For Wak_solutions only
As you have discussed so far in this course, healthcare has lagged behind other
industries in terms of digitization of records, in particular patient health records.
Write a paper that includes the following:
Explain the importance of information technology (IT) in patient transitions in different
types of healthcare settings.
Provide some insight into the status of the federal government initiatives that are
underway (regional health information networks, electronic health records that are
available from anywhere, etc.) with the goal of creating a health information exchange
in the United States.
Finally, knowing the status of the NHIN and initiatives, use critical thinking to analyze
how your primary healthcare provider compares.
Review the meaningful use implementation scenarios at the following site:
o Source: S&I Framework: Scenarios. Retrieved from
Using one of these scenarios, describe a specific example of how your
provider’s office is state-of-the-art.
Describe a scenario where the office is also lagging behind. Using that
scenario, identify the primary obstacles the office faces, describe several
potential solutions to this problem, and identify the one that would best fit your
provider's office.
The Assignment should be three to four pages in length, prepared in a Microsoft Word
document, and APA-formatted, and 3-4 references
11 years ago
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