RESEARCH PAPER-Country Analysis of Financial and Banking System (China)
Research Paper Guidelines Prior to Writing Report
a) The Central Bank and/or the Superintendence of Banks, (banks & financial institutions regulator) as well as the Country's Banking Association(s).
b) Correspondent banks, branches or subsidiaries of international located in Miami, New York, or other principal international banking cities are an excellent source since they may have current information on the country selected or may direct you where to find it.
c) Review periodicals published in Miami, New York, or other US cities as well as local newspapers and magazines in the particular country that you have selected for published relevant information on the country and its financial system during at least the last three years to the closest date of when you are writing the research report.
d) Please understand that the financial information requested may be several months old. Current figures may not be as readily available as they are available in the United States from financial institutions and regulatory agencies. Data for the last quarter or six-month period may not have been published yet, but those of previous quarters will probably be available. Most government agencies regulating banks, and financial institutions which are active in international business and use the internet actively, will probably have published figures for the most current December year end or June quarterly period.
1. The Report should be concise and cover the text material in no more than 20 pages. You may add relevant and meaningful information as appendices; material is plentiful; therefore, you have to decide what is important and what is not.
2. Assume that this report is to be given to members of a Board of Directors of a financial institution which has to make a decision on lending to the private or public sector of the selected country. If you were the Bank Director, what kind of meaningful information would you need to cast your vote? The Director has limited time to read, understand and process the information on which to make a decision. Many Board of Directors meetings do not last more than 2 hours and many agenda items are covered during that time. Assume that you, the Director, do not have much time to read and comprehend the report prior to the meeting, but a decision has to be made at that meeting, the decision cannot be postponed.
3, The cover page should be presented as followed, centered on the top page:
The Financial and Banking System of:
In Partial Fulfillments of the
Course Requirements
FIN ####
International Global Banking
Prepared for:
Participating Adjunct Professor
Department of Finance
United states
Prepared by:
Your Name
Your: Panther ID Number
Phone Number
E-mail address
Date of Report
Month, Day, 2019
The Body of the Report Shall Contain:
Maximum 20 typewritten pages double spaced
plus appendices.
Please note that if this Table of Contents does not show the applicable page numbers and your report does not follow this exact outline, your assignment grade will be reduced by at least a full letter grade.
The Financial and Banking System of:
Name of Country
I. Table of Contents Insert Applicable Page Nos.
II. Geography and (You may insert map showing
surrounding area and location.)
III. History of the Country
IV. The Country's Financial System
a. Historical Overview
b. Present Monetary Laws and Regulations
c. Types of Financial Institutions operating in the country
d. The Central Bank
e. Bank Regulation
f. Commercial Banks Operating in the country
1. Commercial - Principal domestic and foreign banks operating in the country. Appendix with chart showing list of banks: asset, deposits, total liabilities, capital, retained earnings, loan charge offs, net income. They are ranked from the largest ones to the smallest ones. A list of bank names and addresses but without current financial data is meaningless.
2. Savings & Mortgage Banks
3. Development Banks
4 Other Financial firms
V. Country’s Balance of Payment and Balance of Trade- Principal Sources of Exports, Imports, investments, and funds transfers, etc.
VI. Foreign Reserves
VII. Current Situation of the country's currency
VIII. Risk those banks in the selected country face- such Currency, Political, Regulatory, Crime, etc.
IX. What is the Country doing about Preventing, Detecting and Eradicating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing?
X. Important Bank Failures and Scandals in the Country.
XI Summary and Conclusion:
XII What is the Future Outlook for this Country and its Financial System?
XIII Would you Approve Lines of Credit for Banks in this Country?
Explain Your Yes or No Decision.
XIV Appendices
Footnotes and Bibliography Requirements:
Please present both the footnotes and bibliography in accordance with an acceptable manual of style. Internet addresses by themselves are not acceptable . You must write the name of the source and then insert the web URL locator. It is very important to show the dates on all information presented and the date of the particular publication. Do not insert the date that you retrieved the information from the web, as it is not important. What is very important is the date that the material was published on the web and by whom. Please refer to a Manual of Style tab for guidance in properly inserting foot/end notes and bibliography.
Ascertain that the page number appear at the bottom center or right side of each report double spaced page. Rev. 2017-01