geography homework
Current Event Papers
PURPOSE: This assignment is to bring you closer to what is happening around the world and how it may or may not affect you.
1 Choose a current topic in the news and find article(s) from a newsworthy source ( i.e. newspaper, magazine, online news source, etc…) to support your topic.
2 Write a two page opinion and discussion on the current event. In the paper, share your opinion of what is happening and how it may or may not affect you.
3 The current event paper will be due on the following dates by 12 Midnight. They are to be submitted electronically through the Assignments Tab. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS.
September 20, 2013
October 18, 2013
December 6, 2013
4 The paper should be at least two double-spaced pages and no more than three. Points will be deducted for not meeting this requirement.
5 All papers must be typed using a word processor (i.e. Microsoft Word, .doc). If you do not have a word processor please type your paper by computer using Notepad or Wordpad and save the document with a .txt or .rtf extension.
6 Minimize use of quotes except when it is essential to maintain the precise wording of the original author. You should paraphrase instead and do a correct APA style citation instead. Failure to give credit to a source or to copy another’s words is plagiarism and is a violation of the USCB honor code. Points will be deducted for not meeting this requirement.
7 Incorporate paragraph organization, proper grammar, accurate spelling and standard usage written English into your paper.
11 years ago
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