English assignment
Rubric for Annotated Bibliography
Advanced |
Proficient/Acceptable |
Needs Improvement |
Insufficient |
Writing fluency of annotations
25 % |
All annotations are thoughtful, complete, (including the evaluative information included in instructions) and well written. (25-20) |
Most annotations are thoughtful, complete, (including the evaluative information included in instructions) and well written. (19-15) |
Some annotations are well written, but some are lacing incompleteness (including the evaluative information included in instructions), thought, and/or writing quality. (14-10) |
Most annotations are lacking in completeness, (including the evaluative information included in instructions), thought, and/or writing quality. 9-0) |
Quality/Reliability of Sources
15 % |
All sources cited can be considered reliable, credible and/or trustworthy. (15-13) |
Most of the sources cited can be considered reliable, credible and/or trustworthy 12-10) |
Some sources cited can be considered reliable credible and/or trustworthy. (9-7) |
Few sources cited con be considered reliable and/or trustworthy. (6-0) |
Variety and Quantity of Sources
30 % |
At least three types of sources are cited and the number of citations (10) covers the breadth of information and appears informed by stakeholders, reference librarian, and team brainstorming. (30-25) |
At least three types of sources are cited and the citations (8-10) generally cover the information needed to inform the project proposal. (24-20) |
Only two types of sources were used or sources are repetitive. More and different citations are needed to cover the information needed to inform the project. (19-15) |
Only one type of source is cited and the number of citations is inadequate to provide background on the topic. (14-0) |
Writing Mechanics
20 % |
The annotations are well written with minimal punctuation, spelling, grammar, or English usage errors. (20-18) |
The annotations are well written, but contains more than 3 punctuation, spelling, grammar, or English usage errors. (17-15) |
The annotations have many punctuation, spelling, grammar, and/or English usage errors making comprehension challenging. (14-12) |
The annotations are not well written and contain many errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar, and/or English usage that interfere with meaning. (11-0) |
Modified APA Citation and Reference/Bibliography
10 % |
The citations include author, date, title, and retrieval information. The annotations and bibliography is alphabetized and correctly formatted. (10-9) |
A few citations may be missing one of the following: author, date, title, or retrieval information. The annotations and bibliography are alphabetized and correctly formatted. (8-7) |
There are many and/or frequent formatting errors in the citations. The annotations and bibliography are not alphabetized or correctly formatted. (6-5) |
There is little or no adherence to the modified citation guidelines. Elements of assignment are missing. (4-0) |