SCI/201 Week 2 Individual Assignment - Assessing Reliability and Credibility of CAM Resources Presentation - A+ paper from A+ rated tutor!
SCI/201 Week 2 Individual Assignment - Assessing Reliability and Credibility of CAM Resources Presentation - A+ paper from A+ rated tutor!
SCI/201 SCI 201 SCI201 Survey of Alternative Medicine Version 3
University of Phoenix, Axia College
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Individual Assessing Reliability and Credibility of CAM Resources Presentation | Create a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on a methodology you create for assessing credibility and reliability of sources of CAM information. Include detailed speaker notes and reference citations.
Devise 3 to 5 objective criteria to judge the credibility and reliability of a source of information on CAM, such as a book, newspaper article, or speaker. Research websites on a CAM therapeutic modality.
Review one of the websites and determine how reliable the site is for CAM information, using your 3 to 5 criteria.
· Describe how a consumer’s attitudes and beliefs about CAM could hinder objective assessments of reliability and credibility in CAM.
· Demonstrate, in detail, how you reached your conclusion about the website. Consider using a grading scale or grid for this exercise.
· Discuss what steps the website could take to increase its credibility.
Present the Assessing Reliability and Credibility of CAM Resources Presentation. · For Local Campus students, these may be (at the discretion of the faculty) oral presentations accompanied by PowerPoint® presentations.
· For Online and Directed Study students, these are PowerPoint® presentations with notes.
11 years ago
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