Programming Fundamentals Paper

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Programming Fundamentals Paper




Select and complete one of the following assignments:




Option 1: Reusability of Code 1


Option 2: Transforming Data Into Information (Do this One) 1




Option 1: Reusability of Code




Designing and coding a procedure, module, or object can be complex and time consuming. Once these elements of a computer program are working correctly, it makes sense to use the code as often as practical. Code reusability has become a valuable part of adding efficiency to computer programming.


Write a 2- to 3-page paper that compares and contrasts procedural programming modules and objects. In your paper, consider the following:




·         Reusability


·         Security in terms of hiding code


·         Passing of data versus data encapsulation


·         How object-oriented methods are similar to procedural modules


·         Code reuse in more than one program




Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.




Note. This assignment is cumulative and the information and results will be used in the following weeks.


Option 2: Transforming Data Into Information (Do this One)




Economists often investigate what influences a specific variable has on health. An economist might collect a sample as part of exploratory research before performing a much larger research project.




The following data has been collected:




Education level: school grade completed

Average longevity: age at death


















Write a 2- to 3-page paper explaining how the data in the previous table can be processed into information. The actual statistical or mathematical processing can be discussed as a black box where the input and output are identified, but the actual processing is not identified. Include the following:




·         Input, processing, and output


·         The role of the computer components: CPU, memory, and storage


·         Definitions of data and information


·         Application program and the operating system


·         A higher language program and machine code


·         Graphical versus mathematical or statistical output




Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.




Note. This assignment is cumulative and the information and results will be used in the following weeks.


    • 11 years ago
    Programming Fundamentals Paper

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