Unit 4 - Writing Assignment As discussed in Chapter 4 of the textbook, anthropologists Laura Nader and Harry F. Todd, Jr. developed...

Unit 4 - Writing Assignment As discussed in Chapter 4 of the textbook, anthropologists Laura Nader and Harry F. Todd, Jr. developed a typology describing stages in the dispute process. Chapter 4 also discusses a different typology describing stages in the dispute process created by socio-legal scholars William L. F. Felstiner, Richard L. Abel, and Austin Sarat. For this written assignment, please write a 3 page paper addressing the following: 1. Identify and describe the three stages in the dispute process as developed by Nader and Todd. 2. Provide an example of each stage in the dispute process for Nader and Todd’s typology. 3. Identify and describe the stages in the dispute process developed by Felstiner, Abel, and Sarat. 4. Explain the differences and/or similarities between Felstiner, Abel, and Sarat’s typology and Nader and Todd’s typology. For this assignment, you will rely heavily on the textbook. However, in addition to your text, please research one additional source to support your paper. Cite to all sources using APA format. In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria:  Length of the paper should be 3 pages, excluding cover page and references.  Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained.  Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).  Writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.  Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.  Appropriate citation style should be followed. Submit the memo to the Unit 4 Dropbox by the end of Unit 4. Submitting your Writing Assignment  Put your project in a Word document. Save it in a location and with a name that you will remember. When you are ready to submit it, click on the Dropbox and complete the steps below:  Click the link that says “Submit an Assignment.” In the 'Submit to Basket' menu, select Unit 4: Assignment.  In the “Comments” field, include at least the title of your project.  Click the “Add Attachments” button.  Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document. To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted assignment.
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