Intergrated Paper Rubric
CCMH/515 Week 8 Integrative Paper Signature Assignment and Analytic Rubric
Course ID: CCMH/515 Course Title: Legal, Ethical, and Professional Issues in Counseling Signature Assignment Title: CCMH/515 Week 8 Integrative Paper Total number of points: 15 Signature Assignment Description/Directions:
Through integrating knowledge of ethical and legal requirements into your ethical decision-making process, you can provide a proper ethical response to ethical dilemmas. This assignment will help you to apply what you have learned in this course to determine an appropriate ethical response that demonstrates ethical decision making. Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper that synthesizes your learning and engages you in critical thinking around the potential ethical and legal challenges in professional practice (PSLO 9.1). Address the following aspects of ethical practice in your paper:
Select a section of the ACA Code of Ethics that can present potential ethical dilemmas because of a conflict between your personal values and ethics.(PSLO 1.3)
Select a section of the ACA Code of Ethics where no conflicts exist between your personal values and ethics.(PSLO 5.6) Demonstrate the following in your paper:
Evidence of research from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals that addresses the identified potential ethical dilemma, as well as the area where no conflict exists (PSLO 1.3)
Identification of significant legal or ethical issues and processes in each respective area (PSLO 1.3)
Risk management strategies and self-evaluation practices useful in resolving any dilemmas in your area of conflict (PSLO 5.6)
Well-reasoned arguments that evidence critical thought and self-awareness (PSLO 2.4) Include a minimum of seven references. One of these may be from the course texts, and one must be from the ACA Code of Ethics. Format your paper according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines (PSLO 9.2).
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Signature Assignment Due Week: 8
Dimensions or
Assignment Criteria
Does Not Meet
Approaches Expectations
Meets Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
CCMH PSLO 1 Students will demonstrate knowledge, skills and dispositions key to success in professional counseling, advocacy, and ethical practice.
1.3 legal and ethical considerations specific to clinical mental health counseling
Weight 30%
Does not demonstrate ability to identify the significant legal or ethical issues and processes in each respective area.
Demonstrates limited ability to identify the significant legal or ethical issues and processes in each respective area.
Demonstrates proficient and expected level of ability to identify the significant legal or ethical issues and processes in each respective area.
Demonstrates insightful and skilled ability to identify the significant legal or ethical issues and processes in each respective area through a substantive, in-depth, scholarly discussion.
CCMH PSLO 2 Students will demonstrate knowledge, skills and dispositions that provide an understanding of societal changes and trends; human roles; societal subgroups; social mores and interaction patterns; and differing lifestyles
GE-SLO: 5 ULG: 1
2.4 the impact of heritage, attitudes, beliefs, understandings, and acculturative experiences on an individual’s views of others
Weight 25%
Does not demonstrate ability to explain well- reasoned arguments that evidence critical thought and self- awareness.
Demonstrates limited ability to explain well- reasoned arguments that evidence critical thought and self-awareness.
Demonstrates proficient and expected level of ability to explain well- reasoned arguments that evidence critical thought and self-awareness.
Demonstrates insightful and skilled ability to explain well-reasoned arguments that evidence critical thought and self- awareness through a substantive, in-depth, scholarly discussion.
CCMH PSLO 5. Student will demonstrate an understanding of philosophic bases of helping processes; counseling theories and their applications; helping skills; consultation theories and their applications; helper
5.6 counselor characteristics and behaviors that influence the counseling process Weight 25%
Does not demonstrate ability to illustrate risk management strategies and self- evaluation practices useful in resolving any dilemmas in your area of conflict
Demonstrates limited ability to illustrate risk management strategies and self-evaluation practices useful in resolving any dilemmas in your area of conflict
Demonstrates proficient and expected level of ability to illustrate risk management strategies and self-evaluation practices useful in resolving any dilemmas in your area of conflict
Demonstrates insightful ability to select apply to illustrate risk management strategies and self-evaluation practices useful in resolving any dilemmas in your area of conflict through a substantive,
self-understanding and self- development; and facilitation of client or consultee change
in-depth, scholarly discussion.
CCMH PSLO: 9 Effective communication in classroom and workplace.
GE-SLO: 2 ULG: 3
9.1 Conventions of Language Weight 10%
Does not demonstrate ability of standard writing conventions. (e.g., punctuation, spelling, capitalization, paragraph breaks, grammar and usage). Frequent, significant errors impede readability.
Demonstrates limited ability of standard writing conventions (e.g., punctuation, spelling, capitalization, paragraph breaks, grammar and usage). Errors begin to impede readability.
Demonstrates proficient and expected level of ability of standard writing conventions (e.g., punctuation, spelling, capitalization, paragraph breaks, grammar and usage) and uses them effectively to enhance communication. Errors are so few and do not impede readability.
Student demonstrates exceptionally strong control of standard writing conventions (e.g., punctuation, spelling, capitalization, paragraph breaks, grammar and usage) and uses them effectively to enhance communication.
CCMH PSLO:9 Effective communication in classroom and workplace.
GE-SLO: 2 ULG: 3
9.2 Use of form and style Weight 10%
Errors in use of form and style (e.g. APA) detract substantially from the content of the paper.
Errors in use of form and style (e.g. APA) weaken the content of the paper.
Errors in use of form and style (e.g. APA) are rare and do not detract from the content of the paper.
There are no errors in use of form and style (e.g. APA) in the student’s paper.