Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter Economics Paper


The Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter movie (Economics of Race and Gender)


- watch movie

- mention at least 5 scenes and their economic relevance

- women entering the labor market, WWII boom

- racism in the workplace, wage discrimination, etc.

- 2 page summary


Keys words to use:


- Scarcity.

- Opportunity cost.

- Rationality.

- Supply and demand for labor.

- Household.

- Demand curve diminishing marginal productivity.

- Labor force participation.

- income effect.

- Gender pay ration.

- Participation.

- Commodities.

- Comparative advantage.

- Absolute advantage.

- Economies of scale.

- GDP.

- Market cost approach.

- Great recession.

- Labor force participation rate.

- Discouraged workers.

- Unemployment.

- Labor force.


Three different papers discussing the same movie 

Double spaced



    • 11 years ago
    • 40

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