Main installments for the BST project
here is the question
Recently, we have done three main installments for the BST project:
lab18 - BST container class to extend to user specified ADT
assignment 5 - frac operator overloading to work with container class template
assignment 6 - BST copy operator and copy constructor for application interface.
Today, we are going to write an application to use the BST container template for frac ADT items.
The test pprogram main() can take in a set of frac numbers and output it on screen.
Console Output Example:
1/2, 2/3, 3/2, 3/4, 4/3, 3/5, 5/4, 4/7, 7/6, 6/7, 8/9, 9/8
creating a new FRAC BST
+-- 3/2
| | +-- 4/3
| | | +-- 5/4
| | | +-- 7/6
| | | | +-- 9/8
| | | | +-- 8/9
| | | +-- 6/7
| +-- 3/4
+-- 2/3
| +-- 3/5
| +-- 4/7
+-- 1/2
We are also to retructure the helper method printTree() and the recusive helper drawTree() to named both as print() function.
1. your working lab18 - BST container class, and
2. your operator overloading frac class from assignment 5
Submit: one single file, or lab19.cpp
11 years ago
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