International Business Project; part 2


Select or create an industry and company that you wish to expand into the target country (France). Use online accessible resources to determine the current state of the industry (growth rates, risk factors) and the current state of your company.

This research will eventually formulate the foundation for your company's strategic decisions, so ensure that you have sufficiently uncovered enough industry and company information upon which you can make your decisions.

For this assignment create a table or list in MS Word that includes the following information:

  • Industry and Company forecasted growth rates (positive or negative) over the next 5-10 years
  • Key Risk Factors in your industry and company
  • Current financials for your company
  • Government Regulatory outlook
  • Competitive Landscape
    • In the U.S. and in your target country
  • Quality of foreign staffers
    • How trained or educated are they - or will they need to be and how quickly could their skill sets meet your needs?
  • Any current news articles that relate to the health of your industry and company

No word count, just put as much information as you can find in the table that pertains to the project; at the very least put an answer to each bullet point. 

Please adhere to the due date and time!

  • 11 years ago
  • 7

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