hifsa shaukat



  1. Annotated Bibliography: The last entry of the blog should be an Annotated Bibliography that lists all of the items used for the blog, or consulted for the blog, in MLA format. Upload to Moodle Assignments as well for grading. One annotated blog for each group is required one complete, seamless document composed of all the sources used by all the group-members. This could be split up according to subtopic.



    An Annotated Bibliography is a descriptive listing of print and online resources you have found about your topic. It is separate from the Works Cited page. It should include all the sources you used, as well as sources you consulted (read but didn’t use). Each annotation lists the resource in correct MLA citation style. This formal style demonstrates your ability to communicate with other scholars, creating a path for them to follow your research process. This A.B. is worth 40 points. Details count on the AB 1⁄4 point will be taken off for each error in formatting.

    Steps in constructing the Annotated Bibliography:

    For complete instructions and tips, see The Little Seagull Handbook, pgs. 66-70.
    Locate information: newspaper & magazine articles, websites, journal articles, videos, photos.
    Select the most useful information for your project. Some you will use in the essay or the blog, while others will
    serve as “background reading.” Others may seem useful, but in the end you choose to leave them out. Use these in your A.B. too. They might be useful to some other scholar working in the same topic.

    Note the bibliographic information (author, title, publication, dates, page numbers, etc.)
    Write a brief descriptive and evaluative summary of the information (about 100 words), describing and evaluating the information in relation to your topic.
    Use MLA format for your A.B. Remember: 1⁄4 point will be deducted for each error in formatting. Proofread carefully!

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