The Impact of Academic Journals 3 paragraph
yusuf4Academic journals present a plethora of trustworthy information for you to explore. As a form of quality control, articles published by academic journals usually have undergone peer review, which means a community of impartial field experts has scrutinized them prior to publication. These journals serve as scholarly forums for critically evaluating how policies relate to a variety of professional disciplines and social issues. Each journal has a unique mission, focus area, and level of prestige, but they all impact the field of legal research in some way.
To prepare for this Discussion:
- Peruse all of the academic journals listed in this week’s Learning Resources.
- Consider the depth, breadth, and accessibility of information in these journals.
- Select two journals to use for this assignment.
- Consider the type of information found in the journals you selected.
- Think about how the journals you selected impact the field of legal research.
- Look at recent issues of the journals you selected and identify at least one policy trend you might be able to predict.
Post by Day 3 a brief explanation of the type of information found in at least two of the academic journals in this week’s Learning Resources. Then, explain the impact that each journal has on the field of legal research. Finally, describe at least one policy trend you might be able to predict based on your research within the journals.
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