GEO 215 Week 3 Physical Landscapes and Climate Report

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GEO/215 Week 3 Physical Landscapes and Climate Report (***** Two Paper: Seattle City and Lake City + 1181 and 1060 Words + APA Format + Conclusion + Original + References *****)


The Bureau of Land Management wants you to present a plan for a self-contained city. The population is 1,000. Your job is to locate the site and provide a map, a physical description of the land, an analysis of how the climate has shaped the land up to this point, and a projection of how the physical land may change in the coming year due to climatic effects.


Collaborate as a team to select a real location using an online map resources site such as Google Maps™.


Create a report of 1,050- to 1,400- words that includes the following:

  • A screen shot of a map of the area chosen
  • The latitude and longitude of the location
  • A description of the physical attributes
  • Brief analysis of how climate has shaped the area
  • Prediction of how climate may change the area over the next year

Format your report consistent with APA guidelines.


GEO 215 Week 3 Physical Landscapes and Climate Report

GEO215 GEO/215 Week 3 Physical Landscapes and Climate Report


Week 3 Physical Landscapes and Climate Report

    • 10 years ago
    GEO 215 Week 3 Team Assignment Physical Landscapes and Climate Report ( Two Paper: Seattle City and Lake City + 1181 and 1060 Words + APA Format + Conclusion + Original + References )

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