business plan


Bussiness plan

Description of business

What is the name of your business?


What will your business do?

What form of business ownership (sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation) will your bussiness take? Why did you choose this form?

Ideal customer

Brief describe your ideal customer. What are they like in terms of age, income level, and so on?

Our advantages

Why will customers choose to buy from your business, instead of your competition?

Ethical Issues

All busineses have to deal with ethical issue. One way to address there issue is to create a code of ethics. List three core ( unchanging) principles that your business will follow.

Social Responsibility

A business shows social responsibility by respecting all of its stakeholders. What steps will you take to create a socially responsible business?

Gobal issues

Do you think that you’ll sell your product in another country? If so, what countries would you choose, and why? What challenges will you face?

Mission statement

Provide a brief mission statement for your business

Business goals

Consider the goals for your business. What are three of your business goals for the first year? What are two intermediate to long-term goals?

Swot analysis

Perform a basic Swot analysis for your business, listing its main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threates.


Who will manage the business?

Organization chart

Show how the “team” fits together by creating a simple organizational chart for your business. Make sure that you organizational chart indicates who will work for each manager as well as each person’s jpb title.

Floor plan

Create a floor plan of the business. What does it look like when your walk throuhg the door?

Raw materials and supplier

Explain what types of raw materials and supplies will you need to run your business. How will your produce your good or service? What equipment do you need? What hours will you operate?

Quality Assurance

What steps will you take to ensure that the quality of the produce or service stays at a high level? Who will be responsible for maintaining the quality of the produce or service (or both)?

Corporation culture

What do you see as the “corporate culture” of your business? What types of employee behaviors such as organizational citizenship, will you expect?

Leadership philosophy

What is your philosophy on leadership? How will you manage your employees day-to-day?

Job descriptions

Briefky create a job description for each team member

Job specifications

Next, create a job specification for each job, listing the skills and other credentials and qualifications needed to perform job effectively

Insert job title 1

Inset needed skill/ credentials/ qualification for job

Training exmployees

What sort of trainning, if any, will your employees need once they are hired? How will you provide this trainning?


A major factor in retaining skill workers is a company’s compesation system- the toal package of rewards that it offers employees in return for their labor. Part of this compensation system includes wage/salaries. What wages or salaries will you offer for each job? Why did you decide on that pay rate?


What incentives will you use to motivate your workforce?