I need a paper mla format 750 word Sonnet, the poem must have a traditional element like meter and rhym....


I need a paper mla format 750 word Sonnet, the poem must have a traditional element like meter and rhym. Intro, body sections and conclusion

 1. What kind of a sentence construction is the poem? What is the poem as a whole is saying. 2. What is the heart, or key sentence cluster of the poem. What is it central message or statement. 3. Does the poem have a central image or comparison? If so what is it. 4. Is there a turn in your poem and does it express. 5. What smaller images, comparisons, or other ornaments do the poet use throughout the poem to embellish or decorate hs creation. I need direct quotation or analytic cluster. From An introduction to Literature book




    • 11 years ago
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