One Philosophy Assignment for "Phyllis Young"


I have an analytical essay that is due this Sunday night.  1000-1500 words.  You are to compare and contrast Plato's theory of Forms with Aristotle's theory of Substance.  You will want to carefully read the module notes, review the Phaedo, and the Categories, and feel free to make use of secondary sources to aid your understanding.  Outline the theories of Plato and Aristotle and say which you think is preferable and why.  The essay is to be three to five pages double-spaced in MLA format with proper citing of references.  Remember it must be in your own words or use quotation marks!  You can read more about this assignment near the end of the module notes for this week.  Go for it!



Volume I: Ancient Philosophy Fourth Edition, c2003 (0-13-048556-X)

Volume II: Medieval Philosophy, Fourth Edition, c2003 (0-13-048557-8)

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