need help with history homework
Create a journal entry of 700 to 1,050 words from the perspective of one of the following 1960s personas:
· Student at the University of Mississippi when James Meredith tried to enroll · Witness to the assassination of Malcolm X · Protestor at the Lincoln Memorial who hears King give his “I Have a Dream” speech · A freedom rider headed to New Orleans in 1960 · Store owner and witness to the Watts riots in LA · African American participant in one of the Selma marches in 1965 · An African American supporter and political organizer for Robert Kennedy in 1968
Consider the social, economic, and political forces at work. For example, if you have chosen to be a student at the University of Mississippi, describe the court cases that resulted in the desegregation of the campus.
Ensure that your journal entry aligns with fact and that all facts are supported by proper citations.
Format the text of your journal entry consistent with APA guidelines. |
12 years ago
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- create_a_journal_entry_of_700_to_1050_words_from_the_perspective_of_one_of_the_following_1960s_personas_student_at_the_university_of_mississippi_when_james_meredith.docx
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