POS 409 Week 5 Complete DQ's & Assignment (NET II) A+ Graded

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POS 409 (Net II)

Week 5

Week 5 DQ 1:

DQ 1 : Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following:

(a)What professional organizations might you join, and websites might you visit, that would provide insight into a career that includes responsibility for programming? Explain your choices.

(b) Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following:

Compare and contrast database connectivity in VB® and C#. If you studied database connectivity in Java®, include Java® in the comparison. In which language do you find it easiest to implement a connection to a database? Why?

Week 5 DQ 2:

Please post your answers in this thread.

DQ 2 : Watch the following videos before you attempt an answer:

ADO.Net Connected for Beginners – Part 1 Video



ADO.Net Connected for Beginners – Part 2 Video



ADO.Net Connected for Beginners – Part 3 Video


Week 5 Assignments:

Team C Final ProjectKudler Fine Foods Inventory Management Systems (Learning Team Language)

POS 409 Week 5 Individual Database Connection

    • 10 years ago
    POS 409 Week 5 Complete DQ's & Assignment (NET II) A+ Graded

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