Psychology (four-part discussion question)


Minimum word count: 250 (or more) total. 


1. Explain Carl Rogers' person-centered approach and his concept of unconditional positive regard. How is this approach different from other humanistic approaches, and from the models that you have studied earlier in the course?

2. Interpret the following quote into your own words:

  • “The relationship which I have found helpful is characterized by a sort of transparency on my part, in which my real feelings are evident; by an acceptance of this other person as a separate person with value in his own right; and by a deep empathic understanding which enables me to see his private world through his eyes” (Carl Rogers. 1902-1987).

3. Rank Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Describe the importance of each need. Can an individual work towards a higher need if the lower ones are not met yet? Does this information give you guidance towards the goals you will develop with your clients? Why or why not?

4. Assess how stress, adjustment, and health differences can impact one’s personality development. Explain why these factors are important to know as a therapist.


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