Introduction to Strategic Management


Need by 13 Dec 2015 at 2300hrs EST in 1 page in APA Format


The nature and value of strategic management is to achieve the desired results and outcome due to careful research (environmental scanning), planning and development of a company’s strategy as well as the implementation and maintenance of it (Pearce & Robinson, 2013, p. 3).


For this week's Assignment, you will complete a short answer on the following question:


  • Why is strategy important to business?

  • You will want to address the main components (three-tier process) of the strategic management process while discussing the importance of strategy for business.

    Be sure to use your Reading this week as a resource. You are encouraged also to use the Library databases and the Internet as additional resources.

    For additional Assignment details see Rubric below.

    Reference: Pearce, J., Robinson, R. (2016-01-02). Strategic Management, 13th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from

    Assignment Checklist:


  • Explain the concept of the strategic management (three-tier) process.

  • Discuss the importance of having a future oriented plan.

  • Discuss the organization’s vision, mission, purpose, philosophy or goal.

  • Discuss the strategic process as input for future decision making.


    Additional info:


The nature and value of strategic management is to achieve the desired results and outcome due to careful research (environmental scanning), planning and development of a company’s strategy as well as the implementation and maintenance of it (Pearce & Robinson, 2013, p. 3).


For this week's Assignment, you will complete a short answer on the following question:


  • Why is strategy important to business?

  • You will want to address the main components of the (three-tier process) of the strategic management process while discussing the importance of strategy for business.


    Be sure to use your reading this week as a resource. You are encouraged also to use the Library databases and the Internet as additional resources.

    For additional details on this Assignment view the Rubric below.


    Reference:  Pearce, J., Robinson, R. (2016-01-02). Strategic Management, 13th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from  ID: MT460-02-08-A


    Assignment Checklist:


  • Explain the concept of the strategic management (three-tier) process.



  • Discuss the importance of having a future oriented plan.

  • Discuss the organization’s vision, mission, purpose, philosophy or goal.

  • Discuss the strategic process as input for future decision making.



    Your project should be double-spaced, citations should use APA style, and it should be 2-3 written pages in length, not including the formal title page and references page. Ensure the Assignment is in a Microsoft Office-compatible format (Word .doc or .docx).


Need by 13 Dec 2015 at 2300hrs EST in 1 page in APA Format


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