Discussion Board

Part 1

As the new Safety and Prevention Officer in your organization, what Primary organization, (p.165), Allied organization (p.167+) and Trade Association (p.169) will you be interacting within your own profession (Ch 9)?

I encourage non-fire science students to provide your own Primary, Allied and Trade Association contacts that will benefit your own respective organizations/profession. (We are a State Agency- Florida Dept. of Transportation- I am a non-fire science student).

Part 2

In our line of work we frequently are underfunded in our mission. This causes many organization to seek external funding from private sector agencies. In many organizations this can cause conflict (donations) with ethics law. Does your organization have ethics policies that hamper your interaction with private or public organizations and have you found a legal way to work around it?(We have an Ethics Law- No legal way to work around it as a State Agency-we are funded by the Legislature and Federal Grants- we are not allowed to take donations-Prohibited)

    • 10 years ago
    Fire Prevention Unit 5 DB

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