
Program files for each of the following programs.

Write out client information

Read in client information

Draw a snowman

At the beginning of all your programs, put a comment box that includes the program name, your name, and a brief description of the program.



Program Name:

Programmer's Name: Student Name

Program Description: Describe here what this program will do


How to submit your assignment: 

The programs must have the same names as the assignment title.

Each Java source file (*.java) must include a corresponding class file (*.class) program as evidence of success.

In addition to the program source code files and byte code files, put all your program source code files and screen shots of your program output files into a Word document.

You must use a zipped folder to send your weekly assignment to the Dropbox. Do not send subfolders within your zipped folder. Place all of the .java and .class files for the week into the one zipped folder. The zip folder should be named CIS355A_YourLastName_iLab_Week5, and this zip folder will contain all the weekly programming assignments.

Required Software


Steps: 1, 2, and 3


STEP 1: Writing out Client Information

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1)      Create the following GUI, so that when your program is running, your user can input information regarding a client and hit the save button to save the information out to a file.


2)  Every time the user hits the save button, that information should be saved out to a file called client.txt; each new client's information should append to the information already saved onto the file client.txt.

3) The data in the client.txt file should be formatted like the following.

Client Activity Report   

Client Name   Client ID    Starting Balance    Closing Balance

XXXXXXXXX     9999999   99999.99    99999.99

XXXXXXXXX     9999999  99999.99     99999.99

XXXXXXXXX   9999999    99999.99  99999.99

Writing Client Information Points Description

Standard header included 1 Must contain program name, student’s name, and description of the program

Program Compiles 2 Program does not have any error

Program Executes 2 Program runs without any error

Data Output is Correct 5 The data is written and formatted correctly

GUI is Correct 5 The GUI has the correct fields and displays information in correct format

Subtotal 15  


STEP 2: Reading in Client Information

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1)     Create a class called Client, the Client class must contain attributes for Client name, Client ID, starting balance, and closing balance, and all other accessor/mutator/constructor functions as necessary.

2)      Assume you have a client.txt file with the following sample information.

Charles Smith|100235|5700.75|1200.00

James Peterson|320056|349.56|4005.56

Francis Lewis|400556|7500.00|456.23

William Burgess|45399|5000.00|1245.56

Philip Wilson|10090|10000.00|2300.75

James Brown|34291|25000.45|31454.86

3)      Create a Client ArrayList to process input records in main().

4)      Use a for loop to read in the information from client.txt.

5)      The GUI to this program should look similar to this:


6)     Once the user hits the display button, everything read in from the file should display in the Console window in this format.

Client Activity Report

Client Name   Client ID    Starting Balance    Closing Balance

XXXXXXXXX     9999999   99999.99    99999.99

XXXXXXXXX     9999999  99999.99     99999.99

XXXXXXXXX   9999999    99999.99  99999.99

Reading in Client Information Points Description

Standard header included 1 Must contain program name, student’s name, and description of the program

Program Compiles 2 Program does not have any error

Program Executes 2 Program runs without any error

Client ArrayList used 3 Created an ArrayList to read in the records from client.txt

Data Read in Correctly 3 The data is read correctly and saved correctly using the correct attributes

GUI is Correct 4 The GUI has the correct fields and displays information in correct format

Subtotal 15  





At the beginning of all your programs, put a comment box that includes the program name, your name, and a brief description of the program.



Program Name:

Programmer's Name: Student Name

Program Description: Describe here what this program will do


How to submit your assignment: 

The programs must have the same names as the assignment title.

Each Java source file (*.java) must include a corresponding class file (*.class) program as evidence of success.

In addition to the program source code files and byte code files, put all your program source code files and screen shots of your program output files into a Word document.

You must use a zipped folder to send your weekly assignment to the Dropbox. Do not send subfolders within your zipped folder. Place all of the .java and .class files for the week into the one zipped folder. The zip folder should be named CIS355A_YourLastName_iLab_Week6, and this zip folder will contain all the weekly programming assignments.

Required Software


Steps: 1 and 2


Step 1: JavaPizza

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Develop an application using a JTabbedPane to order a pizza. You will need to ask the customer for their name and phone number. You will ask for the size (choose one) and toppings (choose many) and compute the total. After computing the total, provide a button to display the order summary, which includes the name, phone number, size, toppings, and total. The prices are listed below. Screenshots of a possible solution are included. Your application must include four tabs and open a new window when the button is clicked.

Small:  8.00

Medium: 10.00

Large: 12.00

Each topping is 2.00 extra.


JavaPizza Points Description

Standard header included 1 Must contain program's name, student name, and description of the program

Program compiles 1 Program does not have any error

Program executes 1 Program runs without any error

Created the JTabbedPane with four tabs 4 The JTabbedPane is displayed with the four required tabs and components on each tab

Total is calculated correctly 5 The total on the last tab is calculated correctly based on information supplied.

Order summary window displayed correctly 8 The order summary window is displayed with a JTextArea, including all information from the four tabs.

Subtotal 20   


Step 2: Contact List

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Develop a Java application to add a contact into the contact table, and display all contacts in the contact table. The contact table contains two columns, FullName, and PhoneNumber. Both values are text data. Use JOptionPanes to ask for the contact data, and display a confirmation message when the contact is added. Display the list of contacts in the console. Screenshots of a possible solution are included. 


ContactList Points Description

Standard header included 1 Must contain program's name, student name, and description of the program

Program compiles 1 Program does not have any error

Program executes 1 Program runs without any error

Created the JOptionPanes for input 6 Two JOptionPanes are displayed to retrieve input

JOptionPane displayed upon insert 4 A JOptionPane is display to confirm the contact was added

ContactList shown in console 7 The list of contacts is displayed in the console under a heading contact list .

Subtotal 20   




Program files for each of the following programs.

Write out client information

Read in client information

Draw a snowman

At the beginning of all your programs, put a comment box that includes the program name, your name, and a brief description of the program.



Program Name:

Programmer's Name: Student Name

Program Description: Describe here what this program will do


How to submit your assignment: 

The programs must have the same names as the assignment title.

Each Java source file (*.java) must include a corresponding class file (*.class) program as evidence of success.

In addition to the program source code files and byte code files, put all your program source code files and screen shots of your program output files into a Word document.

You must use a zipped folder to send your weekly assignment to the Dropbox. Do not send subfolders within your zipped folder. Place all of the .java and .class files for the week into the one zipped folder. The zip folder should be named CIS355A_YourLastName_iLab_Week5, and this zip folder will contain all the weekly programming assignments.

Required Software


Steps: 1, 2, and 3


STEP 1: Writing out Client Information

Back to Top

1)      Create the following GUI, so that when your program is running, your user can input information regarding a client and hit the save button to save the information out to a file.


2)  Every time the user hits the save button, that information should be saved out to a file called client.txt; each new client's information should append to the information already saved onto the file client.txt.

3) The data in the client.txt file should be formatted like the following.

Client Activity Report

Client Name   Client ID    Starting Balance    Closing Balance

XXXXXXXXX     9999999   99999.99    99999.99

XXXXXXXXX     9999999  99999.99     99999.99

XXXXXXXXX   9999999    99999.99  99999.99

Writing Client Information Points Description

Standard header included 1 Must contain program name, student’s name, and description of the program

Program Compiles 2 Program does not have any error

Program Executes 2 Program runs without any error

Data Output is Correct 5 The data is written and formatted correctly

GUI is Correct 5 The GUI has the correct fields and displays information in correct format

Subtotal 15  


STEP 2: Reading in Client Information

Back to Top

1)     Create a class called Client, the Client class must contain attributes for Client name, Client ID, starting balance, and closing balance, and all other accessor/mutator/constructor functions as necessary.

2)      Assume you have a client.txt file with the following sample information.

Charles Smith|100235|5700.75|1200.00

James Peterson|320056|349.56|4005.56

Francis Lewis|400556|7500.00|456.23

William Burgess|45399|5000.00|1245.56

Philip Wilson|10090|10000.00|2300.75

James Brown|34291|25000.45|31454.86

3)      Create a Client ArrayList to process input records in main().

4)      Use a for loop to read in the information from client.txt.

5)      The GUI to this program should look similar to this:


6)     Once the user hits the display button, everything read in from the file should display in the Console window in this format.

Client Activity Report

Client Name   Client ID    Starting Balance    Closing Balance

XXXXXXXXX     9999999   99999.99    99999.99

XXXXXXXXX     9999999  99999.99     99999.99

XXXXXXXXX   9999999    99999.99  99999.99

Reading in Client Information Points Description

Standard header included 1 Must contain program name, student’s name, and description of the program

Program Compiles 2 Program does not have any error

Program Executes 2 Program runs without any error

Client ArrayList used 3 Created an ArrayList to read in the records from client.txt

Data Read in Correctly 3 The data is read correctly and saved correctly using the correct attributes

GUI is Correct 4 The GUI has the correct fields and displays information in correct format

Subtotal 15  



Program files for each of the following programs

Quick Fast Car Care

At the beginning of all your programs, put a comment box that includes the program name, your name, and a brief description of the program.



Program Name:

Programmer's Name: Student Name

Program Description: Describe here what this program will do


How to submit your assignment: 

The programs must have the same names as the assignment title.

Each Java source file (*.java) must include a corresponding class file (*.class) program as evidence of success.

In addition to the program source code files and byte code files, put all your program source code files and screen shots of your program output files into a Word document.

You must use a zipped folder to send your weekly assignment to the Dropbox. Do not send subfolders within your zipped folder. Place all of the .java and .class files for the week into the one zipped folder. The zip folder should be named CIS355A_YourLastName_iLab_Week4, and this zip folder will contain all the weekly programming assignments.

Required Software


Steps: 1


Step 1: Quick Fast Car Care Application

Back to Top

Quick Fast Car Care is a small business that specializes in oil changes and car washes. Their strategic advantage is providing quick service. To provide quick service, this owner wants a new application that will calculate services provided to customers. The table below has the services and the cost of these services.

Oil Change










Car Wash








Your manager wants you to create a prototype Java application using menus that will calculate the cost of a customer getting an oil change, car wash, or both. This application should add the appropriate amount to the total cost when services are provided. When the total menu item is selected, a message box should display the services purchased and the total amount. Allow the client to use the clear menu item to wipe out the memory and start fresh for a new customer. The exit menu item should close the application. Use the screen designs below to model your application.




Quick Fast Car Care Points Description

Standard header included 2 Must contain program name, student’s name, and description of the program

Program compiles 4 Program does not have any error

Program executes 4 Program runs without any error

Created CarCare class with Menus, MenuItems, Menubar, and so forth 10 Program contains the proper GUI components

Using appropriate event handlers 4 Create and use event handlers for components

Created actionPerformed methods 8 Determine menu items clicked and calculating cost, clear customer, and exit program

CarCareTest class, which drives the application, is created 2 A driver class with the main method

Correct output is displayed 6 Program displays the services provided and cost (formatted) in a JOptionPane

Subtotal 40  





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