue and recording and
timing every step. The evidence that you gather from this
informal experiment could provide some concrete support—by
way of specific examples—for your contention.
But such experiments should be taken with a grain of salt
(maybe organic in this case). They may not convince or impress
certain audiences. And if your experiments can easily be
attacked as skewed or sloppily done (“The people you asked to
make these recipes couldn’t cook a Pop-Tart”), then they may do
more harm than good.
Make observations “What,” you may wonder, “could be easier than observing
something?” You just choose a subject, look at it closely, and
record what you see and hear. But trained observers say that
recording an observation accurately requires intense
concentration and mental agility. If observing were easy, all
eyewitnesses would provide reliable stories. Yet experience
shows that when several people observe the same
phenomenon, they generally offer different, sometimes even
contradictory, accounts of those observations.
Before you begin an observation yourself, decide exactly what
you want to find out, and anticipate what you’re likely to see. Do
you want to observe an action that is repeated by many people—
perhaps how people behave at the checkout line in a grocery
store? Or maybe you want to study a sequence of actions—for
instance, the stages involved in student registration, which you
expect to argue is far too complicated. Or maybe you are
motivated to examine the interactions of a notoriously
contentious political group. Once you have a clear sense of what
you’ll analyze and what questions you’ll try to answer through
the observation, use the following guidelines to achieve the best
Make sure that the observation relates directly to your claim. Brainstorm about what you’re looking for, but don’t be rigidly bound to your expectations. Develop an appropriate system for collecting data. Consider using a split notebook page or screen: on one side, record the minute details of your observations; on the other, record your thoughts or impressions. Be aware that how you record data will affect the outcome, if only in respect to what you decide to include in your observational notes and what you leave out. Record the precise date, time, and place of the observation(s). If the location you want to focus on is not a public one (for instance, an elementary school playground), ask for permission to conduct your observation.
You may be asked to prepare systematic observations in various
science courses, including anthropology or psychology, where
you would follow a methodology and receive precise directions.
But observation can play a role in other kinds of arguments and
use various media: a photo essay or audio/video clips, for
example, might serve as academic arguments in some
Conduct interviews Some evidence is best obtained through direct interviews. If you
can talk with an expert—in person, on the phone, or online—
you might obtain information you couldn’t have gotten through
any other type of research. In addition to an expert opinion, you
might ask for firsthand accounts, biographical information, or
suggestions of other places to look or other people to consult.
The following guidelines will help you conduct effective
Determine the exact purpose of the interview, and be sure it’s directly related to your claim. Set up the interview well in advance—preferably by a written communication. (An email is more polite than a text message.) Explain who you are, the purpose of the interview, and what you expect to cover. Specify, too, how much time it will take, and if you wish to record the session, ask permission to do so. Prepare a written list of both factual and open-ended questions. (Brainstorming with friends can help you come up with good questions.) Leave plenty of space for notes after each question. If the interview proceeds in a direction that you hadn’t expected but that seems promising, don’t feel that you have to cover every one of your questions. Record the subject’s full name and title, as well as the date, time, and place of the interview. Be sure to thank those people whom you interview, either in person or with a follow-up letter or email message.
A serious interview can be eye-opening when the questions get
a subject to reveal important experiences or demonstrate his or
her knowledge or wisdom.
Use questionnaires to conduct surveys Surveys usually require the use of questionnaires distributed to
a number of people. Questions should be clear, easy to
understand, and designed so that respondents’ answers can be
easily analyzed. Questions that ask respondents to say “yes” or
“no” or to rank items on a scale (1 to 5, for example, or “most
helpful” to “least helpful”) are particularly easy to tabulate.
Because tabulation can take time and effort, limit the number of
questions you ask. Note also that people often resent being
asked to answer more than about twenty questions, especially
Here are some other guidelines to help you prepare for and
carry out a survey:
Ask your instructor if your college or university requires that you get approval from the local Institutional Review Board (IRB) to conduct survey research. Many schools waive this requirement if students are doing such research as part of a required course, but you should check to make sure. Securing IRB permission usually requires filling out a series of online forms, submitting all of your questions for approval, and asking those you are surveying to sign a consent form saying they agree to participate in the research. Write out your purpose in conducting the survey, and make sure that its results will be directly related to your purpose.
Brainstorm potential questions to include in the survey, and ask how each relates to your purpose and claim. Figure out how many people you want to contact, what the demographics of your sample should be (for example, men in their twenties or an equal number of men and women), and how you plan to reach these people. Draft questions that are as free of bias as possible, making sure that each calls for a short, specific answer. Avoid open-ended questions, whose responses will be harder to tabulate. Think about possible ways that respondents could misunderstand you or your questions, and revise with these points in mind. Test the questions in advance on several people, and revise those questions that are ambiguous, hard to answer, or too time-consuming to answer. If your questionnaire is to be sent by mail or email or posted on the Web, draft a cover letter explaining your purpose and giving a clear deadline. For mail, provide an addressed, stamped return envelope. On the final draft of the questionnaire, leave plenty of space for answers. Proofread the final draft carefully. Typos will make a bad impression on those whose help you’re seeking. After you’ve done your tabulations, set out your findings in clear and easily readable form, using a chart or spreadsheet if possible.
A key requirement of survey questions is that they be easy to understand.
Draw upon personal experience Personal experience can serve as powerful evidence when it’s
appropriate to the subject, to your purpose, and to the
audience. If it’s your only evidence, however, personal
experience usually won’t suffice to carry the argument. Your
experiences may be regarded as merely “anecdotal,” which is to
say possibly exceptional, unrepresentative, or even unreliable.
Nevertheless, personal experience can be effective for drawing
in listeners or readers, as James Parker does in the following
example. His full article goes on to argue that—in spite of his
personal experience with it—the “Twee revolution” has some
good things going for it, including an “actual moral
Eight years ago or so, the alternative paper I was working
for sent me out to review a couple of folk-noise-psych-
indie-beardie-weirdie bands. I had a dreadful night. The
bands were bad enough—“fumbling,” I scratched in my
notebook, “infantile”—but what really did me in was the
audience. Instead of baying for the blood of these
lightweights . . . the gathered young people—behatted,
bebearded, besmiling—obliged them with patters of
validating applause. I had seen it before, this fond
curiosity, this acclamation of the undercooked, but never
so much of it in one place: the whole event seemed to
exult in its own half-bakedness. Be as crap as you like
was the message to the performers. The crapper, the
better. We’re here for you. I tottered home, wrote a
homicidally nasty nervous breakdown of a review, and
decided I should take myself out of circulation for a
while. No more live reviews until I calmed down. A wave
of Twee—as I now realize—had just broken over my head.
—James Parker, Atlantic, July/August 2014, p. 36
Moonrise Kingdom, directed by Wes Anderson, film’s primary advocate of Twee
1. The following general topic ideas once appeared on Yahoo! Groups’s “Issues and Causes” page. Narrow one or two of the items down to a more specific subject by using research tools in the library or online such as scholarly books, journal articles, encyclopedias, magazine pieces, and/or informational Web sites. Be prepared to explain how the particular research resources influenced your choice of a more specific subject
within the general subject area. Also consider what you might have to do to turn your specific subject into a full-blown topic proposal for a research paper assignment.
Abortion debate
Affirmative action
Civil rights
Community service and volunteerism
Confederate flag debate
Current events
Drunk driving
Food safety
Gender wars
Human rights
Immigration reform
Media ethics and accountability
Peace and nonviolence
Race relations
Road rage
Voluntary simplicity 2. Go to your school or local library’s online catalog page and
locate its list of research databases. You may find them presented in various ways: by subject, by field, by academic major, by type—even alphabetically. Try to identify three or four databases that might be helpful to you either generally in college or when working on a specific project, perhaps one you identified in the previous exercise. Then explore the library catalog to see how much you can learn about each of these resources: What fields do they report on? What kinds of data do they offer (newspaper articles, journal articles, historical records)? How do they present the content of their materials (by abstract, by full text)? What years do they cover? What search strategies do they support (keyword, advanced search)? To find such information, you might look for a help menu or an “About” link on the catalog or database homepages. Write a one-paragraph description of each database you explore and, if possible, share your findings via a class discussion board or wiki.
3. What counts as evidence depends in large part on the rhetorical situation. One audience might find personal testimony compelling in a given case, whereas another might require data that only experimental studies can provide. Imagine that you want to argue that advertisements should not include demeaning representations of chimpanzees and that the use of primates in advertising should be banned. You’re
encouraged to find out that a number of companies such as Honda and Puma have already agreed to such a ban, so you decide to present your argument to other companies’ CEOs and advertising officials. What kind of evidence would be most compelling to this group? How would you rethink your use of evidence if you were writing for the campus newspaper, for middle-schoolers, or for animal-rights group members? What can you learn about what sort of evidence each of these groups might value—and why?
4. Finding evidence for an argument is often a discovery process. Sometimes you’re concerned not only with digging up support for an already established claim but also with creating and revising tentative claims. Surveys and interviews can help you figure out what to argue, as well as provide evidence for a claim.
Interview a classmate with the goal of writing a brief proposal argument about the career that he/she should pursue. The claim should be something like My classmate should be doing X five years from now. Limit yourself to ten questions. Write them ahead of time, and don’t deviate from them. Record the results of the interview (written notes are fine; you don’t need to tape the interview). Then interview another classmate with the same goal in mind. Ask the same first question, but this time let the answer dictate the next nine questions. You still get only ten questions.
Which interview gave you more information? Which one helped you learn more about your classmate’s goals? Which one better helped you develop claims about his/her future?
CHAPTER 19 Evaluating Sources
All the attention paid to “fake news” in our current political
culture only underscores the point of this chapter: the
effectiveness of an argument often depends on the quality of
the sources that support or prove it. It goes without saying then,
that you’ll need to carefully evaluate and assess all the sources
you use in your academic or professional work, including those
that you gather in libraries, from other print sources, in online
searches, or in your own field research.
Remember that different sources can contribute in different
ways to your work. In most cases, you’ll be looking for reliable
sources that provide accurate information or that clearly and
persuasively express opinions that might serve as evidence for a
case you’re making. At other times, you may be seeking
material that expresses ideas or attitudes—how people are
thinking and feeling at a given time. You might need to use a
graphic image, a sample of avant-garde music, or a
controversial YouTube clip that doesn’t fit neatly into categories
such as “reliable” or “accurate” yet is central to your argument.
With any and all such sources and evidence, your goals are to
be as knowledgeable about them and as responsible in their use
as you can be and to share honestly what you learn about them
with readers.
No writer wants to be naïve in the use of source material,
especially since most of the evidence that is used in arguments
on public issues—even material from influential and well-
known sources—comes with considerable baggage. Scientists
and humanists alike have axes to grind, corporations have
products to sell, politicians have issues to promote, journalists
have reputations to make, publishers and media companies
have readers, listeners, viewers, and advertisers to attract and
to avoid offending. All of these groups produce and use
information to their own benefit, and it’s not (usually) a bad
thing that they do so. You just have to be aware that when you
take information from a given source, it will almost inevitably
carry with it at least some of the preferences, assumptions, and
biases—conscious or not—of the people who produce and
disseminate it. Teachers and librarians are not exempted from
this caution: even when we make every effort to be clear and
comprehensive in reporting information, we cannot possibly
see that information from every angle. So even the most honest
and open observer can deliver only a partial account of an
It’s worth noting, however, that some sources—especially those
you might encounter on social media—have no other motive but
to deceive readers or to garner clicks that generate revenue.
Material this deliberately deceptive has no place in academic
work, unless you are looking for examples of manipulation,
deception, or exploitation. If you cite such materials, even
unwittingly, your research will be undermined and may be
discredited. (See the section on “crap detection” later in this
To correct for biases, draw on as many reliable sources as you
can handle when you’re preparing to write. Don’t assume that
all arguments are equally good or that all the sides in a
controversy can be supported by the same weight of evidence
and good reasons. But you want to avoid choosing sources so
selectively that you miss essential issues and perspectives.
That’s easy to do when you read only sources that agree with
you or when the sources that you read all seem to carry the
same message. In addition, make sure that you read each
source thoroughly enough that you understand its overall
points: national research conducted for the Citation Project
indicates that student writers often draw from the first
paragraph or page of a source and then simply drop it, without
seeing what the rest of the source has to say about the topic at
hand. Doing so could leave you with an incomplete or
inaccurate sense of what the source is saying.
Consider that sources may sometimes have motives for slanting or selecting the news.
Assessing Print Sources Since you want information to be reliable and persuasive, it
pays to evaluate each potential source thoroughly. The
following principles can help you evaluate print materials:
Relevance. Begin by asking what a particular source will add to your argument and how closely the source is related to your argumentative claim. For a book, the table of contents and the index may help you decide. For an article, look for an abstract that summarizes its content. If you can’t identify what the source will add to your research, set it aside. You can almost certainly find something better. Credentials of the author. Sometimes the author’s credentials are set forth in an article, in a book, or on a Web site, so be sure to look for them. Is the author an expert on the topic? To find out, you can gather information about the person on the Web easily enough—although you should check and cross-check what you discover. Another way to learn about the credibility of an author is to search Google Groups for postings that mention the author or to check a Citation Index to find out how other writers refer to this author. (If necessary, ask a librarian for assistance.) If you see your source mentioned by other sources you’re using, look at how they cite it and what they say about it, which could provide clues to the author’s credibility. Stance of the author. What’s the author’s position on the issue(s) involved, and how does this stance influence the information in the source? Does the author’s stance support or challenge your own views?
What stance does the Japanese American Citizens League take on the issue of what terminology to use in describing the experiences of Japanese Americans during World War II?
LINK TO Japanese American Citizens League, “The Power of Words,” in Chapter 25
Credentials of the publisher or sponsor. If your source is from a newspaper, is it a major one (such as the Wall Street Journal or the Washington Post) that has historical credentials in reporting, or is it a tabloid? Is it a popular magazine like O: The Oprah Magazine or a journal sponsored by a professional group, such as the Journal of the American Medical Association? If your source is a book, is the publisher one you recognize or that has its own Web site? When you don’t know the reputation of a source, ask several people with more expertise: a librarian, an instructor, or a professional in the field. Stance of the publisher or sponsor. Sometimes this stance will be obvious: a magazine called Save the Planet! will take a pro-environmental position, whereas one called America First! will probably take a populist stance. But other times, you need to read carefully between the lines to identify particular positions and see how the stance affects the message the source presents. Start by asking what the source’s goals are: what does the publisher or sponsoring group want to make happen? Currency. Check the date of publication of every book and article. Recent sources are often more useful than older
ones, particularly in the sciences. However, in some fields (such as history and literature), the most authoritative works may well be the older ones. Accuracy. Check to see whether the author cites any sources for the information or opinions in the article and, if so, how credible and current they are. Level of specialization. General sources can be helpful as you begin your research, but later in the project you may need the authority or currency of more focused sources. Keep in mind that highly specialized works on your topic may be difficult for your audience to understand. Documentation. Purely academic sources, such as scholarly journal articles, will contain thorough citations, but you should also check that more popular sources you use routinely identify their sources or provide verifiable evidence for claims they make. In many Web sources, documentation takes the form of links to the evidence cited. Audience. Was the source written for a general readership? For specialists? For advocates or opponents? Length. Is the source long enough to provide adequate details in support of your claim? Availability. Do you have access to the source? If it isn’t readily accessible, your time might be better spent looking elsewhere. Omissions. What’s missing or omitted from the source? Might such exclusions affect whether or how you can use the source as evidence?
Note the differences between the covers of the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, an academic journal, and The How of Happiness, a book about psychology.
Assessing Electronic Sources You’ll probably find working with digital sources both exciting
and frustrating, for even though these tools (the Web, social
networks, Twitter, and so on) are enormously useful, they offer
information of widely varying quality—and mountains and
mountains of it. Yet there is no question that, for example,
Twitter feeds from our era will be the subject of future scholarly
analysis. Because Web sources are mostly open and
unregulated, careful researchers look for corroboration before
accepting factual claims they find online, especially if it comes
from a site whose sponsor’s identity is unclear.
Practicing Crap Detection In online environments, you must be the judge of the accuracy
and trustworthiness of the electronic sources you encounter.
This is a problem all researchers face, and one that led media
critic Howard Rheingold to develop a system for detecting
“crap,” that is, “information tainted by ignorance, inept
communication, or deliberate deception.” To avoid such “crap,”
Rheingold recommends a method of triangulation, which
means finding three separate credible online sources that
corroborate the point you want to make. But how do you ensure
that these sources are credible? One tip Rheingold gives is to
use sites like FactCheck.org to verify information, or to use the
search term “whois” to find out about the author or sponsor of a
Consider the publisher’s credentials by comparing Deanna Hartley’s article about employers looking at social media profiles,
Every man [and woman] should have a built-in automatic crap detector operating inside him. —Ernest Hemingway, during a 1954 interview with Robert Manning
In making judgments about online sources, then, you need to
be especially mindful and to rely on the same criteria and
careful thinking that you use to assess print sources. You may
find the following additional questions helpful in evaluating
online sources:
published on Careerbuilder.com, with Scott O. Lilienfeld’s article on the shortcomings of microaggressions, published in Aeon.com, a not-for-profit registered charity.
LINK TO Hartley, “Creative Ways to Get Noticed by Employers on Social Media,” in Chapter 26 and Lilienfeld, “Why a Moratorium on Microaggressions Is Needed,” in Chapter 27
Who has posted the document or message or created the site/medium? An individual? An interest group? A company? A government agency? For Web sites, does the URL offer any clues? Note especially the final suffix in a domain name—.com (commercial), .org (nonprofit organization), .edu (educational institution), .gov (government agency), .mil (military), or .net (network). Also note the geographical domains that indicate country of origin—as in .ca (Canada), .ar (Argentina), or .ru (Russia). Click on some links of a Web site to see if they lead to legitimate and helpful sources or organizations. What can you determine about the credibility of the author or sponsor? Can the information in the document or site be verified in other sources? How accurate and complete is it? On a blog, for example, look for a link that identifies the creator of the site (some blogs are managed by multiple authors). Who is accountable for the information in the document or site? How thoroughly does it credit its sources? On a wiki, for example, check its editorial policies: who can add to or edit its materials? How current is the document or site? Be especially cautious
of undated materials. Most reliable sites are refreshed or edited regularly and should list the date. What perspectives are represented? If only one perspective is represented, how can you balance or expand this point of view? Is it a straightforward presentation, or could it be a parody or satire?
What are the kinds and levels of information available on these Web sites—a commercial site about the TV show The Deadliest Catch (top) and an Alaska Department of Fish and Game site on king crab (bottom)?
Assessing Field Research If you’ve conducted experiments, surveys, interviews,
observations, or any other field research in developing and
supporting an argument, make sure to review your results with
a critical eye. The following questions can help you evaluate
your own field research:
Have you rechecked all data and all conclusions to make sure they’re accurate and warranted? Have you identified the exact time, place, and participants in all your field research? Have you made clear what part you played in the research and how, if at all, your role could have influenced the results or findings? If your research involved other people, have you gotten their permission to use their words or other materials in your argument? Have you asked whether you can use their names or whether the names should be kept confidential? If your research involved interviews, have you thanked the person or persons you interviewed and asked them to verify the words you have attributed to them?
1. The chapter claims that “most of the evidence that is used in arguments on public issues . . . comes with considerable baggage.” Find an article in a journal, newspaper, or magazine that uses evidence to support a claim of some public interest. It might be a piece about new treatments for malaria, Internet
privacy, dietary recommendations for schoolchildren, proposals for air-quality regulation, the rise in numbers of campus sexual assaults, and so on. Identify several specific pieces of evidence, information, or data presented in the article and then evaluate the degree to which you would accept, trust, or believe those statements. Be prepared to explain specifically why you would be inclined to trust or mistrust any claims based on the data.
2. Check out Goodreads (you can set up an account for free) and see what people there are recommending—or search for “common reading programs” or “common reading lists.” Then choose one of the recommended books, preferably a work of nonfiction, and analyze it by using as many of the principles of evaluation for printed books listed in this chapter as you can without actually reading the book: Who is the author, and what are his/her credentials? Who is the publisher, and what is its reputation? What can you find out about the book’s relevance and popularity: Why might the book be on the list? Who is the primary audience for the book? How lengthy is it? How difficult? Finally, consider how likely it is that the book you have selected would be used in an academic paper. If you do choose a work of fiction, might the work be studied in a literature course?
3. Choose a news or information Web site that you visit routinely. Then, using the guidelines discussed in this chapter, spend some time evaluating its credibility. You might begin by comparing it with Google News or Arts & Letters Daily, two sites that have a reputation for being reliable—though not necessarily unbiased.
4. On Web sites or social media, find several items that purport to offer information or news, but lead readers into a tangle of ads,
photos, commentary, and other clickbait. You’ve seen the teases: Most Unfriendly Cities in the US! The video Hillary Clinton doesn’t want you to watch! Is this the smartest kitten ever? Analyze the strategies items like these use to attract readers and the quality of information they offer. Are such items merely irksome or do they seriously diminish online communication and social media?
CHAPTER 20 Using Sources
You may gather an impressive amount of evidence on your
topic—from firsthand interviews, from careful observations,
and from intensive library and online research. But until that
evidence is thoroughly understood and then woven into the
fabric of your own argument, it’s just a stack of details. You still
have to turn that data into credible information that will be
persuasive to your intended audiences.
Practicing Infotention Today it’s a truism to say that we are all drowning in
information, that it is dousing us like water from a fire hose.
Such a situation has advantages: it’s never been easier to locate
information on any imaginable topic. But it also has distinct
disadvantages: how do you identify useful and credible sources
among the millions available to you, and how do you use them
well once you’ve found them? We addressed the first of these
questions in Chapter 18, “Finding Evidence.” But finding
trustworthy sources is only the first step. Experts on technology
and information like professors Richard Lanham and Howard
Rheingold point to the next challenge: managing attention.
Lanham points out that our age of information calls on us to
resist the allure of every single thing vying for our attention and
to discriminate among what deserves notice and what doesn’t.
Building on this insight, Rheingold has coined the term “
infotention,” which he says “is a word I came up with to
describe a mind-machine combination of brain-powered
attention skills and computer-powered information filters”
(Howard Rheingold, “Infotention,” http://www.rheingold.com).
Practicing infotention calls for synthesizing and thinking
critically about the enormous amount of information available
to us from the “collective intelligence” of the Web. And while
some of us can learn to be mindful while multitasking (a fighter
pilot is an example Rheingold gives of those who must learn to
do so), most of us are not good at it and need to train ourselves,
literally, to pay attention to attention (and intention as well), to
be aware of what we are doing and thinking, to take a deep
breath and notice where we are directing our focus. In short,
writers today need to learn to focus their attention, especially
online, and learn to avoid distractions. So just how do you put
all these skills together to practice infotention?
Building a Critical Mass Throughout the chapters in Part 4, “Research and Arguments,”
we’ve stressed the need to discover as much evidence as
possible in support of your claim and to read and understand it
as thoroughly as you can. If you can find only one or two pieces
of evidence—only one or two reasons or illustrations to back up
your thesis—then you may be on unsteady ground. Although
there’s no definite way of saying just how much evidence is
enough, you should build toward a critical mass by having
several pieces of evidence all pulling in the direction of your
claim. Begin by putting Rheingold’s triangulation into practice:
find at least three credible sources that support your point.
And remember that circumstantial evidence (that is, indirect
evidence that suggests that something occurred but doesn’t
prove it directly) may not be enough if it is the only evidence
that you have. In the infamous case of Jack the Ripper, the
murderer who plagued London’s East End in 1888, nothing but
circumstantial evidence ever surfaced and hence no one was
charged with or convicted of the crimes. In 2007, however,
amateur detective Russell Edwards bought a shawl at auction—a
shawl found at one of the murder sites. After consulting with a
number of scientific experts and using DNA evidence, Edwards
identified Jack the Ripper as Aaron Kosminski, who eventually
died in an asylum.
If your support for a claim relies solely on circumstantial
evidence, on personal experience, or on one major example,
you should extend your search for additional sources and good
reasons to back up your claim—or modify the argument. Your
initial position may simply have been wrong.
Synthesizing Information As you gather information, you must find a way to make all the
facts, ideas, points of view, and quotations you have
encountered work with and for you. The process involves not
only reading information and recording data carefully (paying
“infotention”), but also pondering and synthesizing it—that is,
figuring out how the sources you’ve examined come together to
support your specific claims. Synthesis, a form of critical
thinking highly valued by academia, business, industry, and
other institutions—especially those that reward innovation and
creative thinking—is hard work. It almost always involves
immersing yourself in your information or data until it feels
familiar and natural to you.
At that point, you can begin to look for patterns, themes, and
commonalities or striking differences among your sources.
Many students use highlighters to help with this process: mark
in blue all the parts of sources that mention point A; mark in
green those that have to do with issue B; and so on. You are
looking for connections among your sources, bringing together
what they have to say about your topic in ways you can organize
to help support the claim you are making.
You typically begin this process by paraphrasing or
summarizing sources so that you understand exactly what they
offer and which ideas are essential to your project. You also
decide which, if any, sources offer materials you want to quote
directly or reproduce (such as an important graph or table).
Then you work to introduce such borrowed materials so that
readers grasp their significance, and organize them to highlight
important relationships. Throughout this review process, use
“infotention” strategies by asking questions such as the
Which sources help to set the context for your argument? In particular, which items present new information or give audiences an incentive for reading your work? Which items provide background information that is essential for anyone trying to understand your argument? Which items help to define, clarify, or explain key concepts of your case? How can these sources be presented or sequenced so that readers appreciate your claims as valid or, at a minimum, reasonable? Which of your sources might be used to illustrate technical or difficult aspects of your subject? Would it be best to summarize such technical information to make it more accessible, or would direct quotations be more authoritative and convincing? Which sources (or passages within sources) furnish the best support or evidence for each claim or sub-claim within your argument? Now is the time to group these together so you can decide how to arrange them most effectively. Which materials do the best job outlining conflicts or offering counterarguments to claims within a project? Which sources might help you address any important objections or rebuttals?
D.K., the author of “Shooting Guns: It’s Rather Fun, Actually,” presents a strong narrative explaining the appeal of shooting, while at the same time synthesizing information on gun fatalities and the financial influence of the National Rifle Association.
LINK TO D.K., “Shooting Guns: It’s Rather Fun, Actually,” in Chapter 23
Remember that yours should be the dominant and controlling
voice in an argument. You are like the conductor of an
orchestra, calling upon separate instruments to work together
to create a rich and coherent sound. The least effective
academic papers are those that mechanically walk through a
string of sources—often just one item per paragraph—without
ever getting all these authorities to talk to each other or with the
author. Such papers go through the motions but don’t get
anywhere. You can do better.
Paraphrasing Sources You Will Use Extensively In a paraphrase, you put an author’s ideas—including major
and minor points—into your own words and sentence
structures, following the order the author has given them in the
original piece. You usually paraphrase sources that you expect
to use heavily in a project. But if you compose your notes well,
you may be able to use much of the paraphrased material
directly in your paper (with proper citation) because all of the
language is your own. A competent paraphrase proves you have
read material or data carefully: you demonstrate not only that
you know what a source contains but also that you appreciate
what it means. There’s an important difference.
Backing up your claims with well-chosen sources makes almost any argument more credible.
Here are guidelines to help you paraphrase accurately and
effectively in an academic argument:
Identify the source of the paraphrase, and comment on its significance or the authority of its author. Respect your sources. When paraphrasing an entire work
or any lengthy section of it, cover all its main points and any essential details, following the same order the author uses. If you distort the shape of the material, your notes will be less valuable, especially if you return to them later, and you may end up misconstruing what the source is saying. If you’re paraphrasing material that extends over more than one page in the original source, note the placement of page breaks since it is highly likely that you will use only part of the paraphrase in your argument. For a print source, you will need the page number to cite the specific page of material you want to use. Make sure that the paraphrase is in your own words and sentence structures. If you want to include especially memorable or powerful language from the original source, enclose it in quotation marks. See Using Quotations Selectively and Strategically in Chapter 20. Keep your own comments, elaborations, or reactions separate from the paraphrase itself. Your report on the source should be clear, objective, and free of connotative language. Collect all the information necessary to create an in-text citation as well as an item in your works cited list or references list. For online materials, be sure to record the URL so you know how to recover the source later. Label the paraphrase with a note suggesting where and how you intend to use it in your argument. Recheck to make sure that the words and sentence structures are your own and that they express the author’s meaning accurately.
Here is a passage from linguist David Crystal’s book Language
Play, followed by a student’s paraphrase of the passage.
Language play, the arguments suggest, will help the
development of pronunciation ability through its focus
on the properties of sounds and sound contrasts, such as
rhyming. Playing with word endings and decoding the
syntax of riddles will help the acquisition of grammar.
Readiness to play with words and names, to exchange
puns and to engage in nonsense talk, promotes links with
semantic development. The kinds of dialogue interaction
illustrated above are likely to have consequences for the
development of conversational skills. And language play,
by its nature, also contributes greatly to what in recent
years has been called metalinguistic awareness, which is
turning out to be of critical importance to the
development of language skills in general and literacy
skills in particular (180).
Paraphrase of the Passage from Crystal’s Book
In Language Play, David Crystal argues that
playing with language—creating rhymes,
figuring out riddles, making puns, playing
with names, using inverted words, and so on—
helps children figure out a great deal, from
the basics of pronunciation and grammar to
In her article about how one evangelical church is embracing gay rights, Nicole Pasulka summarizes the recent evolution of legal, political, and social perspectives on gay marriage.
LINK TO Pasulka, “How a Bible-Belt Evangelical Church Embraced Gay Rights,” in Chapter 23
how to carry on a conversation. This kind of
play allows children to understand the
overall concept of how language works, a
concept that is key to learning to use—and
read—language effectively (180).
Note how the student clearly identifies the title and author of
the source in the opening line of her paraphrase, and how she
restates the passage’s main ideas without copying the exact
words or phrasing of the original passage.
Summarizing Sources
Unlike a paraphrase, a summary records just the gist of a
source or a key idea—that is, only enough information to
identify a point you want to emphasize. Once again, this much-
shortened version of a source puts any borrowed ideas into your
own words. At the research stage, summaries help you identify
key points you want to make or key points your sources are
making that you want to refute and, just as important, provide a
record of what you have read. In a project itself, a summary
helps readers understand the sources you are using.
Here are some guidelines to help you prepare accurate and
helpful summaries:
Identify the thesis or main point in a source and make it the heart of your summary. In a few detailed phrases or sentences, explain to yourself (and readers) what the source accomplishes. When using a summary in an argument, identify the source, state its point, and add your own comments about why the material is significant for the argument that you’re making. Include just enough information to recount the main points you want to cite. A summary is usually much shorter than the original. When you need more information or specific details, you can return to the source itself or prepare a paraphrase. Use your own words in a summary and keep the language objective and denotative. If you include any language from the original source, enclose it in quotation marks. Collect all the information necessary to create an in-text citation as well as an item in your works cited list or references list. For online sources without page numbers, record the paragraph, screen, or section number(s) if available. Label the summary with a note that suggests where and how you intend to use it in your argument. If your summary includes a comment on the source (as it might in the summaries used for annotated bibliographies), be sure that
you won’t later confuse your comments with what the source itself asserts. Recheck the summary to make sure that you’ve captured the author’s meaning accurately and that the wording is entirely your own.
Following is a summary of the David Crystal passage on page
In Language Play, David Crystal argues that
playing with language helps children figure
out how language works, a concept that is
key to learning to use—and read—language
effectively (180).
Notice that the summary is shorter and—relatedly—less detailed
than the paraphrase shown in the section Paraphrasing Sources
You Will Use Extensively. The paraphrase gives several
examples to explain what “language play” is, while the
summary sticks to the main point of the passage.
Using Quotations Selectively and Strategically To support your argumentative claims, you’ll want to quote
(that is, to reproduce an author’s precise words) in at least three
kinds of situations:
1. when the wording expresses a point so well that you cannot improve it or shorten it without weakening it,
2. when the author is a respected authority whose opinion supports your own ideas powerfully, and/or
3. when an author or authority challenges or seriously disagrees with others in the field.
Consider, too, that charts, graphs, and images may also
function like direct quotations, providing convincing visual
evidence for your academic argument.
In an argument, quotations from respected authorities will
establish your ethos as someone who has sought out experts in
the field. Just as important sometimes, direct quotations (such
as a memorable phrase in your introduction or a detailed
eyewitness account) may capture your readers’ attention.
Finally, carefully chosen quotations can broaden the appeal of
your argument by drawing on emotion as well as logic,
appealing to the reader’s mind and heart. A student who is
writing on the ethical issues of bullfighting, for example, might
introduce an argument that bullfighting is not a sport by
quoting Ernest Hemingway’s comment that “the formal bull-
fight is a tragedy, not a sport, and the bull is certain to be killed”
and then accompany the quotation with an image such as the
one above.
A tragedy, not a sport?
The following guidelines can help you quote sources accurately
and effectively:
Quote or reproduce materials that readers will find especially convincing, purposeful, and interesting. You should have a specific reason for every quotation. Don’t forget the double quotation marks [“ ”] that must surround a direct quotation in American usage. If there’s a quote within a quote, it is surrounded by a pair of single quotation marks [‘ ’]. British usage does just the opposite,
and foreign languages often handle direct quotations much differently. When using a quotation in your argument, introduce its author(s) and follow the quotation with commentary of your own that points out its significance. Keep quoted material relatively brief. Quote only as much of a passage as is necessary to make your point while still accurately representing what the source actually said. If the quotation extends over more than one page in the original source, note the placement of page breaks in case you decide to use only part of the quotation in your argument. In your notes, label a quotation you intend to use with a note that tells you where you think you’ll use it. Make sure you have all the information necessary to create an in-text citation as well as an item in your works cited list or references list. Copy quotations carefully, reproducing the punctuation, capitalization, and spelling exactly as they are in the original. If possible, copy the quotation from a reliable text and paste it directly into your project. Make sure that quoted phrases, sentences, or passages fit smoothly into your own language. Consider where to begin the quotation to make it work effectively within its surroundings or modify the words you write to work with the quoted material. Use square brackets if you introduce words of your own into the quotation or make changes to it (“And [more] brain research isn’t going to define further the matter of ‘mind’”). Use ellipsis marks if you omit material (“And brain
research isn’t going to define . . . the matter of ‘mind’”). If you’re quoting a short passage (four lines or fewer in MLA style; forty words or fewer in APA style), it should be worked into your text, enclosed by quotation marks. Longer quotations should be set off from the regular text. Begin such a quotation on a new line, indenting every line a half inch or five to seven spaces. Set-off quotations do not need to be enclosed in quotation marks. Never distort your sources or present them out of context when you quote from them. Misusing sources is a major offense in academic arguments.
Framing Materials You Borrow with Signal Words and Introductions Because source materials are crucial to the success of
arguments, you need to introduce borrowed words and ideas
carefully to your readers. Doing so usually calls for using a
signal phrase of some kind in the sentence to introduce or
frame the source. Often, a signal phrase will precede a
quotation. But you need such a marker whenever you introduce
borrowed material, as in the following examples:
According to noted primatologist Jane
Goodall , the more we learn about the nature
of nonhuman animals, the more ethical
questions we face about their use in the
service of humans.
The more we learn about the nature of
nonhuman animals, the more ethical questions
we face about their use in the service of
humans, according to noted primatologist
Jane Goodall.
The more we learn about the nature of
nonhuman animals, according to noted
primatologist Jane Goodall , the more ethical
questions we face about their use in the
service of humans.
In each of these sentences, the signal phrase tells readers that
you’re drawing on the work of a person named Jane Goodall and
that this person is a “noted primatologist.”
Now look at an example that uses a quotation from a source in
more than one sentence:
In Job Shift, consultant William Bridges
worries about “dejobbing and about what a
future shaped by it is going to be like.”
Even more worrisome, Bridges argues , is the
possibility that “the sense of craft and of
professional vocation . . . will break down
under the need to earn a fee” (228).
The signal verbs worries and argues add a sense of urgency to
the message Bridges offers. They also suggest that the writer
either agrees with—or is neutral about—Bridges’s points. Other
signal verbs can have a more negative slant, indicating that the
point being introduced by the quotation is open to debate and
that others (including the writer) might disagree with it. If the
writer of the passage above had said, for instance, that Bridges
unreasonably contends or that he fantasizes, these signal verbs
would carry quite different connotations from those associated
with argues.
In some cases, a signal verb may require more complex
phrasing to get the writer’s full meaning across:
Bridges recognizes the dangers of changes in
work yet refuses to be overcome by them :
“The real issue is not how to stop the
change but how to provide the necessary
knowledge and skills to equip people to
operate successfully in this New World”
As these examples illustrate, the signal verb is important
because it allows you to characterize the author’s or source’s
viewpoint as well as your own—so choose these verbs with care.
Some Frequently Used Signal Verbs acknowledges claims emphasizes remarks
admits concludes expresses replies
advises concurs hypothesizes reports
agrees confirms interprets responds
allows criticizes lists reveals
argues declares objects states
asserts disagrees observes suggests
believes discusses offers thinks
charges disputes opposes writes
Note that in APA style, these signal verbs should be in a past
tense: Blau (1992) claimed; Clark (2018) has concluded.
Using Sources to Clarify and Support Your Own Argument The best academic arguments often have the flavor of a hearty
but focused intellectual conversation. Scholars and scientists
create this impression by handling research materials
strategically and selectively. Here’s how some college writers
use sources to achieve their own specific goals within an
academic argument.
Establish context Michael Hiltzik, whose article “Don’t Believe Facebook: The
Demise of the Written Word Is Very Far Off” appears in Chapter
8, sets the context for his argument when, at the end of his first
paragraph, he paraphrases the claim of Facebook executive
Nicola Mendelsohn: “In five years, she told a Fortune
conference in London, her platform will probably be ‘all video,’
and the written word will be essentially dead.” Then he uses a
second paragraph to go into greater detail because
Mendelsohn’s view represents precisely the notion he intends
to contest:
“I just think if we look already, we’re
seeing a year-on-year decline on text,” she
said. “If I was having a bet, I would say:
video, video, video.” That’s because “the
best way to tell stories in this world,
where so much information is coming at us,
actually is video. It conveys so much more
information in a much quicker period. So
actually the trend helps us to digest much
more information.”
Only then does Hiltzik present his thesis—and it is short and
sweet: “This is, of course, exactly wrong.” As they say, game on.
Readers clearly know what’s at stake in the article and perhaps
what evidence to expect from the paragraphs to follow (see
Don’t Believe Facebook: The Demise of the Written Word Is
Very Far Off in Chapter 8.)
When using Web sources such as blogs, take special care to check authors’ backgrounds and credentials.
Review the literature on a subject You will often need to tell readers what authorities have already
written about your topic, thus connecting them to your own
argument. So, in a paper on the effectiveness of peer editing,
Susan Wilcox does a very brief “review of the literature” on her
subject, pointing to three authorities who support using the
method in writing courses. She quotes from the authors and
also puts some of their ideas in her own words:
Bostock cites one advantage of peer review
as “giving a sense of ownership of the
assessment process” (1). Topping expands
this view, stating that “peer assessment
also involves increased time on task:
thinking, comparing, contrasting, and
communicating” (254). The extra time spent
thinking over the assignment, especially in
terms of helping someone else, can draw in
the reviewer and lend greater importance to
taking the process seriously, especially
since the reviewer knows that the classmate
is relying on his advice. This also adds an
extra layer of accountability for the
student; his hard work—or lack thereof—will
be seen by peers, not just the instructor.
Cassidy notes , “[S]tudents work harder with
the knowledge that they will be assessed by
their peers” (509): perhaps the knowledge
that peer review is coming leads to a
better-quality draft to begin with.
The paragraph is straightforward and useful, giving readers an
efficient overview of the subject. If they want more
information, they can find it by consulting Wilcox’s works cited
Introduce a term or define a concept Quite often in an academic argument, you may need to define a
term or explain a concept. Relying on a source may make your
job easier and enhance your credibility. That is what Laura
Pena achieves in the following paragraph, drawing upon two
authorities to explain what teachers mean by a “rubric” when it
comes to grading student work:
To understand the controversy surrounding
rubrics, it is best to know what a rubric
is. According to Heidi Andrade, a professor
at SUNY-Albany , a rubric can be defined as
“a document that lists criteria and
describes varying levels of quality, from
excellent to poor, for a specific
assignment” (“Self-Assessment” 61).
Traditionally, rubrics have been used
primarily as grading and evaluation tools
(Kohn 12) , meaning that a rubric was not
used until after students handed their
papers in to their teacher. The teacher
would then use a rubric to evaluate the
students’ papers according to the criteria
listed on the rubric.
Note that the first source provides the core definition while
information from the second offers a detail important to
understanding when and how rubrics are used—a major issue in
Pena’s paper. Her selection of sources here serves her thesis
while also providing readers with necessary information.
Present technical material Sources can be especially helpful, too, when material becomes
technical or difficult to understand. Writing on your own, you
might lack the confidence to handle the complexities of some
subjects. While you should challenge yourself to learn a subject
well enough to explain it in your own words, there will be times
when a quotation from an expert serves both you and your
readers. Here is Natalie San Luis dealing with some of the
technical differences between mainstream and Black English:
The grammatical rules of mainstream English
are more concrete than those of Black
English; high school students can’t check
out an MLA handbook on Ebonics from their
school library. As with all dialects,
though, there are certain characteristics of
the language that most Black English
scholars agree upon. According to Samy Alim,
author of Roc the Mic Right, these
characteristics are the “[h]abitual be
[which] indicates actions that are
continuing or ongoing. . . . Copula absence.
. . . Stressed been. . . . Gon [indicating]
the future tense. . . . They for possessive.
. . . Postvocalic r. . . . [and] Ank and ang
for ‘ink’ and ‘ing’” (115). Other scholars
have identified “[a]bsence of third-person
singular present-tense s. . . . Absence of
possessive ’s,” repetition of pronouns, and
double negatives (Rickford 111-24).
Note that using ellipses enables San Luis to cover a great deal of
ground. Readers not familiar with linguistic terms may have
trouble following the quotation, but remember that academic
arguments often address audiences comfortable with some
degree of complexity.
Develop or support a claim Even academic audiences expect to be convinced, and one of
the most important strategies for a writer is to use sources to
amplify or support a claim.
Here is Manasi Deshpande in a student essay making a specific
claim about disability accommodations on her campus:
“Although the University has made a concerted and continuing
effort to improve access, students and faculty with physical
disabilities still suffer from discriminatory hardship, unequal
opportunity to succeed, and lack of independence.” Now watch
how she weaves sources together in the following paragraph to
help support that claim:
The current state of campus accessibility
leaves substantial room for improvement.
There are approximately 150 academic and
administrative buildings on campus (Grant) .
Eduardo Gardea , intern architect at the
Physical Plant, estimates that only about
nineteen buildings comply fully with the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
According to Penny Seay , PhD, director of
the Center for Disability Studies at UT
Austin, the ADA in theory “requires every
building on campus to be accessible.”
Highlight differences or counterarguments The sources you encounter in developing a project won’t always
agree with each other or you. In academic arguments, you don’t
want to hide such differences, but instead point them out
honestly and let readers make judgments based upon actual
claims. Here is a paragraph in which Laura Pena again presents
two views on the use of rubrics as grading tools:
Some naysayers, such as Alfie Kohn , assert
that “any form of assessment that encourages
students to keep asking, ‘How am I doing?’
is likely to change how they look at
themselves and what they’re learning,
usually for the worse.” Kohn cites a study
that found that students who pay too much
attention to the quality of their
performance are more likely to chalk up the
outcome of an assignment to factors beyond
their control, such as innate ability, and
are also more likely to give up quickly in
the face of a difficult task (14). However,
Ross and Rolheiser have found that when
students are taught how to properly
implement self-assessment tools in the
writing process, they are more likely to put
more effort and persistence into completing
a difficult assignment and may develop
higher self-confidence in their writing
ability (sec. 2). Building self-confidence
in elementary-age writers can be extremely
helpful when they tackle more complicated
writing endeavors in the future.
In describing Kohn as a “naysayer,” Pena may tip her hand and
lose some degree of objectivity. But her thesis has already
signaled her support for rubrics as a grading tool, so academic
readers will probably not find the connotations of the term
These examples suggest only a few of the ways that sources,
either summarized or quoted directly, can be incorporated into
an academic argument to support or enhance a writer’s goals.
Like these writers, you should think of sources as your partners
in developing and expressing ideas. But you are still in charge.
Avoiding “Patchwriting” 823
When using sources in an argument, writers—and especially
those new to research-based writing—may be tempted to do
what Professor Rebecca Moore Howard terms “ patchwriting”:
stitching together material from Web or other sources without
properly paraphrasing or summarizing and with little or no
documentation. Here, for example, is a patchwork paragraph
about the dangers wind turbines pose to wildlife:
Scientists are discovering that technology
with low carbon impact does not mean low
environmental or social impacts. That is the
case especially with wind turbines, whose
long, massive fiberglass blades have been
chopping up tens of thousands of birds that
fly into them, including golden eagles, red-
tailed hawks, burrowing owls, and other
raptors in California. Turbines are also
killing bats in great numbers. The 420 wind
turbines now in use across Pennsylvania
killed more than 10,000 bats last year—
mostly in the late summer months, according
to the State Game Commission. That’s an
average of 25 bats per turbine per year, and
the Nature Conservancy predicts as many as
2,900 turbines will be set up across the
state by 2030. It’s not the spinning blades
that kill the bats; instead, their lungs
effectively blow up from the rapid pressure
drop that occurs as air flows over the
turbine blades. But there’s hope we may
figure out solutions to these problems
because, since we haven’t had too many wind
turbines heretofore in the country, we are
learning how to manage this new technology
as we go.
The paragraph reads well and is full of details. But it would be
considered plagiarized (see Chapter 21) because it fails to
identify its sources and because most of the material has simply
been lifted directly from the Web. How much is actually copied?
We’ve highlighted the borrowed material:
Scientists are discovering that technology
with low carbon impact does not mean low
environmental or social impacts . That is the
case especially with wind turbines, whose
long, massive fiberglass blades have been
chopping up tens of thousands of birds that
fly into them, including golden eagles, red-
tailed hawks, burrowing owls, and other
raptors in California . Turbines are also
killing bats in great numbers. The 420 wind
turbines now in use across Pennsylvania
killed more than 10,000 bats last year—
mostly in the late summer months, according
to the State Game Commission. That’s an
average of 25 bats per turbine per year, and
the Nature Conservancy predicts as many as
2,900 turbines will be set up across the
state by 2030. It’s not the spinning blades
that kill the bats; instead, their lungs
effectively blow up from the rapid pressure
drop that occurs as air flows over the
turbine blades. But there’s hope we may
figure out solutions to these problems
because, since we haven’t had too many wind
turbines heretofore in the country, we are
learning how to manage this new technology
as we go .
But here’s the point: an academic writer who has gone to the
trouble of finding so much information will gain more credit
and credibility just by properly identifying, paraphrasing, and
quoting the sources used. The resulting paragraph is actually
more impressive because it demonstrates how much reading
and synthesizing the writer has actually done:
Scientists like George Ledec of the World
Bank are discovering that technology with
low carbon impact “does not mean low
environmental or social impacts” (Tracy) .
That is the case especially with wind
turbines. Their massive blades spinning to
create pollution-free electricity are also
killing thousands of valuable birds of prey,
including eagles, hawks, and owls in
California (Rittier) . Turbines are also
killing bats in great numbers (Thibodeaux) .
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that
10,000 bats a year are killed by the 420
turbines currently in Pennsylvania.
According to the state game commissioner,
“That’s an average of 25 bats per turbine
per year, and the Nature Conservancy
predicts as many as 2,900 turbines will be
set up across the state by 2030”
(Schwartzel) . It’s not the spinning blades
that kill the animals; instead, Discovery
News explains, “the bats’ lungs effectively
blow up from the rapid pressure drop that
occurs as air flows over the turbine blades”
(Marshall) . But there’s hope that
scientists can develop turbines less
dangerous to animals of all kinds. “We
haven’t had too many wind turbines
heretofore in the country,” David
Cottingham of the Fish and Wildlife Service
points out, “so we are learning about it as
we go” (Tracy) .
Works Cited
Marshall, Jessica. “Wind Turbines Kill Bats without
Impact.” Discovery News, 25 Aug. 2008, dsc.discovery.com/news/2008/08/25/wind-turbine- bats.html.
Rittier, John. “Wind Turbines Taking Toll on Birds of Prey.” USA Today, 4 Jan. 2005, usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nation/2005-01-04- windmills-usat_x.htm.
Schwartzel, Erich. “Pa. Wind Turbines Deadly to Bats, Costly to Farmers.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 17 July 2011, www.post- gazette.com/business/businessnews/2011/07/17/Pa- wind-turbines-deadly-to-bats-costly-to- farmers/stories/201107170197.
Thibodeaux, Julie. “Collateral Damage: Bats Getting Caught in Texas Wind Turbines.” GreenSourceDFW, 31 Oct. 2011, www.greensourcedfw.org/articles/collateral-damage- bats-getting-caught-texas-wind-turbines.
Tracy, Ryan. “Wildlife Slows Wind Power.” The Wall Street Journal, 10 Dec. 2011, www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052970203501304577088593307132850.
1. Select one of the essays from Chapters 8–12 or 17. Following the guidelines in this chapter, write a paraphrase of the essay that you might use subsequently in an academic argument. Be careful to describe the essay accurately and to note on what pages specific ideas or claims are located. The language of the paraphrase should be entirely your own—though you may include direct quotations of phrases, sentences, or longer
passages you would likely use in a paper. Be sure these quotations are introduced and cited in your paraphrase: Hiltzik leaves no doubt that he rejects Mendelsohn’s claim: “This is, of course, exactly wrong” (193). When you are done, trade your paraphrase with a partner to get feedback on its clarity and accuracy.
2. Summarize three readings or fairly lengthy passages from Parts 1–3 of this book, following the guidelines in this chapter. Open the item with a correct MLA or APA citation for the piece (see Chapter 22). Then provide the summary itself. Follow up with a one- or two-sentence evaluation of the work describing its potential value as a source in an academic argument. In effect, you will be preparing three items that might appear in an annotated bibliography. Here’s an example:
Hiltzik, Michael. “Don’t Believe
Facebook: The Demise of the Written
Word Is Very Far Off.” Everything’s an
Argument, by Andrea A. Lunsford and
John J. Ruszkiewicz, 8th ed., Bedford,
2019, pp. 193–96. Argues that those
who believe that video will soon
supplant print as the primary vehicle
for news are primarily marketers who
underestimate the efficiency and
precision of print. The journalistic
piece cites studies and provides
arguments that suggest print is far
from dead.
3. Working with a partner, agree upon an essay that you will both read from Chapters 8–12 or 17, examining it as a potential source for a research argument. As you read it, choose about a half-dozen words, phrases, or short passages that you would likely quote if you used the essay in a paper and attach a frame or signal phrase to each quotation. Then compare the passages you selected to quote with those your partner culled from the same essay. How do your choices of quoted material create an image or ethos for the original author that differs from the one your partner has created? How do the signal phrases shape a reader’s sense of the author’s position? Which set of quotations best represents the author’s argument? Why?
4. Select one of the essays from Chapters 8–12 or 17 to examine the different ways an author uses source materials to support claims. Begin by highlighting the signal phrases you find attached to borrowed ideas or direct quotations. How well do they introduce or frame this material? Then categorize the various ways the author actually uses particular sources. For example, look for sources that provide context for the topic, review the scholarly literature, define key concepts or terms, explain technical details, furnish evidence, or lay out contrary opinions. When you are done, write a paragraph assessing the author’s handling of sources in the piece. Are the borrowed materials integrated well with the author’s own thoughts? Do the sources represent an effective synthesis of ideas?
CHAPTER 21 Plagiarism and Academic Integrity
In many ways, “nothing new under the sun” is more than just a
cliché. Most of what you think or write is built on what you’ve
previously read or experienced or learned from others. Luckily,
you’ll seldom be called on to list every influence on your life.
But you do have responsibilities in school and professional
situations to acknowledge any intellectual property you’ve made
use of when you create arguments of your own. If you don’t,
you may be accused of plagiarism—claiming as your own the
words, research, or creative work of others.
What is intellectual property? It’s complicated. But, for
academic arguments in Western culture, it is the expression of
ideas you find in works produced by others that you then use to
advance and support your own claims. You have to document
not only when you use or reproduce someone’s exact words,
images, music, or other creations (in whole or in part), but also
when you borrow the framework others use to put ideas
together in original or creative ways. Needless to say,
intellectual property rights have always been contentious, but
never more so than today, when digital media make it
remarkably easy to duplicate and distribute all sorts of
materials. Accustomed to uploading and downloading files,
cutting and pasting passages, you may be comfortable working
with texts day-to-day in ways that are considered inappropriate,
or even dishonest, in school. You may, for example, have
patched together sources without putting them in your own
words or documenting them fully, practices that will often be
seen as plagiarism (see Avoiding “Patchwriting” in Chapter 20).
So it is essential that you read and understand any policies on
academic integrity that your school has set down. In particular,
pay attention to how those policies define, prosecute, and
punish cheating, plagiarism, and collusion. Some institutions
recognize a difference between intentional and unintentional
plagiarism, but you don’t want the honesty of anything you
write to be questioned. You need to learn the rules and
understand that the penalties for plagiarism are severe not only
for students but for professional writers as well.
But don’t panic! Many student writers today are so confused or
worried about plagiarism that they shy away from using sources
—or end up with a citation for almost every sentence in an
essay. There’s no reason to go to such extremes. As a
conscientious researcher and writer, you simply need to give
your best effort in letting readers know what sources you have
used. Being careful in such matters will have a big payoff: when
you give full credit to your sources, you enhance your ethos in
academic arguments—which is why “Academic Integrity”
appears in this chapter’s title. Audiences will applaud you for
saying thanks to those who’ve helped you. Crediting your
sources also proves that you have done your homework: you
demonstrate that you understand what others have written
about the topic and encourage others to join the intellectual
conversation. Finally, citing sources reminds you to think
critically about how to use the evidence you’ve collected. Is it
timely and reliable? Have you referenced authorities in a biased
or overly selective way? Have you double-checked