Writing unit 7
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Due: Sunday 11:59 pm
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The Process Analysis Essay requires you to fully describe the process of completing a task. You can call upon your personal experiences with this task but must remain objective and write your essay from the third person point of view. The essay will be two to three pages in length and employ APA format.
Follow these guidelines to write your Process Analysis Essay:
- Choose one of the following topics:
- How to organize a kitchen
- How to create an experiment
- How to groom your pet
- How to develop an exercise regimen
- How to prepare for college
- Include an APA title page
- This essay does not require outside sources
- If outside sources are used, include APA in-text citations
- If outside sources are used, include an APA Reference page
- Include a running header
- Be objective and avoid using “I,” “me,” “you,” “we,” or “us.”
Follow the Process Analysis Essay grading rubric found in the unit readings.
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