Performance Management System
Write at least a full 4-page, APA formatted research paper (Title and Reference Pages are additional pages) with at least 3 in-text citations from the text or interview,: analyzes the Performance Management System used in your current or former organization. Address if the System effective (doing the right thing) and efficient (doing it well)? Is it causing any damage to the organization or individuals? Attach actual Evaluation or Appraisal form your organization is using. Explain your rationale. Recommend improvements in the System. Address if your recommendations are consistent with your employer’s organizational strategy and goals, why or why not? Include a short description of the organization and your position with the thesis and purpose statement in the intro paragraph of the research paper or at the start of the oral presentation, and a final Conclusion and Summary in the last paragraph of the narrative paper or at the end of the oral presentation. Cite any organization intellectual property used - a documented HR interview would be excellent. You must use level one headings in your paper. Remember to apply the material represented by the in-text citations to the subject of the assignment.
11 years ago
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