Java advance class IP1
wildenUsing your design from Phase 1 DB, apply any design changes that you feel are needed and update your UML diagrams. Implement a client/server application in which a client communicates directly with a server. The server stores product and customer information in two separate files. The client application will allow a user to request product and customer information from the server. The server will retrieve and send the requested information to the client. The information will be displayed by the client in a user friendly manner. It is suggested that your application use Swing components to support a user friendly interface.
hwew is what I did for my project handles GUI using java swing components. It takes user inputs (product and customer information) as JText fields.
2.When connect Jbutton is pressed, data connection is established and data is sent to server. If connection failed, error is shown on user interface.
3.Server saved customer and product information on customerinfo.dat and productinfo.dat files respectively.
4.Server grants read-only rights for files to client. read files. When Customer Information button is pressed, JPanel shows customer information after reading data from customerinfo.dat file.
6.When Product Information button is pressed, JPanel shows customer information after reading data from productinfo.dat file.
7.Socket connection is closed.
Server Side Pseudo Code
//Server Creates ServerSocket object for handling client connection requests.
int serverPort = 1234;
ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket (serverPort);
//In an infinite loop:
//Accept client request
//Handle client requests.
while ( true )
Socket s = ss.accept ( );
//Connection with client is now established.
//Communicate with the client
// get parameters
// Write data to each file usingOutputStreamWriter
// Grant to client to access files
Client Side pseudo code:
//Create a new Socket object.
//Socket object, during its creation, establishes a connection with the server.
int serverPort = 1234;
int serverHost = “localhost”;
Socket s = new Socket (serverHost, serverPort );
//Connection with the server is now established.
//Client can communicate with the server using the Socket object.
//Input Parameters using Swing Components like text boxes
//Receive Response
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