

how good are you are computer tech programs that you know that work for password phishing, and phone entry (morality of hack - good to expose fraud or bad , educational purposes only as prof gave us the number for me to try 

I have to find credible ones and apply them to a phone and emails supplied by computer professor, just ones that work remotely for password, Web based mail and Droid phones. Us only 
These below will be paid expanding on each.
after that in the last week I will need a summation of how good they did remotely / anonymously /  quick instruction guide. then  a 300 word over view of the ones that's work) university application and it will go into my business trends and hoax class next session. they need to be viable working for this.   the others will build on that weekly. after first week we can discuss amount per week because it shows pros and cons   

what do u think .

    • 10 years ago
    • 10