The pointer operation with its corresponding

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Lab16 LinkedList Methods Illustration

This exercise is to exam the dynamic behavior of the working pointers the four LinkedList Methods: Append(), Display(), Insert(), and Delete() in the Chapter 17 LinkedList Template (LinkedList.h) Version 2. 

Place the A4 paper in landscape orientation, draw the illustration on the left half and write the corresponding C++ code directly to its right.

The main focus of the Illustration is to show the relationship between the list elements with the working pointers in the program.

Group the illustration in (test condition) scenarios of empty list, not empty list, position found, position not found, end of list reached,...etc.

Use the convention presented in the class for pointer movement, modification, and end of list.

Source Material: the Chapter 17 LinkedList Template (LinkedList.h) Version 2

Submit: Paper Illustraion (the pointer operation with its corresponding C++ code).

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