I need a power point on Artillery Skill Proficiency Test (ASPT) from tables1 through 5. It could be found on the 6-40, 6-50 manual FM 3-09.8 or on the TM 9-1015-260-10 M119A3 Operators Manual. It’s probably going to be about 25 slides or more. Let me know


I need a power point on Artillery Skill Proficiency Test (ASPT) from tables1 through 5. It could be found on the 6-40, 6-50 manual FM 3-09.8 or on the TM 9-1015-260-10 M119A3 Operators Manual. It’s probably going to be about 25 slides or more. Let me know if your able to do this or not. Its for a M119A3 Howitzer

  • 8 years ago
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