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Task Type: Individual Project   Deliverable Length: 400–600 words    
Points Possible: 100   Due Date: 3/9/2015 11:59:59 PM  CT [removed]    

Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.

Each facility that accepts assignment and reimbursement from the federal government must be well-versed and familiar with the rules, regulations, and laws that will impact the financial management of its organization.

The chief financial officer (CFO) of your hospital has asked you to provide the following information:

  • Identify and list at least 5 of the current federal laws and events that will impact the hospital.
  • Provide an opinion about what you think will have an impact specifically on the financial decisions of the facility.

Please submit your assignment.

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