Lesson 1: Essays and paragraph Development

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Lesson 1: Essays and paragraph Development

Examination Number:050412



Questions 1-10: Select the one best answer to each question.

1. In “Words that Wound,” which of the following does Vail argue is one result of bullying?

A. Increased toughness and self-esteem

B. Decreased ability to learn

C. An increase in diseases such as asthma

D. A decrease in child obesity

2. In “An Amazing Journey: 100 Years in America,” what do Simon and Cannon say was one of the most difficult events of Striecher's time?

A. A flue epidemic

B. A series of bank failures

C. An animal-disease epidemic

D. A heat wave

3. How does Zuger Learn a lot immediately about her two interns in “Defining a Doctor, with a Tear, a Shrug, and a Schedule”?

A. By reading their resumes

B. By comparing what they have in their pockets

C. By interviewing them

D. By comparing their recommendations

4. What solution does Simon offers in “Would You Buy a Car That Looked Like This?”

A. He wants to apply large warning labels to SUVs telling consumers about their environmental hazards and other dangers.

B. He wants Congress to impose a flue tax.

C. He wants Congress to pass a series of laws preventing the industry from making more SUVs.

d. He wants mayors to ban SUVs in city centers.

5. What kinds of things does White recommended in “Bringing Out Your Child's Gifts”

that a parent provide for “visual-spatial” children?

A. Chess, checkers and other games

B. Books, records and tapes

C. Musical instruments and music lessons

D. Diagrams, maps and construction kits

6. According to White, how do “intrapersonal children” learn best?

A. In large groups

B. On their own

C. With a tutor

D. As part of a team

7. Which of the following is a negative effect Steinberg attributes to part-time work in “Part-Time Employment Undermines Students' Commitment to School”?

A. High drug and alcohol use

B. Petty crime and vandalism

C. Gang-related activities

D. Work-related injuries

8. In Steirer's “When Volunteerism Isn't Noble,” what things did the school official quoted ask her to choose between?

A. Her education and her reputation

B. Her values and her diploma

C. Her friends and her parents

D. Her career and her volunteer work

9. Which of the following best expresses how Meilander thinks we should feel towards the dead in his essay “Strip Mining' the Dead: When Human Organs Are for Sale”?

A. Matter-of-fact

B. Respectful and fearful

C. Curious

D. Loving and caring

10 According to Jones in “Not White, Just Right,” why do many African American youths rejects Standard English?

A. They see it as “talking white.”

B. They don't have good role models.

C. They don't want to lose their heritage.

D. They don't enjoy reading or writing.

Questions 11-15: Choose the sentence that does not provide effective support for the thesis statement given.

11. My first summer job, as an assistant to Dr. Barto the Magician, was one of the strangest yet most rewarding experiences in my young life.

A. By the end of the summer, I had stuffed miles of colorful scarves into false sleeves and perfected my baritone introduction to Dr. Barton's act.

B. I learned how to overcome my fear of large audiences and in fact, how to charm them

C. The food we eat before the shows left a lot to be desired, but it was free.

D. I have Dr. Barton to thank, at least in part, for my current career in public speaking.

12. Seema finds that reconciling the competing desires of her traditional immigrant parents and her modern American friends is the most difficult part of being a second-generation American.

A. With a wry smile, Seema mentions that her father hopes to arrange a marriage for her with a young man from a suitable family from his hometown.

B. Her mother, a pediatrician at the local hospital, “Is kind of my role model,” Seema points out.

C. Seema's best friend, Liz has asked Seema to accompany her on a “girl-only” drive from San Francisco to Alaska, “ a place I'm dying to see for myself,” she ways a little wistfully.

D. Seema explains that she would like to rent a room in her friends Mark's off-campus apartment next semester, but she may decide to save money and avoid family arguments by continuing to live at home with her parents.

13. The rising number of suburbs encounters with bears in parts of the eastern United States is a result of a greater human presence in areas that were once sparsely populated.

A. The growth of the suburb has pushed developments into wooden areas where few people once lived.

B. Bears in the wild live on barriers, smaller animals, and other food they find or kill, but they quickly develop a taste for fast food and human garbage if it's available.

C. If food is plentiful, bears may stop hibernating and remain on the prowl year-round.

D. Bears that survive by raiding garbage cans and restaurant dumpsters have been known to become obese, according to wildlife biologists.

14. A few simple steps can help most households lower their energy bills.

A. Compact fluorescent light bulbs can replace standard incandescent bulbs, using a fraction of the energy.

B. Caulking around windows, door and outlets can stop drafts that increase home heating and cooling costs.

C. Research into alternative fuel sources should eventually allow the United States to reduce or eliminate its dependency on foreign energy.

D. When it's time to replace an old appliance, homeowners should look for a new one with the government‘s “energy star' rating, which will cost less to run.

15. Visits to my grandparents' farm taught me to entertain myself

A My grandfather built little wooden boats that I sailed along the irrigation ditches.

B. The cellar door, which sloped down from the side of the house, made an excellent slide when I sat on a sheet of waxed paper.

C. Grandma would bring me breakfast in bed, over my mother's objections.

D. I loved to play with the kittens in the hayloft of the barn.

Questions 16-19: Read the following passage and then choose the best answer for each question.

The record companies tend to blame file-sharing. College students who download music from their computers don't go out and buy CD's or so the theory goes. Some music companies are so convinced of this idea that they're suing student file-sharers for billions of dollars. Many consumers, on the other hand, argue that the problem in flat music sales lies with the products. Fans charge that the music industry simply tries to sign bands of songs and creating little enthusiasm among potential buyers. Hollywood blockbusters have suffered from a similar lack of imagination. Music lovers also argue that too much of the music promoted heavily by the recording industry is aimed at teenagers. Therefore, they say, older buyer – who usually have more money-have little interest in purchasing new music. Although record companies and consumers may disagree with each other about the music industry slump, perhaps there is some truth in both groups' theories.

16. Which of the following would be the best topic sentence for the paragraph?

A. The music industry has a legitimate complaint against Napster and other file-sharing companies

B. Various groups offer different reasons for the decline in popular music sales over recent years

C. Why is today's music so terrible?

D. Hollywood and the recording industry have a great deal in common.

17. Which of the following sentence provides primary support for the topic sentence?

A. College students who download music from their computers don't go out and buy CD's or so the theory goes.

B. Many consumers on the other hand, argue that the problem in flat music sales lies with the product.

C. Hollywood blockbusters have suffered from a similar lack of imagination.

D. Therefore, they say, older buyers-who usually have more money-have little interest in purchasing new music.

18. Which of he following sentence is a supporting detail?

A. The record companies tend to blame file-sharing

B. Many consumers on the other hand, argue that the problem in flat music sales les with the products.

C. Fans charge that the music industry simply tries to sign bands that resemble other popular bands, resulting in boring repeats of the same kinds of songs and creating little enthusiasm among potential buyers.

D. Hollywood blockbusters have suffered from a similar lack of imagination.

19. Which sentence from the paragraph above does not provide primary or secondary support for the main point?

A. The record companies tend to blame file-sharing.

B. Some music companies are so convinced of this idea that they're suing student file-sharers for billions of dollars.

C. Fans charge that the music industry simply tries to sign bands that resemble other popular bands, resulting in boring repeats of the same kinds of songs and creating little enthusiasm among potential buyers.

D. Hollywood blockbusters have suffered from a similar lack of imagination.

Question 20-24: Read the following passage, and then choose the best answer for each question.

Several factors may prevent many people from trying to cook Indian food at home. Indian dishes almost always contain many different spices. The spices should be freshly ground and sometimes toasted to bring out the flavor. Many recipes involve several different steps, for example, a recipe calling for paneer – a kind of cheese – will probably require a cook to make the cheese as well as a sauce in which to cook it. Some chefs consider tofu an adequate substitute for paneer. In addition a proper Indian meal consists of many different dishes, and busy working people seldom have the time to cook more than one or two things for a meal. These factors certainly make cooking Indian food time-consuming, but most people who try find that it is well worth the effort.

20. Which of the sentences is the topic sentence?

A. Indian dishes almost always contain many different spices.

B. Some chefs consider tofu an adequate substitute for paneer.

C. In addition, a proper Indian meal consists of many people from trying to cook Indian food at home.

21. Which of the following sentences provides primary support for the topic sentence?

A. The spices should be freshly ground and sometimes toasted to bring out the best flavor.

B. Many recipes involve several different steps.

C. Some chefs consider tofu an adequate substitute for paneer.

D. Several factors may prevent many people from trying to cook Indian food at home

22. Which of the following sentences is a supporting detail?

A. For example, a recipe calling for paneer- a kin of cheese-will probably requires cook to make the cheese as well as a sauce in which to cook it.

B. Indian dishes almost always contain many different spices.

C. In addition, a proper Indian meal consists of many different dishes and busy working people seldom have the time to cook more than one or two things for a meal.

D. Several factors many may prevent many people from trying to cook Indian food at home.

23. Which of the following sentences does not provide primary or secondary support?

A. The spices should be freshly ground and sometimes toasted to bring out the best flavor.

B. Many recipes involve several different steps.

C. Some chefs consider tofu an adequate substitute for paneer

D. In addition, a proper Indian meal consists of many different dished and busy working people seldom have the time to cook more than one or two things for a meal.

24. Which of the following sentences would be a good alternative topic sentence for this paragraph?

A. For a variety of reasons, many cooks are intimidated by the idea of preparing Indian food from scratch.

B. Indian food is not especially difficult to prepare well.

C. Making homemade paneer is well worth the extra trouble.

D. Buying fresh product every day is essential to proper Indian cooking


Questions 25-29: Read the following passage, and than choose the best answer for each question.
If you have getting spam – unwanted e-mail message from strange-you can take steps to decrease your chances of becoming a spammer's target. Spam messages may tell you to “click here” to be removed from the spammer's address book, but you shouldn't. Spammer's use those links to find out if e-mail addresses are genuine. Clicking on the lint tells the sender that you received and read the message. Your actions will cause you to get more spam, not less. Spam is more than a mere annoyance-it can cause your mail program to run out of memory space. You should also avoid buying anything from a spam message. If you want a prescription drug or a lower mortgage rate, get it from a source that doesn't use spam. Although these steps may not complete eliminate spam from your mailbox, they should provide some relief from the problem.
25. Which of the sentences is the top sentence?
A. If you have getting spam-unwanted e-mail messages from strangers-you can take steps to decrease your chance of becoming a spammer's target.
B. Spam messages may tell you to “click here” to be removed from the spammer's address book, but you shouldn't.
C. If you want a prescription drug or lower mortgage rate, get it from a source that doesn't use spam.
D. Buying from spammers only encourages them to keep up their annoying tactics.
26. Which of the following sentences provides primary support for the topic sentence?
A. If you hate getting spam-unwanted e-mail messages from strangers-you can take steps to decrease your chances of becoming a spammer's target.
B. Spammer's use those links to find out if e-mail addresses are genuine.
C. You should also avoid buying from a spam message.
D. If you want a prescription drug or a lower mortgage rate, get it from a source that doesn't use spam.
27. Which of the following sentences is a supporting detail?
A. Spam messages may tell you to “click here” to be removed from the spammer's address book, but you shouldn't.
B. Clicking on the link tells the sender that you have received and read the message.
C. Spam is more than a mere annoyance-it can cause your mail program to run out of memory space.
D. You should also avoid buying anything from a spam message.
28. Which of the following sentences does not provide primary or secondary support?

A. Spam messages may tell you to “click here” to be removed from the spammer's address book, but you shouldn't.
B. Spammers use those links to find out if e-mail addresses are genuine.
C. Your actions will cause you to get more spam, not less.
D. Spam is more than a mere annoyance-it can cause your mail program to run out of memory space.
29. Which of the following sentences would be a good alternative topic sentence for this paragraph?
A. A few simple actions can help you avoid receiving unwanted e-mail messages from strangers or spam.
B. Return addresses on messages are frequently unreliable.
C. A long-standing e-mail address may become nearly useless if spammers target t.
D. The main rule of avoiding spam is to refuse to make purchases from any company that advertises through spam.
30. The denotative meaning of words acquires through use.
A. Its figurative meaning
B. The shade of meaning that the word acquires through use.
C. Easily determined by consulting a thesaurus.
D. The literal meaning of the word.

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