OM3020 Science Operation Managment

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Course Project:
Each team will complete a course project, submit a project report and also give a project presentation at the end of the semester. This project requires each team choose a real life problem and use management science techniques/methods covered in class to solve the problem.
The outline of this project is as follows:
a. Select a real life problem (problem you have at work, at home, in school, when you travel, you learn from friends/relative or even local news, etc.) My idea for the project is to start a bookkeeping office by hiring one employee. The professor suggested using break event point, what if analysis and project management to complete my small business.
b. Each team is required to submit a one page project proposal regarding the target problem and proposed techniques/methods (must be those covered in class) in the middle of the semester (due date for the proposal will be announced in class). The project proposal needs to receive approval from the instructor to be considered as a valid project. Done
c. Define the problem clearly and include all the necessary details (i.e., data that be used)
d. Formulate the problem in mathematical form (if applied) and specify the management science techniques/ methods you are going to use to solve the problem.
e. Solve the problem using the approved methods by the instructor. If the problem is solved manually, include intermediate steps. If solved using computer, enclose results report (in appendix)
f. Present, interpret and analyze the results.
Requirement of the project report:
a. Report should be no more than 5 typewritten pages (exclude cover page, reference and appendix page).
b. At least 5 slide power point presentation briefly explaining the project.
c. Report should follow the format and style of the project report template (report template will be provided later in the semester)


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    OM3020 Science Operation Managment Paper

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