Learning Organizations



Write a 3+ page, double-spaced essay: Exploring Learning Organizations.

  1. What is a learning organization?
  2. Examine your organization. Is it a learning organization? Explain why or why not.
  3. Explore what factors have enabled it to survive.
  4. What changes can it implement to ensure its continued existence?

Write in APA format with complete paragraphs (4-8 sentences each).

  • Include an introduction, body and conclusion.
  • Cite consistently throughout your work in APA format.
  • Paraphrase rather than directly quote citations.
  • Write in third person. Include a title and reference page.
  • For an example of a paper in APA format, please see: Example Paper in APA.
  • For help with formatting the essay, please watch the following video: How to Write a Perfect College Paper.
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