1. Ethnographic research is aimed at understanding 

A. the development of cohorts. 

B. relationships between early experiences and later behavior. 

C. children’s mastery of a new skill. 

D. the cultural meanings of behavior. 


2. In studies involving children, the _______ should have the final word in deciding whether they should participate. 

A. children 

B. therapists 

C. researchers 

D. parents 


3. Vygotsky’s theory neglected 

A. cultural influences on cognitive development. 

B. the importance of language development. 

C. the biological side of development. 

D. the changing nature of cognition.


4. Bandura is unique among learning theorists because he

A. focused on cultural influences on children’s learning.

B. granted children an active role in their own learning.

C. emphasized the role of the unconscious on children’s learning.

D. believed that children’s learning depends on rein forcers. 


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