602 Paper
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Class: BUSN602
Item: Week 5 - Writing Assignment
Points: 100.0
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BUSN602 Week 5 Writing Assnmt 100 %
Exemplary 4 pts
Accomplished 3.2 pts
Developing 2.8 pts
Beginning 1.5 pts
Did not attempt 0 pts
Institutional Learning Objectives
ILO: Specialized Knowledge 10 % Elucidates the major theories, research methods and approaches to inquiry, and/or schools of practice in the field; articulates relevant sources; and illustrates their relationship to allied fields.
Student provides a strong introduction to the paper that gives a background of the situation and includes a good thesis statement.
Student provides an introduction to the paper that gives a background and the thesis statement needs work.
Student provides an introduction to the paper that gives a background but does not provide a thesis statement or the thesis statement needs work.
Student provides an introduction to the paper but it does not give a background on the situation and no thesis statement is provided.
Did not attempt
Student does not provide an introduction, background, or thesis statement in the paper.
Quick feedback:
ILO: Broad Integrative Knowledge 10 % Articulates how the field has developed in relation to other major domains of inquiry or practice.
Student pulled research from 6 or more required sources and at least 3 are from peer-reviewed sources.
Student pulled research from 4-5 resources and at least 1-2 are peer-reviewed OR student provides 5+ sources but they are not peer-reviewed.
Student pulled research from 2-3 resources and at least 1 is peer-reviewed OR student provides 3+ sources but they are not peer-reviewed.
Student pulled research from <2 resources and/or they are not peer-reviewed.
Did not attempt
Student did not use any resources in the paper. Quick feedback:
Program Objective
Program Objective 10 % Distinguish and implement analytical financial tools to conduct business analysis and to communicate possible solutions and implementation plans for business decisions.
Identified and discussed 3+ concepts required by the assignment description.
IIdentified and discussed 2 concepts required by the assignment description.
Identified and discussed 1 concept required by the assignment description.
Identified concepts but did not provide details or supporting discussion.
Did not attempt
Did not correctly identify or discuss any of the concepts learned.
Quick feedback:
Course Objective
Substance 30 % CO7. Integrate the methods/ techniques used to make capital budgeting decisions.
Student's paper contains all of the following: (1) Content is complete and accurate. (2) Response demonstrates a clear understanding of the key elements of assignment questions. (3) Student defined APV and discussed how APV differs from NPV for project valuation. (4) Student identified and discussed two business models that are popular, for example, WACC, Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis, etc. for business valuation models.
Student's paper contains 3 of 4 of the following: (1) Content is complete and accurate. (2) Response demonstrates a clear understanding of the key elements of assignment questions. (3) Student defined APV and discussed how APV differs from NPV for project valuation. (4) Student identified and discussed two business models that are popular, for example, WACC, Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis, etc. for business valuation models.
Student's paper contains 2 of 4 of the following: (1) Content is complete and accurate. (2) Response demonstrates a clear understanding of the key elements of assignment questions. (3) Student defined APV and discussed how APV differs from NPV for project valuation. (4) Student identified and discussed two business models that are popular, for example, WACC, Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis, etc. for business valuation models.
Student's paper contains 1 of 4 of the following: (1) Content is complete and accurate. (2) Response demonstrates a clear understanding of the key elements of assignment questions. (3) Student defined APV and discussed how APV differs from NPV for project valuation. (4) Student identified and discussed two business models that are popular, for example, WACC, Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis, etc. for business valuation models.
Did not attempt
Content is incomplete. Response demonstrates a cursory understanding of key elements of assignment questions. For project valuation, defined APV and discussed how APV differs from NPV. Student did not identify or discuss business valuation models OR student did not submit a paper.
Quick feedback:
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1 of 2
Grammar 10 % Paper has been proofread for grammatical errors.
Paper contains 1-2 grammatical errors.
Paper contains 3 or less grammatical errors.
Paper contains 4 or less grammatical errors.
Paper contains 5 or less grammatical errors.
Did not attempt
Paper contains 6+ grammatical errors. Quick feedback:
APA 5 % Paper is in proper APA format.
Paper contains 1-2 APA errors.
Paper contains 3-4 APA errors.
Paper contains 5-6 APA errors.
Paper contains 6-7 APA errors.
Did not attempt
Paper contains 8+ errors or was not submitted in APA format. Quick feedback:
Mechanics 20 % Organization and length of paper.
Paragraph transitions are logical and completely support the flow of thought throughout the paper.
Paper exceeds the 600 minimum content words; assignment is maximum 750 content words.
Paragraph transitions are logical and support the flow of thought throughout the paper.
Paper is 600-700 content words.
Paragraph transitions are lacking and do not support the flow of thought throughout the paper.
Paper is 550-600 content words.
Paragraph transitions are not logical in supporting the flow of thought throughout the paper.
Paper is 450-550 content words.
Did not attempt
Did not correctly identify or discuss any of the concepts learned.
Quick feedback:
Turnitin 5 % 20% Similarity
Turnitin is less than 15% similarity match after filters applied.
Turnitin is between 16 and 20% similarity match after filters applied.
Turnitin is over the 20% similarity, less than 30% match after filters applied.
Turnitin is over 30% similarity, less than 40% match after filters applied.
Did not attempt
Turnitin is over 40% similarity match after filters applied. Quick feedback:
Overall Feedback:
Quick feedback: private notes
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APUS RCampus - rubric assessment: RCampus https://irubric.apus.edu/rubricgradeeditf.cfm?xsite=MainSite
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