Week 2 Discussions


Each post much be 250 words with references cited.  Due by 06/25/2015 8:30 pm EST.


Combating Bribery
In May 2011, the Commission for Eradication of Corruption in Indonesia (K.P.K.) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (O.E.C.D.) met to devise a treaty against international bribery practices. First, read the Conference Conclusions document. Then discuss how the twelve conclusions from the conference will help the international anti-corruption community forge ahead in fighting foreign bribery with a mutual understanding of how to achieve its goals.  


  • K.P.K./O.E.C.D. Conference on Combating Foreign Bribery in International Business Transactions (2011, May 11).  Conference ConclusionsRetrieved from http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/53/38/47888802.pdf
    This document reports the results of the work completed at the K.P.K./O.E.C.D. conference.  It supports the Combating Bribery discussion this week.


Shell’s Values

Review the Shell: Our Values page on Shell’s corporate website. To what major issues does Shell highlight its commitment? Do you think the organization’s statements are useful as a guide to ethical and socially responsible decision making? Why or why not? 


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