Module 3 Case
Module 3 - Case
Academic Goal Setting:
McGrew, K. (2008). Academic Goal Setting. Retrieved December 9, 2011, from:
McDonald, L. T., (2010). – Goal setting mega site. Retrieved December 9. 2011, from: (Most links are to other institutions goal setting sites.)
Meyer, Paul (2003). "What would you do if you couldn't fail?" Attitude is Everything. Retrieved February 29, 2012.
How to Create Smart Goals Video:
Read the information on the background page of the module pertaining to the goal setting. In addition, we will review a well-known approach to creating goals, known as the SMART criteria. George Doran first developed the SMART criteria for goal setting in the 1981 issue of Management Review. You will now create your own goal setting worksheet using this template.
Written by Chrissy Scivicque, reprinted with Permission from Office Arrow at
Click on the template above. You will create TWO goals. Please set one academic goal for this current session. The second goal should be a long-term academic goal. Complete the template, save your work, and upload the assignment in the Case 3 Dropbox.
Assignment Expectations
Submit your completed goal worksheet for this case to the Dropbox. Make sure you use the SMART goal techniques and create two goals, one goal for this session and one long-term goal.
11 years ago
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