polio research
Aliaqi15Topic: Polio in Pakistan
Assessment Task
· You are required to write a 4,000 word research proposal that may form the basis for your future dissertation. You must first complete the student dissertation outline idea form and email it to me by May 9th. This form is not an assignment - it is simply for me to help assign an appropriate dissertation supervisor to you.
Learning Outcomes
This assessment meets the following learning outcomes:
Learning Outcomes: On completion of this unit you should be able to: | Assessment Criteria: To achieve the learning outcome you must demonstrate the ability to:
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the application of differing audit/research approaches and techniques in order to complete a proposal.
| Select a research topic and identify and critique an appropriate methodology to meet your proposed study aims |
Critique research papers and articulate their value (and limitations) to inform professional practice.
| Carry out a critical literature review of a wide range of papers applicable to your area of study |
Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the ethical dilemmas of carrying out research in a timely and cost-effective manner
| Your research proposal must demonstrate a pragmatic, ethical and robust manner in relation how it will be conducted, time management and cost |
Guidelines for this Assessment
- You are required to write a 4,000 word research proposal. The deadline for this is JANUARY 23rd 2015, 11.59PM
- The proposal may well serve as a platform for your dissertation (although this is optional)
- Your dissertation is a 15,000-20,000 word assignment which full-time students will be submitting on OCTOBER 2nd 2015, 11.59PM.
- Your research proposals will be graded using the “Grading Profile for Public Health Research Methods” so please study it carefully
- I suggest that you each take a look at some of the examples on good research proposals that will be posted on the PHRM unit site
- You should also take a look and strongly consider using one of the research proposal templates which are strongly recommended (but optional) templates and guidance documents for constructing your proposal.
Marking Criteria for this Assessment
The proposal will be assessed using the grading profile for written assessments. Markers will take the following main criteria into account when allocating marks:
- Rationale for study (10% weighting);
- Use of literature and referencing (15% weighting);
- Use and application of relevant knowledge and theory (15% weighting);
- Application of the chosen research techniques (20% weighting);
- Ethical considerations (primary research studies only) (10% weighting);
- Analysis of findings (15% weighting);
- Application to subject specific expertise (15% weighting);
Word Allowance for this Assessment
The word allowance for this assessment is 4,000 words
· If you exceed the stipulated number of words by a margin of more than 10%, only the first part of the text up to the stipulated assignment limit will be graded.
· all words used in the main body of the assignment are included in the word count. This includes words in tables, diagrams, references in the text and direct quotations.
· the word count does not include the reference list, bibliography or appendices.
· you should state the word count at the end of the assignment after the conclusion
If an assignment presented for marking falls outside these guidelines, the marking team may downgrade the assessment
Writing Style
You are encouraged to write essays in an appropriate academic style avoiding overuse of ‘I’. You may refer to yourself in the third person eg ‘From a literature review the author found …….’ However, this can be confusing for the reader as it may be unclear if you are talking about the author of the literature you have read or about your own work.
Guidelines for Presenting Written Assignments
The following guidelines should be followed:
· all written assignments must be word processed / typed
· the recommended font style is Arial 11 or 12.
· use line spacing of 1.5 or double spacing throughout.
· use A4 size white paper
· number each page clearly
· the unit title and Student ID must be included as either a header or footer on every page (except front page)
· create margins of at least 2.5 cms on all sides of each page.
· the title page should contain your name and ID, the name of the University, the name of your course, the unit code / title and the title of the assessment
· provide a contents page and use section headings if appropriate.
· state the number of words written at the end of the assignment after the conclusion.
· start the reference list on a new page and adhere to Harvard referencing guidelines
· number any appendices for ease of cross referencing and ensure that they are referred to in the text by the relevant number
· a high standard of presentation is expected and this include accurate referencing, attention to layout, grammar and spelling.
Extent of Collaboration Allowed
There is no collaboration allowed for this assessment. All work should be an individual piece of work. However, it is advisable to discuss your ideas with the unit leader within the first couple of weeks.
Expected Standards in Assignments
University study is intended to increase your ability to have independent and critical thought. The rules and conventions of academic writing are designed to achieve this. These rules are much the same as for a first year essay as for an article in a prestigious academic journal.
· Each piece of course work you produce at University should always be your own work.
· The work should make use of your own ideas, results and experiences, and your understanding of the ideas of others.
· Your work must be original for each assignment. Work that has already been assessed in a previous unit cannot be re-submitted for assessment within a later unit. However, it may be appropriate to use an extract from previously produced work accompanied by reflective comments or commentary and referenced appropriately to illustrate development of knowledge, skills and attitudes since the extract was first written.
· You must always reference the source of copied or paraphrased material, whether from a book, journal, newspaper, or the Internet, and provide full details of the source in a reference list. This is to inform the reader about where it can be found, and to give credit to the author(s). Guidelines on how to reference are produced by Learning Resources and can be access via the University’s intranet
· On occasion it may be appropriate to use a direct quotation from a published source of material. In such cases this must be indicated using quotation marks and referenced accordingly. However, markers will not expect your work to rely heavily on direct quotations. They need to assess your understanding of what you have read and your ability for independent thought so you should use your own words as much as possible.
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