Strategic Management (6LA1) Help
General instructions: (Strategic Management Book PDF attached)
(1) Research, apply and answer in your own words with appropriate reference(s) and in-text citation(s) to this week’s readings, videos, and/or examples from current events to support the position and/or rationale.
(2) Label your responses specifically “Learning activity 1”, and “Learning activity 2”.
(3) Write in 300 words at least for initial response. Due by Thursday.
Learning Activity 1
In Chapter 9, we learned about ”Executing Strategy through Organization Design”.
The following activity is intended for you to apply what you have learned to support your recommended types of organizational structure in executing three different types of strategies:
(1) An innovation strategy is one that “emphases the introduction of major new products and services.”
(2) A cost-minimization strategy is one that “emphases (a) tight cost controls, (b) avoidance of unnecessary innovation or marketing expenses, and (c) price cutting.”
(3) An imitation strategy is one that “seeks to move into new products or new markets only after their viability has been proven”.
Unknown (2014). Introduction to strategic management. Washington, D.C.: The Saylor Foundation.
Step 1: Initial response
- Respond to the following three questions:
- What type(s) of organizational structure works (work) best with an innovation strategy?
- A cost-minimization strategy?
- An imitation strategy?
- What are the respective advantages (pros) and disadvantages (cons) (if any) in adopting such organizational structure for each intended strategy?
- Choose a strategic option out of the three (innovation, cost-minimization or imitation) strategies for your focal company (your current or one of your previous employers), what are the underlying reasons for that company in terms of its current internal and external areas of competitive advantages?
9 years ago
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