Healthcare System Trade-offs & Organizational Strategic Leadership
Case 15: Australian Surgery Indicator Makes the Front Page
The front page of the Sydney Morning Herald of February 28, 2011, carried an exclusive headlined, “Thousands Hit as Hospitals Cancel Surgery” (Wallace, 2011). It cited public records from NSW Health, the ministry responsible for monitoring New South Wales’ state health system. The records indicated that same-day surgery cancellations were “occurring regularly at three times the accepted standard.” Many patients showed up at public hospitals operated by area health services expecting to go into the operating room, only to be sent home after fasting and having blood samples sent to the lab. In many instances, surgeries were canceled because the hospitals did not have beds waiting for the patients after their surgeries.
The article noted that the ministry’s “Surgery Dashboard,” a monthly snapshot of key performance indicators, sets a target of less than 2% for surgery cancellations. This is a stretch or “aspirational” goal, and some NSW hospitals were not meeting the previous standard of less than 5%.
The Surgical Service Taskforce developed the dashboard, and NSW Health incorporated it into its Pre-Procedure Preparation Toolkit, a guideline issued by the ministry’s Health Service Performance Improvement Branch. Table 15-1 lists the key performance indicators for both state and local levels.
The guideline indicators and targets were reviewed in November 2012, and the canceled surgeries target remained unchanged.
The reporter interviewed the chair of the local Australian Medical Association hospital practice committee, who was also a medical school faculty member. He suggested that the problem was worse than indicated, because patients who wanted surgery but were never booked were not counted. He observed that the benchmark percentage was “ambitious but clearly double or triple that figure is unacceptable.” He called a ministry plan to add 400 public hospital beds per year insufficient.
The deputy director-general of NSW Health told the reporter that 40–45% of the cancellations were for “patient reasons,” such as the patient not showing up or being ill on the day of surgery. He also noted that there were multiple reasons why hospitals could not accommodate surgery patients—when trauma patients unexpectedly tied up ICU beds, for example, or when necessary supplies and equipment were not available. He noted that when the benchmark had been less than 5% nearly all the hospitals had met it, so it was raised to an “aspirational” level of less than 2% in 2007.
Data extracted from the monthly reports by the newspaper indicated that some hospitals were usually failing to meet the less than 5% target and few had come close to the less than 2% level on a consistent basis. The same-day cancellation rate for six of the nine local hospitals was around 4%. This suggests that almost 9,000 same-day surgeries are canceled in New South Wales each year. The deputy observed that a cancellation rate of 4–5% was typical of other Australian states and that 91% of elective surgeries were “completed on time.”
Table 15-1 Key Surgical Performance Indicators
State Level |
Booked patient cancellations on the day of surgery for any reason |
< 2.0% |
Patients canceled due to medical conditions (included above) |
< 1.0% |
Suggested for Local Level |
Patients through the preprocedure preparation process |
100% |
Percentage of patients processed by: |
Target locally determined |
Telephone interview |
General preadmission clinic |
Multidisciplinary preadmission clinic |
Average time spent by patient in preadmission clinic |
General (anesthetist and nurse) |
2 hours |
Multidisciplinary |
4 hours |
Other |
Patients who “do not attend” on the day of surgery |
< 0.5% |
Source: Data from: NSW Department of Health, Guideline: Pre-Procedure Preparation Toolkit, Document GL-2007_018, 02-Nov-2007, p. 18. Accessed December 9, 2013, at
McLaughlin, C. P., & McLaughlin, C. D. (2014). Health policy analysis: An interdisciplinary approach (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.