




When building a new organization or when an organization experiences dramatic growth, leaders must determine the structure and culture of the organization. While the culture will evolve over time and each individual that joins the new organization will leave some imprint on the culture, it is the leaders’ responsibility to define how the organization will look and how individuals will behave.

Individual Portion (Provide 800 – 1000 words):

Prepare a draft document that defines the new organization addressing the following considerations:

  1. What type of structure will be best suited to a multinational internet retailer? Why?
  2. How would you recommend building a culture that was inclusive of diverse cultures and accommodates highly creative technical staff?
  3. How would you measure the success of your organizational design in structure and culture?

Please add your file.

Group Portion
(Provide 3 – 5 slides with speaker notes of 100 – 150 words per slide - excluding Title and Reference slides):

Review your team members’ files and discuss in your small group the following:

  1. How would you build teams across a geographically diverse organization?
  2. How would you build a consensus discussion on the values of such an organization?

Develop a short presentation of 3 – 5 slides that reflects the consensus of your group.

Please add your file.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Unit Materials

Unit 4 Course Materials




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