Over the past several weeks, you have been learning the various components of the issues and steps that are necessary to establish an e-commerce site.
donnorRough Draft for this assignment: At this phase, you will submit a draft of this business plan for review by your instructor. The business plan should include the concepts and ideas covered during the past several weeks. The following points need to be addressed in your business plan for the establishment of an e-commerce site:
1. Ethical, Social and Political Issues in E-Commerce.
2. Business name
3. Price (Budget)
4. Need to include the 8 most important factors for a successful E-commerce site design
5. Web site Optimization
6. Mention some of the information from last week paper
7. E-Commerce infrasture
8. Marketing concepts for the E-commerce environment
9. Communicating effectively in the e-commerce environment
10.Privacy and security issues in conducting business online
11. The issues and challenges of ethics in conducting business online
12.Utilizing social mediaoutlets to e-hance e-commerce sites
13. The implication of business to business
ROUGH DRAFT to all of this information
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- business_plan.docx
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