MGMT of Productions & Operations Questions



1. Provide some examples in business or daily life in which a controlled process is erroneously adjusted and an out-of-control process is ignored. What implications do these errors have?


2. Would it make sense to draw specification limits on an x-bar chart? Why or why not?


3. Compare the lean service system of Southwest Airlines to a full service airline such as United Airlines or British Airways on the following: (a) airplane boarding process, (b) cabin service, (c) ticket transfer to other Southwest flights, (d) frequent flyer program, (e) baggage handling, (f) seat assignment system, and (g) service encounters.


4. What do you think are the cost factors to consider when implementing a lean process improvement? What types of products or services produce the greatest cost savings for an increase in the level of cost of more stringent defect process constraints such as Six Sigma (about 4 defects per million)?

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